public override bool OnDialog(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if ((ScriptDaemon.get_v(454) & 2) != 0 && !GetGlobalFlag(108)) // Water Temple regrouped, and he's stuck there { if ((!attachee.HasMet(triggerer))) { if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3017)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 140); } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 1000); } } else { if (ScriptDaemon.get_f("realized_grurz_new_situation")) { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") < 5) { var rand1 = RandomRange(0, 1); attachee.FloatLine(1100 + rand1, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 5) { attachee.FloatLine(1102, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 6) { attachee.FloatLine(1103, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 7) { attachee.FloatLine(1104, triggerer); ScriptDaemon.inc_v("grurz_float_counter"); } else if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("grurz_float_counter") == 8) { attachee.FloatLine(1105, triggerer); attachee.Attack(triggerer); } } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 900); } } } else if ((!attachee.HasMet(triggerer))) { if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasFollowerByName(8023)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 60); } else if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3020)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 120); } else if ((triggerer.GetPartyMembers().Any(o => o.HasEquippedByName(3017)))) { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 140); } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 1); } } else { triggerer.BeginDialog(attachee, 100); } return(SkipDefault); }
public override bool OnStartCombat(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer) { if (attachee.GetMap() == 5067 && (new[] { 14174, 14175, 14177, 13002 }).Contains(attachee.GetNameId())) // ToEE level 2 - big bugbear room scripting { var(xx, yy) = attachee.GetLocation(); if (xx >= 416 && xx <= 434 && yy >= 350 && yy <= 398) // big bugbear room { if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_timevent_count") < 5) { StartTimer(750, () => bugbear_room_increment_turn_counter(ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_turn_counter") + 1)); // reset flag in 750ms; in this version, time is frozen, so it will only take place next turn ScriptDaemon.inc_v("bugbear_room_timevent_count"); } var pcs_in_east_hallway = 0; var pcs_in_south_hallway = 0; var pcs_in_inner_south_hallway = 0; var yyp_east_max = 355; var xxp_inner_max = 416; foreach (var obj in PartyLeader.GetPartyMembers()) { var(xxp, yyp) = obj.GetLocation(); if (yyp >= 355 && yyp <= 413 && xxp >= 405 && xxp <= 415 && !obj.IsUnconscious()) { pcs_in_east_hallway += 1; if (yyp > yyp_east_max) { yyp_east_max = yyp; } } if (yyp >= 414 && yyp <= 422 && xxp >= 405 && xxp <= 455) { pcs_in_south_hallway += 1; } if (yyp >= 391 && yyp <= 413 && xxp >= 416 && xxp <= 455) { pcs_in_inner_south_hallway += 1; if (xxp > xxp_inner_max) { xxp_inner_max = xxp; } } } var bugbears_near_door = new List <GameObject>(); var bugbears_near_south_entrance = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (var bugbear_dude in ObjList.ListVicinity(new locXY(416, 359), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if ((new[] { 14174, 14175, 14177 }).Contains(bugbear_dude.GetNameId()) && Utilities.willing_and_capable(bugbear_dude)) { var(xxb, yyb) = bugbear_dude.GetLocation(); if (xxb >= 416 && xxb <= 434 && yyb >= 350 && yyb < 372) { bugbears_near_door.Add(bugbear_dude); } } } // TODO - fear foreach (var bugbear_dude in ObjList.ListVicinity(new locXY(425, 383), ObjectListFilter.OLC_NPC)) { if ((new[] { 14174, 14175, 14177 }).Contains(bugbear_dude.GetNameId()) && Utilities.willing_and_capable(bugbear_dude)) { var(xxb, yyb) = bugbear_dude.GetLocation(); if (xxb >= 416 && xxb <= 434 && yyb >= 372 && yyb <= 399) { bugbears_near_south_entrance.Add(bugbear_dude); } } } if (pcs_in_inner_south_hallway == 0 && pcs_in_south_hallway == 0 && pcs_in_east_hallway > 0) { // PCs in east hallway only - take 3 turns to get there if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_turn_counter") >= 3) { int xxb_base, yyb_base; if (yyp_east_max <= 395) { yyb_base = yyp_east_max + 20; xxb_base = 406; } else { xxb_base = 416; yyb_base = 415; } var bb_index = 0; var bb_x_offset_array = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, -1, -1 }; var bb_y_offset_array = new[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; foreach (var bugbear_dude in bugbears_near_south_entrance) { if (bugbear_dude != attachee && bb_index <= 7) { bugbear_dude.Move(new locXY(xxb_base + bb_x_offset_array[bb_index], yyb_base + bb_y_offset_array[bb_index]), 0f, 0f); bugbear_dude.Attack(SelectedPartyLeader); bb_index += 1; } } } } else if (pcs_in_inner_south_hallway > 0 && pcs_in_south_hallway == 0 && pcs_in_east_hallway == 0) { // PCs in inner south hallway only - take 3 turns to reach if (ScriptDaemon.get_v("bugbear_room_turn_counter") >= 3) { int xxb_base; int yyb_base; int[] bb_x_offset_array; int[] bb_y_offset_array; if (xxp_inner_max <= 440) { xxb_base = xxp_inner_max + 15; yyb_base = 406; bb_x_offset_array = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0 }; bb_y_offset_array = new[] { 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 1, 2 }; } else { xxb_base = 450; yyb_base = 415; bb_x_offset_array = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, -1, -1 }; bb_y_offset_array = new[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; } var bb_index = 0; foreach (var bugbear_dude in bugbears_near_door) { if (bugbear_dude != attachee && bb_index <= 7) { bugbear_dude.Move(new locXY(xxb_base + bb_x_offset_array[bb_index], yyb_base + bb_y_offset_array[bb_index]), 0f, 0f); bugbear_dude.Attack(SelectedPartyLeader); bb_index += 1; } } } } } } // THIS IS USED FOR BREAK FREE // found_nearby = 0 // for obj in[0].group_list(): // if (obj.distance_to(attachee) <= 3 and obj.stat_level_get(stat_hp_current) >= -9): // found_nearby = 1 // if found_nearby == 0: // while(attachee.item_find(8903) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL): // attachee.item_find(8903).destroy() // if (attachee.d20_query(Q_Is_BreakFree_Possible)): # workaround no longer necessary! // create_item_in_inventory( 8903, attachee ) // attachee.d20_send_signal(S_BreakFree) // Spiritual Weapon Shenanigens # CombatStandardRoutines.Spiritual_Weapon_Begone(attachee); return(RunDefault); }