Пример #1
        private IEnumerable <SearchableDocument> GetSearchableDocument(IPublishedContent content)
            var fileName  = Path.GetFileName(content.Url);
            var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName)?.Trim('.');

            bool isFileExtensionAllowedForIndex = _settings.IndexingDocumentTypesKey.Contains(extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (!content.Url.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var physicalPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(content.Url);

                if (!File.Exists(physicalPath))
                    _logger.Error <DocumentIndexer>(new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find file \"{physicalPath}\""));
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <SearchableDocument>());
                var base64File = isFileExtensionAllowedForIndex ? Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(physicalPath)) : string.Empty;
                var result     = new SearchableDocument
                    Id    = content.Id,
                    Title = fileName,
                    Url   = content.Url.ToLinkModel(),
                    Data  = base64File,
                    Type  = SearchableTypeEnum.Document.ToInt()
            return(Enumerable.Empty <SearchableDocument>());
Пример #2
        void AddDocuments(IndexWriter writer, Node node)
            string url         = node.PublicUrl;
            Stream file_stream = GetHelpStream(url.Substring(9));

            if (file_stream == null)             //Error
            XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();

            xdoc.Load(new XmlTextReader(file_stream));

            //Obtain the title
            XmlNode nelem = xdoc.DocumentElement;
            string  title = nelem.Attributes["number"].Value + ": " + nelem.Attributes["title"].Value;

            //Obtain the text
            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

            GetTextNode(nelem, s);
            string text = s.ToString();

            //Obtain the examples
            StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder();

            GetExamples(nelem, s2);
            string examples = s2.ToString();

            //Write to the Lucene Index all the parts
            SearchableDocument doc = new SearchableDocument();

            doc.Title    = title;
            doc.HotText  = title.Substring(title.IndexOf(':'));
            doc.Url      = url;
            doc.Text     = text;
            doc.Examples = examples;

            if (node.IsLeaf)

            foreach (Node n in node.ChildNodes)
                AddDocuments(writer, n);
Пример #3
        public override void PopulateSearchableIndex(IndexWriter writer)
            foreach (Node n in Tree.RootNode.ChildNodes)
                XmlSerializer      reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ErrorDocumentation));
                ErrorDocumentation d      = (ErrorDocumentation)reader.Deserialize(GetHelpStream(n.Element.Substring(6)));
                SearchableDocument doc    = new SearchableDocument();
                doc.Title = d.ErrorName;
                doc.Url   = n.Element;
                doc.Text  = d.Details != null?d.Details.ToString() : string.Empty;

                doc.Examples = d.Examples.Cast <string> ().Aggregate((e1, e2) => e1 + Environment.NewLine + e2);
                doc.HotText  = d.ErrorName;
Пример #4
		void AddDocuments (IndexWriter writer, Node node) 
			string url = node.PublicUrl;
			Stream file_stream = GetHelpStream (url.Substring (9));
			if (file_stream == null) //Error
			XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument ();
			xdoc.Load (new XmlTextReader (file_stream));

			//Obtain the title
			XmlNode nelem = xdoc.DocumentElement;
			string title = nelem.Attributes["number"].Value + ": " + nelem.Attributes["title"].Value;

			//Obtain the text
			StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder ();
			GetTextNode (nelem, s);
			string text = s.ToString ();

			//Obtain the examples
			StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder ();
			GetExamples (nelem, s2);
			string examples = s2.ToString ();

			//Write to the Lucene Index all the parts
			SearchableDocument doc = new SearchableDocument ();
			doc.Title = title;
			doc.HotText = title.Substring (title.IndexOf (':')); 
			doc.Url = url;
			doc.Text = text;
			doc.Examples = examples;
			writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
			if (node.IsLeaf)

			foreach (Node n in node.ChildNodes)
				AddDocuments (writer, n);
Пример #5
		public override void PopulateSearchableIndex (IndexWriter writer) 
			foreach (Node n in Tree.RootNode.Nodes) {
				XmlSerializer reader = new XmlSerializer (typeof (ErrorDocumentation));
				ErrorDocumentation d = (ErrorDocumentation)reader.Deserialize (GetHelpStream (n.Element.Substring (6)));
				SearchableDocument doc = new SearchableDocument ();
				doc.Title = d.ErrorName;
				doc.Url = n.Element;
				doc.Text = d.Details != null ? d.Details.ToString () : string.Empty;
				doc.Examples = d.Examples.Cast<string> ().Aggregate ((e1, e2) => e1 + Environment.NewLine + e2);
				doc.HotText = d.ErrorName;
				writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
Пример #6
 public void Index(SearchableDocument content)
Пример #7
		public override void PopulateSearchableIndex (IndexWriter writer)
			StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
			SearchableDocument searchDoc = new SearchableDocument ();

			foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.RootNode.Nodes) {
				foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.Nodes) {
					string typename = type_node.Caption.Substring (0, type_node.Caption.IndexOf (' '));
					string full = ns_node.Caption + "." + typename;
					string url = type_node.PublicUrl;
					string doc_tag = GetKindFromCaption (type_node.Caption);
					string rest, hash;
					var id = GetInternalIdForInternalUrl (type_node.GetInternalUrl (), out hash);
					var xdoc = XDocument.Load (GetHelpStream (id));
					if (xdoc == null)
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (doc_tag))

					// For classes, structures or interfaces add a doc for the overview and
					// add a doc for every constructor, method, event, ...
					// doc_tag == "Class" || doc_tag == "Structure" || doc_tag == "Interface"
					if (doc_tag[0] == 'C' || doc_tag[0] == 'S' || doc_tag[0] == 'I') {
						// Adds a doc for every overview of every type
						SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset ();
						doc.Title = type_node.Caption;
						doc.HotText = typename;
						doc.Url = url;
						doc.FullTitle = full;

						var node_sel = xdoc.Root.Element ("Docs");
						text.Clear ();
						GetTextFromNode (node_sel, text);
						doc.Text = text.ToString ();

						text.Clear ();
						GetExamples (node_sel, text);
						doc.Examples = text.ToString ();

						writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
						var exportParsable = doc_tag[0] == 'C' && (ns_node.Caption.StartsWith ("MonoTouch") || ns_node.Caption.StartsWith ("MonoMac"));

						//Add docs for contructors, methods, etc.
						foreach (Node c in type_node.Nodes) { // c = Constructors || Fields || Events || Properties || Methods || Operators
							if (c.Element == "*")
							const float innerTypeBoost = 0.2f;

							IEnumerable<Node> ncnodes = c.Nodes;
							// The rationale is that we need to properly handle method overloads
							// so for those method node which have children, flatten them
							if (c.Caption == "Methods") {
								ncnodes = ncnodes
									.Where (n => n.Nodes == null || n.Nodes.Count == 0)
									.Concat (ncnodes.Where (n => n.Nodes.Count > 0).SelectMany (n => n.Nodes));
							} else if (c.Caption == "Operators") {
								ncnodes = ncnodes
									.Where (n => !n.Caption.EndsWith ("Conversion"))
									.Concat (ncnodes.Where (n => n.Caption.EndsWith ("Conversion")).SelectMany (n => n.Nodes));

							var prematchedMembers = xdoc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Member").ToLookup (n => (string)n.Attribute ("MemberName"), n => n);

							foreach (Node nc in ncnodes) {
								XElement docsNode = null;
								try {
									docsNode = GetDocsFromCaption (xdoc, c.Caption[0] == 'C' ? ".ctor" : nc.Caption, c.Caption[0] == 'O', prematchedMembers);
								} catch {}
								if (docsNode == null) {
									Console.Error.WriteLine ("Problem: {0}", nc.PublicUrl);

								SearchableDocument doc_nod = searchDoc.Reset ();
								doc_nod.Title = LargeName (nc) + " " + EcmaDoc.EtcKindToCaption (c.Caption[0]);
								doc_nod.FullTitle = ns_node.Caption + '.' + typename + "::" + nc.Caption;
								doc_nod.HotText = string.Empty;

								/* Disable constructors hottext indexing as it's often "polluting" search queries
								   because it has the same hottext than standard types */
								if (c.Caption != "Constructors") {
									//dont add the parameters to the hottext
									int ppos = nc.Caption.IndexOf ('(');
									doc_nod.HotText = ppos != -1 ? nc.Caption.Substring (0, ppos) : nc.Caption;

								var urlnc = nc.PublicUrl;
								doc_nod.Url = urlnc;

								text.Clear ();
								GetTextFromNode (docsNode, text);
								doc_nod.Text = text.ToString ();

								text.Clear ();
								GetExamples (docsNode, text);
								doc_nod.Examples = text.ToString ();

								Document lucene_doc = doc_nod.LuceneDoc;
								lucene_doc.Boost = innerTypeBoost;
								writer.AddDocument (lucene_doc);

								// Objective-C binding specific parsing of [Export] attributes
								if (exportParsable) {
									try {
										var exports = docsNode.Parent.Elements ("Attributes").Elements ("Attribute").Elements ("AttributeName")
											.Select (a => (string)a).Where (txt => txt.Contains ("Foundation.Export"));

										foreach (var exportNode in exports) {
											var parts = exportNode.Split ('"');
											if (parts.Length != 3) {
												Console.WriteLine ("Export attribute not found or not usable in {0}", exportNode);

											var export = parts[1];
											var export_node = searchDoc.Reset ();
											export_node.Title = export + " Export";
											export_node.FullTitle = ns_node.Caption + '.' + typename + "::" + export;
											export_node.Url = urlnc;
											export_node.HotText = export;
											export_node.Text = string.Empty;
											export_node.Examples = string.Empty;
											lucene_doc = export_node.LuceneDoc;
											lucene_doc.Boost = innerTypeBoost;
											writer.AddDocument (lucene_doc);
									} catch (Exception e){
										Console.WriteLine ("Problem processing {0} for MonoTouch/MonoMac exports\n\n{0}", e);
					// doc_tag == "Enumeration"
					} else if (doc_tag[0] == 'E'){
						var members = xdoc.Root.Element ("Members").Elements ("Member");
						if (members == null)

						text.Clear ();
						foreach (var member_node in members) {
							string enum_value = (string)member_node.Attribute ("MemberName");
							text.Append (enum_value);
							text.Append (" ");
							GetTextFromNode (member_node.Element ("Docs"), text);
							text.AppendLine ();

						SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset ();

						text.Clear ();
						GetExamples (xdoc.Root.Element ("Docs"), text);
						doc.Examples = text.ToString ();

						doc.Title = type_node.Caption;
						doc.HotText = (string)xdoc.Root.Attribute ("Name");
						doc.FullTitle = full;
						doc.Url = url;
						doc.Text = text.ToString();
						writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
					// doc_tag == "Delegate"
					} else if (doc_tag[0] == 'D'){
						SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset ();
						doc.Title = type_node.Caption;
						doc.HotText = (string)xdoc.Root.Attribute ("Name");
						doc.FullTitle = full;
						doc.Url = url;

						var node_sel = xdoc.Root.Element ("Docs");

						text.Clear ();
						GetTextFromNode (node_sel, text);
						doc.Text = text.ToString();

						text.Clear ();
						GetExamples (node_sel, text);
						doc.Examples = text.ToString();

						writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc);
Пример #8
        public override void PopulateSearchableIndex(IndexWriter writer)
            StringBuilder      text      = new StringBuilder();
            SearchableDocument searchDoc = new SearchableDocument();

            foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.RootNode.ChildNodes)
                foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.ChildNodes)
                    string typename = type_node.Caption.Substring(0, type_node.Caption.IndexOf(' '));
                    string full = ns_node.Caption + "." + typename;
                    string url = type_node.PublicUrl;
                    string doc_tag = GetKindFromCaption(type_node.Caption);
                    string rest, hash;
                    var    id   = GetInternalIdForInternalUrl(type_node.GetInternalUrl(), out hash);
                    var    xdoc = XDocument.Load(GetHelpStream(id));
                    if (xdoc == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc_tag))

                    // For classes, structures or interfaces add a doc for the overview and
                    // add a doc for every constructor, method, event, ...
                    // doc_tag == "Class" || doc_tag == "Structure" || doc_tag == "Interface"
                    if (doc_tag[0] == 'C' || doc_tag[0] == 'S' || doc_tag[0] == 'I')
                        // Adds a doc for every overview of every type
                        SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset();
                        doc.Title     = type_node.Caption;
                        doc.HotText   = typename;
                        doc.Url       = url;
                        doc.FullTitle = full;

                        var node_sel = xdoc.Root.Element("Docs");
                        GetTextFromNode(node_sel, text);
                        doc.Text = text.ToString();

                        GetExamples(node_sel, text);
                        doc.Examples = text.ToString();

                        var exportParsable = doc_tag[0] == 'C' && (ns_node.Caption.StartsWith("MonoTouch") || ns_node.Caption.StartsWith("MonoMac"));

                        //Add docs for contructors, methods, etc.
                        foreach (Node c in type_node.ChildNodes)                           // c = Constructors || Fields || Events || Properties || Methods || Operators
                            if (c.Element == "*")
                            const float innerTypeBoost = 0.2f;

                            IEnumerable <Node> ncnodes = c.ChildNodes;
                            // The rationale is that we need to properly handle method overloads
                            // so for those method node which have children, flatten them
                            if (c.Caption == "Methods")
                                ncnodes = ncnodes
                                          .Where(n => n.ChildNodes == null || n.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                                          .Concat(ncnodes.Where(n => n.ChildNodes.Count > 0).SelectMany(n => n.ChildNodes));
                            else if (c.Caption == "Operators")
                                ncnodes = ncnodes
                                          .Where(n => !n.Caption.EndsWith("Conversion"))
                                          .Concat(ncnodes.Where(n => n.Caption.EndsWith("Conversion")).SelectMany(n => n.ChildNodes));

                            var prematchedMembers = xdoc.Root.Element("Members").Elements("Member").ToLookup(n => (string)n.Attribute("MemberName"), n => n);

                            foreach (Node nc in ncnodes)
                                XElement docsNode = null;
                                try {
                                    docsNode = GetDocsFromCaption(xdoc, c.Caption[0] == 'C' ? ".ctor" : nc.Caption, c.Caption[0] == 'O', prematchedMembers);
                                } catch {}
                                if (docsNode == null)
                                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Problem: {0}", nc.PublicUrl);

                                SearchableDocument doc_nod = searchDoc.Reset();
                                doc_nod.Title     = LargeName(nc) + " " + EcmaDoc.EtcKindToCaption(c.Caption[0]);
                                doc_nod.FullTitle = ns_node.Caption + '.' + typename + "::" + nc.Caption;
                                doc_nod.HotText   = string.Empty;

                                /* Disable constructors hottext indexing as it's often "polluting" search queries
                                 * because it has the same hottext than standard types */
                                if (c.Caption != "Constructors")
                                    //dont add the parameters to the hottext
                                    int ppos = nc.Caption.IndexOf('(');
                                    doc_nod.HotText = ppos != -1 ? nc.Caption.Substring(0, ppos) : nc.Caption;

                                var urlnc = nc.PublicUrl;
                                doc_nod.Url = urlnc;

                                GetTextFromNode(docsNode, text);
                                doc_nod.Text = text.ToString();

                                GetExamples(docsNode, text);
                                doc_nod.Examples = text.ToString();

                                Document lucene_doc = doc_nod.LuceneDoc;
                                lucene_doc.Boost = innerTypeBoost;

                                // Objective-C binding specific parsing of [Export] attributes
                                if (exportParsable)
                                    try {
                                        var exports = docsNode.Parent.Elements("Attributes").Elements("Attribute").Elements("AttributeName")
                                                      .Select(a => (string)a).Where(txt => txt.Contains("Foundation.Export"));

                                        foreach (var exportNode in exports)
                                            var parts = exportNode.Split('"');
                                            if (parts.Length != 3)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Export attribute not found or not usable in {0}", exportNode);

                                            var export      = parts[1];
                                            var export_node = searchDoc.Reset();
                                            export_node.Title     = export + " Export";
                                            export_node.FullTitle = ns_node.Caption + '.' + typename + "::" + export;
                                            export_node.Url       = urlnc;
                                            export_node.HotText   = export;
                                            export_node.Text      = string.Empty;
                                            export_node.Examples  = string.Empty;
                                            lucene_doc            = export_node.LuceneDoc;
                                            lucene_doc.Boost      = innerTypeBoost;
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        Console.WriteLine("Problem processing {0} for MonoTouch/MonoMac exports\n\n{0}", e);
                        // doc_tag == "Enumeration"
                    else if (doc_tag[0] == 'E')
                        var members = xdoc.Root.Element("Members").Elements("Member");
                        if (members == null)

                        foreach (var member_node in members)
                            string enum_value = (string)member_node.Attribute("MemberName");
                            text.Append(" ");
                            GetTextFromNode(member_node.Element("Docs"), text);

                        SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset();

                        GetExamples(xdoc.Root.Element("Docs"), text);
                        doc.Examples = text.ToString();

                        doc.Title     = type_node.Caption;
                        doc.HotText   = (string)xdoc.Root.Attribute("Name");
                        doc.FullTitle = full;
                        doc.Url       = url;
                        doc.Text      = text.ToString();
                        // doc_tag == "Delegate"
                    else if (doc_tag[0] == 'D')
                        SearchableDocument doc = searchDoc.Reset();
                        doc.Title     = type_node.Caption;
                        doc.HotText   = (string)xdoc.Root.Attribute("Name");
                        doc.FullTitle = full;
                        doc.Url       = url;

                        var node_sel = xdoc.Root.Element("Docs");

                        GetTextFromNode(node_sel, text);
                        doc.Text = text.ToString();

                        GetExamples(node_sel, text);
                        doc.Examples = text.ToString();
