Пример #1
        public TerrainModule(int seed)
            _seed = seed;

            RidgedMultifractal mountains = new RidgedMultifractal();

            mountains.Seed      = seed;
            mountains.Frequency = 0.5;

            Billow hills = new Billow();

            hills.Seed      = seed;
            hills.Frequency = 2;

            ScaleBiasOutput scaleHill = new ScaleBiasOutput(hills);

            scaleHill.Scale = 0.04;
            scaleHill.Bias  = 0;

            ScaleBiasOutput scaleMountain = new ScaleBiasOutput(mountains);

            scaleMountain.Scale = 1.5;

            Perlin selectorControl = new Perlin();

            selectorControl.Seed        = seed;
            selectorControl.Frequency   = 0.10;
            selectorControl.Persistence = 0.25;

            Select selector = new Select(selectorControl, scaleMountain, scaleHill);

            selector.SetBounds(0, 1000);
            selector.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;
            _module = selector;
Пример #2
        //biased for realistic scale planets of thousands of units radius
        public static IModule FastPlanet(float planetRadius)
            int       seed = RandomHelper.GetRandomInt(1000);
            FastNoise fastPlanetContinents = new FastNoise(seed);

            fastPlanetContinents.Frequency = 0.0001f;

            FastBillow fastPlanetLowlands = new FastBillow();

            fastPlanetLowlands.Frequency = 0.01;
            LibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleBiasOutput fastPlanetLowlandsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetLowlands);
            fastPlanetLowlandsScaled.Scale = 1;
            fastPlanetLowlandsScaled.Bias  = 2;

            FastRidgedMultifractal fastPlanetMountainsBase = new FastRidgedMultifractal(seed);

            fastPlanetMountainsBase.Frequency = 0.008;

            //mountains scaled to 1000th the radius, and biased that amount upwards.
            ScaleBiasOutput fastPlanetMountainsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetMountainsBase);

            fastPlanetMountainsScaled.Scale = planetRadius / 400;
            fastPlanetMountainsScaled.Bias  = planetRadius / 200;

            FastTurbulence fastPlanetMountains = new FastTurbulence(fastPlanetMountainsScaled);

            fastPlanetMountains.Power     = 1;
            fastPlanetMountains.Frequency = 0.05;

            FastNoise fastPlanetLandFilter = new FastNoise(seed + 1);

            fastPlanetLandFilter.Frequency = 0.0005;

            Select fastPlanetLand = new Select(fastPlanetLandFilter, fastPlanetLowlandsScaled, fastPlanetMountains);

            fastPlanetLand.SetBounds(0, planetRadius);
            fastPlanetLand.EdgeFalloff = 0.1f;

            FastBillow fastPlanetOceanBase = new FastBillow(seed);

            fastPlanetOceanBase.Frequency = 0.01f;
            ScaleBiasOutput biasOceanOutput = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetOceanBase);

            biasOceanOutput.Bias  = -2f;
            biasOceanOutput.Scale = 1f;

            Select fastPlanetFinal = new Select(fastPlanetContinents, biasOceanOutput, fastPlanetLand);

            fastPlanetFinal.SetBounds(0, planetRadius);
            fastPlanetFinal.EdgeFalloff = 0.01;

Пример #3
        public static IModule ParameterisedFastPlanet(float planetRadius, Dictionary <string, PlanetParameters> parameters, int seed = 1000)
            FastNoise fastPlanetContinents = new FastNoise(seed);

            fastPlanetContinents.Frequency = parameters["continentFrequency"].Value;

            FastBillow fastPlanetLowlands = new FastBillow();

            fastPlanetLowlands.Frequency = parameters["lowlandFrequency"].Value;
            LibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleBiasOutput fastPlanetLowlandsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetLowlands);
            fastPlanetLowlandsScaled.Scale = parameters["lowlandScale"].Value;
            fastPlanetLowlandsScaled.Bias  = parameters["lowlandBias"].Value;

            FastRidgedMultifractal fastPlanetMountainsBase = new FastRidgedMultifractal(seed);

            fastPlanetMountainsBase.Frequency = parameters["mountainBaseFrequency"].Value;

            //mountains scaled to 1000th the radius, and biased that amount upwards.
            ScaleBiasOutput fastPlanetMountainsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetMountainsBase);

            fastPlanetMountainsScaled.Scale = parameters["mountainScale"].Value;
            fastPlanetMountainsScaled.Bias  = parameters["mountainBias"].Value;

            FastTurbulence fastPlanetMountains = new FastTurbulence(fastPlanetMountainsScaled);

            fastPlanetMountains.Power     = parameters["mountainTurbulencePower"].Value;
            fastPlanetMountains.Frequency = parameters["mountainTurbulenceFrequency"].Value;

            FastNoise fastPlanetLandFilter = new FastNoise(seed + 1);

            fastPlanetLandFilter.Frequency = parameters["planetlandFilterFrequency"].Value;

            Select fastPlanetLand = new Select(fastPlanetLandFilter, fastPlanetLowlandsScaled, fastPlanetMountains);

            fastPlanetLand.SetBounds(0, planetRadius);
            fastPlanetLand.EdgeFalloff = parameters["landEdgeFallOff"].Value;

            FastBillow fastPlanetOceanBase = new FastBillow(seed);

            fastPlanetOceanBase.Frequency = parameters["oceanFrequency"].Value;
            ScaleBiasOutput biasOceanOutput = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetOceanBase);

            biasOceanOutput.Bias  = parameters["oceanBias"].Value;
            biasOceanOutput.Scale = parameters["oceanScale"].Value;

            Select fastPlanetFinal = new Select(fastPlanetContinents, biasOceanOutput, fastPlanetLand);

            fastPlanetFinal.SetBounds(0, planetRadius);
            fastPlanetFinal.EdgeFalloff = parameters["finalEdgeFallOff"].Value;

Пример #4
        public void Init()
            int Seed = m.GetSeed();

            BiomeBase.Frequency      = (0.2);
            BiomeBase.Seed           = (Seed - 1);
            BiomeSelect              = new ScaleBiasOutput(BiomeBase);
            BiomeSelect.Scale        = (2.5);
            BiomeSelect.Bias         = (2.5);
            mountainTerrainBase.Seed = (Seed + 1);
            mountainTerrain          = new ScaleBiasOutput(mountainTerrainBase);
            mountainTerrain.Scale    = (0.5);
            mountainTerrain.Bias     = (0.5);
            jaggieEdges              = new Select(jaggieControl, terrainType, plain);
            plain.Value              = (0.5);
            jaggieEdges.SetBounds(0.5, 1.0);
            jaggieEdges.EdgeFalloff   = (0.11);
            jaggieControl.Seed        = (Seed + 20);
            baseFlatTerrain.Seed      = (Seed);
            baseFlatTerrain.Frequency = (0.2);
            flatTerrain              = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseFlatTerrain);
            flatTerrain.Scale        = (0.125);
            flatTerrain.Bias         = (0.07);
            baseWater.Seed           = (Seed - 1);
            water                    = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseWater);
            water.Scale              = (0.3);
            water.Bias               = (-0.5);
            terrainType.Seed         = (Seed + 2);
            terrainType.Frequency    = (0.5);
            terrainType.Persistence  = (0.25);
            terrainType2.Seed        = (Seed + 7);
            terrainType2.Frequency   = (0.5);
            terrainType2.Persistence = (0.25);
            waterTerrain             = new Select(terrainType2, water, flatTerrain);
            waterTerrain.EdgeFalloff = (0.1);
            waterTerrain.SetBounds(-0.5, 1.0);
            secondTerrain             = new Select(terrainType, mountainTerrain, waterTerrain);
            secondTerrain.EdgeFalloff = (0.3);
            secondTerrain.SetBounds(-0.5, 1.0);
            finalTerrain             = new Select(jaggieEdges, secondTerrain, waterTerrain);
            finalTerrain.EdgeFalloff = (0.2);
            finalTerrain.SetBounds(-0.3, 1.0);
            flowers.Seed      = (Seed + 10);
            flowers.Frequency = (3);

            // Set up us the Perlin-noise module.
            caveNoise.Seed        = (Seed + 22);
            caveNoise.Frequency   = (1.0 / cavessize);
            caveNoise.OctaveCount = (4);
Пример #5
        public void Init(int seed, int width, int height)
            if (LandBitmap != null && width != LandBitmap.Width)
                LandBitmap.ResizeImage(width, height, false);

            if (MountainBitmap != null && width != MountainBitmap.Width)
                MountainBitmap.ResizeImage(width, height, false);
            float delta = width / 3072.0f;

            delta   *= ZoomMultiplier;
            DivNoise = delta;

            //   Rand.SetSeed(seed);
            baseWaterTerrain.Frequency = 2.0;
            baseLandTerrain.Frequency  = (2.0);
            ScaleBiasOutput flatTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseLandTerrain);

            flatTerrain.Scale = 0.005;
            flatTerrain.Bias  = seaLevel;//SeaLevel;
            MinLandFreq       = 0.2f;
            MaxLandFreq       = 1f;
            if (LandBitmap != null)
                MinLandFreq = 0.7f;

            ScaleBiasOutput hillTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseLandTerrain);

            hillTerrain.Scale = 0.09;
            hillTerrain.Bias  = seaLevel + 0.2;//SeaLevel;

            ScaleBiasOutput waterTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseWaterTerrain);

            waterTerrain.Bias  = -0.33f;//SeaLevel;
            waterTerrain.Scale = 0.001;

            Perlin waterLandType = new Perlin();
            float  landFreq      = Rand.Next((int)(MinLandFreq * 10000), (int)(MaxLandFreq * 10000)) / 10000.0f;

            waterLandType.Persistence = 0.45;
            waterLandType.Frequency   = landFreq;
            //waterLandType.OctaveCount = 12;
            waterLandType.Seed = Rand.Next(1000000);

            Select waterLandSelector = new Select(waterLandType, waterTerrain, flatTerrain);

            if (LandBitmap != null)
                waterLandSelector = new BitmapSelect(waterLandType, waterTerrain, flatTerrain, DivNoise, LandBitmap);
            waterLandSelector.EdgeFalloff = (0.145);
            waterLandSelector.SetBounds(-0.0, 1000);;

            Select landHillSelector = new Select(waterLandType, waterLandSelector, hillTerrain);

            if (LandBitmap != null)
                landHillSelector = new BitmapSelect(waterLandType, waterLandSelector, hillTerrain, DivNoise, LandBitmap);
            landHillSelector.EdgeFalloff = (0.45);
            landHillSelector.SetBounds(0.25f, 1000);;

            terrainType.Persistence = 0.3;
            terrainType.Frequency   = 0.3;
            terrainType.Seed        = Rand.Next(10000000);

            var clamp = new ClampOutput(terrainType);

            clamp.SetBounds(0, 1);
            //            mountainTerrain.Frequency /= 1.5f;
            mountainTerrain.Lacunarity = 35;
            mountainTerrain.Frequency  = 3.2;
            mountainTerrain.Seed       = Rand.Next(10000000);
            MultiplyPositive mul = new MultiplyPositive(waterLandType, waterLandType);

            ScaleOutput scaled = new ScaleOutput(mul, 0.00001);

            Add add = new Add(new BiasOutput(mountainTerrain, 0.8 + seaLevel), landHillSelector);

            MultiplyPositive mul2 = new MultiplyPositive(add, add);
            MultiplyPositive mul3 = new MultiplyPositive(clamp, mul);

            Select terrainSelector = new Select(mul3, landHillSelector, add);

            if (MountainBitmap != null)
                terrainSelector = new BitmapSelect(mul3, landHillSelector, add, DivNoise, MountainBitmap);
            terrainSelector.EdgeFalloff = (7.925);
            terrainSelector.SetBounds(0.3, 1000);

            Turbulence finalTerrain = new Turbulence(terrainSelector);

            finalTerrain.Frequency = 4;
            finalTerrain.Power     = 0.075;
            Width  = width;
            Height = height;
            //   ResultBitmap2 = new NoiseTexture(width, height, clamp);
            //   System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Left: " + ResultBitmap2.minRange + " - " + ResultBitmap2.maxRange);

            //   ResultBitmap2 = new NoiseTexture(width, height, finalTerrain, DivNoise, 1.25f, -0.66f);
            //    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Left: " + ResultBitmap2.minRange + " - " + ResultBitmap2.maxRange);
            ResultBitmap = new NoiseTexture(width, height, finalTerrain, DivNoise, 1.25f, -0.66f);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Right: " + ResultBitmap.minRange + " - " + ResultBitmap.maxRange);
Пример #6
        public void InitO(int seed, int width, int height)
            float delta = width / 3072.0f;

            delta   *= ZoomMultiplier;
            DivNoise = delta;

            //   Rand.SetSeed(seed);
            baseWaterTerrain.Frequency = 2.0;
            baseLandTerrain.Frequency  = (2.0);
            ScaleBiasOutput flatTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseLandTerrain);

            flatTerrain.Scale = 0.005;
            flatTerrain.Bias  = seaLevel;//SeaLevel;

            ScaleBiasOutput hillTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseLandTerrain);

            hillTerrain.Scale = 0.065;
            hillTerrain.Bias  = seaLevel + 0.2;//SeaLevel;

            ScaleBiasOutput waterTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseWaterTerrain);

            waterTerrain.Bias  = -0.73f;//SeaLevel;
            waterTerrain.Scale = 0.05;

            Perlin waterLandType = new Perlin();

            waterLandType.Persistence = 0.45;
            waterLandType.Frequency   = 0.5;
            //waterLandType.OctaveCount = 12;
            waterLandType.Seed = Rand.Next(1000000);
            Select waterLandSelector = new Select(waterLandType, waterTerrain, flatTerrain);

            waterLandSelector.EdgeFalloff = (0.045);
            waterLandSelector.SetBounds(-0.0, 1000);;

            Select landHillSelector = new Select(waterLandType, waterLandSelector, hillTerrain);

            landHillSelector.EdgeFalloff = (0.15);
            landHillSelector.SetBounds(0.4, 1000);;

            terrainType.Persistence = 0.3;
            terrainType.Frequency   = 0.3;
            terrainType.Seed        = Rand.Next(10000000);

            var clamp = new ClampOutput(terrainType);

            clamp.SetBounds(0, 1);
            //            mountainTerrain.Frequency /= 1.5f;
            mountainTerrain.Lacunarity = 30;
            mountainTerrain.Frequency  = 1.3;
            MultiplyPositive mul = new MultiplyPositive(waterLandType, waterLandType);

            ScaleOutput scaled = new ScaleOutput(mul, 0.00001);

            Add add = new Add(new BiasOutput(mountainTerrain, 1 + seaLevel), landHillSelector);

            MultiplyPositive mul2 = new MultiplyPositive(mul, mul);
            MultiplyPositive mul3 = new MultiplyPositive(clamp, mul);

            Select terrainSelector = new Select(mul3, landHillSelector, add);

            terrainSelector.EdgeFalloff = (0.425);

            terrainSelector.SetBounds(0.3, 1000);

            Turbulence finalTerrain = new Turbulence(terrainSelector);

            finalTerrain.Frequency = 4;
            finalTerrain.Power     = 0.075;
            Width  = width;
            Height = height;
            //   ResultBitmap2 = new NoiseTexture(width, height, clamp);
            //   System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Left: " + ResultBitmap2.minRange + " - " + ResultBitmap2.maxRange);

            ResultBitmap = new NoiseTexture(width, height, finalTerrain, DivNoise, 1.25f, -0.66f);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Range: " + ResultBitmap.minRange + " - " + ResultBitmap.maxRange);
Пример #7
        void InitializeNoise(int Seed)
            //Ocean Noise Generator
            oceanNoise.Seed          = Seed;
            oceanScaled              = new ScaleInput(oceanNoise, 8, 8, 8);
            oceanScaled.SourceModule = oceanNoise;
            oceanOutput              = new ScaleBiasOutput(oceanScaled);
            oceanOutput.Scale        = 0.25;
            oceanOutput.Bias         = 0.5;

            //Mountain Noise Generator
            mountainsNoise.Seed          = Seed;
            mountainsScaled              = new ScaleInput(mountainsNoise, 4, 4, 4);
            mountainsScaled.SourceModule = mountainsNoise;
            mountainsOutput              = new ScaleBiasOutput(mountainsScaled);
            mountainsOutput.Scale        = 1;
            mountainsOutput.Bias         = 2.2;

            //Hills Noise Generator
            hillsNoise.Seed          = Seed + 5;
            hillsNoise.Persistence   = 0.25;
            hillsScaled              = new ScaleInput(hillsNoise, 16, 16, 16);
            hillsScaled.SourceModule = hillsNoise;
            hillsOutput              = new ScaleBiasOutput(hillsScaled);
            hillsOutput.Scale        = 0.25;
            hillsOutput.Bias         = 1.25;

            //Plains Noise Generator
            plainsNoise.Persistence   = 0.5;
            plainsNoise.Seed          = Seed;
            plainsScaled              = new ScaleInput(plainsNoise, 2, 2, 2);
            plainsScaled.SourceModule = plainsNoise;
            plainsOutput              = new ScaleBiasOutput(plainsScaled);
            plainsOutput.Scale        = 0.17;
            plainsOutput.Bias         = 1.2;

            //Desert Noise Generator
            desertNoise.Persistence = 0.5;
            desertNoise.Seed        = Seed + 10;
            desertOutput            = new ScaleBiasOutput(desertNoise);
            desertOutput.Scale      = 0.3;
            desertOutput.Bias       = 1.3;

            //Canyon Noise Generator
            canyonNoise.Seed   = Seed + 20;
            canyonScaled       = new ScaleBiasOutput(canyonNoise);
            canyonScaled.Scale = 0.4;
            canyonScaled.Bias  = 1.75;

            //Island Noise Generator
            islandNoise.Persistence   = 0.5;
            islandNoise.Seed          = Seed - 10;
            islandScaled              = new ScaleInput(islandNoise, 8, 8, 8);
            islandScaled.SourceModule = islandNoise;
            islandOutput              = new ScaleBiasOutput(islandScaled);
            islandOutput.Scale        = 0.2;
            islandOutput.Bias         = 1.1;

            vegetationNoise.Seed = Seed;

            //Overhangs generator
            overhangs.Seed        = Seed;
            overhangs.OctaveCount = 1;
            overhangs.Persistence = 0.3;
Пример #8
        void InitializeBiomes(int seed)
            // New biome system
            noise_height.Seed = seed;
            noise_hum.Seed    = seed * 7;

            noise_humidity       = new ScaleBiasOutput(noise_hum);
            noise_humidity.Scale = 10;
            noise_humidity.Bias  = 10;

            sel_bio_high0_hum0_1 = new Select(noise_humidity, id_island, id_island);
            sel_bio_high0_hum0_1.SetBounds(2, 6);
            sel_bio_high0_hum01_2 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high0_hum0_1, id_island);
            sel_bio_high0_hum01_2.SetBounds(6, 13);
            sel_bio_high0_hum012_3 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high0_hum01_2, id_island);
            sel_bio_high0_hum012_3.SetBounds(13, 18);
            sel_bio_high0_hum0123_4 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high0_hum012_3, id_island);
            sel_bio_high0_hum0123_4.SetBounds(18, 20);

            sel_bio_high1_hum0_1 = new Select(noise_humidity, id_ocean, id_ocean);
            sel_bio_high1_hum0_1.SetBounds(2, 6);
            sel_bio_high1_hum01_2 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high1_hum0_1, id_ocean);
            sel_bio_high1_hum01_2.SetBounds(6, 13);
            sel_bio_high1_hum012_3 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high1_hum01_2, id_ocean);
            sel_bio_high1_hum012_3.SetBounds(13, 18);
            sel_bio_high1_hum0123_4 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high1_hum012_3, id_ocean);
            sel_bio_high1_hum0123_4.SetBounds(18, 20);

            sel_bio_high2_hum0_1 = new Select(noise_humidity, id_shore, id_shore);
            sel_bio_high2_hum0_1.SetBounds(2, 6);
            sel_bio_high2_hum01_2 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high2_hum0_1, id_shore);
            sel_bio_high2_hum01_2.SetBounds(6, 13);
            sel_bio_high2_hum012_3 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high2_hum01_2, id_shore);
            sel_bio_high2_hum012_3.SetBounds(13, 18);
            sel_bio_high2_hum0123_4 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high2_hum012_3, id_shore);
            sel_bio_high2_hum0123_4.SetBounds(18, 20);

            sel_bio_high3_hum0_1 = new Select(noise_humidity, id_swamp, id_plains);
            sel_bio_high3_hum0_1.SetBounds(2, 6);
            sel_bio_high3_hum01_2 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high3_hum0_1, id_plains);
            sel_bio_high3_hum01_2.SetBounds(6, 13);
            sel_bio_high3_hum012_3 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high3_hum01_2, id_desert);
            sel_bio_high3_hum012_3.SetBounds(13, 18);
            sel_bio_high3_hum0123_4 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high3_hum012_3, id_desert);
            sel_bio_high3_hum0123_4.SetBounds(18, 20);

            sel_bio_high4_hum0_1 = new Select(noise_humidity, id_hills, id_hills);
            sel_bio_high4_hum0_1.SetBounds(2, 6);
            sel_bio_high4_hum01_2 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high4_hum0_1, id_hills);
            sel_bio_high4_hum01_2.SetBounds(6, 13);
            sel_bio_high4_hum012_3 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high4_hum01_2, id_dunes);
            sel_bio_high4_hum012_3.SetBounds(13, 18);
            sel_bio_high4_hum0123_4 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high4_hum012_3, id_dunes);
            sel_bio_high4_hum0123_4.SetBounds(18, 20);

            sel_bio_high5_hum0_1 = new Select(noise_humidity, id_grassymountains, id_grassymountains);
            sel_bio_high5_hum0_1.SetBounds(2, 6);
            sel_bio_high5_hum01_2 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high5_hum0_1, id_mountains);
            sel_bio_high5_hum01_2.SetBounds(6, 13);
            sel_bio_high5_hum012_3 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high5_hum01_2, id_desertmountains);
            sel_bio_high5_hum012_3.SetBounds(13, 18);
            sel_bio_high5_hum0123_4 = new Select(noise_humidity, sel_bio_high5_hum012_3, id_desertmountains);
            sel_bio_high5_hum0123_4.SetBounds(18, 20);

            sel_bio_high0_1 = new Select(noise_height, sel_bio_high0_hum0123_4, sel_bio_high1_hum0123_4);
            sel_bio_high0_1.SetBounds(2, 5);
            sel_bio_high01_2 = new Select(noise_height, sel_bio_high0_1, sel_bio_high2_hum0123_4);
            sel_bio_high01_2.SetBounds(5, 6);
            sel_bio_high012_3 = new Select(noise_height, sel_bio_high01_2, sel_bio_high3_hum0123_4);
            sel_bio_high012_3.SetBounds(6, 12);
            sel_bio_high0123_4 = new Select(noise_height, sel_bio_high012_3, sel_bio_high4_hum0123_4);
            sel_bio_high0123_4.SetBounds(12, 17);
            sel_bio_high01234_5 = new Select(noise_height, sel_bio_high0123_4, sel_bio_high5_hum0123_4);
            sel_bio_high01234_5.SetBounds(17, 20);
Пример #9
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            panel2.Enabled = false;

            NoiseQuality quality = NoiseQuality.Standard;

            if (radiolow.Checked)
                quality = NoiseQuality.Low;
            if (radiostandard.Checked)
                quality = NoiseQuality.Standard;
            if (radiohigh.Checked)
                quality = NoiseQuality.High;

            int seed = 0;

                seed = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
                seed          = 0;
                textBox1.Text = "0";

            int octaves = 0;

                octaves = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text);
                octaves       = 6;
                textBox2.Text = "6";
            if (octaves > 30)
                octaves = 30;

            double frequency = 0;

                frequency = Convert.ToDouble(textBox3.Text);
                frequency     = 0.05;
                textBox3.Text = "0.05";

            double lacunarity = 0;

                lacunarity = Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text);
                lacunarity    = 2.0;
                textBox4.Text = "2.0";

            double persistence = 0;

                persistence = Convert.ToDouble(textBox5.Text);
                persistence   = 0.5;
                textBox5.Text = "0.5";

            bool mapToSphere = false;

            IModule module;

            switch (listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString())
            case "Slow Perlin":
                module = new Perlin();
                ((Perlin)module).Frequency    = frequency;
                ((Perlin)module).NoiseQuality = quality;
                ((Perlin)module).Seed         = seed;
                ((Perlin)module).OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ((Perlin)module).Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                ((Perlin)module).Persistence  = persistence;

            case "Fast Perlin":
                module = new FastNoise();
                ((FastNoise)module).Frequency    = frequency;
                ((FastNoise)module).NoiseQuality = quality;
                ((FastNoise)module).Seed         = seed;
                ((FastNoise)module).OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ((FastNoise)module).Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                ((FastNoise)module).Persistence  = persistence;

            case "Slow Billow":
                module = new Billow();
                ((Billow)module).Frequency    = frequency;
                ((Billow)module).NoiseQuality = quality;
                ((Billow)module).Seed         = seed;
                ((Billow)module).OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ((Billow)module).Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                ((Billow)module).Persistence  = persistence;

            case "Fast Billow":
                module = new FastBillow();
                ((FastBillow)module).Frequency    = frequency;
                ((FastBillow)module).NoiseQuality = quality;
                ((FastBillow)module).Seed         = seed;
                ((FastBillow)module).OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ((FastBillow)module).Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                ((FastBillow)module).Persistence  = persistence;

            case "Slow Ridged Multifractal":
                module = new RidgedMultifractal();
                ((RidgedMultifractal)module).Frequency    = frequency;
                ((RidgedMultifractal)module).NoiseQuality = quality;
                ((RidgedMultifractal)module).Seed         = seed;
                ((RidgedMultifractal)module).OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ((RidgedMultifractal)module).Lacunarity   = lacunarity;

            case "Fast Ridged Multifractal":
                module = new FastRidgedMultifractal();
                ((FastRidgedMultifractal)module).Frequency    = frequency;
                ((FastRidgedMultifractal)module).NoiseQuality = quality;
                ((FastRidgedMultifractal)module).Seed         = seed;
                ((FastRidgedMultifractal)module).OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ((FastRidgedMultifractal)module).Lacunarity   = lacunarity;

            case "Slow Combined":
                Billow billow = new Billow();
                billow.Frequency    = frequency;
                billow.NoiseQuality = quality;
                billow.Seed         = seed;
                billow.OctaveCount  = octaves;
                billow.Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                billow.Persistence  = persistence;

                ScaleBiasOutput scaledBillow = new ScaleBiasOutput(billow);
                scaledBillow.Bias  = -0.75;
                scaledBillow.Scale = 0.125;

                RidgedMultifractal ridged = new RidgedMultifractal();
                ridged.Frequency    = frequency / 2.0;
                ridged.NoiseQuality = quality;
                ridged.Seed         = seed;
                ridged.OctaveCount  = octaves;
                ridged.Lacunarity   = lacunarity;

                Perlin perlin = new Perlin();
                perlin.Frequency    = frequency / 10.0;
                perlin.NoiseQuality = quality;
                perlin.Seed         = seed;
                perlin.OctaveCount  = octaves;
                perlin.Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                perlin.Persistence  = persistence;

                Select selector = new Select(perlin, ridged, scaledBillow);
                selector.SetBounds(0, 1000);
                selector.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;

                module = selector;

            case "Fast Combined":
                FastBillow fastbillow = new FastBillow();
                fastbillow.Frequency    = frequency;
                fastbillow.NoiseQuality = quality;
                fastbillow.Seed         = seed;
                fastbillow.OctaveCount  = octaves;
                fastbillow.Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                fastbillow.Persistence  = persistence;

                ScaleBiasOutput fastscaledBillow = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastbillow);
                fastscaledBillow.Bias  = -0.75;
                fastscaledBillow.Scale = 0.125;

                FastRidgedMultifractal fastridged = new FastRidgedMultifractal();
                fastridged.Frequency    = frequency / 2.0;
                fastridged.NoiseQuality = quality;
                fastridged.Seed         = seed;
                fastridged.OctaveCount  = octaves;
                fastridged.Lacunarity   = lacunarity;

                FastNoise fastperlin = new FastNoise();
                fastperlin.Frequency    = frequency / 10.0;
                fastperlin.NoiseQuality = quality;
                fastperlin.Seed         = seed;
                fastperlin.OctaveCount  = octaves;
                fastperlin.Lacunarity   = lacunarity;
                fastperlin.Persistence  = persistence;

                Select fastselector = new Select(fastperlin, fastridged, fastscaledBillow);
                fastselector.SetBounds(0, 1000);
                fastselector.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;

                module = fastselector;

            case "Voronoi":
                module = new Voronoi();
                ((Voronoi)module).Frequency = frequency;

            case "Slow Planet":
                mapToSphere = true;

                Perlin slowPlanetContinents = new Perlin();
                slowPlanetContinents.Frequency = 1.5;

                Billow slowPlanetLowlands = new Billow();
                slowPlanetLowlands.Frequency = 4;
                LibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleBiasOutput slowPlanetLowlandsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(slowPlanetLowlands);
                slowPlanetLowlandsScaled.Scale = 0.2;
                slowPlanetLowlandsScaled.Bias  = 0.5;

                RidgedMultifractal slowPlanetMountainsBase = new RidgedMultifractal();
                slowPlanetMountainsBase.Frequency = 4;

                ScaleBiasOutput slowPlanetMountainsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(slowPlanetMountainsBase);
                slowPlanetMountainsScaled.Scale = 0.4;
                slowPlanetMountainsScaled.Bias  = 0.85;

                FastTurbulence slowPlanetMountains = new FastTurbulence(slowPlanetMountainsScaled);
                slowPlanetMountains.Power     = 0.1;
                slowPlanetMountains.Frequency = 50;

                Perlin slowPlanetLandFilter = new Perlin();
                slowPlanetLandFilter.Frequency = 6;

                Select slowPlanetLand = new Select(slowPlanetLandFilter, slowPlanetLowlandsScaled, slowPlanetMountains);
                slowPlanetLand.SetBounds(0, 1000);
                slowPlanetLand.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;

                Billow slowPlanetOceanBase = new Billow();
                slowPlanetOceanBase.Frequency = 15;
                ScaleOutput slowPlanetOcean = new ScaleOutput(slowPlanetOceanBase, 0.1);

                Select slowPlanetFinal = new Select(slowPlanetContinents, slowPlanetOcean, slowPlanetLand);
                slowPlanetFinal.SetBounds(0, 1000);
                slowPlanetFinal.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;

                module = slowPlanetFinal;

            case "Fast Planet":
                mapToSphere = true;

                FastNoise fastPlanetContinents = new FastNoise(seed);
                fastPlanetContinents.Frequency = 1.5;

                FastBillow fastPlanetLowlands = new FastBillow();
                fastPlanetLowlands.Frequency = 4;
                LibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleBiasOutput fastPlanetLowlandsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetLowlands);
                fastPlanetLowlandsScaled.Scale = 0.2;
                fastPlanetLowlandsScaled.Bias  = 0.5;

                FastRidgedMultifractal fastPlanetMountainsBase = new FastRidgedMultifractal(seed);
                fastPlanetMountainsBase.Frequency = 4;

                ScaleBiasOutput fastPlanetMountainsScaled = new ScaleBiasOutput(fastPlanetMountainsBase);
                fastPlanetMountainsScaled.Scale = 0.4;
                fastPlanetMountainsScaled.Bias  = 0.85;

                FastTurbulence fastPlanetMountains = new FastTurbulence(fastPlanetMountainsScaled);
                fastPlanetMountains.Power     = 0.1;
                fastPlanetMountains.Frequency = 50;

                FastNoise fastPlanetLandFilter = new FastNoise(seed + 1);
                fastPlanetLandFilter.Frequency = 6;

                Select fastPlanetLand = new Select(fastPlanetLandFilter, fastPlanetLowlandsScaled, fastPlanetMountains);
                fastPlanetLand.SetBounds(0, 1000);
                fastPlanetLand.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;

                FastBillow fastPlanetOceanBase = new FastBillow(seed);
                fastPlanetOceanBase.Frequency = 15;
                ScaleOutput fastPlanetOcean = new ScaleOutput(fastPlanetOceanBase, 0.1);

                Select fastPlanetFinal = new Select(fastPlanetContinents, fastPlanetOcean, fastPlanetLand);
                fastPlanetFinal.SetBounds(0, 1000);
                fastPlanetFinal.EdgeFalloff = 0.5;

                module = fastPlanetFinal;

                module = new Constant(1.0);

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            LibNoise.Models.Sphere sphere = new LibNoise.Models.Sphere(module);

            for (int x = 0; x < pictureBox1.ClientSize.Width - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < pictureBox1.ClientSize.Height - 1; y++)
                    double value;
                    if (mapToSphere)
                        int    offsetX   = -(x - 512);
                        int    offsetY   = -(y - 512);
                        double longitude = offsetY / 5.6888888888;
                        if (longitude > 90.0)
                            longitude = 90.0;
                        if (longitude < -90.0)
                            longitude = -90.0;
                        double latitude = offsetX / 2.844444444;
                        if (latitude > 180.0)
                            latitude = 180.0;
                        if (latitude < -190.0)
                            latitude = -180.0;
                        value = sphere.GetValue(longitude, latitude);
                        value = (module.GetValue(x, y, 10) + 1) / 2.0;
                    if (mapToSphere)
                        if (value < 0)
                            value = 0;
                        if (value > 1.0)
                            value = 1.0;
                        int index = (int)(value * earthLookupTable.Length);
                        if (index >= earthLookupTable.Length)
                            index = earthLookupTable.Length - 1;
                        colors[x, y] = earthLookupTable[index];
                        if (value < 0)
                            value = 0;
                        if (value > 1.0)
                            value = 1.0;
                        byte intensity = (byte)(value * 255.0);
                        colors[x, y] = Color.FromArgb(255, intensity, intensity, intensity);

            label2.Text = "Generation time for a 1024x1024 image, not including rendering: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + " ms";

            for (int x = 0; x < pictureBox1.ClientSize.Width - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < pictureBox1.ClientSize.Height - 1; y++)
                    bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, colors[x, y]);

            pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;

            panel2.Enabled = true;
Пример #10
        public void Init()
            //###### TREE GEN #####
            treenoise.Seed        = (Seed + 2);
            treenoise.OctaveCount = (6);
            treenoise.Frequency   = (1.0 / 180.0);
            treenoise.Lacunarity  = ((treeCount / 20.0) * (treeCount / 20.0) * 2.0);

            //###### END TREE GEN #######

             * cave.init(seed + 7);
             * seaLevel = Mineserver::get()->config()->iData("mapgen.sea.level");
             * addTrees = Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("mapgen.trees.enabled");
             * expandBeaches = Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("mapgen.beaches.expand");
             * beachExtent = Mineserver::get()->config()->iData("mapgen.beaches.extent");
             * beachHeight = Mineserver::get()->config()->iData("mapgen.beaches.height");
             * addOre = Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("mapgen.addore");
             * addCaves = Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("mapgen.caves.enabled");

            BiomeBase.Frequency = (0.2);
            BiomeBase.Seed      = (Seed - 1);
            BiomeSelect         = new ScaleBiasOutput(BiomeBase);
            //BiomeSelect.SourceModule = (BiomeBase);
            BiomeSelect.Scale        = (2.5);
            BiomeSelect.Bias         = (2.5);
            mountainTerrainBase.Seed = (Seed + 1);
            mountainTerrain          = new ScaleBiasOutput(mountainTerrainBase);
            //mountainTerrain.SourceModule = (mountainTerrainBase);
            mountainTerrain.Scale = (0.5);
            mountainTerrain.Bias  = (0.5);
            jaggieEdges           = new Select(jaggieControl, terrainType, plain);
            //jaggieEdges.SourceModule1 = (terrainType);
            //jaggieEdges.SourceModule2 = (plain);
            plain.Value = (0.5);
            //jaggieEdges.ControlModule = (jaggieControl);
            jaggieEdges.SetBounds(0.5, 1.0);
            jaggieEdges.EdgeFalloff   = (0.11);
            jaggieControl.Seed        = (Seed + 20);
            baseFlatTerrain.Seed      = (Seed);
            baseFlatTerrain.Frequency = (0.2);
            flatTerrain = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseFlatTerrain);
            //flatTerrain.SourceModule = (baseFlatTerrain);
            flatTerrain.Scale = (0.125);
            flatTerrain.Bias  = (0.07);
            baseWater.Seed    = (Seed - 1);
            water             = new ScaleBiasOutput(baseWater);
            //water.SourceModule = (baseWater);
            water.Scale              = (0.3);
            water.Bias               = (-0.5);
            terrainType.Seed         = (Seed + 2);
            terrainType.Frequency    = (0.5);
            terrainType.Persistence  = (0.25);
            terrainType2.Seed        = (Seed + 7);
            terrainType2.Frequency   = (0.5);
            terrainType2.Persistence = (0.25);
            waterTerrain             = new Select(terrainType2, water, flatTerrain);
            //waterTerrain.SourceModule1 = (water);
            //waterTerrain.SourceModule2 = (flatTerrain);
            //waterTerrain.ControlModule = (terrainType2);
            waterTerrain.EdgeFalloff = (0.1);
            waterTerrain.SetBounds(-0.5, 1.0);
            secondTerrain = new Select(terrainType, mountainTerrain, waterTerrain);
            //secondTerrain.SourceModule2 = (waterTerrain);
            //secondTerrain.SourceModule1 = (mountainTerrain);
            //secondTerrain.ControlModule = (terrainType);
            secondTerrain.EdgeFalloff = (0.3);
            secondTerrain.SetBounds(-0.5, 1.0);
            finalTerrain = new Select(jaggieEdges, secondTerrain, waterTerrain);
            //finalTerrain.SourceModule1 = (secondTerrain);
            //finalTerrain.SourceModule2 = (waterTerrain);
            //finalTerrain.ControlModule = (jaggieEdges);
            finalTerrain.EdgeFalloff = (0.2);
            finalTerrain.SetBounds(-0.3, 1.0);
            flowers.Seed      = (Seed + 10);
            flowers.Frequency = (3);
            winterEnabled     = false;

            // Set up us the Perlin-noise module.
            caveNoise.Seed        = (Seed + 22);
            caveNoise.Frequency   = (1.0 / cavessize);
            caveNoise.OctaveCount = (4);