public ClientRevenueQueryOptions(ScopeOptions scope, string sortColumn, string sortDirection, int pageSize, int pageNumber, string filters = null) : base(sortColumn, sortDirection, pageSize, pageNumber, filters) { Scope = scope; BranchId = new List <Guid>(); UserId = new List <Guid>(); PolicyTypeId = new List <Guid>(); //Defaults var lastMonth = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-1); YearEnding = lastMonth.Year; MonthEnding = lastMonth.Month; var result = GetFilterValue <int>("YearEnding"); if (result.Success) { YearEnding = result.Value; } result = GetFilterValue <int>("MonthEnding"); if (result.Success) { MonthEnding = result.Value; } var resultString = GetFilterValue <string>("ClientLastName"); if (resultString.Success) { ClientLastName = resultString.Value; } var resultGuids = GetFilterValues <Guid>("BranchId"); if (resultGuids.Success) { BranchId = resultGuids.Value; } resultGuids = GetFilterValues <Guid>("UserId"); if (resultGuids.Success) { UserId = resultGuids.Value; } resultGuids = GetFilterValues <Guid>("PolicyTypeId"); if (resultGuids.Success) { PolicyTypeId = resultGuids.Value; } //Set start and end dates var date = new DateTime(YearEnding, MonthEnding, 1); EndDate = date.LastDayOfMonth(); StartDate = EndDate.AddYears(-1); }
public virtual string NextMangled(ScopeOptions options, SymbolDef symbolDef) { var ext = Enclosed; while (true) { again: var m = Base54(options.Chars, Cname++); if (!OutputContext.IsIdentifier(m)) { continue; // skip over "do" } // -- do not // shadow a name reserved from mangling. if (options.Reserved.Contains(m)) { continue; } // we must ensure that the mangled name does not shadow a name // from some parent scope that is referenced in this or in // inner scopes. for (var i = 0u; i < ext.Count; i++) { var sym = ext[i]; var name = sym.MangledName ?? (sym.Unmangleable(options) ? sym.Name : null); if (m == name) { goto again; } } return(m); } }
public async Task AutoResolveMappingErrors(ScopeOptions scope, Guid commissionStatementId, Guid policyId) { var policy = await _context.Policy.FindAsync(policyId); var organisationQuery = ScopeQuery.GetOrganisationEntityQuery(_context, scope); var query = from commissionError in GetCommissionErrorEditQuery(scope) where commissionError.CommissionStatementId == commissionStatementId select commissionError; var errors = await query.ToListAsync(); foreach (var error in errors) { var policyNumbers = policy.NumberAliases.ToList(); policyNumbers.Add(policy.Number); if (!policyNumbers.Any(p => p.IgnoreCaseEquals(error.Data.PolicyNumber))) { continue; } error.ClientId = policy.ClientId; error.PolicyId = policyId; await ResolveMappingError(scope, error); } }
private IQueryable <CommissionError> GetCommissionErrorQuery(ScopeOptions scope) { var query = from entity in GetCommissionErrorEntityQuery(scope) join commissionStatement in _context.CommissionStatement on entity.CommissionStatementId equals commissionStatement.Id join company in _context.Company on commissionStatement.CompanyId equals company.Id join commissionType in _context.CommissionType on entity.CommissionTypeId equals commissionType.Id into commissionTypeGroup from commissionType in commissionTypeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty() join policyType in _context.PolicyType on commissionType.PolicyTypeId equals policyType.Id into policyTypeGroup from policyType in policyTypeGroup.DefaultIfEmpty() select new CommissionError() { Id = entity.Id, CommissionStatementId = entity.CommissionStatementId, CommissionStatementMonth = commissionStatement.DateMonth, CommissionStatementYear = commissionStatement.DateYear, CommissionTypeId = entity.CommissionTypeId, Data = entity.Data, ClientId = entity.ClientId, PolicyId = entity.PolicyId, PolicyTypeCode = policyType.Code, CompanyId = company.Id, CompanyName = company.Name }; return(query); }
private IQueryable <OrganisationEntity> GetOrganisationEnitiyQuery(ScopeOptions scope) { var query = from organisation in ScopeQuery.GetOrganisationEntityQuery(_context, scope) select organisation; return(query); }
public async Task <Result> InsertOrganisation(ScopeOptions scope, OrganisationEdit organisation) { var validator = new OrganisationValidator(_context, true, organisation.Id); var result = validator.Validate(organisation).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } //Only for super admins if (!scope.IgnoreScope) { return(new Result()); } var entity = MapModelToEntity(organisation); await _context.Organisation.AddAsync(entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); organisation.Id = entity.Id; result.Tag = organisation; return(result); }
public async Task <Result> UpdatePolicy(ScopeOptions scope, PolicyEdit policy) { var validator = new PolicyValidator(_context, scope, false); var result = validator.Validate(policy, ruleSet: "default,availability").GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var entity = await GetPolicyEntityQuery(scope).FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == policy.Id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } var clientEntity = MapModelToEntity(policy, entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_UPDATE, "Policy", entity.Id, policy); return(result); }
public async Task <Result> UpdateOrganisation(ScopeOptions scope, OrganisationEdit organisation) { var validator = new OrganisationValidator(_context, false, organisation.Id); var result = validator.Validate(organisation).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } //Only organisation scope if (scope.Scope == Scope.Branch || scope.Scope == Scope.User) { return(new Result()); } var entity = await ScopeQuery .GetOrganisationEntityQuery(_context, scope) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == organisation.Id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } entity = MapModelToEntity(organisation, entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(result); }
public async Task <Result> UpdateCommissionSplitRulePolicy(ScopeOptions scope, CommissionSplitRulePolicy commissionSplitRulePolicy) { var validator = new CommissionSplitRulePolicyValidator(_context, scope, false); var result = validator.Validate(commissionSplitRulePolicy).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var entity = await GetCommissionSplitRulePolicyEntityQuery(scope).FirstOrDefaultAsync(b => b.Id == commissionSplitRulePolicy.Id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } var defaultRule = await GetDefaultCommissionSplitRule(scope, commissionSplitRulePolicy.PolicyId.Value); //If this is the default rule, then remove this instance if (defaultRule != null && commissionSplitRulePolicy.CommissionSplitRuleId == defaultRule.Id) { await DeleteCommissionSplitRulePolicy(scope, commissionSplitRulePolicy.Id.Value); return(result); } var commissionSplitRulePolicyEntity = MapModelToEntity(commissionSplitRulePolicy, entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_UPDATE, "CommissionSplitRulePolicy", entity.Id, commissionSplitRulePolicy); return(result); }
public async Task <Result> InsertCommissionSplitRulePolicy(ScopeOptions scope, CommissionSplitRulePolicy commissionSplitRulePolicy) { var validator = new CommissionSplitRulePolicyValidator(_context, scope, true); var result = validator.Validate(commissionSplitRulePolicy).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var defaultRule = await GetDefaultCommissionSplitRule(scope, commissionSplitRulePolicy.PolicyId.Value); //If the rule is already the default dont add it if (defaultRule != null && commissionSplitRulePolicy.CommissionSplitRuleId == defaultRule.Id) { return(result); } var entity = MapModelToEntity(commissionSplitRulePolicy); await _context.CommissionSplitRulePolicy.AddAsync(entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); commissionSplitRulePolicy.Id = entity.Id; result.Tag = commissionSplitRulePolicy; await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_INSERT, "CommissionSplitRulePolicy", entity.Id, commissionSplitRulePolicy); return(result); }
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) { if (!Options.Value.Enabled) { await Next(httpContext); return; } var serviceProvider = httpContext.RequestServices; var azureDevOpsScopeProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IAzureDevOpsScopeProvider>(); azureDevOpsScopeProvider.Scope = new AzureDevOpsScope(ScopeOptions.Project, ScopeOptions.Title, ScopeOptions.Tags); var azureDevOpsWorkItemCreator = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IAzureDevOpsWorkItemCreator>(); try { await Next(httpContext); if (ScopeOptions.IsBug != null && ScopeOptions.IsBug(httpContext)) { await CreateBug(azureDevOpsScopeProvider, azureDevOpsWorkItemCreator, httpContext, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { await CreateBug(azureDevOpsScopeProvider, azureDevOpsWorkItemCreator, httpContext, ex); throw; } }
public CommissionErrorQueryOptions(ScopeOptions scope, string sortColumn, string sortDirection, int pageSize, int pageNumber, string filters = null) : base(sortColumn, sortDirection, pageSize, pageNumber, filters) { Scope = scope; var resultGuid = GetFilterValue <Guid>("CommissionStatementId"); if (resultGuid.Success) { CommissionStatementId = resultGuid.Value; } var resultInt = GetFilterValue <int>("CommissionStatementYear"); if (resultInt.Success) { CommissionStatementYear = resultInt.Value; } resultInt = GetFilterValue <int>("CommissionStatementMonth"); if (resultInt.Success) { CommissionStatementMonth = resultInt.Value; } }
public async Task Delete() { var clientId = Guid.NewGuid(); var service = new Mock <IClientService>(); var authService = TestHelper.MockAuthenticationService(Scope.Branch); var result = new Result() { Success = true }; ScopeOptions options = null; Guid deleted = Guid.Empty; service.Setup(c => c.DeleteClient(It.IsAny <ScopeOptions>(), It.Is <Guid>(m => m == clientId))) .Callback((ScopeOptions o, Guid d) => { deleted = d; options = o; }) .ReturnsAsync(result); var controller = new ClientsController(service.Object, authService.Object); var actual = await controller.Delete(clientId); Assert.Equal(clientId, deleted); Assert.Equal(Scope.Branch, options.Scope); var okResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(actual); var returnValue = Assert.IsType <Result>(okResult.Value); Assert.Same(result, returnValue); }
private async Task <Result> ImportCellphone(ScopeOptions scope, ImportClient data, ClientEdit client) { var result = new Result(true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Cellphone)) { return(result); } //Clean data.Cellphone = data.Cellphone.TrimWhiteSpace().Replace("-", ""); //See if email exits var email = await _contactService.GetContact(scope, client.Id.Value, data.Cellphone); if (email == null) { var contact = new Contact() { ClientId = client.Id, Value = data.Cellphone, ContactTypeId = ContactType.CONTACT_TYPE_CELLPHONE }; result = await _contactService.InsertContact(scope, contact); } return(result); }
public async Task GetBranchesSimple() { var branch = new BranchSimple() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Branch1" }; var branches = new List <BranchSimple>() { branch }; var service = new Mock <IBranchService>(); var authService = TestHelper.MockAuthenticationService(Scope.Branch); ScopeOptions queryOptions = null; service.Setup(c => c.GetBranchesSimple(It.IsAny <ScopeOptions>())) .Callback((ScopeOptions options) => queryOptions = options) .ReturnsAsync(branches); var controller = new BranchesController(service.Object, authService.Object); controller.ControllerContext = TestHelper.GetControllerContext(new ClaimsPrincipal()); var result = await controller.GetBranchesSimple(); var okResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result); var returnValue = Assert.IsType <List <BranchSimple> >(okResult.Value); Assert.Same(branches, returnValue); }
private async Task <Result> ImportEmail(ScopeOptions scope, ImportClient data, ClientEdit client) { var result = new Result(true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Email)) { return(result); } //See if email exits var email = await _contactService.GetContact(scope, client.Id.Value, data.Email); if (email == null) { var contact = new Contact() { ClientId = client.Id, Value = data.Email, ContactTypeId = ContactType.CONTACT_TYPE_EMAIL }; result = await _contactService.InsertContact(scope, contact); } return(result); }
public async Task <Result> InsertCommissionSplitRule(ScopeOptions scope, CommissionSplitRule commissionSplitRule) { var validator = new CommissionSplitRuleValidator(_context, scope, true); var result = validator.Validate(commissionSplitRule).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } if (commissionSplitRule.IsDefault) { await ClearDefaults(commissionSplitRule.UserId.Value); } var entity = MapModelToEntity(commissionSplitRule); await _context.CommissionSplitRule.AddAsync(entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); commissionSplitRule.Id = entity.Id; result.Tag = commissionSplitRule; await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_INSERT, "CommissionSplitRule", entity.Id, commissionSplitRule); return(result); }
public async Task <Result> UpdateClient(ScopeOptions scope, ClientEdit client) { var validator = new ClientValidator(_context, scope, false); var result = validator.Validate(client, ruleSet: "default,availability").GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var entity = await GetClientEntityQuery(scope).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == client.Id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } var clientEntity = MapModelToEntity(client, entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_UPDATE, "Client", entity.Id, client); return(result); }
public async Task <Result> DeleteCommissionSplitRule(ScopeOptions scope, Guid id) { var result = new Result(); var entity = await GetCommissionSplitRuleEntityQuery(scope).FirstOrDefaultAsync(b => b.Id == id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } //Delete dependancies var policyRules = await _context.CommissionSplitRulePolicy.Where(r => r.CommissionSplitRuleId == id).ToListAsync(); foreach (var policyRule in policyRules) { _context.CommissionSplitRulePolicy.Remove(policyRule); } _context.CommissionSplitRule.Remove(entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_DELETE, "CommissionSplitRule", entity.Id, new { commissionSplitRuleId = id }); return(new Result(true)); }
public async Task <Result> UpdateCommissionSplitRule(ScopeOptions scope, CommissionSplitRule commissionSplitRule) { var validator = new CommissionSplitRuleValidator(_context, scope, false); var result = validator.Validate(commissionSplitRule).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var entity = await GetCommissionSplitRuleEntityQuery(scope).FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == commissionSplitRule.Id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } if (commissionSplitRule.IsDefault) { await ClearDefaults(commissionSplitRule.UserId.Value); } var commissionSplitRuleEntity = MapModelToEntity(commissionSplitRule, entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_UPDATE, "CommissionSplitRule", entity.Id, commissionSplitRule); return(result); }
public void MarkEnclosed(ScopeOptions options) { for (var s = Scope; s != null; s = s.ParentScope) { // Faster AddUnique var span = s.Enclosed.AsReadOnlySpan(); var def = Thedef !; foreach (var symb in span) { if (symb == def) { goto alreadyExists; } } s.Enclosed.Add(Thedef !); alreadyExists: if (options.KeepFunctionNames) { foreach (var keyValuePair in s.Functions !) { Thedef !.Scope.Enclosed.AddUnique(keyValuePair.Value); } } if (s == Thedef !.Scope) { break; } } }
public async Task <Result> UpdateCommissionStatement(ScopeOptions scope, CommissionStatementEdit commissionStatement) { var validator = new CommissionStatementValidator(_context, scope, false); var result = validator.Validate(commissionStatement).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var entity = await GetCommissionStatementEntityQuery(scope).FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == commissionStatement.Id); if (entity == null) { return(new Result()); } entity = MapModelToEntity(commissionStatement, entity); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_UPDATE, "CommissionStatement", entity.Id, commissionStatement); return(result); }
public async Task <Result> InsertUser(ScopeOptions scope, UserEdit user, string password, bool emailConfirmed) { var validator = new UserValidator(_context, scope, true); var result = validator.Validate(user).GetResult(); if (!result.Success) { return(result); } var entity = MapModelToEntity(user); entity.EmailConfirmed = emailConfirmed; var createResult = await _userManager.CreateAsync(entity, password); result.Success = createResult.Succeeded; if (!result.Success) { result.ValidationFailures = createResult.Errors.Select(e => new ValidationFailure("", e.Description)).ToList(); return(result); } await UpdateRoles(entity, user.Roles); await UpdateIsLocked(entity, user.IsLocked); await _auditService.InsertAuditLog(scope, AuditLog.ACTION_INSERT, "User", entity.Id, user); user.Id = entity.Id; result.Tag = user; return(result); }
public PolicyQueryOptions(ScopeOptions scope, string sortColumn, string sortDirection, int pageSize, int pageNumber, string filters = null) : base(sortColumn, sortDirection, pageSize, pageNumber, filters) { Scope = scope; CompanyId = new List <Guid>(); PolicyTypeId = new List <Guid>(); UserId = new List <Guid>(); var result = GetFilterValue <string>("Number"); if (result.Success) { Number = result.Value; } result = GetFilterValue <string>("ClientLastName"); if (result.Success) { ClientLastName = result.Value; } var resultGuid = GetFilterValue <Guid>("ClientId"); if (resultGuid.Success) { ClientId = resultGuid.Value; } resultGuid = GetFilterValue <Guid>("Id"); if (resultGuid.Success) { Id = resultGuid.Value; } var resultGuids = GetFilterValues <Guid>("CompanyId"); if (resultGuids.Success) { CompanyId = resultGuids.Value; } resultGuids = GetFilterValues <Guid>("PolicyTypeId"); if (resultGuids.Success) { PolicyTypeId = resultGuids.Value; } resultGuids = GetFilterValues <Guid>("UserId"); if (resultGuids.Success) { UserId = resultGuids.Value; } var resultBool = GetFilterValue <bool>("IsActive"); if (resultBool.Success) { IsActive = resultBool.Value; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, ILogger log) { Guid organisationId = Guid.Parse(request.Query["organisationId"]); Guid commissionStatementId = Guid.Parse(request.Query["commissionStatementId"]); Guid commissionStatementTemplateId = Guid.Parse(request.Query["commissionStatementTemplateId"]); var scope = new ScopeOptions(organisationId, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, Scope.Organisation); var statement = await CommissionStatementService.GetCommissionStatement(scope, commissionStatementId); if (statement == null) { return(new NotFoundObjectResult(commissionStatementId)); } var path = new CommissionStatementPath(scope.OrganisationId, commissionStatementId); var files = await FileStorageService.GetFilesAsync(path); if (!files.Any()) { return(Utils.GetBadRequestObject("Reimport failed as there are no existing statement files.", commissionStatementId.ToString())); } var queryOptions = new CommissionStatementTemplateQueryOptions("", "", 0, 0); queryOptions.CompanyId.Add(statement.CompanyId.Value); queryOptions.Date = statement.Date; var templates = (await CommissionStatementTemplateService.GetTemplates(queryOptions)).Items; if (!templates.Any(t => t.Id == commissionStatementTemplateId)) { return(Utils.GetBadRequestObject("Reimport failed as the commissionStatementTemplateId is not valid.", commissionStatementTemplateId.ToString())); } var template = await CommissionStatementTemplateService.GetTemplate(commissionStatementTemplateId); await CommissionStatementService.DeleteCommissions(scope, commissionStatementId); var result = new ImportResult(); foreach (var fileInfo in files) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { await FileStorageService.GetFile(fileInfo.Url, stream); var vatRate = await DirectoryLookupService.GetVATRate(statement.Date ?? DateTime.Now); var reader = new CommissionImportReader(template.Config, vatRate); var items = reader.Read(stream); result = await CommissionImportService.ImportCommissions(scope, commissionStatementId, items); } } return(new OkObjectResult(result)); }
public async Task <Branch> GetBranch(ScopeOptions scope, Guid id) { var query = from branch in GetBranchQuery(scope) where branch.Id == id select branch; return(await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync()); }
public async Task <CommissionSplitRule> GetCommissionSplitRule(ScopeOptions scope, Guid id) { var query = from rule in GetCommissionSplitRuleQuery(scope) where rule.Id == id select rule; return(await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync()); }
public async Task <Contact> GetContact(ScopeOptions scope, Guid id) { var query = from contact in GetContactQuery(scope) where contact.Id == id select contact; return(await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync()); }
public Task <CommissionStatementEdit> GetCommissionStatement(ScopeOptions scope, Guid id) { var query = from statement in GetCommissionStatementEditQuery(scope) where statement.Id == id select statement; return(query.FirstOrDefaultAsync()); }
public void FigureOutScope(ScopeOptions options = null) { if (options == null) { options = new ScopeOptions(); } new ScopeParser(options).FigureOutScope(this); }
/// <summary> /// Establishes the resource manager context (the scope) within which database operations are performed. /// </summary> /// <param name="Scope">Scope of the resource manager context.</param> public void EstablishContext(ScopeOptions Scope) { if (_hContext != IntPtr.Zero) throw new SCardException("Context already established. Must call SCard.ReleaseContext() first."); IntPtr hContext = IntPtr.Zero; int rtn = SCardDll.SCardEstablishContext((UInt32)Scope, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ref hContext); EvalReturnCode(rtn); _hContext = hContext; }
internal static extern SmartCardErrors EstablishContext(ScopeOptions scope, IntPtr reserved1, IntPtr reserved2, ref IntPtr context);
public object Get(IScope scope, string key, ScopeOptions options) { return string.Join(", ", scope.GetKeys().OrderBy(_=>_)); }