Пример #1
        public static Schedule CreateSchedule(DateTime schedDate, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan stopTime, ScheduleType schedType = ScheduleType.Practice
                                              , SchedStatus status = SchedStatus.Open, long blockoutType = 0, long clinicNum = 0, long employeNum = 0, long provNum = 0, List <long> listOpNums = null)
            Schedule schedule = new Schedule();

            schedule.BlockoutType = blockoutType;
            schedule.ClinicNum    = clinicNum;
            schedule.EmployeeNum  = employeNum;
            schedule.ProvNum      = provNum;
            schedule.SchedDate    = schedDate;
            schedule.SchedType    = schedType;
            schedule.StartTime    = startTime;
            schedule.Status       = status;
            schedule.StopTime     = stopTime;
            Schedules.Insert(schedule, false);
            if (listOpNums != null)
                schedule.Ops = listOpNums;
                foreach (long opNum in listOpNums)
                    ScheduleOp schedOp = new ScheduleOp();
                    schedOp.OperatoryNum = opNum;
                    schedOp.ScheduleNum  = schedule.ScheduleNum;
Пример #2
        public static ScheduleOp CreateScheduleOp(long operatoryNum, long scheduleNum)
            ScheduleOp schedOp = new ScheduleOp();

            schedOp.OperatoryNum = operatoryNum;
            schedOp.ScheduleNum  = scheduleNum;
Пример #3
        public static List <DateTime> GetSearchResults(long aptNum, DateTime afterDate, List <long> providerNums, int resultCount, TimeSpan beforeTime, TimeSpan afterTime)
            if (beforeTime == TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0))           //if they didn't set a before time, set it to a large timespan so that we can use the same logic for checking appointment times.
                beforeTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(25);             //bigger than any time of day.
            SearchBehaviorCriteria SearchType   = (SearchBehaviorCriteria)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.AppointmentSearchBehavior);
            List <DateTime>        retVal       = new List <DateTime>();
            DateTime           dayEvaluating    = afterDate.AddDays(1);
            Appointment        appointmentToAdd = Appointments.GetOneApt(aptNum);
            List <DateTime>    potentialProvAppointmentTime;
            List <DateTime>    potentialOpAppointmentTime;
            List <Operatory>   opsListAll                          = Operatories.GetDeepCopy();                 //all operatory Numbers
            List <Schedule>    scheduleListAll                     = Schedules.GetTwoYearPeriod(dayEvaluating); // Schedules for the given day.
            List <Appointment> appointmentListAll                  = Appointments.GetForPeriodList(dayEvaluating, dayEvaluating.AddYears(2));
            List <ScheduleOp>  schedOpListAll                      = ScheduleOps.GetForSchedList(scheduleListAll);
            List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule>  provScheds          = new List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule>();  //Provider Bar, ProviderSched Bar, Date and Provider
            List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule> operatrorySchedules = new List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule>(); //filtered based on SearchType
            List <long> operatoryNums = new List <long>();                                                     //more usefull than a list of operatories.

            for (int i = 0; i < opsListAll.Count; i++)
            while (retVal.Count < resultCount && dayEvaluating < afterDate.AddYears(2))
                potentialOpAppointmentTime = new List <DateTime>();               //clear or create
                potentialProvAppointmentTime = new List <DateTime>();             //clear or create
                provScheds = Appointments.GetApptSearchProviderScheduleForProvidersAndDate(providerNums, dayEvaluating, scheduleListAll, appointmentListAll);
                for (int i = 0; i < provScheds.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 288; j++)               //search every 5 minute increment per day
                        if (j + appointmentToAdd.Pattern.Length > 288)
                        if (potentialProvAppointmentTime.Contains(dayEvaluating.AddMinutes(j * 5)))
                        bool addDateTime = true;
                        for (int k = 0; k < appointmentToAdd.Pattern.Length; k++)
                            if ((provScheds[i].ProvBar[j + k] == false && appointmentToAdd.Pattern[k] == 'X') || provScheds[i].ProvSchedule[j + k] == false)
                                addDateTime = false;
                        if (addDateTime)
                            potentialProvAppointmentTime.Add(dayEvaluating.AddMinutes(j * 5));
                if (SearchType == SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTimeOperatory)               //Handle Operatories here----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    operatrorySchedules        = GetAllForDate(dayEvaluating, scheduleListAll, appointmentListAll, schedOpListAll, operatoryNums, providerNums);
                    potentialOpAppointmentTime = new List <DateTime>(); //create or clear
                    //for(int j=0;j<operatrorySchedules.Count;j++) {//for each operatory
                    for (int i = 0; i < 288; i++)                       //search every 5 minute increment per day
                        if (i + appointmentToAdd.Pattern.Length > 288)  //skip if appointment would span across midnight
                        for (int j = 0; j < operatrorySchedules.Count; j++)                   //for each operatory
                        //if(potentialOpAppointmentTime.Contains(dayEvaluating.AddMinutes(i*5))) {//skip if we already have this dateTime
                        //  break;
                            bool addDateTime = true;
                            for (int k = 0; k < appointmentToAdd.Pattern.Length; k++)                       //check appointment against operatories
                                if (operatrorySchedules[j].OperatorySched[i + k] == false)
                                    addDateTime = false;
                            if (!addDateTime)
                            if (addDateTime)                            // && SearchType==SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTimeOperatory) {//check appointment against providers available for the given operatory
                                bool provAvail = false;
                                for (int k = 0; k < providerNums.Count; k++)
                                    if (!operatrorySchedules[j].ProviderNums.Contains(providerNums[k]))
                                    provAvail = true;
                                    for (int m = 0; m < appointmentToAdd.Pattern.Length; m++)
                                        if ((provScheds[k].ProvBar[i + m] == false && appointmentToAdd.Pattern[m] == 'X') || provScheds[k].ProvSchedule[i + m] == false)                               //if provider bar time slot
                                            provAvail = false;
                                    if (provAvail)                                     //found a provider with an available operatory
                                if (provAvail && addDateTime)                                 //operatory and provider are available
                                    potentialOpAppointmentTime.Add(dayEvaluating.AddMinutes(i * 5));
                            else                              //not using SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTimeOperatory
                                if (addDateTime)
                                    potentialOpAppointmentTime.Add(dayEvaluating.AddMinutes(i * 5));
                //At this point the potentialOpAppointmentTime is already filtered and only contains appointment times that match both provider time and operatory time.
                switch (SearchType)
                case SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTime:
                    //Add based on provider bars
                    for (int i = 0; i < potentialProvAppointmentTime.Count; i++)
                        if (potentialProvAppointmentTime[i].TimeOfDay > beforeTime || potentialProvAppointmentTime[i].TimeOfDay < afterTime)
                        retVal.Add(potentialProvAppointmentTime[i]); //add one for this day
                        break;                                       //stop looking through potential times for today.

                case SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTimeOperatory:
                    //add based on provider bar and operatory bar
                    for (int i = 0; i < potentialOpAppointmentTime.Count; i++)
                        if (potentialOpAppointmentTime[i].TimeOfDay > beforeTime || potentialOpAppointmentTime[i].TimeOfDay < afterTime)
                        retVal.Add(potentialOpAppointmentTime[i]); //add one for this day
                        break;                                     //stop looking through potential times for today.
                dayEvaluating = dayEvaluating.AddDays(1);
Пример #4
        ///<summary>Gets open time slots based on the parameters passed in.
        ///Open time slots are found by looping through the passed in operatories and finding openings that can hold the entire appointment.
        ///Make sure that timePattern is always passed in utilizing 5 minute increments (no conversion will be applied to the pattern passed in).
        ///Providers passed in will be the only providers considered when looking for available time slots.
        ///Passing in a null clinic will only consider operatories with clinics set to 0 (unassigned).
        ///The timeslots on and between the Start and End dates passed in will be considered and potentially returned as available.
        ///Optionally set defNumApptType if looking for time slots for New Pat Appt which will apply the DefNum to all time slots found.
        ///Throws exceptions.</summary>
        public static List <TimeSlot> GetTimeSlotsForRange(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, string timePattern, List <long> listProvNums
                                                           , List <Operatory> listOperatories, List <Schedule> listSchedules, Clinic clinic, long defNumApptType = 0, Logger.IWriteLine log = null)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            //Order the operatories passed in by their ItemOrder just in case they were passed in all jumbled up.
            List <long> listOpNums = listOperatories.OrderBy(x => x.ItemOrder).Select(x => x.OperatoryNum).Distinct().ToList();

            //Remove all schedules that fall outside of the date range passed in.  Only consider the date right now, the time portion is handled later.
            listSchedules.RemoveAll(x => !x.SchedDate.Date.Between(dateStart.Date, dateEnd.Date));
            List <Schedule> listProviderSchedules = listSchedules.FindAll(x => x.BlockoutType == 0);
            List <Schedule> listBlockoutSchedules = listSchedules.FindAll(x => x.BlockoutType > 0);
            //Get every single appointment for all operatories within our start and end dates for double booking and overlapping consideration.
            List <Appointment> listApptsForOps = Appointments.GetAppointmentsForOpsByPeriod(Operatories.GetDeepCopy(true).Select(x => x.OperatoryNum).ToList()
                                                                                            , dateStart, dateEnd, log, listSchedules.GroupBy(x => x.ProvNum).Select(x => x.Key).ToList());

            log?.WriteLine("listProviderSchedules:\r\n\t" + string.Join(",\r\n\t",
                                                                        listProviderSchedules.Select(x => x.ScheduleNum + " - " + x.SchedDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + x.StartTime)), LogLevel.Verbose);
            log?.WriteLine("listBlockoutSchedules:\r\n\t" + string.Join(",\r\n\t",
                                                                        listBlockoutSchedules.Select(x => x.ScheduleNum + " - " + x.SchedDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + x.StartTime)), LogLevel.Verbose);
                           + string.Join(",\r\n\t", listApptsForOps.Select(x => x.AptNum + " - " + x.AptDateTime + " OpNum: " + x.Op)), LogLevel.Verbose);
            //We need to be conscious of double booking possibilities.  Go get provider schedule information for the date range passed in.
            Dictionary <DateTime, List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule> > dictProvSchedules = Appointments.GetApptSearchProviderScheduleForProvidersAndDate(
                listProvNums, dateStart, dateEnd, listProviderSchedules, listApptsForOps);
            //Split up the operatory specific provider schedules from the dynamic ones because each will have different operatory logic.
            List <Schedule>   listProviderSchedulesWithOp = listProviderSchedules.FindAll(x => x.Ops.Intersect(listOpNums).ToList().Count > 0);
            List <ScheduleOp> listScheduleOps             = ScheduleOps.GetForSchedList(listProviderSchedules);
            //Now we need to get the dynamic schedules (not assigned to a specific operatory).
            List <Schedule> listProviderDynamicSchedules = listProviderSchedules.FindAll(x => !listScheduleOps.Exists(y => y.ScheduleNum == x.ScheduleNum));
            //Now that we have found all possible valid schedules, find all the unique time slots from them.
            List <Schedule> listProviderSchedulesAll = new List <Schedule>(listProviderSchedulesWithOp);

            listProviderSchedulesAll = listProviderSchedulesAll.OrderBy(x => x.SchedDate).ToList();
            List <TimeSlot> listAvailableTimeSlots = new List <TimeSlot>();
            List <DateTime> listUniqueDays         = new List <DateTime>();
            int             timeIncrement          = PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.AppointmentTimeIncrement);

            //Loop through all schedules five minutes at a time to find time slots large enough that have no appointments and no blockouts within them.
            foreach (Schedule schedule in listProviderSchedulesAll)
                DateTime dateSched = schedule.SchedDate;
                //Straight up ignore schedules in the past.  This should not be possible but this is just in case.
                if (dateSched.Date < DateTime.Today)
                if (!listUniqueDays.Contains(dateSched))
                TimeSpan timeSchedStart = schedule.StartTime;
                TimeSpan timeSchedStop  = schedule.StopTime;
                //Now, make sure that the start time is set to a starting time that makes sense with the appointment time increment preference.
                int minsOver = (timeSchedStart.Minutes) % timeIncrement;
                if (minsOver > 0)
                    int minsToAdd = timeIncrement - minsOver;
                    timeSchedStart = timeSchedStart.Add(new TimeSpan(0, minsToAdd, 0));
                //Double check that we haven't pushed the start time past the stop time.
                if (timeSchedStart >= timeSchedStop)
                //Figure out all possible operatories for this particular schedule.
                List <Operatory> listOpsForSchedule = new List <Operatory>();
                if (schedule.Ops.Count > 0)
                    listOpsForSchedule = listOperatories.FindAll(x => schedule.Ops.Exists(y => y == x.OperatoryNum));
                else                  //Dynamic schedule.  Figure out what operatories this provider is part of that are associated to the corresponding eService.
                                      //Get all of the valid operatories that this provider is associated with.
                    listOpsForSchedule = listOperatories.FindAll(x => x.ProvDentist == schedule.ProvNum || x.ProvHygienist == schedule.ProvNum);
                if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                    //Skip this schedule entry if the operatory's clinic does not match the patient's clinic.
                    if (clinic == null)
                        //If a clinic was not passed in, ONLY consider unassigned operatories
                        listOpsForSchedule = listOpsForSchedule.FindAll(x => x.ClinicNum == 0);
                        //If a valid clinic was passed in, make sure the operatory has a matching clinic.
                        listOpsForSchedule = listOpsForSchedule.FindAll(x => x.ClinicNum == clinic.ClinicNum);
                if (listOpsForSchedule.Count == 0)
                    continue;                    //No valid operatories for this schedule.
                log?.WriteLine("schedule: " + schedule.ScheduleNum + "\tlistOpsForSchedule:\r\n\t"
                               + string.Join(",\r\n\t", listOpsForSchedule.Select(x => x.OperatoryNum + " - " + x.Abbrev)), LogLevel.Verbose);
                //The list of operatories has been filtered above so we need to find ALL available time slots for this schedule in all operatories.
                foreach (Operatory op in listOpsForSchedule)
                    AddTimeSlotsFromSchedule(listAvailableTimeSlots, schedule, op.OperatoryNum, timeSchedStart, timeSchedStop
                                             , listBlockoutSchedules, dictProvSchedules, listApptsForOps, timePattern, defNumApptType);
            //Remove any time slots that start before right now (just in case the consuming method is looking for slots for today).
            listAvailableTimeSlots.RemoveAll(x => x.DateTimeStart.Date == DateTime.Now.Date && x.DateTimeStart.TimeOfDay < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay);
            //Order the entire list of available time slots so that they are displayed to the user in sequential order.
            //We need to do this because we loop through each provider's schedule one at a time and add openings as we find them.
            //Then order by operatory.ItemOrder in order to preserve old behavior (filling up the schedule via operatories from the left to the right).
            return(listAvailableTimeSlots.OrderBy(x => x.DateTimeStart)
                   //listOpNums was ordered by ItemOrder at the top of this method so we can trust that it is in the correct order.
                   .ThenBy(x => listOpNums.IndexOf(x.OperatoryNum))