internal SslCredKey(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     this._CertThumbPrint = (thumbPrint == null) ? s_EmptyArray : thumbPrint;
     this._HashCode = 0;
     if (thumbPrint != null)
         this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[0];
         if (1 < this._CertThumbPrint.Length)
             this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[1] << 8;
         if (2 < this._CertThumbPrint.Length)
             this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[2] << 0x10;
         if (3 < this._CertThumbPrint.Length)
             this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[3] << 0x18;
     this._HashCode ^= allowedProtocols;
     this._HashCode ^= encryptionPolicy;
     this._AllowedProtocols = allowedProtocols;
     this._EncryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
Пример #2
 internal SecureChannel(string hostname, bool serverMode, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertName, bool checkCertRevocationStatus, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy, LocalCertSelectionCallback certSelectionDelegate)
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, this, ".ctor", string.Concat(new object[] { "hostname=", hostname, ", #clientCertificates=", (clientCertificates == null) ? "0" : clientCertificates.Count.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ", encryptionPolicy=", encryptionPolicy }));
     SSPIWrapper.GetVerifyPackageInfo(GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, "Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider", true);
     if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x && (clientCertificates.Count > 0))
         this.m_Destination = hostname + "+" + clientCertificates.GetHashCode();
         this.m_Destination = hostname;
     this.m_HostName   = hostname;
     this.m_ServerMode = serverMode;
     if (serverMode)
         this.m_ProtocolFlags = protocolFlags & SchProtocols.ServerMask;
         this.m_ProtocolFlags = protocolFlags & SchProtocols.ClientMask;
     this.m_ServerCertificate       = serverCertificate;
     this.m_ClientCertificates      = clientCertificates;
     this.m_RemoteCertRequired      = remoteCertRequired;
     this.m_SecurityContext         = null;
     this.m_CheckCertRevocation     = checkCertRevocationStatus;
     this.m_CheckCertName           = checkCertName;
     this.m_CertSelectionDelegate   = certSelectionDelegate;
     this.m_RefreshCredentialNeeded = true;
     this.m_EncryptionPolicy        = encryptionPolicy;
 public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate certificate, Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols, EncryptionPolicy policy)
     this.rootStore = this.phMappers = this.palgSupportedAlgs = this.certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
     this.cCreds = this.cMappers = this.cSupportedAlgs = 0;
     if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.RequireEncryption)
         this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = 0;
         this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
     else if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.AllowNoEncryption)
         this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = -1;
         this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
         if (policy != EncryptionPolicy.NoEncryption)
             throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "EncryptionPolicy" }), "policy");
         this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = -1;
         this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = -1;
     this.dwSessionLifespan = this.reserved = 0;
     this.version = version;
     this.dwFlags = flags;
     this.grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
     if (certificate != null)
         this.certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
         this.cCreds = 1;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Client side ctor
 /// </summary>
 public TlsSspiNegotiation(
     string destination,
     SchProtocols protocolFlags,
     X509Certificate2 clientCertificate) :
     this(destination, false, protocolFlags, null, clientCertificate, false)
 internal SslCredKey(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     this._CertThumbPrint = (thumbPrint == null) ? s_EmptyArray : thumbPrint;
     this._HashCode       = 0;
     if (thumbPrint != null)
         this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[0];
         if (1 < this._CertThumbPrint.Length)
             this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[1] << 8;
         if (2 < this._CertThumbPrint.Length)
             this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[2] << 0x10;
         if (3 < this._CertThumbPrint.Length)
             this._HashCode ^= this._CertThumbPrint[3] << 0x18;
     this._HashCode        ^= allowedProtocols;
     this._HashCode        ^= encryptionPolicy;
     this._AllowedProtocols = allowedProtocols;
     this._EncryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
Пример #6
        internal SecureChannel(string hostname, bool serverMode, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertName, 
                                                  bool checkCertRevocationStatus, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy, LocalCertSelectionCallback certSelectionDelegate)
            GlobalLog.Enter("SecureChannel#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor", "hostname:" + hostname + " #clientCertificates=" + ((clientCertificates == null) ? "0" : clientCertificates.Count.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)));
            if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, this, ".ctor", "hostname=" + hostname + ", #clientCertificates=" + ((clientCertificates == null) ? "0" : clientCertificates.Count.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)) + ", encryptionPolicy=" + encryptionPolicy);
            SSPIWrapper.GetVerifyPackageInfo(GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, SecurityPackage, true);

            m_Destination = hostname;

            GlobalLog.Assert(hostname != null, "SecureChannel#{0}::.ctor()|hostname == null", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));
            m_HostName = hostname;
            m_ServerMode = serverMode;

            if (serverMode)
                m_ProtocolFlags = (protocolFlags & SchProtocols.ServerMask);
                m_ProtocolFlags = (protocolFlags & SchProtocols.ClientMask);

            m_ServerCertificate = serverCertificate;
            m_ClientCertificates = clientCertificates;
            m_RemoteCertRequired = remoteCertRequired;
            m_SecurityContext = null;
            m_CheckCertRevocation = checkCertRevocationStatus;
            m_CheckCertName = checkCertName;
            m_CertSelectionDelegate = certSelectionDelegate;
            m_RefreshCredentialNeeded = true;
            m_EncryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
            GlobalLog.Leave("SecureChannel#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor");
 internal SecureChannel(string hostname, bool serverMode, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertName, bool checkCertRevocationStatus, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy, LocalCertSelectionCallback certSelectionDelegate)
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, this, ".ctor", string.Concat(new object[] { "hostname=", hostname, ", #clientCertificates=", (clientCertificates == null) ? "0" : clientCertificates.Count.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ", encryptionPolicy=", encryptionPolicy }));
     SSPIWrapper.GetVerifyPackageInfo(GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, "Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider", true);
     if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x && (clientCertificates.Count > 0))
         this.m_Destination = hostname + "+" + clientCertificates.GetHashCode();
         this.m_Destination = hostname;
     this.m_HostName = hostname;
     this.m_ServerMode = serverMode;
     if (serverMode)
         this.m_ProtocolFlags = protocolFlags & SchProtocols.ServerMask;
         this.m_ProtocolFlags = protocolFlags & SchProtocols.ClientMask;
     this.m_ServerCertificate = serverCertificate;
     this.m_ClientCertificates = clientCertificates;
     this.m_RemoteCertRequired = remoteCertRequired;
     this.m_SecurityContext = null;
     this.m_CheckCertRevocation = checkCertRevocationStatus;
     this.m_CheckCertName = checkCertName;
     this.m_CertSelectionDelegate = certSelectionDelegate;
     this.m_RefreshCredentialNeeded = true;
     this.m_EncryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
Пример #8
 public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate2 certificate, SecureCredential.Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols, EncryptionPolicy policy)
     this.version     = version;
     this.certificate = certificate;
     this.protocols   = protocols;
     this.policy      = policy;
Пример #9
 public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate certificate, Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols, EncryptionPolicy policy)
     this.rootStore = this.phMappers = this.palgSupportedAlgs = this.certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
     this.cCreds    = this.cMappers = this.cSupportedAlgs = 0;
     if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.RequireEncryption)
         this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = 0;
         this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
     else if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.AllowNoEncryption)
         this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = -1;
         this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
         if (policy != EncryptionPolicy.NoEncryption)
             throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "EncryptionPolicy" }), "policy");
         this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = -1;
         this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = -1;
     this.dwSessionLifespan     = this.reserved = 0;
     this.version               = version;
     this.dwFlags               = flags;
     this.grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
     if (certificate != null)
         this.certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
         this.cCreds           = 1;
 // SECURITY: X509Certificate.GetCertHash() is virtual hence before going here
 //           the caller of this ctor has to ensure that a user cert object was inspected and
 //           optionally cloned.
 internal SslCredKey(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     _CertThumbPrint = thumbPrint == null? s_EmptyArray: thumbPrint;
     _HashCode       = 0;
     if (thumbPrint != null)
         _HashCode ^= _CertThumbPrint[0];
         if (1 < _CertThumbPrint.Length)
             _HashCode ^= (_CertThumbPrint[1] << 8);
         if (2 < _CertThumbPrint.Length)
             _HashCode ^= (_CertThumbPrint[2] << 16);
         if (3 < _CertThumbPrint.Length)
             _HashCode ^= (_CertThumbPrint[3] << 24);
     _HashCode        ^= (int)allowedProtocols;
     _HashCode        ^= (int)encryptionPolicy;
     _AllowedProtocols = allowedProtocols;
     _EncryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Server side ctor
 /// </summary>
 public TlsSspiNegotiation(
     SchProtocols protocolFlags,
     X509Certificate2 serverCertificate,
     bool clientCertRequired) :
     this(null, true, protocolFlags, serverCertificate, null, clientCertRequired)
Пример #12
		internal static SSPIInterface Create (string hostname, bool serverMode, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates,
		                                           bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertName, bool checkCertRevocationStatus, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy,
		                                           LocalCertSelectionCallback certSelectionDelegate, RemoteCertValidationCallback remoteValidationCallback, SSPIConfiguration userConfig)
			if (userConfig.Settings != null && remoteValidationCallback != null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();
			var context = userConfig.Provider.CreateTlsContext (
				hostname, serverMode, (TlsProtocols)protocolFlags, serverCertificate, clientCertificates,
				remoteCertRequired, checkCertName, checkCertRevocationStatus,
				(MonoEncryptionPolicy)encryptionPolicy, userConfig.Settings);
			return new SSPIInterface (context, userConfig.EventSink);
 internal static SafeFreeCredentials TryCachedCredential(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     if (s_CachedCreds.Count != 0)
         object obj2 = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols, encryptionPolicy);
         SafeCredentialReference reference = s_CachedCreds[obj2] as SafeCredentialReference;
         if (((reference != null) && !reference.IsClosed) && !reference._Target.IsInvalid)
 internal static SafeFreeCredentials TryCachedCredential(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     if (s_CachedCreds.Count != 0)
         object obj2 = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols, encryptionPolicy);
         SafeCredentialReference reference = s_CachedCreds[obj2] as SafeCredentialReference;
         if (((reference != null) && !reference.IsClosed) && !reference._Target.IsInvalid)
             return reference._Target;
     return null;
        private TlsSspiNegotiation(
            string destination,
            bool isServer,
            SchProtocols protocolFlags,
            X509Certificate2 serverCertificate,
            X509Certificate2 clientCertificate,
            bool clientCertRequired)
            this.destination = destination;
            this.isServer = isServer;
            this.protocolFlags = protocolFlags;
            this.serverCertificate = serverCertificate;
            this.clientCertificate = clientCertificate;
            this.clientCertRequired = clientCertRequired;
            this.securityContext = null;
            if (isServer)
            if (this.isServer)
                // This retry is to address intermittent failure when accessing private key (MB56153)
                catch (Win32Exception ex)
                    if (ex.NativeErrorCode != (int)SecurityStatus.UnknownCredential)

                    DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(ex, TraceEventType.Information);

                    // Yield
                // delay client credentials presenting till they are asked for
Пример #16
        private TlsSspiNegotiation(
            string destination,
            bool isServer,
            SchProtocols protocolFlags,
            X509Certificate2 serverCertificate,
            X509Certificate2 clientCertificate,
            bool clientCertRequired)
            this.destination        = destination;
            this.isServer           = isServer;
            this.protocolFlags      = protocolFlags;
            this.serverCertificate  = serverCertificate;
            this.clientCertificate  = clientCertificate;
            this.clientCertRequired = clientCertRequired;
            this.securityContext    = null;
            if (isServer)
            if (this.isServer)
                // This retry is to address intermittent failure when accessing private key (MB56153)
                catch (Win32Exception ex)
                    if (ex.NativeErrorCode != (int)SecurityStatus.UnknownCredential)

                    DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(ex, TraceEventType.Information);

                    // Yield
                // delay client credentials presenting till they are asked for
 public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate2 certificate, Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols)
     this.rootStore = this.phMappers = this.palgSupportedAlgs = this.certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
     this.cCreds    = this.cMappers = this.cSupportedAlgs = 0;
     this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
     this.dwSessionLifespan       = this.reserved = 0;
     this.version = version;
     this.dwFlags = flags;
     this.grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
     if (certificate != null)
         this.certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
         this.cCreds           = 1;
Пример #18
        internal static SSPIInterface Create(string hostname, bool serverMode, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate serverCertificate, XX509CertificateCollection clientCertificates,
                                             bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertName, bool checkCertRevocationStatus, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy,
                                             LocalCertSelectionCallback certSelectionDelegate, RemoteCertValidationCallback remoteValidationCallback, SSPIConfiguration userConfig)
            if (userConfig.Settings != null && remoteValidationCallback != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var context = userConfig.Provider.CreateTlsContext(
                hostname, serverMode, (TlsProtocols)protocolFlags, serverCertificate, clientCertificates,
                remoteCertRequired, checkCertName, checkCertRevocationStatus,
                (MonoEncryptionPolicy)encryptionPolicy, userConfig.Settings);

            return(new SSPIInterface(context, userConfig.EventSink));
 public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate2 certificate, Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols)
     this.rootStore = this.phMappers = this.palgSupportedAlgs = this.certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
     this.cCreds = this.cMappers = this.cSupportedAlgs = 0;
     this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
     this.dwSessionLifespan = this.reserved = 0;
     this.version = version;
     this.dwFlags = flags;
     this.grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
     if (certificate != null)
         this.certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
         this.cCreds = 1;
Пример #20
 public SchannelCred(int version1, X509Certificate certificate, SchannelCred.Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols)
     this.paCreds1  = IntPtr.Zero;
     this.rootStore = (this.phMappers = (this.palgSupportedAlgs = IntPtr.Zero));
     this.cCreds    = (this.cMappers = (this.cSupportedAlgs = 0));
     this.dwMinimumCipherStrength = (this.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0);
     this.dwSessionLifespan       = (this.reserved = 0);
     this.version = version1;
     this.dwFlags = flags;
     this.grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
     if (certificate != null)
         this.paCreds1 = certificate.Handle;
         this.cCreds   = 1;
Пример #21
 public SchannelCred(int version1, X509Certificate certificate, Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols)
     paCreds1  = IntPtr.Zero;
     rootStore = phMappers = palgSupportedAlgs = IntPtr.Zero;
     cCreds    = cMappers = cSupportedAlgs = 0;
     dwMinimumCipherStrength = dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
     dwSessionLifespan       = reserved = 0;
     version = version1;
     dwFlags = flags;
     grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
     if (certificate != null)
         paCreds1 = certificate.Handle;
         cCreds   = 1;
 // SECURITY: X509Certificate.GetCertHash() is virtual hence before going here
 //           the caller of this ctor has to ensure that a user cert object was inspected and
 //           optionally cloned.
 internal  SslCredKey(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols)
     _CertThumbPrint = thumbPrint == null? s_EmptyArray: thumbPrint;
     _HashCode = 0;
     if (thumbPrint != null)
         _HashCode ^= _CertThumbPrint[0];
         if (1 < _CertThumbPrint.Length)
             _HashCode ^= (_CertThumbPrint[1] << 8);
         if (2 < _CertThumbPrint.Length)
             _HashCode ^= (_CertThumbPrint[2] << 16);
         if (3 < _CertThumbPrint.Length)
             _HashCode ^= (_CertThumbPrint[3] << 24);
     _AllowedProtocols = allowedProtocols;
     _HashCode ^= (int)_AllowedProtocols;
 internal static void CacheCredential(SafeFreeCredentials creds, byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     if (!creds.IsInvalid)
         object obj2 = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols, encryptionPolicy);
         SafeCredentialReference reference = s_CachedCreds[obj2] as SafeCredentialReference;
         if (((reference == null) || reference.IsClosed) || reference._Target.IsInvalid)
             lock (s_CachedCreds)
                 reference = s_CachedCreds[obj2] as SafeCredentialReference;
                 if ((reference == null) || reference.IsClosed)
                     reference = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds);
                     if (reference != null)
                         s_CachedCreds[obj2] = reference;
                         if ((s_CachedCreds.Count % 0x20) == 0)
                             DictionaryEntry[] array = new DictionaryEntry[s_CachedCreds.Count];
                             s_CachedCreds.CopyTo(array, 0);
                             for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                                 reference = array[i].Value as SafeCredentialReference;
                                 if (reference != null)
                                     creds = reference._Target;
                                     if ((!creds.IsClosed && !creds.IsInvalid) && ((reference = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds)) != null))
                                         s_CachedCreds[array[i].Key] = reference;
Пример #24
        public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate2 certificate,
                                SecureCredential.Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols)
            //Setting default values
            rootStore = phMappers = palgSupportedAlgs = certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
            cCreds    = cMappers = cSupportedAlgs = 0;
            dwMinimumCipherStrength = dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
            dwSessionLifespan       = reserved = 0;

            this.version          = version;
            dwFlags               = flags;
            grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
            if (certificate != null)
                certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
                cCreds           = 1;
 private TlsSspiNegotiation(string destination, bool isServer, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate2 serverCertificate, X509Certificate2 clientCertificate, bool clientCertRequired)
     this.syncObject = new object();
     SspiWrapper.GetVerifyPackageInfo("Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider");
     this.destination = destination;
     this.isServer = isServer;
     this.protocolFlags = protocolFlags;
     this.serverCertificate = serverCertificate;
     this.clientCertificate = clientCertificate;
     this.clientCertRequired = clientCertRequired;
     this.securityContext = null;
     if (isServer)
     if (this.isServer)
         catch (Win32Exception exception)
             if (exception.NativeErrorCode != -2146893043)
             if (System.ServiceModel.DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceInformation)
                 System.ServiceModel.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.TraceHandledException(exception, TraceEventType.Information);
 private TlsSspiNegotiation(string destination, bool isServer, SchProtocols protocolFlags, X509Certificate2 serverCertificate, X509Certificate2 clientCertificate, bool clientCertRequired)
     this.syncObject = new object();
     SspiWrapper.GetVerifyPackageInfo("Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider");
     this.destination        = destination;
     this.isServer           = isServer;
     this.protocolFlags      = protocolFlags;
     this.serverCertificate  = serverCertificate;
     this.clientCertificate  = clientCertificate;
     this.clientCertRequired = clientCertRequired;
     this.securityContext    = null;
     if (isServer)
     if (this.isServer)
         catch (Win32Exception exception)
             if (exception.NativeErrorCode != -2146893043)
             if (System.ServiceModel.DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceInformation)
                 System.ServiceModel.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.TraceHandledException(exception, TraceEventType.Information);
        // Returns null or previously cached cred handle
        // ATTN: The returned handle can be invalid, the callers of InitializeSecurityContext and AcceptSecurityContext
        // must be prepared to execute a backout code if the call fails.
        // Note:thumbPrint is a cryptographicaly strong hash of a certificate
        internal static SafeFreeCredentials TryCachedCredential(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
            if (s_CachedCreds.Count == 0)
                GlobalLog.Print("TryCachedCredential() Not Found, Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);

            object key = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols, encryptionPolicy);

            SafeCredentialReference cached = s_CachedCreds[key] as SafeCredentialReference;

            if (cached == null || cached.IsClosed || cached._Target.IsInvalid)
                GlobalLog.Print("TryCachedCredential() Not Found, Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);

            GlobalLog.Print("TryCachedCredential() Found a cached Handle = " + cached._Target.ToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// Server side ctor
 /// </summary>
 public TlsSspiNegotiation(
     SchProtocols protocolFlags,
     X509Certificate2 serverCertificate,
     bool clientCertRequired) :
     this(null, true, protocolFlags, serverCertificate, null, clientCertRequired)
 { }
 /// <summary>
 /// Client side ctor
 /// </summary>
 public TlsSspiNegotiation(
     string destination,
     SchProtocols protocolFlags,
     X509Certificate2 clientCertificate) :
     this(destination, false, protocolFlags, null, clientCertificate, false)
 { }
        // The app is calling this method after starting an SSL handshake.
        // ATTN: The thumbPrint must be from inspected and possbly cloned user Cert object or we get a security hole in SslCredKey ctor.
        internal static void CacheCredential(SafeFreeCredentials creds, byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
            GlobalLog.Assert(creds != null, "CacheCredential|creds == null");
            if (creds.IsInvalid)
                GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() Refused to cache an Invalid Handle = " + creds.ToString() + ", Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);

            object key = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols, encryptionPolicy);

            SafeCredentialReference cached = s_CachedCreds[key] as SafeCredentialReference;

            if (cached == null || cached.IsClosed || cached._Target.IsInvalid)
                lock (s_CachedCreds)
                    cached = s_CachedCreds[key] as SafeCredentialReference;

                    if (cached == null || cached.IsClosed)
                        cached = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds);

                        if (cached == null)
                            // Means the handle got closed in between, return it back and let caller deal with the issue.

                        s_CachedCreds[key] = cached;
                        GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() Caching New Handle = " + creds.ToString() + ", Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);

                        // A simplest way of preventing infinite cache grows.
                        // Security relief (DoS):
                        //     A number of active creds is never greater than a number of _outstanding_
                        //     security sessions, i.e. ssl connections.
                        //     So we will try to shrink cache to the number of active creds once in a while.
                        //    Just to make clear we won't shrink cache in the case when NO new handles are coming to it.
                        if ((s_CachedCreds.Count % c_CheckExpiredModulo) == 0)
                            DictionaryEntry[] toRemoveAttempt = new DictionaryEntry[s_CachedCreds.Count];
                            s_CachedCreds.CopyTo(toRemoveAttempt, 0);

                            for (int i = 0; i < toRemoveAttempt.Length; ++i)
                                cached = toRemoveAttempt[i].Value as SafeCredentialReference;

                                if (cached != null)
                                    creds = cached._Target;

                                    if (!creds.IsClosed && !creds.IsInvalid && (cached = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds)) != null)
                                        s_CachedCreds[toRemoveAttempt[i].Key] = cached;
                            GlobalLog.Print("Scavenged cache, New Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);
                        GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() (locked retry) Found already cached Handle = " + cached._Target.ToString());
                GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() Ignoring incoming handle = " + creds.ToString() + " since found already cached Handle = " + cached._Target.ToString());
Пример #31
        public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate certificate, SecureCredential.Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols, EncryptionPolicy policy) {
            // default values required for a struct
            rootStore = phMappers = palgSupportedAlgs = certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
            cCreds = cMappers = cSupportedAlgs = 0;

            if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.RequireEncryption) {
                // Prohibit null encryption cipher
                dwMinimumCipherStrength = 0;
                dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
            else if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.AllowNoEncryption) {
                // Allow null encryption cipher in addition to other ciphers
                dwMinimumCipherStrength = -1;
                dwMaximumCipherStrength =  0;
            else if (policy == EncryptionPolicy.NoEncryption) {
                // Suppress all encryption and require null encryption cipher only
                dwMinimumCipherStrength = -1;
                dwMaximumCipherStrength = -1;
            else {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "EncryptionPolicy"), "policy");
            dwSessionLifespan = reserved = 0;
            this.version = version;
            dwFlags = flags;
            grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
            if (certificate != null) {
                certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
                cCreds = 1;
Пример #32
        public SecureCredential(int version, X509Certificate2 certificate,
            SecureCredential.Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols)
            //Setting default values
            rootStore = phMappers = palgSupportedAlgs = certContextArray = IntPtr.Zero;
            cCreds = cMappers = cSupportedAlgs = 0;
            dwMinimumCipherStrength = dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0;
            dwSessionLifespan = reserved = 0;

            this.version = version;
            dwFlags = flags;
            grbitEnabledProtocols = protocols;
            if (certificate != null)
                certContextArray = certificate.Handle;
                cCreds = 1;
Пример #33
 public SchannelCred(X509Certificate certificate, SchProtocols protocols)
     : this(CurrentVersion, certificate, SchannelCred.Flags.Zero, protocols)
 internal static void CacheCredential(SafeFreeCredentials creds, byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
     if (!creds.IsInvalid)
         object obj2 = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols, encryptionPolicy);
         SafeCredentialReference reference = s_CachedCreds[obj2] as SafeCredentialReference;
         if (((reference == null) || reference.IsClosed) || reference._Target.IsInvalid)
             lock (s_CachedCreds)
                 reference = s_CachedCreds[obj2] as SafeCredentialReference;
                 if ((reference == null) || reference.IsClosed)
                     reference = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds);
                     if (reference != null)
                         s_CachedCreds[obj2] = reference;
                         if ((s_CachedCreds.Count % 0x20) == 0)
                             DictionaryEntry[] array = new DictionaryEntry[s_CachedCreds.Count];
                             s_CachedCreds.CopyTo(array, 0);
                             for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                                 reference = array[i].Value as SafeCredentialReference;
                                 if (reference != null)
                                     creds = reference._Target;
                                     if ((!creds.IsClosed && !creds.IsInvalid) && ((reference = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds)) != null))
                                         s_CachedCreds[array[i].Key] = reference;
Пример #35
		public SecureCredential (int version, X509Certificate2 certificate, SecureCredential.Flags flags, SchProtocols protocols, EncryptionPolicy policy)
			this.version = version;
			this.certificate = certificate;
			this.protocols = protocols;
			this.policy = policy;
          // The app is calling this method after starting an SSL handshake.
          // ATTN: The thumbPrint must be from inspected and possbly cloned user Cert object or we get a security hole in SslCredKey ctor.
          internal static void CacheCredential(SafeFreeCredentials creds, byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols)
              GlobalLog.Assert(creds != null, "CacheCredential|creds == null");
              if (creds.IsInvalid)
                  GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() Refused to cache an Invalid Handle = " + creds.ToString() + ", Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);

              object key = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols);

              SafeCredentialReference cached = s_CachedCreds[key] as SafeCredentialReference;

              if (cached == null || cached.IsClosed || cached._Target.IsInvalid)
                      cached = s_CachedCreds[key] as SafeCredentialReference;

                      if (cached == null || cached.IsClosed)
                          cached = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds);

                          if (cached == null)
                              // Means the handle got closed in between, return it back and let caller deal with the issue.

                          s_CachedCreds[key] = cached;
                          GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() Caching New Handle = " + creds.ToString() + ", Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);

                          // A simplest way of preventing infinite cache grows.
                          // Security relief (DoS):
                          //     A number of active creds is never greater than a number of _outstanding_
                          //     security sessions, i.e. ssl connections.
                          //     So we will try to shrink cache to the number of active creds once in a while.
                          //    Just to make clear we won't shrink cache in the case when NO new handles are coming to it.
                          if ((s_CachedCreds.Count%c_CheckExpiredModulo) == 0)
                              DictionaryEntry[] toRemoveAttempt = new DictionaryEntry[s_CachedCreds.Count];
                              s_CachedCreds.CopyTo(toRemoveAttempt, 0);

                              for(int i = 0; i < toRemoveAttempt.Length; ++i)
                                  cached = toRemoveAttempt[i].Value as SafeCredentialReference;

                                  if (cached != null)
                                      creds = cached._Target;

                                      if (!creds.IsClosed && !creds.IsInvalid && (cached = SafeCredentialReference.CreateReference(creds)) != null)
                                          s_CachedCreds[toRemoveAttempt[i].Key] = cached;
                              GlobalLog.Print("Scavenged cache, New Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);
                          GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() (locked retry) Found already cached Handle = " + cached._Target.ToString());
                  GlobalLog.Print("CacheCredential() Ignoring incoming handle = " + creds.ToString() + " since found already cached Handle = " + cached._Target.ToString());
          // Returns null or previously cached cred handle
          // ATTN: The returned handle can be invalid, the callers of InitializeSecurityContext and AcceptSecurityContext
          // must be prepared to execute a backout code if the call fails.
          // Note:thumbPrint is a cryptographicaly strong hash of a certificate
          internal static SafeFreeCredentials TryCachedCredential(byte[] thumbPrint, SchProtocols allowedProtocols)
              if (s_CachedCreds.Count == 0)
                  GlobalLog.Print("TryCachedCredential() Not Found, Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);
                  return null;

              object key = new SslCredKey(thumbPrint, allowedProtocols);

              SafeCredentialReference cached = s_CachedCreds[key] as SafeCredentialReference;

              if (cached == null || cached.IsClosed || cached._Target.IsInvalid)
                  GlobalLog.Print("TryCachedCredential() Not Found, Current Cache Count = " + s_CachedCreds.Count);
                  return null;

              GlobalLog.Print("TryCachedCredential() Found a cached Handle = " + cached._Target.ToString());

              return cached._Target;
Пример #38
 public SchannelCred(X509Certificate certificate, SchProtocols protocols)
     this = new SchannelCred(4, certificate, SchannelCred.Flags.Zero, protocols);