Пример #1
        public void SearchTicketsWithoutPassengers()
            string message = new MainPage(driver).InputCity(SearchFormCreator.WithAllParameters())

            Assert.AreEqual("Please enter at least 1 adult, senior or junior(youth) passenger.", message);
Пример #2
 public void SearchTicketWithNonExistingStations()
     new MainPage(driver).InputCity(SearchFormCreator.WithAllParameters())
     Assert.AreEqual("I'm sorry we don't appear to be able " +
                     "to do that journey online at the moment," +
                     " the chances are we're able to do it offline though." +
                     " Please complete the form below and we'll get back to you with a quote.", new ErrorPage(driver).GetErrorMessage());
Пример #3
 public void SearchTicketWithEqualDepartureAndReturnDate()
     new MainPage(driver).InputCity(SearchFormCreator.WithAllParameters())
     Assert.AreEqual("I'm sorry we don't appear to be able " +
                     "to do that journey online at the moment," +
                     " the chances are we're able to do it offline though." +
                     " Please complete the form below and we'll get back to you with a quote.", new ErrorPage(driver).GetErrorMessage());
Пример #4
        public void SetEmptyUserInfo()
            SelectTheTicketPage selectTheTicketPage = new MainPage(driver).InputCity(SearchFormCreator.WithAllParameters())
            string className = selectTheTicketPage.SelectClass()

            Assert.AreEqual("starail-Form-input starail-Form-error", className);
Пример #5
        public void CheckResult()
            SelectTheTicketPage selectTheTicketPage = new MainPage(driver).InputCity(SearchFormCreator.WithAllParameters())
            SelectSeatsPage selectSeatsPage = selectTheTicketPage.SelectClass()
            TicketLocationPage ticketLocationPage = selectSeatsPage.Submit();
            UserInfoPage       userInfoPage       = ticketLocationPage.Submit();
            PayPage            payPage            = userInfoPage.InputUserInfo(UserInfoCreator.WithDefaultParameters());

            Assert.AreEqual("10:46 | 27 Dec 2019", payPage.GetResult());