// On a mouse up, record that that mouse is in an unpressed state and force a repaint // Also check to see if any all other mice are unpressed. If so, then generate a click event. private void SDGButton_SdgMouseUp(object sender, Sdgt.SdgMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (this.UseLock == false || (this.UseLock == true && pressed[e.ID] == true)) { pressed[e.ID] = false; this.Invalidate(); bool none_pressed = true; foreach (bool b in pressed) { if (b == true) none_pressed = false; } if (none_pressed && sdgClick != null) sdgClick(this, e.ID); } } }
// On a mouse down, record that that mouse is in a pressed state and force a repaint private void SDGButton_SdgMouseDown(object sender, Sdgt.SdgMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (this.UseLock == false) //simultaneous use allowed { pressed[e.ID] = true; this.Invalidate(); } else // Only allow this person to press it if no one else has. { bool none_pressed = true; foreach (bool b in pressed) { if (b == true) none_pressed = false; } if (none_pressed) { pressed[e.ID] = true; this.Invalidate(); } } } }
private void sdgManager1_MouseMove(object sender, Sdgt.SdgMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.ID == 0) { magGlass.Location = new Point(sdgManager1.Mice[e.ID].Xabs, sdgManager1.Mice[e.ID].Yabs); } else mirror.Location = new Point(sdgManager1.Mice[e.ID].Xabs, sdgManager1.Mice[e.ID].Yabs); if(magGlass.Location.X<=norm_x&&norm_x<=magGlass.Location.X+50&& magGlass.Location.Y<+norm_y&&norm_y<=magGlass.Location.Y+110) { //magnfiying glass if(e.ID == 0){ attemptKill(); } } }
private void sdgManager1_MouseWheel(object sender, Sdgt.SdgMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.ID == 0) magGlass.setPicture(Utilities.RotateImage(magGlass.getPicture().Image, 90)); else { if (e.Delta > 0) counter += 5; else counter -= 5; counter = mirror.rotate(counter); } if (magGlass.Location.X <= norm_x && norm_x <= magGlass.Location.X + 50 && magGlass.Location.Y < +norm_y && norm_y <= magGlass.Location.Y + 110) { attemptKill(); } }
private void sdgManager1_KeyDown(object sender, Sdgt.SdgKeyEventArgs e) { }