Пример #1
 private void deleteBT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                                                 // This method run when deleteBT clicked
     try                                                                                                 // Holding errors
         using (SchoolDatabaseEntities schoolDatabase = new SchoolDatabaseEntities())                    // Create temporary object of SchoolDatabaseEntities
             var entry = schoolDatabase.Entry(students);                                                 // This variable store information about current state of entry on object
             if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)                                                    // If state is detached
                 schoolDatabase.students.Attach(students);                                               // Ataching student object to table
             schoolDatabase.students.Remove(students);                                                   // Removeing students object from table
             schoolDatabase.SaveChanges();                                                               // Saveing changes
             refreshDataGridView();                                                                      // Refreshing DataGridView with students
             clear();                                                                                    // Run clear method
         MessageBox.Show("Removeing record successfull !", "Entity Inforamtion",                         // Inform user about successfull inserting record
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);                              // Set buttons and icon for messagebox
     catch (Exception exception)                                                                         // If some error become
         MessageBox.Show("Error, contact system admin ! \n" + exception.ToString(), "Entity Error",      // Inform user about some error
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);                                    // Set buttons and icon for messagebox
Пример #2
 private void saveBT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                                                   // This method run when saveBT clicked
     try                                                                                                 // Holding errors
         students.name    = nameTB.Text.Trim();                                                          // Set value of name as a nameTB.Text
         students.surname = surnameTB.Text.Trim();                                                       // Set value of surname as a surnameTB.Text
         students.age     = Convert.ToInt32(ageTB.Text.Trim());                                          // Set value of age as a ageTB.Text
         students.@class  = classTB.Text.Trim();                                                         // Set value of class as a classTB.Text
         students.address = addressTB.Text.Trim();                                                       // Set value of address as a addressTB.Text
         using (SchoolDatabaseEntities schoolDatabase = new SchoolDatabaseEntities())                    // Create temporary object of SchoolDatabaseEntities
             schoolDatabase.Entry(students).State = EntityState.Modified;                                // Modify the current record
             schoolDatabase.SaveChanges();                                                               // Saving changes
         clear();                                                                                        // Run clear method
         refreshDataGridView();                                                                          // Refreshing DataGridView with students
         MessageBox.Show("Updateing record successfull !", "Entity Inforamtion",                         // Inform user about successfull inserting record
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);                              // Set buttons and icon for messagebox
     catch (Exception exception)                                                                         // If some error become
         MessageBox.Show("Error, contact system admin ! \n" + exception.ToString(), "Entity Error",      // Inform user about some error
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);                                    // Set buttons and icon for messagebox
Пример #3
 void refreshDataGridView()                                                                              // This method refrshing studentsDataView
     try                                                                                                 // Holding errors
         studentsDataView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;                                                   // Set auto generate colums as a false
         using (SchoolDatabaseEntities schoolDatabase = new SchoolDatabaseEntities())                    // Create temporary object of SchoolDatabaseEntities
             studentsDataView.DataSource = schoolDatabase.students.ToList <students>();                  // Set a data source of studentsDataView with table from SchoolDatabase
     catch (Exception exception)                                                                         // If some error become
         MessageBox.Show("Error, contact system admin ! \n" + exception.ToString(), "Entity Error",      // Inform user about some error
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);                                    // Set buttons and icon for messagebox
Пример #4
 private void studentsDataView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)                                   // This method run after double click on some record
     try                                                                                                 // Holding errors
         if (studentsDataView.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
             students.id_s = Convert.ToInt32(studentsDataView.CurrentRow.Cells["id_s"].Value);
             using (SchoolDatabaseEntities schoolDatabase = new SchoolDatabaseEntities())                       // Create temporary object of SchoolDatabaseEntities
                 students       = schoolDatabase.students.Where(x => x.id_s == students.id_s).FirstOrDefault(); // Set students object values as values from row with was clicked
                 nameTB.Text    = students.name;                                                                // Set textbox text with right value
                 surnameTB.Text = students.surname;                                                             // Set textbox text with right value
                 ageTB.Text     = students.age.ToString();                                                      // Set textbox text with right value
                 classTB.Text   = students.@class;                                                              // Set textbox text with right value
                 addressTB.Text = students.address;                                                             // Set textbox text with right value
     catch (Exception exception)                                                                         // If some error become
         MessageBox.Show("Error, contact system admin ! \n" + exception.ToString(), "Entity Error",      // Inform user about some error
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);                                    // Set buttons and icon for messagebox