internal static void Run() { RunChecks(); // Verify the game is working as intended... SavefileManager.ApplySettings(); // ...set the volume and save file settings... DisplayTitlescreen(); // ...display the titlescreen... SavefileManager.LoadTheGame(); // ...check for save files... MainGameLoop(); // ...and then start the game! }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { sm = new SavefileManager(); totalMaps = 1; //MANUAL INPUT //PORTAL NAME portalStage_1_3 = this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> (); Debug.Log(sm.GetStatus("Stage_1_3")); var main = portalStage_1_3.main; if (sm.GetStatus("Stage_1_3") == 0) //IF UNCOMPLETED, RED BUTTHOLE //Debug.Log ("cool kat ag"); //portalStage_1_3.main.startColor = new Color (255f, 255f, 255f); { main.startColor = new Color(254f, 0f, 00f, 81f); } else //IF IT IS COMPLETED, BLUE BUTTHOLE { main.startColor = new Color(.318f, .604f, 1f, .5f); //main.startColor = new Color32(81f,154f,255f,81f); } }