Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the gui element
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                // setup the form and centre it
                form = new Form(formConfig, canvas);

                // get and setup the for elements
                Button btnSaveGame = (Button)form.GetChildByName("btnSaveGame"); // NYI

                Button btnLoadGame = (Button)form.GetChildByName("btnLoadGame"); // NYI

                Button btnOptions = (Button)form.GetChildByName("btnOptions");
                btnOptions.MouseClick += (s, a) =>

                Button btnMainMenu = (Button)form.GetChildByName("btnMainMenu");
                btnMainMenu.MouseClick += (s, a) =>
                    // TODO add a confirmation dialogue

                Button btnReturnToGame = (Button)form.GetChildByName("btnReturnToGame");
                btnReturnToGame.MouseClick += (s, a) =>

                Label lblEmpire = (Label)form.GetChildByName("lblEmpireValue");
                lblEmpire.Text = client.DataManager.Empire.GetEmpire(client.Player.EmpireID).Name.ToRichText();

                Label lblWorldType = (Label)form.GetChildByName("lblWorldTypeValue");
                lblWorldType.Text = client.LobbyState.WorldType.GetName().ToRichText();

                Label lblWorldSize = (Label)form.GetChildByName("lblWorldSizeValue");
                lblWorldSize.Text = client.LobbyState.WorldSize.GetName().ToRichText();

                Label lblDifficulty = (Label)form.GetChildByName("lblDifficultyValue");
                lblDifficulty.Text = "NYI".ToRichText();

                Label lblGameSpeed = (Label)form.GetChildByName("lblGameSpeedValue");
                lblGameSpeed.Text = client.LobbyState.GameSpeed.ToString().ToRichText();

                Label lblPlayerCount = (Label)form.GetChildByName("lblPlayerCountValue");
                lblPlayerCount.Text = client.LobbyState.Players.Count.ToString().ToRichText();
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the gui element
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                sceneGame.HideForms();               // hide other forms
                canvas.RemoveChild(form);            // remove this form from the canvas
                form = new Form(formConfig, canvas); // re build the form from the config
                string gfx_res = ConfigManager.Instance.GetVar(Constants.CONFIG_GFX_RESOLUTION);
                int    res_w   = int.Parse(gfx_res.Split('x')[0]);
                form.Location = new Point(res_w - form.Size.Width, 100); // position the form

                // retrieve form components and set them up
                ScrollBox sbCities = (ScrollBox)form.GetChildByName("sbCityList");
                sbCities.Items            = cityListItems;
                sbCities.SelectedIndex    = -1;
                sbCities.SelectedChanged += SbCities_SelectedChanged;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the gui elements
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                // setup the form
                form = new Form(formConfig, canvas);
                string gfx_res = ConfigManager.Instance.GetVar(Constants.CONFIG_GFX_RESOLUTION);
                int    res_w   = int.Parse(gfx_res.Split('x')[0]);
                form.Location = new Point(res_w - form.Size.Width, 100); // position the form

                // get and setup the form elements
                ScrollBox sbUnitList = (ScrollBox)form.GetChildByName("sbUnitList");
                sbUnitList.SelectedIndex    = -1;
                sbUnitList.Items            = unitListItems;
                sbUnitList.SelectedChanged += SbUnitList_SelectedChanged;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the gui element
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                // setup the form
                form           = new Form(formConfig, canvas);
                form.Draggable = false;
                form.Drawn    += Form_Drawn;
                form.Location = new Point(form.Location.X, 35);

                // get and setup the form elements
                ScrollBox sbSocialPolicyTrees = (ScrollBox)form.GetChildByName("sbSocialPolicyTrees");
                sbSocialPolicyTrees.SelectedIndex    = selectedIndex;
                sbSocialPolicyTrees.Items            = GetPolicyTreeListItems();
                sbSocialPolicyTrees.SelectedChanged += SbPolicyTrees_SelectedChanged;
                PolicyTreeListItem selectedItem = (PolicyTreeListItem)sbSocialPolicyTrees.Selected;

                lines = new List <Line>();

                int offsetX    = sbSocialPolicyTrees.AbsoluteBounds.Width + 10;
                int offsetY    = 50;
                int itemWidth  = 200;
                int itemHeight = 70;
                int sepX       = 70;
                int sepY       = 50;

                // build a button for every node in the social policy tree
                foreach (SocialPolicy policy in client.Player.SocialPolicyInstance.GetAllSocialPoliciesInTree(selectedItem.SocialPolicyTree.ID))
                    Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(offsetX + policy.GridX * (itemWidth + sepX), offsetY + policy.GridY * (itemHeight + sepY), itemWidth, itemHeight);
                    Button    b    = new Button(dest, form);
                    string    text = policy.Name;
                    // format the button text
                    b.Text = text.ToRichText();
                    // pick an appropriate sprite
                    bool unlockable = true;
                    foreach (string prereqID in policy.Prerequisites)
                        SocialPolicy prereq = client.Player.SocialPolicyInstance.GetSocialPolicy(prereqID);
                        if (prereq != null && !prereq.Unlocked)
                            unlockable = false;
                    if (policy.Unlocked)
                        b.Sprite = policyUnlockedSprite;
                    else if (unlockable)
                        b.Sprite = policyAdoptable;
                        b.Sprite = policyLockedSprite;

                    string policyID = policy.ID; // cache id because of closure
                    b.MouseClick += (s, a) =>
                        // only tell the server to select a new tech if all the prereqs are unlocked
                        SocialPolicy clicked = client.DataManager.SocialPolicy.GetSocialPolicy(policyID);
                        foreach (string prereqID in clicked.Prerequisites)
                            SocialPolicy prereq = client.Player.SocialPolicyInstance.GetSocialPolicy(prereqID);
                            if (prereq != null && !prereq.Unlocked)

                        client.CommandPlayer(new PlayerCommand(PlayerCommandID.UnlockPolicy, policyID));
                    // add a tool tip with more info about the policy
                    b.ToolTip = new ToolTip(policy.Description.ToRichText(), 500);
                    b.ToolTip.FollowCurosr = true;

                    // add a line from the current policy to all its prereqs
                    foreach (string prereqID in policy.Prerequisites)
                        SocialPolicy prereq = client.DataManager.SocialPolicy.GetSocialPolicy(prereqID);
                        if (prereq == null)
                        Rectangle prereqRect = new Rectangle(offsetX + prereq.GridX * (itemWidth + sepX), offsetY + prereq.GridY * (itemHeight + sepY), itemWidth, itemHeight);
                        lines.Add(new Line(new Vector2(form.AbsoluteLocation.X + dest.X, dest.Y + itemHeight / 2 + offsetY), new Vector2(form.AbsoluteLocation.X + prereqRect.X + itemWidth, prereqRect.Y + itemHeight / 2 + offsetY)));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the gui element
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                // hide other forms
                sceneGame.HideForms(true, false);

                // don't show try showing the form if no unit is selected
                if (client.SelectedUnit == null)

                // programatically build the form
                int height = 250;
                int width  = 400;
                form                    = new Form(new Rectangle(0, canvas.Bounds.Height - height, width, height), canvas);
                form.Draggable          = false;
                form.CloseButtonEnabled = true;
                // format the form text
                form.Text = $"Unit - {client.DataManager.Empire.GetEmpire(client.Player.EmpireID).Adjective} {client.SelectedUnit.Name}".ToRichText();
                form.CloseButton.MouseClick += (s, a) =>
                    // when the form is closed, deselect the selected unit
                    client.SelectedUnit = null;

                // construct the command buttons based on the selected unit's abilities
                int xOffset    = 0;
                int yOffset    = 40;
                int btnWidth   = 50;
                int btnHeight  = 50;
                int maxPerLine = 5;
                int index      = 0;
                commandIds = client.SelectedUnit.Commands;
                if (commandIds == null) // if the unit has no commands, don't try build any buttons
                for (int i = 0; i < commandIds.Count; i++)
                    // move the buttons to the next line if appropriate
                    if (i != 0 && i % maxPerLine == 0)
                        index   = 0;
                        yOffset = 40 + btnHeight;
                    // build button
                    Button btnCmd = new Button(new Rectangle((xOffset + btnWidth) * index, yOffset, btnWidth, btnHeight), form);
                    btnCmd.Text    = UnitCommand.GetCommandIcon(commandIds[i]);
                    btnCmd.ToolTip = new ToolTip(UnitCommand.FormatName((commandIds[i]).ToString()).ToRichText(), 200);
                    int locali = i; // closure means we can't just use i
                    btnCmd.MouseClick += (s, a) =>
                        // execute the unit command
                        UnitCommandID cmdID = commandIds[locali];
                        ConsoleManager.Instance.WriteLine($"Select a new command, {cmdID}");
                        // if the command is instant, cast is instantly
                        if (UnitCommand.GetTargetType(cmdID) == UnitCommandTargetType.Instant)
                            // command the unit
                            if (client.SelectedUnit != null)
                                client.CommandUnit(new UnitCommand(cmdID, client.SelectedUnit, null));
                            if (cmdID == UnitCommandID.UNITCMD_DISBAND || cmdID == UnitCommandID.UNITCMD_SETTLE)
                                // disbanding and settling cause the unit to be removed, to close the form and deselect the unit
                                client.SelectedUnit = null;
                        // otherwise select it
                            client.SelectedCommand = cmdID;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// opens the gui element
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                sceneGame.HideForms(false);      // hide other forms

                if (client.SelectedCity == null) // dont't continue if there is no selected city

                int yOffset    = 40;
                int itemHeight = 50;

                // setup the production list/selection form
                frmProduction          = new Form(frmProductionConfig, canvas);
                frmProduction.Location = new Point(0, 1080 - frmProduction.Size.Height);

                // setup the stats form
                frmStats          = new Form(frmStatsConfig, canvas);
                frmStats.Location = new Point(frmProduction.Size.Width, yOffset);

                // setup the citizen focus form
                frmFocus          = new Form(frmFocusConfig, canvas);
                frmFocus.Location = new Point(1920 - frmFocus.Size.Width, yOffset);

                // setup the form in the bottom middle of the screen that allows the user to leave the city screen
                frmReturnBuy = new Form(frmReturnBuyConfig, canvas);
                frmReturnBuy.Location = new Point(frmReturnBuy.Location.X, 1080 - 100 - frmReturnBuy.Size.Height);

                // get and format the stats form elements
                Label lblPopulationValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblPopulationValue");
                lblPopulationValue.Text = $"{client.SelectedCity.Population}".ToRichText();
                Label lblPopGrowthValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblPopGrowthValue");
                int   turnsUntilGrowth  = client.SelectedCity.TurnsUntilPopulationGrowth;
                if (turnsUntilGrowth == -1)
                    lblPopGrowthValue.Text = $"Inf".ToRichText();
                else if (turnsUntilGrowth == -2)
                    lblPopGrowthValue.Text = $"~".ToRichText();
                    lblPopGrowthValue.Text = $"{turnsUntilGrowth}".ToRichText();
                Label lblFoodValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblFoodValue");
                lblFoodValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeFood}".ToRichText();
                Label lblProductionValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblProductionValue");
                lblProductionValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeProduction}".ToRichText();
                Label lblGoldValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblGoldValue");
                lblGoldValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeGold}".ToRichText();
                Label lblScienceValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblScienceValue");
                lblScienceValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeScience}".ToRichText();
                Label lblFaithValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblFaithValue");
                lblFaithValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeFaith}".ToRichText();
                Label lblTourismValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblTourismValue");
                lblTourismValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeTourism}".ToRichText();
                Label lblCultureValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblCultureValue");
                lblCultureValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeCulture}".ToRichText();
                Label lblBorderGrowthValue = (Label)frmStats.GetChildByName("lblBorderGrowthValue");
                lblBorderGrowthValue.Text = $"+{client.SelectedCity.IncomeCulture}".ToRichText();
                int turnsUntilBorderGrowth = client.SelectedCity.TurnsUntilBorderGrowth;
                if (turnsUntilBorderGrowth == -1)
                    lblBorderGrowthValue.Text = $"Inf".ToRichText();
                else if (turnsUntilBorderGrowth == -2)
                    lblBorderGrowthValue.Text = $"~".ToRichText();
                    lblBorderGrowthValue.Text = $"{turnsUntilBorderGrowth}".ToRichText();
                TextBox tbName = (TextBox)frmStats.GetChildByName("tbName");
                tbName.Text          = client.SelectedCity.Name;
                tbName.EnterPressed += TbName_EnterPressed;

                // get and setup the production form elements
                sbProductionQueue                  = (ScrollBox)frmProduction.GetChildByName("sbProductionQueue");
                sbProductionQueue.ItemHeight       = itemHeight;
                sbProductionQueue.Items            = GetProductionQueueListItems();
                sbProductionQueue.SelectedIndex    = sbProductionQueueSelected;
                sbProductionQueue.SelectedChanged += (s, a) => sbProductionQueueSelected = sbProductionQueue.SelectedIndex;
                sbProductionList                  = (ScrollBox)frmProduction.GetChildByName("sbProductionList");
                sbProductionList.ItemHeight       = itemHeight;
                sbProductionList.Items            = GetProductionListListItems();
                sbProductionList.SelectedIndex    = sbProductionListSelected;
                sbProductionList.SelectedChanged += (s, a) => sbProductionListSelected = sbProductionList.SelectedIndex;
                Button btnCancelProduction = (Button)frmProduction.GetChildByName("btnCancelProduction");
                btnCancelProduction.MouseClick += BtnCancelProduction_MouseClick;
                Button btnMoveUp = (Button)frmProduction.GetChildByName("btnMoveUp");
                btnMoveUp.MouseClick += BtnMoveUp_MouseClick;
                Button btnMoveDown = (Button)frmProduction.GetChildByName("btnMoveDown");
                btnMoveDown.MouseClick += BtnMoveDown_MouseClick;
                Button btnChangeProduction = (Button)frmProduction.GetChildByName("btnChangeProduction");
                btnChangeProduction.MouseClick += BtnChangeProduction_MouseClick;
                Button btnQueueProduction = (Button)frmProduction.GetChildByName("btnQueueProduction");
                btnQueueProduction.MouseClick += BtnQueueProduction_MouseClick;
                Button btnPurchase = (Button)frmProduction.GetChildByName("btnPurchase");
                btnPurchase.MouseClick += BtnPurchase_MouseClick;

                // get and setup the citizen focus form elements
                sbCitizenFocus                  = (ScrollBox)frmFocus.GetChildByName("sbCitizenFocus");
                sbCitizenFocus.Items            = GetCitizenFocusListItems();
                sbCitizenFocus.SelectedIndex    = (int)client.SelectedCity.CitizenFocus;
                sbCitizenFocus.SelectedChanged += SbCitizenFocus_SelectedChanged;
                sbBuildingList                  = (ScrollBox)frmFocus.GetChildByName("sbBuildingList");
                sbBuildingList.ItemHeight       = itemHeight;
                sbBuildingList.Items            = GetBuildingList();
                sbBuildingList.SelectedIndex    = 0;
                Button btnDemolish = (Button)frmFocus.GetChildByName("btnDemolish");
                btnDemolish.MouseClick += BtnDemolish_MouseClick;

                // get and setup the return/buy tiles form elements
                Button btnBuyTile = (Button)frmReturnBuy.GetChildByName("btnBuyTile");
                btnBuyTile.MouseClick += (s, a) => buyingTiles = true;
                Button btnReturnToMap = (Button)frmReturnBuy.GetChildByName("btnReturnToMap");
                btnReturnToMap.MouseClick += (s, a) => Hide();
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the gui element
        /// </summary>
        public void Show()
            lock (SceneGame._lock_guiDrawCall)
                // programatically build the form
                form = new Form(new Rectangle(0, 40, 1920, 650), canvas);
                form.DrawTitlebar = false;
                form.Draggable    = false;
                form.MouseWheel  += Form_MouseWheel;
                form.Drawn       += Form_Drawn;

                lines = new List <Line>();

                int offsetX    = 10;
                int offsetY    = 50;
                int itemWidth  = 250;
                int itemHeight = 50;
                int sepX       = 30;
                int sepY       = 10;

                // build a button for every node in the tech tree
                foreach (Technology tech in client.Player.TechTreeInstance.GetAllTechnologies())
                    Rectangle dest      = new Rectangle(offsetX + tech.GridX * (itemWidth + sepX) + scrollIndex * (itemWidth + tech.GridX + sepX), offsetY + tech.GridY * (itemHeight + sepY), itemWidth, itemHeight);
                    Button    b         = new Button(dest, form);
                    int       turnsLeft = GetTurnsUntilTech(tech);
                    string    text      = tech.Name;
                    if (!tech.Unlocked)
                        // -2 indicates the tech will take a very long time to research
                        if (turnsLeft == -2)
                            text = $"{tech.Name} - ~ turns";
                        else if (turnsLeft != -1)
                            text = $"{tech.Name} - {turnsLeft} turns";
                    // format the button text
                    b.Text = text.ToRichText();
                    // pick an appropriate sprite
                    bool prereqsUnlocked = true;
                    foreach (string prereqID in tech.Prerequisites)
                        Technology prereq = client.Player.TechTreeInstance.GetTech(prereqID);
                        if (prereq != null && !prereq.Unlocked)
                            prereqsUnlocked = false;
                    if (tech.Unlocked)
                        b.Sprite = techUnlockedSprite;
                    else if (client.Player.SelectedTechNodeID == tech.ID)
                        b.Sprite = techSelectedSprite;
                    else if (prereqsUnlocked)
                        b.Sprite = techSelectable;
                        b.Sprite = techLockedSprite;

                    string techID = tech.ID; // cache id because of closure
                    b.MouseClick += (s, a) =>
                        // only tell the server to select a new tech if all the prereqs are unlocked
                        Technology clicked = client.Player.TechTreeInstance.GetTech(techID);
                        foreach (string prereqID in clicked.Prerequisites)
                            Technology prereq = client.Player.TechTreeInstance.GetTech(prereqID);
                            if (prereq != null && !prereq.Unlocked)

                        client.CommandPlayer(new PlayerCommand(PlayerCommandID.SelectTech, techID));
                    // register events
                    b.MouseWheel += Form_MouseWheel;
                    // add a tool tip with more info about the tech
                    b.ToolTip = new ToolTip(tech.Description.ToRichText(), 500);
                    b.ToolTip.FollowCurosr = true;

                    // add a line from the current tech to all its prereqs
                    foreach (string prereqID in tech.Prerequisites)
                        Technology prereq = client.Player.TechTreeInstance.GetTech(prereqID);
                        if (prereq == null)
                        Rectangle prereqRect = new Rectangle(offsetX + prereq.GridX * (itemWidth + sepX) + scrollIndex * (itemWidth + prereq.GridX), offsetY + prereq.GridY * (itemHeight + sepY), itemWidth, itemHeight);
                        lines.Add(new Line(new Vector2(dest.X, dest.Y + itemHeight / 2 + offsetY), new Vector2(prereqRect.X + itemWidth + sepX * scrollIndex, prereqRect.Y + itemHeight / 2 + offsetY)));