Пример #1
        public override SchemeObject evaluate( ref SchemeAST currentAST, SchemeEvaluator evaluator )
            if( currentAST.children.Count < 2 || currentAST.children.Count > 3 )
                throw new SchemeWrongNumberOfArguments( String.Format( "The If-statement expects 2 or 3 arguments (condition, branch1, branch2). You provided {0}", currentAST.children.Count - 1 ) );

            _condition = currentAST.children[0];
            _trueBranch = currentAST.children[1];

            if( currentAST.children.Count == 3 )
                _falseBranch = currentAST.children[2];

            if( _condition.currentObject == SchemeTrue.instance )
                var old_parent = currentAST.parent;
                _trueBranch.parent = currentAST.parent;

                int postition = currentAST.parent.children.IndexOf( currentAST );
                currentAST.parent.children.Remove( currentAST );
                currentAST.parent.children.Add( _trueBranch );

                currentAST = _trueBranch;
                return null;

            if( _condition.currentObject == SchemeFalse.instance )
                if( _falseBranch != null )
                    var old_parent = currentAST.parent;
                    _falseBranch.parent = currentAST.parent;
                    int postition = currentAST.parent.children.IndexOf( currentAST );
                    currentAST.parent.children.Remove( currentAST );
                    currentAST.parent.children.Add( _falseBranch );
                    currentAST = _falseBranch;
                    return null;
                    return SchemeVoid.instance;

            throw new SchemeInvalidArgumentException( String.Format( "Invalid Argument in If-condition: Your condtion has to evalue to either #t or #f, but it evaluated to {0}", _condition.ToString() ) );