private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmAuditTrail", "Search")) { return; } string _AuditTrailDisplayFields = "SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), [Date], 107) AS [Transaction Date], " + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), [Date], 108) AS [Transaction Time], " + "LogDescription AS [Log Description], Hostname AS [Computer Name] " + "FROM audittrail "; string _AuditTrailWhereFields = " ORDER BY [Date] ASC;"; loSearches.lAlias = ""; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtAuditTrail = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_AuditTrailDisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _AuditTrailWhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvAuditTrail, ldtAuditTrail); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmAuditTrail", "Search")) { return; } try { string _AuditTrailDisplayFields = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`Date`,'%M %d, %Y') AS `TransactionDate`,DATE_FORMAT(`Date`,'%h:%i:%s %p') AS `Transaction Time`,LogDescription AS `Log Description`, Hostname AS `Computer Name` " + "FROM audittrail "; string __AuditTrailWhereFields = " ORDER BY `Date` ASC;"; loSearches.lAlias = ""; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtAuditTrail = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_AuditTrailDisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + __AuditTrailWhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvAuditTrail, ldtAuditTrail); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxUI mb = new MessageBoxUI(ex, GlobalVariables.Icons.Error, GlobalVariables.Buttons.Close); mb.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmUserGroup", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,Description,Remarks " + "FROM usergroup "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvUserGroups, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmLoanApplication", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT la.LoanApplicationId AS `Loan Application Id`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(la.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "la.ApplicationStatus AS `Application Status`, " + "CONCAT(c.Lastname,', ',c.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(c.Middlename, 1, 1),'.') AS `Client Name`, " + "b.Description AS Branch,z.Description AS Zone, " + "CONCAT(e.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(e.Middlename, 1, 1),'. ',e.Lastname) AS `Collector Name`, " + "p.Description AS Product,la.PaymentFrequency AS `Payment Frequency`, " + "la.Terms,la.InterestRate AS `Interest Rate`,la.ServiceFeeRate AS `Service Fee Rate`, " + "la.LoanAmount AS `Loan Amount`,la.InterestAmount AS `Interest Amount`, " + "la.ServiceFeeAmount AS `Service Fee Amount`,la.TotalAmountDue AS `Total Amount Due`, " + "la.InstallmentAmountDue AS `Installment Amount Due`, " + "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`,appby.Username AS `Approved By`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(la.DateApproved,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Approved`, " + "disby.Username AS `Disapproved By`,DATE_FORMAT(la.DateDisapproved,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Disapproved`, " + "la.DisapprovedReason AS `Disapproved Reason`,la.Remarks " + "FROM loanapplication la " + "LEFT JOIN `client` c " + "ON la.ClientId = c.Id " + "LEFT JOIN branch b " + "ON la.BranchId = b.Id " + "LEFT JOIN zone z " + "ON la.ZoneId = z.Id " + "LEFT JOIN collector col " + "ON la.CollectorId = col.Id " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON col.EmployeeId = e.Id " + "LEFT JOIN product p " + "ON la.ProductId = p.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON la.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` appby " + "ON la.ApprovedBy = appby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` disby " + "ON la.DisapprovedBy = disby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND la.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY la.LoanApplicationId DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "la."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtLoanApplication = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtLoanApplication); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "ModeOfPayment": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,`Default`,CashPayment AS ` Cash Payment`,Remarks " + "FROM modeofpayment "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Cashier": _DisplayFields = "SELECT c.Id,c.`Code`,c.`Name`,u.Username,c.Remarks " + "FROM cashier c " + "LEFT JOIN `user` u " + "ON c.UserId = u.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND c.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY c.`Name` ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Discount": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,`Type`,`Value`,Remarks " + "FROM discount "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery.Replace("Default", "`Default`") + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmSalesOrder", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT so.Id AS Id,DATE_FORMAT(so.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, "+ "so.Final,so.Cancel,so.Post,so.PQId AS `P.Q. Id`, "+ "so.Reference,c.Name AS Customer,so.Terms, "+ "DATE_FORMAT(so.`DueDate`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Due Date`, "+ "so.Instructions,sp.Name AS `Sales Person`, "+ "so.TotalSOQty AS `Total S.O. Qty`,so.TotalQtyOut AS `Total Qty Out`, "+ "so.TotalQtyVariance AS `Total Qty Variance`, "+ "so.TotalAmount AS `Total Amount`,so.RunningBalance AS `Running Balance`, "+ "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`,finby.Username AS `Finalized By`, "+ "DATE_FORMAT(so.DateFinalized,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Finalized`, "+ "canby.Username AS `Cancelled By`,so.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, "+ "DATE_FORMAT(so.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`, " + "posby.Username AS `Posted By`,DATE_FORMAT(so.DatePosted,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Posted`, "+ "so.Remarks "+ "FROM salesorder so "+ "LEFT JOIN customer c "+ "ON so.CustomerId = c.Id "+ "LEFT JOIN salesperson sp "+ "ON so.SalesPersonId = sp.Id "+ "LEFT JOIN `user` preby "+ "ON so.PreparedBy = preby.Id "+ "LEFT JOIN `user` finby "+ "ON so.FinalizedBy = finby.Id "+ "LEFT JOIN `user` canby "+ "ON so.CancelledBy = canby.Id "+ "LEFT JOIN `user` posby "+ "ON so.PostedBy = posby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND so.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY so.Id DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "so."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtSalesOrder = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtSalesOrder); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmPurchaseOrder", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT po.Id AS Id,DATE_FORMAT(po.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "po.Final,po.Cancel,po.Post,po.PRId AS `P.R. Id`, " + "po.Reference,s.Name AS Supplier,po.Terms, " + "DATE_FORMAT(po.DueDate,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Due Date`,po.Instructions, " + "CONCAT(e.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(e.Middlename, 1, 1),'. ', e.Lastname) AS `Requested By`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(po.DateNeeded,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Needed`, " + "po.TotalPOQty AS `Total P.O. Qty`,po.TotalQtyIn AS `Total Qty In`,po.TotalQtyVariance AS `Total Qty Variance`, " + "po.TotalAmount AS `Total Amount`,po.RunningBalance AS `Running Balance`, " + "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`,finby.Username AS `Finalized By`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(po.DateFinalized,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Finalized`, " + "canby.Username AS `Cancelled By`,po.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(po.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`,posby.Username AS `PostedBy`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(po.DatePosted,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Posted`,po.Remarks " + "FROM purchaseorder po " + "LEFT JOIN supplier s " + "ON po.SupplierId = s.Id " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON po.RequestedBy = e.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON po.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` finby " + "ON po.FinalizedBy = finby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` canby " + "ON po.CancelledBy = canby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` posby " + "ON po.PostedBy = posby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND po.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY po.Id DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "po."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtPurchaseOrder = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtPurchaseOrder); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmPriceQuotation", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT pq.Id AS Id,DATE_FORMAT(pq.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "pq.Approve,pq.Cancel,pq.SOId AS `S.O. Id`,pq.Reference, " + "c.Name AS Customer,pq.Terms,pq.Instructions, " + "DATE_FORMAT(pq.ValidUntil,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Valid Until`, " + "sp.Name AS `Sales Person`,DATE_FORMAT(pq.ShipDate,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Ship Date`, " + "pq.ShipVia AS `Ship Via`,pq.TotalQty AS `Total Qty`,pq.TotalAmount AS `Total Amount`, " + "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`,appby.Username AS `Approved By`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(pq.DateApproved,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Approved`, " + "canby.Username AS `Cancelled By`,pq.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(pq.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`,pq.Remarks " + "FROM pricequotation pq " + "LEFT JOIN customer c " + "ON pq.CustomerId = c.Id " + "LEFT JOIN salesperson sp " + "ON pq.SalesPersonId = sp.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON pq.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` appby " + "ON pq.ApprovedBy = appby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` canby " + "ON pq.CancelledBy = canby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND pq.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY pq.Id DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "pq."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtPriceQuotation = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtPriceQuotation); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmPurchaseRequest", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT pr.Id AS Id,DATE_FORMAT(pr.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "pr.Approve,pr.Cancel,pr.POId AS `P.O. Id`,pr.Reference,s.Name AS Supplier,pr.Terms,pr.Instructions, " + "CONCAT(e.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(e.Middlename, 1, 1),'. ', e.Lastname) AS `Requested BY`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(pr.`DateNeeded`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Needed`, " + "pr.TotalQty AS `Total Qty`,pr.TotalAmount AS `Total Amount`,preby.Username AS `Prepared BY`, " + "appby.Username AS `Approved BY`,DATE_FORMAT(pr.DateApproved,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Approved`, " + "canby.Username AS `Cancelled BY`,pr.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(pr.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`, " + "pr.Remarks " + "FROM purchaserequest pr " + "LEFT JOIN supplier s " + "ON pr.SupplierId = s.Id " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON pr.RequestedBy = e.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON pr.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` appby " + "ON pr.ApprovedBy = appby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` canby " + "ON pr.CancelledBy = canby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND pr.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY pr.Id DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "pr."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtPurchaseRequest = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtPurchaseRequest); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmStockAdjustment", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT i.Id AS Id,DATE_FORMAT(i.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "i.Final,i.Cancel,i.`Type`,i.Reference,s.Name AS Supplier,c.Name AS Customer, " + "i.TotalQtyIn AS `Total Qty In`,i.TotalQtyOut AS `Total Qty Out`, " + "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`,finby.Username AS `Finalized By`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(i.DateFinalized,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Finalized`, " + "canby.Username AS `Cancelled By`,i.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(i.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`,i.Remarks " + "FROM inventory i " + "LEFT JOIN supplier s " + "ON i.SupplierId = s.Id " + "LEFT JOIN customer c " + "ON i.CustomerId = c.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON i.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` finby " + "ON i.FinalizedBy = finby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` canby " + "ON i.CancelledBy = canby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND i.`Status` = 'Active' AND (i.`Type` != 'Stock Receiving' AND i.`Type` != 'Stock Withdrawal' AND " + "i.`Type` != 'Stock Withdrawal - POS' AND i.`Type` != 'Stock Transfer In' AND i.`Type` != 'Stock Transfer Out') " + "ORDER BY i.Id DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "i."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtInventory = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtInventory); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmStockTransferIn", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT i.Id AS Id,DATE_FORMAT(i.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "i.Final,i.Cancel,i.STOutId AS `S.T. Out Id`, " + "i.Reference,i.Reference,lf.`Description` AS `Location From`,lt.`Description` AS `Location To`, " + "i.TotalQtyIn AS `Total Qty In`, " + "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`,finby.Username AS `Finalized By`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(i.DateFinalized,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Finalized`, " + "canby.Username AS `Cancelled By`,i.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(i.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`,i.Remarks " + "FROM inventory i " + "LEFT JOIN location lf " + "ON i.FromLocationId = lf.Id " + "LEFT JOIN location lt " + "ON i.ToLocationId = lt.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON i.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` finby " + "ON i.FinalizedBy = finby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` canby " + "ON i.CancelledBy = canby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND i.`Status` = 'Active' AND i.`Type` = 'Stock Transfer In' ORDER BY i.Id DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "i."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtInventory = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtInventory); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmGeneralJournal", "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = "SELECT je.JournalEntryId AS Id,je.FinancialYear AS `F.Y.`, " + "je.Posted,je.Cancel,je.Journal,je.Form,je.VoucherNo AS `Voucher No.`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(je.DatePrepared,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Prepared`,je.Explanation, " + "je.TotalDebit AS `Total Debit`,je.TotalCredit AS `Total Credit`, " + "je.Reference, " + "je.BegBal AS `Beg. Bal.`,je.Adjustment,je.ClosingEntry AS `Closing Entry`, " + "preby.Username AS `Prepared By`, " + "posby.Username AS `Posted By`,DATE_FORMAT(je.DatePosted,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Posted`, " + "canby.Username AS `Cancelled By`,je.CancelledReason AS `Cancelled Reason`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(je.DateCancelled,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date Cancelled`,je.Remarks " + "FROM journalentry je " + "LEFT JOIN `user` preby " + "ON je.PreparedBy = preby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` posby " + "ON je.PostedBy = posby.Id " + "LEFT JOIN `user` canby " + "ON je.CancelledBy = canby.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND je.`Status` = 'Active' AND je.Journal = 'GJ' AND " + "je.FinancialYear = " + GlobalVariables.CurrentFinancialYear + " ORDER BY je.JournalEntryId DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "je."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtJournalEntry = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtJournalEntry); viewDetails(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "User": _DisplayFields = "SELECT u.Id,u.Username,CONCAT(Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(Middlename, 1, 1),'. ', Lastname) AS `Employee Name`, " + "ug.Description AS `User Group`,u.Remarks " + "FROM `user` u " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON u.EmployeeId = e.Id " + "LEFT JOIN usergroup ug " + "ON u.UserGroupId = ug.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND u.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY u.username ASC;"; _Alias = "u."; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "Employee": _DisplayFields = "SELECT b.[CODE],c.[Name] AS Company,b.[Description], " + "b.AccountNo AS [Account No.],b.EmailAddress AS [Email Address], " + "b.ContactPerson AS [Contact Person],b.Remarks " + "FROM bank b " + "LEFT JOIN company c " + "ON b.Company = c.Code "; _WhereFields = " AND b.[Status]='Active' ORDER BY b.[Code] asc;"; _Alias = "b."; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsmStockAdjustment", "Search")) { return; } try { string _DisplayFields = "SELECT ih.HeaderId AS `Id`,DATE_FORMAT(ih.`Date`,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`,ih.Type,ih.Final, " + "ih.Reference,s.Name AS `Supplier`,c.Name AS `Customer`,ih.TotalIn AS `Total Qty-IN`,ih.TotalOUT AS `Total Qty-OUT`, " + "ih.TotalAmount AS `Total Amount`, " + "ih.Username AS `Adjusted By`,DATE_FORMAT(ih.FinalDate,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Final Date`, " + "ih.FinalizedBy AS `Finalized By`,ih.Remarks " + "FROM inventoryheader ih " + "LEFT JOIN customer c " + "ON ih.CustomerId = c.Id " + "LEFT JOIN supplier s " + "ON ih.SupplierId = s.Id "; string _WhereFields = " AND ih.`Status` = 'Active' AND ih.Type = 'Stock Adjustment' ORDER BY ih.HeaderId DESC;"; loSearches.lAlias = "ih."; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtStockAdjustment = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvList, ldtStockAdjustment); dgvDetails.DataSource = null; try { ldtStockAdjustmentDetail = loInventoryDetail.getAllData(dgvList.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); dgvDetails.DataSource = ldtStockAdjustmentDetail; } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxUI mb = new MessageBoxUI(ex, GlobalVariables.Icons.Error, GlobalVariables.Buttons.Close); mb.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "Employee": _DisplayFields = "SELECT e.Id,e.EmployeeNo AS `Employee No.`,e.Lastname, e.Firstname, e.Middlename, " + "e.EmailAddress AS `Email Address`,CONCAT(s.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(s.Middlename,1,1),'. ',s.Lastname) AS Supervisor,e.Remarks " + "FROM employee e " + "LEFT JOIN employee s " + "ON e.Supervisor = s.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND e.Status = 'Active' ORDER BY e.Lastname,e.Firstname ASC;"; _Alias = "e."; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "ProcurementDiscount": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,`Type`,`Value`,Remarks " + "FROM procurementdiscount"; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "ChartOfAccount": _DisplayFields = "SELECT coa.Id, coa.Code, c.Description AS Classification, " + "sc.Description AS `Sub Classification`,ma.Description AS `Main Account`, " + "coa.AccountTitle AS `Account Title`,coa.TypeOfAccount AS `Type of Account`, " + "coa.Subsidiary,coa.ContraAccount AS `Contra Account`,coa.Remarks " + "FROM chartofaccount coa " + "LEFT JOIN classification c " + "ON coa.ClassificationId = c.Id " + "LEFT JOIN subclassification sc " + "ON coa.SubClassificationId = sc.Id " + "LEFT JOIN mainaccount ma " + "ON coa.MainAccountId = ma.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND coa.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY coa.AccountTitle ASC;"; _Alias = "coa."; break; case "MainAccount": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM mainaccount "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Classification": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM classification "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "SubClassification": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM subclassification "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Bank": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,AccountNo AS `Account No.`,EmailAddress AS `Email Address`, " + "ContactPerson AS `Contact Person`, Remarks " + "FROM bank "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Equipment": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM equipment "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Building": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM building "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "Customer": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Name`,`Default`,Address,DATE_FORMAT(Birthdate,'%m-%d-%Y') AS Birthdate,TIN, " + "ContactPerson AS `Contact Person`,ContactNo AS `Contact No.`, " + "EmailAddress AS `Email Address`,Remarks " + "FROM customer "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY `Name` ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Supplier": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Name`,Address,TIN, " + "ContactPerson AS `Contact Person`,ContactNo AS `Contact No.`, " + "EmailAddress AS `Email Address`,BankName AS `Bank Name`, " + "BankAccountNo AS `Bank Account No.`,Remarks " + "FROM supplier "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY `Name` ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "InventoryGroup": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,Description,Remarks " + "FROM inventorygroup "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Category": _DisplayFields = "SELECT c.Id,c.Description,ig.Description AS `Inventory Group`,c.Remarks " + "FROM category c " + "LEFT JOIN inventorygroup ig " + "ON c.InventoryGroupId = ig.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND c.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY c.Description ASC;"; _Alias = "c."; break; case "Stock": _DisplayFields = "SELECT s.Id,s.Code,s.Description,c.Description AS `Category`, " + "u.Description AS Unit,s.UnitCost AS `Unit Cost`, " + "s.BasePrice AS `Base Price`,s.UnitPrice AS `Unit Price`, " + "s.ReorderLevel AS `Reorder Level`,s.Active,s.Saleable, " + "s.NonInventory AS `Non-Inventory`,s.Remarks " + "FROM stock s " + "LEFT JOIN category c " + "ON s.CategoryId = c.Id " + "LEFT JOIN unit u " + "ON s.UnitId = u.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND s.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY s.Description ASC;"; _Alias = "s."; break; case "Unit": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM unit "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "InventoryType": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,Description,Qty,Source,Remarks " + "FROM inventorytype "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Location": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,Remarks " + "FROM location "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!GlobalFunctions.checkRights("tsm" + lType.Name, "Search")) { return; } string _DisplayFields = ""; string _WhereFields = ""; string _Alias = ""; switch (lType.Name) { case "Client": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,Lastname,Firstname,Middlename,Nickname,CellphoneNo AS `Cellphone No.`, " + "DATE_FORMAT(Birthday,'%m-%d-%Y') AS `Date`, " + "SitioPurokStreet AS `Sitio/Purok/Street`,Barangay,TownCity AS `Town/City`, " + "Province,YearsOfStay AS `Years of Stay`,HomeType AS `Home Type`,Remarks " + "FROM `client` "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Lastname,Firstname ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Area": _DisplayFields = "SELECT a.Id,a.Code,a.Description, " + "CONCAT(e.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(e.Middlename, 1, 1),'. ',e.Lastname) AS `Area Manager`,a.Remarks " + "FROM `area` a " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON a.AreaManager = e.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND a.Status = 'Active' ORDER BY a.Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Branch": _DisplayFields = "SELECT b.Id,b.Code,b.Description,a.Description AS `Area`, " + "CONCAT(e.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(e.Middlename, 1, 1),'. ',e.Lastname) AS `Branch Manager`,b.Remarks " + "FROM branch b " + "LEFT JOIN `area` a " + "ON b.AreaId = a.Id " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON b.BranchManager = e.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND b.Status = 'Active' ORDER BY b.Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Zone": _DisplayFields = "SELECT z.Id,z.Description,b.Description AS `Branch`,z.Remarks " + "FROM zone z " + "LEFT JOIN branch b " + "ON z.BranchId = b.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND z.Status = 'Active' ORDER BY z.Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Collector": _DisplayFields = "SELECT c.Id,CONCAT(e.Firstname,' ',SUBSTRING(e.Middlename, 1, 1),'. ',e.Lastname) AS `Employee Name`, " + "b.Description AS Branch, c.Remarks " + "FROM collector c " + "LEFT JOIN employee e " + "ON c.EmployeeId = e.Id " + "LEFT JOIN branch b " + "ON c.BranchId = b.Id "; _WhereFields = " AND c.Status = 'Active' ORDER BY e.Firstname ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; case "Product": _DisplayFields = "SELECT Id,`Code`,Description,PaymentFrequency AS `Payment Frequency`, " + "Terms,InterestRate AS `Interest Rate`,ServiceFeeRate AS `Service Fee Rate`,Remarks " + "FROM product "; _WhereFields = " AND `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY Description ASC;"; _Alias = ""; break; } loSearches.lAlias = _Alias; loSearches.ShowDialog(); if (loSearches.lFromShow) { ldtShow = loCommon.getDataFromSearch(_DisplayFields + loSearches.lQuery + _WhereFields); GlobalFunctions.refreshGrid(ref dgvLists, ldtShow); lFromRefresh = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "btnSearch_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }