Пример #1
    //int ViewIndex = 0;

    protected void CameraSmoothFollow(bool smooth = true)
        float   CameraRadis = 0.0f;
        float   angleY      = 0;//此角度由目标与玩家间的距离的来计算,距离越近越大
        Vector3 newPos      = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 vecTarget   = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 wallHitPos  = Vector3.zero;//撞到墙壁的位置

        if (UnitTarget.LockTarget != null)
            LockTarget = UnitTarget.LockTarget.transform;
            CameraLookAt.position = ((Target.position + LockTarget.position) / 2 + new Vector3(0, 25, 0));
            CameraRadis           = Vector3.Distance(Target.position, LockTarget.position) / 2 + 60;
            float   dis        = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(Target.position.x, 0, Target.position.z), new Vector3(LockTarget.position.x, 0, LockTarget.position.z));
            Vector3 vecDiff    = Target.position - LockTarget.position;
            Vector3 vecForward = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(vecDiff.x, 0, vecDiff.z));

            //最远时,15度,最近时95度,其他值。10码 = 80度 140码 15度 约为 y = -0.5x + 85
            angleY = -0.5f * dis + 95;
            float yHeight = Mathf.Tan(LookAtAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * CameraRadis;
            newViewIndex[0]    = CameraLookAt.position + Quaternion.AngleAxis(-angleY, Vector3.up) * vecForward * CameraRadis;
            newViewIndex[0].y += yHeight;

            newViewIndex[1]    = CameraLookAt.position + Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleY, Vector3.up) * vecForward * CameraRadis;
            newViewIndex[1].y += yHeight;
            newViewIndex[2]    = CameraLookAt.position + Quaternion.AngleAxis(-angleY, Target.right) * vecForward * CameraRadis;//顶部最后考虑

            //vecTarget[0] = newViewIndex[ViewIndex];
            //vecTarget[1] = newViewIndex[(ViewIndex + 1) % 3];
            //vecTarget[2] = newViewIndex[(ViewIndex + 2) % 3];

            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    m_Targets[i].position = newViewIndex[i];
            dis = 1000.0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (Utility.CameraCanLookTarget(UnitTarget, newViewIndex[i], out wallHitPos))
                    float fdis = Vector3.Distance(newViewIndex[i], transform.position);
                    if (fdis < dis)
                        dis       = fdis;
                        vecTarget = newViewIndex[i];
                    float fdis    = Vector3.Distance(wallHitPos, transform.position);
                    float disWall = Vector3.Distance(wallHitPos, CameraLookAt.position);//墙壁与看向目标的距离一定要足够,否则视角堵着很难受.
                    if (fdis < dis && disWall > 40.0f)
                        dis       = fdis;
                        vecTarget = wallHitPos;

            if (vecTarget == Vector3.zero)
                if (Utility.CameraCanLookTarget(UnitTarget, newViewIndex[2], out wallHitPos))
                    vecTarget = newViewIndex[2];
                    vecTarget = wallHitPos;

            newPos = vecTarget;
            Vector3 velocity = currentVelocity;
            transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, newPos, ref velocity, SmoothDampTime);
            currentVelocity    = velocity;
            Quaternion to = Quaternion.LookRotation(CameraLookAt.position - transform.position, Vector3.up);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, to, SmoothDampTime);
            if (xRotate != 0.0f)
                lastAngle -= xRotate;//鼠标往上,是仰视,往下是俯视
                if (lastAngle >= angleMax)
                    lastAngle      = angleMax;
                    followDistance = Mathf.Abs((fRadis * Mathf.Cos(lastAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));
                    followHeight   = Mathf.Abs((fRadis * Mathf.Sin(lastAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));
                else if (lastAngle <= angleMin)
                    lastAngle      = angleMin;
                    followDistance = Mathf.Abs((fRadis * Mathf.Cos(lastAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));
                    followHeight   = -Mathf.Abs((fRadis * Mathf.Sin(lastAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));
                    followDistance = Mathf.Abs((fRadis * Mathf.Cos(lastAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));
                    followHeight   = lastAngle == 0.0f ? 0 : (lastAngle / Mathf.Abs(lastAngle)) * Mathf.Abs((fRadis * Mathf.Sin(lastAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));

            newPos.x = Target.transform.position.x;
            newPos.y = Target.position.y + BodyHeight + followHeight;
            newPos.z = Target.transform.position.z;
            newPos  += Main.Ins.LocalPlayer.transform.forward * followDistance;

            vecTarget.x = Target.position.x;
            vecTarget.y = Target.position.y + BodyHeight;
            vecTarget.z = Target.position.z;

            RaycastHit wallHit;
            bool       hitWall = false;
            if (Physics.Linecast(CameraLookAt.position, newPos, out wallHit, LayerManager.AllSceneMask))
                hitWall = true;
                SceneItemAgent item = wallHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <SceneItemAgent>();
                if (item != null)
                    if (occlusionItem != null)
                        if (item != occlusionItem)
                            occlusionItem = item;
                        occlusionItem = item;
                    float dis = Vector3.Distance(CameraLookAt.position, wallHit.point);
                    newPos = wallHit.point + Vector3.Normalize(CameraLookAt.position - wallHit.point) * 5;
                if (occlusionItem != null)
                    occlusionItem = null;

            if (!hitWall)
                newPos.x = Target.transform.position.x;
                newPos.z = Target.transform.position.z;
                float y = Mathf.SmoothDamp(CameraPosition.position.y, newPos.y, ref currentVelocityY, f_DampTime / 2);
                newPos.y = y;
                newPos  += Main.Ins.LocalPlayer.transform.forward * followDistance;
                float y = Mathf.SmoothDamp(CameraPosition.position.y, newPos.y, ref currentVelocityY, f_DampTime / 2);
                newPos.y = y;

            CameraPosition.position = newPos;

            vecTarget.x = Target.position.x;
            vecTarget.y = Mathf.SmoothDamp(CameraLookAt.position.y, Target.position.y + BodyHeight, ref currentVelocityY2, f_DampTime / 2);
            vecTarget.z = Target.position.z;

            CameraLookAt.position = vecTarget;

            if (animationPlay)
                if (animationTick >= SmoothDampTime)
                    animationTick = 0.0f;
                    animationPlay = false;
                    animationTick += FrameReplay.deltaTime;
                    Vector3 velocity = currentVelocity;
                    transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, newPos, ref velocity, SmoothDampTime, f_speedMax);
                    currentVelocity    = velocity;
                    Quaternion to = Quaternion.LookRotation(CameraLookAt.position - transform.position, Vector3.up);
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, to, SmoothDampTime);
                transform.position = CameraPosition.position;
                transform.LookAt(CameraLookAt.position, Vector3.up);