Пример #1
 protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
     listEditor = View.Editor as SchedulerListEditor;
     if (listEditor != null)
         SchedulerControl scheduler = (SchedulerControl)listEditor.SchedulerControl;
         scheduler.InitAppointmentDisplayText -= scheduler_InitAppointmentDisplayText;
         scheduler.InitAppointmentDisplayText += scheduler_InitAppointmentDisplayText;
Пример #2
        protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
            SchedulerListEditor listEditor = View.Editor as SchedulerListEditor;

            if (listEditor != null)
                SchedulerControl scheduler = listEditor.SchedulerControl;
                scheduler.Views.DayView.VisibleTime =
                    new TimeOfDayInterval(new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(11, 0, 0));
        protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
            SchedulerListEditor editor = ((ListView)View).Editor as SchedulerListEditor;

            if (editor == null)
                userChoiceAction.Active.SetItemValue("Scheduler", false);
                userChoiceAction.Active.SetItemValue("Scheduler", true);
                userChoiceAction.SelectedItem     = userChoiceAction.Items[0];
                editor.ResourceDataSourceCreated += new EventHandler <ResourceDataSourceCreatedEventArgs>(editor_ResourceDataSourceCreated);
Пример #4
        void View_ControlsCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Access the current List View
            ListView view = (ListView)View;
            // Access the View's List Editor as a SchedulerListEditor
            SchedulerListEditor listEditor = (SchedulerListEditor)view.Editor;
            //  Access the List Editor's SchedulerControl
            SchedulerControl scheduler = listEditor.SchedulerControl;

            // Set the desired time to be visible
            if (scheduler != null)
                scheduler.Views.DayView.VisibleTime =
                    new TimeOfDayInterval(new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(11, 0, 0));
        private void userChoiceAction_Execute(Object sender, SingleChoiceActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            SchedulerListEditor editor = ((ListView)View).Editor as SchedulerListEditor;

            SetResourcesFilter(editor.ResourcesDataSource, e.SelectedChoiceActionItem.Data);
        protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()

            ListView   listView   = View as ListView;
            DetailView detailView = View as DetailView;

            if (listView != null)
                IObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
                listView.CollectionSource.CriteriaApplied += (o, e) =>
                    // Предварительная загрузка расписаний докторов
                    var collectionSB = (CollectionSourceBase)o;
                    if (collectionSB.Criteria != null)
                        var events = new List <DoctorEvent>(os.GetObjects <DoctorEvent>(collectionSB.Criteria[FILTERKEY]));
                        eventsDict = events.ToDictionary(de => de.Oid, de => de);

                SchedulerListEditor listEditor = ((ListView)View).Editor as SchedulerListEditor;
                if (listEditor != null)
                    SchedulerControl scheduler = listEditor.SchedulerControl;
                    if (scheduler != null)
                        // Кастомизация надписи в расписании доктора
                        scheduler.InitAppointmentDisplayText += (o, e) =>
                            Guid guid = (Guid)e.Appointment.Id;
                            if (eventsDict.ContainsKey(guid))
                                var doctorEvent = eventsDict[guid];
                                e.Text = doctorEvent != null && doctorEvent.Pacient != null ? doctorEvent.Pacient.FullName : string.Empty;

                        #region Кастомизация Тултипа расписания доктора

                        // https://documentation.devexpress.com/WindowsForms/118551/Controls-and-Libraries/Scheduler/Visual-Elements/Scheduler-Control/Appointment-Flyout
                        scheduler.OptionsView.ToolTipVisibility = ToolTipVisibility.Always;
                        scheduler.OptionsCustomization.AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout = false;
                        scheduler.ToolTipController             = new ToolTipController();
                        scheduler.ToolTipController.ToolTipType = ToolTipType.SuperTip;
                        scheduler.ToolTipController.BeforeShow += (o, e) =>
                            var toolTipController           = (ToolTipController)o;
                            AppointmentViewInfo aptViewInfo = null;
                                aptViewInfo = (AppointmentViewInfo)toolTipController.ActiveObject;

                            if (aptViewInfo == null)

                            Guid guid = (Guid)aptViewInfo.Appointment.Id;
                            if (!eventsDict.ContainsKey(guid))
                                // В словаре нет ключа т.к. расписание было только что создано
                                var events = new List <DoctorEvent>(ObjectSpace.GetObjects <DoctorEvent>(listView.CollectionSource.Criteria[FILTERKEY]));
                                eventsDict = events.ToDictionary(de => de.Oid, de => de);
                            DoctorEvent doctorEvent = eventsDict[guid];
                            // Вид талона (метка)
                            AppointmentLabel label = scheduler.Storage.Appointments.Labels.GetById(doctorEvent.Label);
                            StringBuilder    sb    = new StringBuilder();
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Время: с {0:HH:mm} по {1:HH:mm}", doctorEvent.StartOn, doctorEvent.EndOn));
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Пациент: {0}", doctorEvent.Pacient != null ? doctorEvent.Pacient.FullName : null));
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Кем создано: {0}", doctorEvent.CreatedBy != null ? doctorEvent.CreatedBy.FullName : null));
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Кто записал: {0}", doctorEvent.EditedBy != null ? doctorEvent.EditedBy.FullName : null));
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Вид талона: {0}", label.DisplayName));
                            if (doctorEvent.Pacient != null)
                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Источник записи: {0}", CaptionHelper.GetDisplayText(doctorEvent.SourceType)));

                            SuperToolTip          SuperTip = new SuperToolTip();
                            SuperToolTipSetupArgs args     = new SuperToolTipSetupArgs();
                            args.Contents.Text = sb.ToString();
                            args.Contents.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 11);
                            e.SuperTip = SuperTip;


                        // Кастомизация коллекции меток
                        var storage = scheduler.Storage;
                        IAppointmentLabelStorage labelStorage = storage.Appointments.Labels;

                        #region Кастомизация всплывающего меню на расписании врача
                        DoctorEvent recordedEvent = null;
                        VisitCase   visitCase     = null;

                        // Всплывающее меню на расписании врача
                        scheduler.PopupMenuShowing += (o, e) =>
                            Pacient pacient = listView.Tag as Pacient;
                            AppointmentBaseCollection appoinments = (o as SchedulerControl).SelectedAppointments;
                            Appointment appoinment = appoinments.Count == 1 ? appoinments[0] : null;
                            if (appoinment == null)

                            Guid        key    = (Guid)appoinment.Id;
                            DoctorEvent dEvent = appoinment != null && eventsDict.ContainsKey(key) ? eventsDict[key] : null;

                            if (e.Menu.Id != DevExpress.XtraScheduler.SchedulerMenuItemId.AppointmentMenu)
                            if (pacient != null && dEvent.Pacient == null & recordedEvent == null && dEvent.StartOn > DateTime.Now)
                                e.Menu.Items.Insert(0, new SchedulerMenuItem("Записать пациента", (o_, e_) =>
                                    IObjectSpace dEventObjectSpace = XPObjectSpace.FindObjectSpaceByObject(dEvent);
                                    dEvent.Pacient = dEventObjectSpace.GetObject(pacient);
                                    // Обновление списочного представления
                                    // Расписание на которое записан пациент
                                    recordedEvent = dEvent;
                                    // Создание посещения для пациента
                                    visitCase = VisitCase.CreateVisitCase(dEventObjectSpace,
                                                                          dEvent.AssignedTo, dEvent.StartOn);
                            else if (dEvent != null && dEvent.Pacient != null)
                                e.Menu.Items.Insert(0, new SchedulerMenuItem("Отменить запись", (o_, e_) =>
                                    IObjectSpace dEventObjectSpace = XPObjectSpace.FindObjectSpaceByObject(dEvent);
                                    dEvent.Pacient = null;
                                    // Обновление списочного представления
                                    // Отмена записи пациента на выбранное расписание
                                    if (recordedEvent != null && recordedEvent.Oid == dEvent.Oid)
                                        recordedEvent = null;
                                    if (visitCase != null)


                        // Кастомизация цвета фона расписания:
                        // Если выбранный пациент уже записан, то цвет расписания окрашивается в светло-розовый.
                        // Если в расписании записан другой пациент, то цвет расписания окрашивается в морковный.
                        scheduler.AppointmentViewInfoCustomizing += (o_, e_) =>
                            Pacient pacient = listView.Tag as Pacient;
                            if (pacient != null)
                                Guid guid = (Guid)e_.ViewInfo.Appointment.Id;
                                if (eventsDict.ContainsKey(guid) && eventsDict[guid].Pacient != null)
                                    e_.ViewInfo.Appearance.BackColor = eventsDict[guid].Pacient.Oid == pacient.Oid ?
                                                                       Color.FromArgb(255, 192, 192) : Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 0);
            else if (detailView != null)
                // Кастомизация коллекции меток
                foreach (SchedulerLabelPropertyEditor pe in ((DetailView)View).GetItems <SchedulerLabelPropertyEditor>())
                    if (pe.Control != null)
                        ISchedulerStorage        storage      = ((AppointmentLabelEdit)pe.Control).Storage;
                        IAppointmentLabelStorage labelStorage = storage.Appointments.Labels;