Пример #1
        //public ActionResult Index()
        //    var tempData = ob_userinfoservice.LoadSortEntities(userinfo => userinfo.IsDelete == false && userinfo.FullName.Contains("dav"), false, userinfo => userinfo.ID);
        //    //var tempdata=ob_userinfoservice.LoadPageEntities(1, 20,out itotal, userinfo => userinfo.IsDelete == false, false, userinfo => userinfo.ID);
        //    ViewBag.userinfo = tempData;
        //    return View();
        private void MakeSearch()
            _searchconditions = new List <SearchConditionModel>();
            SearchConditionModel scm = new SearchConditionModel();

            scm.ItemCode  = "Account";
            scm.ItemTitle = "Õ˺Å";
            scm.ItemType  = "System.String";
            //scm.ItemJion = "";
            //scm.ItemValue = "";
            //scm.ItemOpValue = "";
            scm           = new SearchConditionModel();
            scm.ItemCode  = "FullName";
            scm.ItemTitle = "ÐÕÃû";
            scm.ItemType  = "System.String";
            scm           = new SearchConditionModel();
            scm.ItemCode  = "EmployeeID";
            scm.ItemTitle = "Ô±¹¤ºÅ";
            scm.ItemType  = "System.Int";
            scm           = new SearchConditionModel();
            scm.ItemCode  = "Status";
            scm.ItemTitle = "״̬";
            scm.ItemType  = "System.Int";
Пример #2
        public ActionResult SearchVehiclesAPI(SearchConditionModel searchConditions)
            if (searchConditions?.StartTime == null ||
                searchConditions.EndTime == null ||
                searchConditions.StartTime.Value < DateTime.Now.AddHours(Constants.SOONEST_POSSIBLE_BOOKING_START_TIME_FROM_NOW_IN_HOUR) ||
                searchConditions.StartTime.Value > DateTime.Now.AddDays(Constants.LATEST_POSSIBLE_BOOKING_START_TIME_FROM_NOW_IN_DAY) ||
                searchConditions.EndTime.Value < DateTime.Now.AddHours(Constants.SOONEST_POSSIBLE_BOOKING_END_TIME_FROM_NOW_IN_HOUR))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid booking time"));

            if (searchConditions.MaxPrice != null && searchConditions.MinPrice != null &&
                searchConditions.MaxPrice < searchConditions.MinPrice)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid price span"));

            if (searchConditions.MaxProductionYear != null && searchConditions.MinProductionYear != null &&
                searchConditions.MaxProductionYear < searchConditions.MinProductionYear)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid production year range"));

            if (!(searchConditions.OrderBy == null ||
                  Constants.ALLOWED_SORTING_PROPS_IN_SEARCH_PAGE.Any(r => r.Name == searchConditions.OrderBy)))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid sorting property"));

            Response.StatusCode        = 200;
            Response.StatusDescription = "Queried successfully";

            var userId       = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var user         = this.Service <IUserService>().Get(userId);
            var searcher     = new Searcher();
            var searchResult = searcher.SearchVehicle(searchConditions, user);

            return(Json(searchResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #3
        public SearchResultJsonModel SearchVehicle(SearchConditionModel filterConditions, AspNetUser user)
            var vehicleService = this.Service <IVehicleService>();

            // Get all available vehicles
            var vehicles = vehicleService.Get(v => !v.IsDeleted &&
                                              v.Garage.IsActive &&
                                              v.Garage.AspNetUser.AspNetRoles.Any(r => r.Name == "Provider") &&
                                              (v.Garage.AspNetUser.LockoutEndDateUtc == null || v.Garage.AspNetUser.LockoutEndDateUtc < DateTime.UtcNow) &&
                                              v.VehicleGroup != null &&

            // Normal filtering, GO!!
            // ===========================================================================
            // Transmission condition
            if (filterConditions.TransmissionTypeIDList != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => filterConditions.TransmissionTypeIDList.Contains(v.TransmissionType));

            // Color condition
            if (filterConditions.ColorIDList != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => filterConditions.ColorIDList.Contains(v.Color));

            // FuelType condition
            if (filterConditions.FuelTypeIDList != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => filterConditions.FuelTypeIDList.Contains(v.FuelType));

            // Location condition
            if (filterConditions.LocationID != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => filterConditions.LocationID == v.Garage.LocationID);

            // Category condition
            if (filterConditions.CategoryIDList != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => v.VehicleModel.Categories.Any(r => filterConditions.CategoryIDList.Contains(r.ID)));

            // Max/Min ProductionYear condition
            // Do not validate Max > Min here. Do it before this in the controller
            if (filterConditions.MaxProductionYear != null && filterConditions.MinProductionYear != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => v.Year <= filterConditions.MaxProductionYear &&
                                          v.Year >= filterConditions.MinProductionYear);

            // Max/Min GarageRating condition
            if (filterConditions.MinGarageRating != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => v.Garage.Star >= filterConditions.MinGarageRating);

            // Max/Min VehicleRating condition
            if (filterConditions.MinVehicleRating != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => v.Star >= filterConditions.MinVehicleRating);

            // Brand and Model condition
            if (filterConditions.BrandIDList.Any() || filterConditions.ModelIDList.Any())
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => filterConditions.BrandIDList.Contains(v.VehicleModel.BrandID) ||

            // NumOfSeatList condition
            if (filterConditions.NumberOfSeatList != null)
                vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => filterConditions.NumberOfSeatList.Contains(v.VehicleModel.NumOfSeat));

            // Get the rental time in hour
            var rentalTimeSpan = (DateTime)filterConditions.EndTime - (DateTime)filterConditions.StartTime;
            var rentalTime     = (int)Math.Ceiling(rentalTimeSpan.TotalHours);

            // vehicleGroup's max rental time constraint
            vehicles = vehicles.Where(v => v.VehicleGroup.PriceGroup.MaxRentalPeriod == null ||
                                      v.VehicleGroup.PriceGroup.MaxRentalPeriod * 24 > rentalTime);

            // get only vehicles that are free in the booking period condition
            // also add in-between-booking's rest time to filter's time
            var startTimeMinuteRest = filterConditions.StartTime.Value
            var endTimePlusRest = filterConditions.EndTime.Value

            vehicles = vehicles.Where(v =>
                                      !(v.BookingReceipts.Any(br => !br.IsCanceled &&
                                                                  (startTimeMinuteRest > br.StartTime &&
                                                                   startTimeMinuteRest < br.EndTime) ||
                                                                  (endTimePlusRest > br.StartTime &&
                                                                   endTimePlusRest < br.EndTime) ||
                                                                  (startTimeMinuteRest <= br.StartTime &&
                                                                   endTimePlusRest >= br.EndTime)

            // Check StartTime/EndTime to be within garage's OpenTime ~ CloseTime
            // Compare by convert time to the number of minute from 00:00
            // Max margin of error: 60 secs w/ CloseTime (Because we do not validate to second)

            // Booking StartTime
            var startDayInDoW     = (int)filterConditions.StartTime.Value.DayOfWeek;
            var startTimeInMunute = filterConditions.StartTime.Value.Minute + filterConditions.StartTime.Value.Hour * 60;

            vehicles = vehicles.Where(v =>
                                      v.Garage.GarageWorkingTimes.Any(gwt => gwt.DayOfWeek == startDayInDoW &&
                                                                      startTimeInMunute >= gwt.OpenTimeInMinute &&
                                                                      startTimeInMunute <= gwt.CloseTimeInMinute)

            // Booking EndTime
            var endDayInDoW     = (int)filterConditions.EndTime.Value.DayOfWeek;
            var endTimeInMunute = filterConditions.EndTime.Value.Minute + filterConditions.EndTime.Value.Hour * 60;

            vehicles = vehicles.Where(v =>
                                      v.Garage.GarageWorkingTimes.Any(gwt => gwt.DayOfWeek == endDayInDoW &&
                                                                      endTimeInMunute >= gwt.OpenTimeInMinute &&
                                                                      endTimeInMunute <= gwt.CloseTimeInMinute)

            // Parse into models suitable to run recommendation algor
            var vehicleList2 = vehicles.ToList().Select(vehicle => new VehicleFilterModel(vehicle, rentalTime));

            // Max/Min Price conditions
            // Do not validate MaxPrice > MinPrice here. Do it before this in the controller
            if (filterConditions.MaxPrice != null &&
                filterConditions.MinPrice != null)
                vehicleList2 = vehicleList2.Where(
                    r => filterConditions.MaxPrice >= r.BestPossibleRentalPrice &&
                    filterConditions.MinPrice <= r.BestPossibleRentalPrice

            // All normal filterings passed
            // Calc the average rental price and rental period
            double?averagePrice = null, averagePeriod = null;

            if (vehicleList2.Any())
                averagePrice  = vehicleList2.Average(r => r.BestPossibleRentalPrice);
                averagePeriod = vehicleList2.Average(r => r.BestPossibleRentalPeriod);

            // recommender's job coming
            // =============================================================================================
            if (user != null)
                var recommender = new Recommender();
                vehicleList2 = recommender.CalculateRecommendScoreForSearchResults(vehicleList2.ToList(), user);

            // =============================================================================================
            // Sorting
            // Validate OrderBy in the controller
            if (filterConditions.OrderBy == null)
                // Default ordering is by BestPossibleRentalPeriod
                // then by descending RecommendScore
                vehicleList2 = vehicleList2.OrderBy(r => r.BestPossibleRentalPeriod)
                               .ThenByDescending(r => r.RecommendScore);
                var sortingProp = typeof(VehicleFilterModel).GetProperty(filterConditions.OrderBy);

                // Ensure that the magical strings represent attribute name exist
                // Always order descendingly by RecommendScore at the end
                if (filterConditions.IsDescendingOrder)
                    vehicleList2 = vehicleList2.OrderByDescending(r => sortingProp.GetValue(r))
                                   .ThenByDescending(r => r.RecommendScore);
                    vehicleList2 = vehicleList2.OrderBy(r => sortingProp.GetValue(r))
                                   .ThenByDescending(r => r.RecommendScore);

            // Paginate
            var filteredRecords = vehicleList2.Count();

            if (filterConditions.Page < 1 || (filterConditions.Page - 1) * filterConditions.RecordPerPage > filteredRecords)
                filterConditions.Page = 1;

            vehicleList2 = vehicleList2.Skip((filterConditions.Page - 1) * filterConditions.RecordPerPage)

            // Parse the list into a new one that can be sent back as json
            var filterResults = vehicleList2.Select(v => new SearchResultItemJsonModel(v));

            // Nest into result object
            return(new SearchResultJsonModel(filterResults.ToList(), averagePrice, averagePeriod, filteredRecords, filterConditions.Page));