Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> SearchRecipe(SearchRecipeViewModel viewModel)
            if (viewModel.RecipeType == "Fara restrictii")
                viewModel.RecipeType = "Normal";
            var results = await _searchRecipeService.SearchRecipeAsync(viewModel.SearchTerm, viewModel.RecipeType);

            return(View(new SearchRecipeViewModel
                SearchTerm = viewModel.SearchTerm,
                Results = results,
Пример #2
        public ActionResult Index()
            var recipes = this.recipesService.GetAllRecipes()
                          .Select(this.mappingService.Map <RecipeViewModel>)

            var searchModel = new SearchRecipeViewModel();

            if (recipes != null)
                searchModel.Recipes      = recipes;
                searchModel.PageSize     = gridPageSize;
                searchModel.TotalRecords = recipes.Count();

Пример #3
        public ActionResult Search(string title)
            var recipes = this.recipesService.GetAllRecipes()
                          .Where(x => x.Title.ToLower().Contains(title.ToLower()))
                          .Select(this.mappingService.Map <RecipeViewModel>)

            var searchModel = new SearchRecipeViewModel();

            if (recipes != null)
                searchModel.Recipes      = recipes;
                searchModel.PageSize     = gridPageSize;
                searchModel.TotalRecords = recipes.Count();

            return(this.PartialView("_RecipesGridPartial", searchModel));
Пример #4
        public void RenderTheRightPartialViewWithTheCorrectModel_SearchRecipeViewModelAndNoModelErrorsAndCorrectContent()
            var        inredientsServiceMock     = new Mock <IIngredientsService>();
            var        foodCategoriesServiceMock = new Mock <IFoodCategoriesService>();
            var        recipesServiceMock        = new Mock <IRecipesService>();
            var        mappingServiceMock        = new Mock <IMappingService>();
            var        controller   = new RecipesController(recipesServiceMock.Object, inredientsServiceMock.Object, foodCategoriesServiceMock.Object, mappingServiceMock.Object);
            Guid       ingredientId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Ingredient ingredient   = new Ingredient()
                Id = ingredientId, Name = "IngredientName", PricePerMeasuringUnit = 12.60m, QuantityInMeasuringUnit = 0
            List <Ingredient> ingredients = new List <Ingredient>()

            inredientsServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetAllIngredients()).Returns(ingredients);

            List <string> ingredientNames = new List <string>()
            List <double> ingredientQuantities = new List <double>()
            List <decimal> ingredientPrices = new List <decimal>()
            List <Guid> foodCategories = new List <Guid>()

            Guid   recipeId       = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid   foodCategoryId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Recipe recipe         = new Recipe()
                Id          = recipeId,
                Title       = "Title Of A New Recipe",
                Describtion = "This is a decsribtion",
                Instruction = "Instructions of the recipe",
                DishType    = DishType.MainDish,
                Ingredients = ingredients

            var recipes = new List <RecipeViewModel>()
                new RecipeViewModel()
                    Title       = recipe.Title,
                    Describtion = recipe.Describtion,
                    Ingredients = new List <IngredientViewModel>()
                        new IngredientViewModel()
                            Name           = ingredient.Name,
                            RecipeId       = recipeId,
                            FoodCategoryId = foodCategoryId
                    DishType    = recipe.DishType,
                    Instruction = recipe.Instruction

            var searchModel = new SearchRecipeViewModel()
                PageSize     = 5,
                TotalRecords = recipes.Count,
                Recipes      = recipes

            string title = "Title Of A New Recipe";

            //Act & Assert
            controller.WithCallTo(x => x.Search(title))
            .WithModel <SearchRecipeViewModel>(
                viewModel => Assert.AreEqual(recipes.ToList()[0].Title, searchModel.Recipes.ToList()[0].Title))