Пример #1
        public AlbumListView() : base()
            renderer    = new ColumnCellAlbum();
            grid_layout = new DataViewLayoutGrid()
                ChildAllocator = () => new DataViewChildAlbum(),
                View           = this
            grid_layout.ChildCountChanged += (o, e) => {
                var artwork_manager = ServiceManager.Get <ArtworkManager> ();
                if (artwork_manager != null && e.Value > 0)
                    int size = (int)((DataViewChildAlbum)grid_layout[0]).ImageSize;
                    artwork_manager.ChangeCacheSize(size, e.Value);
            ViewLayout = grid_layout;

            DisableAlbumGridPref = new SchemaPreference <bool> (DisableAlbumGrid,
                                                                Catalog.GetString("Disable album grid"),
                                                                Catalog.GetString("Disable album grid and show the classic layout instead"),

            ServiceManager.SourceManager.SourceRemoved += UninstallPreferences;
            ServiceManager.SourceManager.SourceAdded   += InstallPreferences;
            if (ServiceManager.SourceManager.MusicLibrary != null)

            ServiceManager.PlayerEngine.ConnectEvent(OnPlayerEvent, PlayerEvent.TrackInfoUpdated);
            Banshee.Metadata.MetadataService.Instance.ArtworkUpdated += OnArtworkUpdated;
Пример #2
        private void BuildPreferences()
            conf_ns         = "sync";
            manually_manage = dap.CreateSchema <bool> (conf_ns, "enabled", true,
                                                       Catalog.GetString("Manually manage this device"),
                                                       Catalog.GetString("Manually managing your device means you can drag and drop items onto the device, and manually remove them.")

            auto_sync = dap.CreateSchema <bool> (conf_ns, "auto_sync", false,
                                                 Catalog.GetString("Automatically sync the device when plugged in or when the libraries change"),
                                                 Catalog.GetString("Begin synchronizing the device as soon as the device is plugged in or the libraries change.")

            dap_prefs_section = new Section("dap", Catalog.GetString("Sync Preferences"), 0);

            manually_manage_pref = dap_prefs_section.Add(manually_manage);
            manually_manage_pref.ShowDescription = true;
            manually_manage_pref.ShowLabel       = false;
            manually_manage_pref.ValueChanged   += OnManuallyManageChanged;

            auto_sync_pref = dap_prefs_section.Add(auto_sync);
            auto_sync_pref.ValueChanged += OnAutoSyncChanged;

            //manually_manage_pref.Changed += OnEnabledChanged;
            //auto_sync_pref.Changed += delegate { OnUpdated (); };
            //OnEnabledChanged (null);
Пример #3
        public LastfmPreferences (LastfmSource source)
            var service = ServiceManager.Get<PreferenceService> ();
            if (service == null) {

            this.source = source;

            service.InstallWidgetAdapters += OnPreferencesServiceInstallWidgetAdapters;
            source_page = new Banshee.Preferences.SourcePage (source) {
                (account_section = new Section ("lastfm-account", Catalog.GetString ("Account"), 20) {
                    (username_preference = new SchemaPreference<string> (LastfmSource.LastUserSchema,
                        Catalog.GetString ("_Username")) {
                        ShowLabel = false
                    new VoidPreference ("lastfm-signup")
                (prefs_section = new Section ("lastfm-settings", Catalog.GetString ("Preferences"), 30))

            scrobbler = ServiceManager.Get<Banshee.Lastfm.Audioscrobbler.AudioscrobblerService> ();
            if (scrobbler != null) {
                reporting_preference = new Preference<bool> ("enable-song-reporting",
                    Catalog.GetString ("_Enable Song Reporting"), null, scrobbler.Enabled);
                reporting_preference.ValueChanged += root => scrobbler.Enabled = reporting_preference.Value;
                prefs_section.Add (reporting_preference);
Пример #4
        public LastfmPreferences(LastfmSource source)
            var service = ServiceManager.Get <PreferenceService> ();

            if (service == null)

            this.source = source;

            service.InstallWidgetAdapters += OnPreferencesServiceInstallWidgetAdapters;
            source_page = new Banshee.Preferences.SourcePage(source)
                (account_section = new Section("lastfm-account", Catalog.GetString("Account"), 20)
                    (username_preference = new SchemaPreference <string> (LastfmSource.LastUserSchema,
                        ShowLabel = false
                    new VoidPreference("lastfm-signup")
                (prefs_section = new Section("lastfm-settings", Catalog.GetString("Preferences"), 30))

            scrobbler = ServiceManager.Get <Banshee.Lastfm.Audioscrobbler.AudioscrobblerService> ();
            if (scrobbler != null)
                reporting_preference = new Preference <bool> ("enable-song-reporting",
                                                              Catalog.GetString("_Enable Song Reporting"), null, scrobbler.Enabled);
                reporting_preference.ValueChanged += root => scrobbler.Enabled = reporting_preference.Value;
Пример #5
            public LibraryLocationButton(LibrarySource source)
                this.source              = source;
                preference               = source.PreferencesPage["library-location"]["library-location"] as SchemaPreference <string>;
                preference.ShowLabel     = false;
                preference.DisplayWidget = this;

                string dir = preference.Value ?? source.DefaultBaseDirectory;

                Spacing = 5;

                // FileChooserButton wigs out if the directory does not exist,
                // so create it if it doesn't and store the fact that we did
                // in case it ends up not being used, we can remove it
                try {
                    if (!Banshee.IO.Directory.Exists(dir))
                        created_directory = dir;
                        Log.DebugFormat("Created library directory: {0}", created_directory);
                } catch {

                chooser = new FileChooserButton(Catalog.GetString("Select library location"),
                // Only set the LocalOnly property if false; setting it when true
                // causes the "Other..." entry to be hidden in older Gtk+
                if (!Banshee.IO.Provider.LocalOnly)
                    chooser.LocalOnly = Banshee.IO.Provider.LocalOnly;
                chooser.SelectionChanged += OnChooserChanged;

                HBox box = new HBox();

                box.Spacing = 2;
                box.PackStart(new Image(Stock.Undo, IconSize.Button), false, false, 0);
                box.PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("Reset")), false, false, 0);
                reset = new Button()
                    Sensitive   = dir != source.DefaultBaseDirectory,
                    TooltipText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Reset location to default ({0})"), source.DefaultBaseDirectory)
                reset.Clicked += OnReset;

                //Button open = new Button ();
                //open.PackStart (new Image (Stock.Open, IconSize.Button), false, false, 0);
                //open.Clicked += OnOpen;

                PackStart(chooser, true, true, 0);
                PackStart(reset, false, false, 0);
                //PackStart (open, false, false, 0);

Пример #6
        private void BuildPreferences()
            conf_ns = String.Format("{0}.{1}", sync.ConfigurationNamespace, library.ParentConfigurationId);

            enabled = sync.Dap.CreateSchema <bool> (conf_ns, "enabled", true,
                                                    String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Sync {0}"), library.Name), "");

            sync_entire_library = sync.Dap.CreateSchema <bool> (conf_ns, "sync_entire_library", true,
                                                                "Whether to sync the entire library and all playlists.", "");

            playlist_ids = sync.Dap.CreateSchema <string[]> (conf_ns, "playlist_ids", new string [0],
                                                             "If sync_entire_library is false, this contains a list of playlist ids specifically to sync", "");

            library_prefs_section        = new Section(String.Format("{0} sync", library.Name), library.Name, 0);
            enabled_pref                 = library_prefs_section.Add <bool> (enabled);
            enabled_pref.ShowDescription = true;
            enabled_pref.ShowLabel       = false;
Пример #7
        private void InstallPreferences()
            PreferenceService service = ServiceManager.Get <PreferenceService> ();

            if (service == null)

            service.InstallWidgetAdapters += OnPreferencesServiceInstallWidgetAdapters;
            pref_page              = new Banshee.Preferences.SourcePage(this);
            pref_section           = pref_page.Add(new Section("lastfm-account", Catalog.GetString("Account"), 20));
            pref_section.ShowLabel = false;

            user_pref = new SchemaPreference <string> (LastUserSchema, Catalog.GetString("_Username"));
            pref_section.Add(new VoidPreference("lastfm-signup"));
Пример #8
        private void BuildPreferences()
            conf_ns = "sync";
            LegacyManuallyManage = dap.CreateSchema <bool> (conf_ns, "enabled", false, "", "");

            auto_sync = dap.CreateSchema <bool> (conf_ns, "auto_sync", false,
                                                 Catalog.GetString("Sync when first plugged in and when the libraries change"),
                                                 Catalog.GetString("Begin synchronizing the device as soon as the device is plugged in or the libraries change.")

            sync_prefs = new Section("sync", Catalog.GetString("Sync Preferences"), 0);

            sync_prefs.Add(new VoidPreference("library-options"));

            auto_sync_pref = sync_prefs.Add(auto_sync);
            auto_sync_pref.ValueChanged += OnAutoSyncChanged;
        private void InitPlayQueue(PlayQueueSource play_queue)
            if (actions == null)
                play_queue.Populate = false;
                played_songs_number = PlayQueueSource.PlayedSongsNumberSchema.Get();
                var service = ServiceManager.Get <PreferenceService> ();
                var section = service["source-specific"].ChildPages[play_queue.PreferencesPageId][null];
                played_songs_number_pref       = (SchemaPreference <int>)section[PlayQueueSource.PlayedSongsNumberSchema.Key];
                played_songs_number_pref.Value = 0;

                actions = new MuinsheeActions(play_queue);
                play_queue.TrackModel.Reloaded += HandleTrackModelReloaded;



Пример #10
        private void BuildPreferences()
            conf_ns = "sync";
            LegacyManuallyManage = dap.CreateSchema<bool> (conf_ns, "enabled", false, "", "");

            auto_sync = dap.CreateSchema<bool> (conf_ns, "auto_sync", false,
                Catalog.GetString ("Sync when first plugged in and when the libraries change"),
                Catalog.GetString ("Begin synchronizing the device as soon as the device is plugged in or the libraries change.")

            sync_prefs = new Section ("sync", Catalog.GetString ("Sync Preferences"), 0);
            pref_sections.Add (sync_prefs);

            sync_prefs.Add (new VoidPreference ("library-options"));

            auto_sync_pref = sync_prefs.Add (auto_sync);
            auto_sync_pref.ValueChanged += OnAutoSyncChanged;
Пример #11
        private void InitPlayQueue(PlayQueueSource play_queue)
            if (actions == null) {
                play_queue.Populate = false;
                played_songs_number = PlayQueueSource.PlayedSongsNumberSchema.Get ();
                var service = ServiceManager.Get<PreferenceService> ();
                var section = service["source-specific"].ChildPages[play_queue.PreferencesPageId][null];
                played_songs_number_pref = (SchemaPreference<int>) section[PlayQueueSource.PlayedSongsNumberSchema.Key];
                played_songs_number_pref.Value = 0;

                actions = new MuinsheeActions (play_queue);
                actions.Actions.AddActionGroup (actions);
                ServiceManager.SourceManager.SetActiveSource (play_queue);
                play_queue.TrackModel.Reloaded += HandleTrackModelReloaded;

                BuildPrimaryLayout ();
                ConnectEvents ();

                track_view.SetModel (play_queue.TrackModel);

                InitialShowPresent ();
        internal static void AddToSection <T> (Section section, SchemaEntry <T> entry, SchemaPreferenceUpdatedHandler func)
            SchemaPreference <T> pref = new SchemaPreference <T> (entry, entry.ShortDescription, entry.LongDescription, func);
