public virtual void CanAddAndGetClientScope() { using (var uow = DataService.StartUnitOfWork()) { var client = new ClientEntity { ClientId = "fluitec.appfx.lkjsadlkjsalkjaslkjdasd", Name = "TestClient", Secret = "MySecret", AllowOfflineAccess = false, GrantTypes = "client_credentials" }; uow.ClientRepository.Add(client); var scope = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope); var clientScope = new ClientScopeEntity { ClientId = client.Id, ScopeId = scope.Id }; uow.ClientScopeRepository.Add(clientScope); Assert.AreEqual(clientScope.ScopeId, uow.ClientScopeRepository.Get(clientScope.Id).ScopeId); } }
public virtual void CanGetGetByScopeNamesCompound() { using (var uow = DataService.StartUnitOfWork()) { var resource = new ApiResourceEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Enabled = true }; uow.ApiResourceRepository.Add(resource); var scope = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope); var resScope = new ApiResourceScopeEntity { ApiResourceId = resource.Id, ScopeId = scope.Id }; uow.ApiResourceScopeRepository.Add(resScope); Assert.IsNotNull(uow.ApiResourceRepository.GetByScopeNamesCompound(new[] { scope.Name }).First()); } }
public virtual void CanAddAndGetApiResourceScope() { using (var uow = DataService.StartUnitOfWork()) { var resource = new ApiResourceEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Enabled = true }; uow.ApiResourceRepository.Add(resource); var scope = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope); var resourceScope = new ApiResourceScopeEntity { ApiResourceId = resource.Id, ScopeId = scope.Id }; uow.ApiResourceScopeRepository.Add(resourceScope); Assert.AreEqual(resourceScope.ApiResourceId, uow.ApiResourceScopeRepository.Get(resourceScope.Id).ApiResourceId); } }
public DataResult <int> AddScopeToApiResource(int apiResourceId, ScopeModel scope, IEnumerable <int> claimsIds) { var newScope = new ScopeEntity { Name = scope.Name, Description = scope.Description, Required = scope.Required, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = scope.ShowInDiscoveryDocument }; try { var result = m_scopeUoW.AddScopeToApiResource(apiResourceId, newScope, claimsIds); return(Success(result)); } catch (NoResultException <ApiResourceEntity> e) { m_logger.LogWarning(e); return(Error <int>(m_translator.Translate("invalid-api-resource-id"), DataResultErrorCode.ApiResourceNotExistId)); } catch (DatabaseException e) { m_logger.LogWarning(e); return(Error <int>(e.Message)); } }
public DataResult <int> CreateApiResource(ApiResourceModel apiResourceModel, IEnumerable <int> claimsIds) { var defaultScope = new ScopeEntity { Name = apiResourceModel.Name, Description = apiResourceModel.Description, Required = apiResourceModel.Required, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = apiResourceModel.ShowInDiscoveryDocument }; var apiResourceEntity = new ApiResourceEntity { Name = apiResourceModel.Name, Description = apiResourceModel.Description, Required = apiResourceModel.Required, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = apiResourceModel.ShowInDiscoveryDocument, }; try { var result = m_apiResourceUoW.CreateApiResource(apiResourceEntity, claimsIds, defaultScope); return(Success(result)); } catch (DatabaseException e) { m_logger.LogWarning(e); return(Error <int>(e.Message)); } }
protected ApiScope ScopeToApiScope(ScopeEntity scope) { return(new ApiScope() { Name = scope.Name, Enabled = true, Description = scope.Description, DisplayName = scope.Name }); }
public virtual void CanAddAndGetIdentityResourceScopes() { using (var uow = DataService.StartUnitOfWork()) { var resource = new IdentityResourceEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.IdentityResourceRepository.Add(resource); var scope = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope); var scope2 = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid2", Description = "OpenId-Scope2", DisplayName = "OpenId2", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope2); var resourceScopes = new[] { new IdentityResourceScopeEntity { IdentityResourceId = resource.Id, ScopeId = scope.Id }, new IdentityResourceScopeEntity { IdentityResourceId = resource.Id, ScopeId = scope2.Id } }; uow.IdentityResourceScopeRepository.AddRange(resourceScopes); Assert.AreEqual(resourceScopes.Length, uow.IdentityResourceScopeRepository.GetAll().Count()); } }
public virtual int AddScopeToApiResource(int apiResourceId, ScopeEntity newScope, IEnumerable <int> claimsIds) { var apiResource = m_apiResourceRepository.FindById <ApiResourceEntity>(apiResourceId); newScope.ApiResource = apiResource ?? throw new NoResultException <ApiResourceEntity>(); newScope.ClaimTypes = new HashSet <ClaimTypeEntity>(m_claimTypeRepository.GetClaimTypesById(claimsIds)); var result = (int)m_scopeRepository.Create(newScope); return(result); }
public virtual void CanGetByNames() { using (var uow = DataService.StartUnitOfWork()) { var scope = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope); Assert.AreEqual(scope.Name, uow.ScopeRepository.GetByNames(new[] { scope.Name }).First().Name); } }
public virtual void CanDeleteScope() { using (var uow = DataService.StartUnitOfWork()) { var scope = new ScopeEntity { Name = "openid", Description = "OpenId-Scope", DisplayName = "OpenId", Emphasize = true, Required = true, ShowInDiscoveryDocument = true }; uow.ScopeRepository.Add(scope); uow.ScopeRepository.Delete(scope); Assert.AreEqual(null, uow.ScopeRepository.Get(scope.Id)); } }
public ResourceScopeEntity Create(AddResourceScopeViewModel vm) { ValidationUtils.ValidateViewModel(vm); if (!_resourceRepository.Exists(vm.ResourceId)) { throw new EntityValidationException("No resources with the given ID exists!"); } var scope = _scopeRepository.Get(vm.Name); if (null == scope) { scope = new ScopeEntity() { Name = vm.Name, Description = vm.Description, Active = true }; scope = _scopeRepository.Create(scope); } else { if (_resourceScopeRepository.ExistsOnResource(vm.ResourceId, scope.ScopeId)) { throw new EntityValidationException("This scope already exists on this resource!"); } } var resourceScope = new ResourceScopeEntity() { ResourceId = vm.ResourceId, ScopeEntity = scope }; return(_resourceScopeRepository.Create(resourceScope)); }
public virtual int CreateApiResource(ApiResourceEntity apiResourceEntity, IEnumerable <int> claimsIds, ScopeEntity defaultScope) { var claimTypes = m_claimTypeRepository.GetClaimTypesById(claimsIds); apiResourceEntity.ClaimTypes = new HashSet <ClaimTypeEntity>(claimTypes); var result = (int)m_apiResourceRepository.Create(apiResourceEntity); var apiResource = m_apiResourceRepository.Load <ApiResourceEntity>(result); defaultScope.ApiResource = apiResource; defaultScope.ClaimTypes = new HashSet <ClaimTypeEntity>(claimTypes); var scopeResult = (int)m_scopeRepository.Create(defaultScope); return(result); }
public ScopeEntity Create(ScopeEntity scopeEntity) { _db.Scopes.Add(scopeEntity); _db.SaveChanges(); return(scopeEntity); }