Пример #1
        public Result OpenSaveDataInfoReaderWithFilter(out ISaveDataInfoReader infoReader, SaveDataSpaceId spaceId,
                                                       ref SaveDataFilter filter)
            infoReader = default;

            // Missing permission check

            SaveDataIndexerReader indexReader = default;

                Result rc = FsServer.SaveDataIndexerManager.GetSaveDataIndexer(out indexReader, spaceId);
                if (rc.IsFailure())

                rc = indexReader.Indexer.OpenSaveDataInfoReader(out ISaveDataInfoReader baseInfoReader);
                if (rc.IsFailure())

                var filterInternal = new SaveDataFilterInternal(ref filter, spaceId);

                infoReader = new SaveDataInfoFilterReader(baseInfoReader, ref filterInternal);

Пример #2
        public static Result FindSaveDataWithFilter(this FileSystemClient fs, out SaveDataInfo info, SaveDataSpaceId spaceId,
                                                    ref SaveDataFilter filter)
            info = default;

            SaveDataFilter tempFilter = filter;
            var            tempInfo   = new SaveDataInfo();

            Result result = fs.RunOperationWithAccessLog(LocalAccessLogMode.System,
                                                         () =>
                IFileSystemProxy fsProxy = fs.GetFileSystemProxyServiceObject();

                tempInfo = new SaveDataInfo();

                Result rc = fsProxy.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out long count, SpanHelpers.AsByteSpan(ref tempInfo),
                                                           spaceId, ref tempFilter);
                if (rc.IsFailure())

                if (count == 0)

Пример #3
        private void DeleteSaveData(UserId userId)
            SaveDataFilter saveDataFilter = new SaveDataFilter();

            saveDataFilter.SetUserId(new LibHac.Fs.UserId((ulong)userId.High, (ulong)userId.Low));

            Result result = _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.OpenSaveDataIterator(out SaveDataIterator saveDataIterator, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref saveDataFilter);

            if (result.IsSuccess())
                Span <SaveDataInfo> saveDataInfo = stackalloc SaveDataInfo[10];

                while (true)
                    saveDataIterator.ReadSaveDataInfo(out long readCount, saveDataInfo);

                    if (readCount == 0)

                    for (int i = 0; i < readCount; i++)
                        // TODO: We use Directory.Delete workaround because DeleteSaveData softlock without, due to a bug in LibHac 0.12.0.
                        string savePath     = Path.Combine(_virtualFileSystem.GetNandPath(), $"user/save/{saveDataInfo[i].SaveDataId:x16}");
                        string saveMetaPath = Path.Combine(_virtualFileSystem.GetNandPath(), $"user/saveMeta/{saveDataInfo[i].SaveDataId:x16}");

                        Directory.Delete(savePath, true);
                        Directory.Delete(saveMetaPath, true);

                        _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.DeleteSaveData(SaveDataSpaceId.User, saveDataInfo[i].SaveDataId);
Пример #4
        private void DeleteSaveData(UserId userId)
            SaveDataFilter saveDataFilter = new SaveDataFilter();

            saveDataFilter.SetUserId(new LibHac.Fs.UserId((ulong)userId.High, (ulong)userId.Low));

            _horizonClient.Fs.OpenSaveDataIterator(out SaveDataIterator saveDataIterator, SaveDataSpaceId.User, in saveDataFilter).ThrowIfFailure();

            Span <SaveDataInfo> saveDataInfo = stackalloc SaveDataInfo[10];

            while (true)
                saveDataIterator.ReadSaveDataInfo(out long readCount, saveDataInfo).ThrowIfFailure();

                if (readCount == 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < readCount; i++)
                    _horizonClient.Fs.DeleteSaveData(SaveDataSpaceId.User, saveDataInfo[i].SaveDataId).ThrowIfFailure();
Пример #5
        private bool TryFindSaveData(string titleName, string titleIdText, out ulong saveDataId)
            saveDataId = default;

            if (!ulong.TryParse(titleIdText, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ulong titleId))
                GtkDialog.CreateErrorDialog("UI error: The selected game did not have a valid title ID");


            SaveDataFilter filter = new SaveDataFilter();

            filter.SetUserId(new UserId(1, 0));
            filter.SetProgramId(new TitleId(titleId));

            Result result = _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out SaveDataInfo saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref filter);

            if (ResultFs.TargetNotFound.Includes(result))
                // Savedata was not found. Ask the user if they want to create it
                using MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog(null, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo, null)
                          Title          = "Ryujinx",
                          Icon           = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "Ryujinx.Ui.assets.Icon.png"),
                          Text           = $"There is no savedata for {titleName} [{titleId:x16}]",
                          SecondaryText  = "Would you like to create savedata for this game?",
                          WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center

                if (messageDialog.Run() != (int)ResponseType.Yes)

                result = _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.CreateSaveData(new TitleId(titleId), new UserId(1, 0), new TitleId(titleId), 0, 0, 0);

                if (result.IsFailure())
                    GtkDialog.CreateErrorDialog($"There was an error creating the specified savedata: {result.ToStringWithName()}");


                // Try to find the savedata again after creating it
                result = _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref filter);

            if (result.IsSuccess())
                saveDataId = saveDataInfo.SaveDataId;


            GtkDialog.CreateErrorDialog($"There was an error finding the specified savedata: {result.ToStringWithName()}");

Пример #6
        public ResultCode OpenSaveDataInfoReaderWithFilter(ServiceCtx context)
            SaveDataSpaceId spaceId = (SaveDataSpaceId)context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
            SaveDataFilter  filter  = context.RequestData.ReadStruct <SaveDataFilter>();

            Result result = _baseFileSystemProxy.OpenSaveDataInfoReaderWithFilter(out LibHac.FsService.ISaveDataInfoReader infoReader, spaceId, ref filter);

            if (result.IsSuccess())
                MakeObject(context, new ISaveDataInfoReader(infoReader));

Пример #7
        public Result FindSaveDataWithFilter(out long count, Span <byte> saveDataInfoBuffer, SaveDataSpaceId spaceId,
                                             ref SaveDataFilter filter)
            count = default;

            if (saveDataInfoBuffer.Length != Unsafe.SizeOf <SaveDataInfo>())

            // Missing permission check

            var internalFilter = new SaveDataFilterInternal(ref filter, GetSpaceIdForIndexer(spaceId));

            ref SaveDataInfo saveDataInfo = ref Unsafe.As <byte, SaveDataInfo>(ref saveDataInfoBuffer[0]);
Пример #8
        public ResultCode FindSaveDataWithFilter(ServiceCtx context)
            SaveDataSpaceId spaceId = (SaveDataSpaceId)context.RequestData.ReadInt64();
            SaveDataFilter  filter  = context.RequestData.ReadStruct <SaveDataFilter>();

            long bufferPosition = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position;
            long bufferLen      = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Size;

            byte[] infoBuffer = new byte[bufferLen];

            Result result = _baseFileSystemProxy.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out long count, infoBuffer, spaceId, ref filter);

            context.Memory.Write((ulong)bufferPosition, infoBuffer);

Пример #9
        public ResultCode OpenSaveDataInfoReaderOnlyCacheStorage(ServiceCtx context)
            SaveDataFilter filter = new SaveDataFilter();

            filter.SetProgramId(new ProgramId(context.Process.TitleId));

            // FS would query the User and SdCache space IDs to find where the existing cache is (if any).
            // We always have the SD card inserted, so we can always use SdCache for now.
            Result result = _baseFileSystemProxy.OpenSaveDataInfoReaderBySaveDataSpaceId(
                out ReferenceCountedDisposable <LibHac.FsSrv.ISaveDataInfoReader> infoReader, SaveDataSpaceId.SdCache);

            if (result.IsSuccess())
                MakeObject(context, new ISaveDataInfoReader(infoReader));

Пример #10
        public SaveDataFilterInternal(ref SaveDataFilter filter, SaveDataSpaceId spaceId)
            this = default;

            FilterBySaveDataSpaceId = true;
            SpaceId = spaceId;

            Rank = filter.Rank;

            if (filter.FilterByTitleId)
                FilterByTitleId = true;
                TitleId         = filter.TitleId;

            if (filter.FilterBySaveDataType)
                FilterBySaveDataType = true;
                SaveDataType         = filter.SaveDataType;

            if (filter.FilterByUserId)
                FilterByUserId = true;
                UserId         = filter.UserId;

            if (filter.FilterBySaveDataId)
                FilterBySaveDataId = true;
                SaveDataId         = filter.SaveDataId;

            if (filter.FilterByIndex)
                FilterByIndex = true;
                Index         = filter.Index;
        private bool TryFindSaveData(string titleName, ulong titleId, BlitStruct <ApplicationControlProperty> controlHolder, SaveDataFilter filter, out ulong saveDataId)
            saveDataId = default;

            Result result = _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out SaveDataInfo saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref filter);

            if (ResultFs.TargetNotFound.Includes(result))
                // Savedata was not found. Ask the user if they want to create it
                using MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog(null, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo, null)
                          Title          = "PangoNX Debugger",
                          Icon           = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "Ryujinx.Ui.assets.Icon.png"),
                          Text           = $"There is no savedata for {titleName} [{titleId:x16}]",
                          SecondaryText  = "Would you like to create savedata for this game?",
                          WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center

                if (messageDialog.Run() != (int)ResponseType.Yes)

                ref ApplicationControlProperty control = ref controlHolder.Value;

                if (LibHac.Util.IsEmpty(controlHolder.ByteSpan))
                    // If the current application doesn't have a loaded control property, create a dummy one
                    // and set the savedata sizes so a user savedata will be created.
                    control = ref new BlitStruct <ApplicationControlProperty>(1).Value;

                    // The set sizes don't actually matter as long as they're non-zero because we use directory savedata.
                    control.UserAccountSaveDataSize        = 0x4000;
                    control.UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize = 0x4000;

                                        "No control file was found for this game. Using a dummy one instead. This may cause inaccuracies in some games.");

                Uid user = new Uid(1, 0);

                result = EnsureApplicationSaveData(_virtualFileSystem.FsClient, out _, new TitleId(titleId), ref control, ref user);

                if (result.IsFailure())
                    GtkDialog.CreateErrorDialog($"There was an error creating the specified savedata: {result.ToStringWithName()}");


                // Try to find the savedata again after creating it
                result = _virtualFileSystem.FsClient.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref filter);
Пример #12
        public static void LoadApplications(List <string> appDirs, VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem, Language desiredTitleLanguage)
            int numApplicationsFound  = 0;
            int numApplicationsLoaded = 0;

            _loadingError         = false;
            _virtualFileSystem    = virtualFileSystem;
            _desiredTitleLanguage = desiredTitleLanguage;

            // Builds the applications list with paths to found applications
            List <string> applications = new List <string>();

            foreach (string appDir in appDirs)
                if (!Directory.Exists(appDir))
                    Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The \"game_dirs\" section in \"Config.json\" contains an invalid directory: \"{appDir}\"");


                foreach (string app in GetFilesInDirectory(appDir))
                    if ((Path.GetExtension(app).ToLower() == ".nsp") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app).ToLower() == ".pfs0") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app).ToLower() == ".xci") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app).ToLower() == ".nca") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app).ToLower() == ".nro") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app).ToLower() == ".nso"))

            // Loops through applications list, creating a struct and then firing an event containing the struct for each application
            foreach (string applicationPath in applications)
                double fileSize        = new FileInfo(applicationPath).Length * 0.000000000931;
                string titleName       = "Unknown";
                string titleId         = "0000000000000000";
                string developer       = "Unknown";
                string version         = "0";
                string saveDataPath    = null;
                byte[] applicationIcon = null;
                BlitStruct <ApplicationControlProperty> controlHolder = new BlitStruct <ApplicationControlProperty>(1);

                    using (FileStream file = new FileStream(applicationPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        if ((Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".nsp") ||
                            (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".pfs0") ||
                            (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".xci"))
                                PartitionFileSystem pfs;

                                bool isExeFs = false;

                                if (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".xci")
                                    Xci xci = new Xci(_virtualFileSystem.KeySet, file.AsStorage());

                                    pfs = xci.OpenPartition(XciPartitionType.Secure);
                                    pfs = new PartitionFileSystem(file.AsStorage());

                                    // If the NSP doesn't have a main NCA, decrement the number of applications found and then continue to the next application.
                                    bool hasMainNca = false;

                                    foreach (DirectoryEntryEx fileEntry in pfs.EnumerateEntries("/", "*"))
                                        if (Path.GetExtension(fileEntry.FullPath).ToLower() == ".nca")
                                            pfs.OpenFile(out IFile ncaFile, fileEntry.FullPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                            Nca nca       = new Nca(_virtualFileSystem.KeySet, ncaFile.AsStorage());
                                            int dataIndex = Nca.GetSectionIndexFromType(NcaSectionType.Data, NcaContentType.Program);

                                            if (nca.Header.ContentType == NcaContentType.Program && !nca.Header.GetFsHeader(dataIndex).IsPatchSection())
                                                hasMainNca = true;

                                        else if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileEntry.FullPath) == "main")
                                            isExeFs = true;

                                    if (!hasMainNca && !isExeFs)


                                if (isExeFs)
                                    applicationIcon = _nspIcon;

                                    Result result = pfs.OpenFile(out IFile npdmFile, "/main.npdm".ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read);

                                    if (ResultFs.PathNotFound.Includes(result))
                                        Npdm npdm = new Npdm(npdmFile.AsStream());

                                        titleName = npdm.TitleName;
                                        titleId   = npdm.Aci0.TitleId.ToString("x16");
                                    // Store the ControlFS in variable called controlFs
                                    GetControlFsAndTitleId(pfs, out IFileSystem controlFs, out titleId);

                                    ReadControlData(controlFs, controlHolder.ByteSpan);

                                    // Creates NACP class from the NACP file
                                    controlFs.OpenFile(out IFile controlNacpFile, "/control.nacp".ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                    // Get the title name, title ID, developer name and version number from the NACP
                                    version = IsUpdateApplied(titleId, out string updateVersion) ? updateVersion : controlHolder.Value.DisplayVersion.ToString();

                                    GetNameIdDeveloper(ref controlHolder.Value, out titleName, out _, out developer);

                                    // Read the icon from the ControlFS and store it as a byte array
                                        controlFs.OpenFile(out IFile icon, $"/icon_{_desiredTitleLanguage}.dat".ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                                            applicationIcon = stream.ToArray();
                                    catch (HorizonResultException)
                                        foreach (DirectoryEntryEx entry in controlFs.EnumerateEntries("/", "*"))
                                            if (entry.Name == "control.nacp")

                                            controlFs.OpenFile(out IFile icon, entry.FullPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                                                applicationIcon = stream.ToArray();

                                            if (applicationIcon != null)

                                        if (applicationIcon == null)
                                            applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".xci" ? _xciIcon : _nspIcon;
                            catch (MissingKeyException exception)
                                applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".xci" ? _xciIcon : _nspIcon;

                                Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"Your key set is missing a key with the name: {exception.Name}");
                            catch (InvalidDataException)
                                applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".xci" ? _xciIcon : _nspIcon;

                                Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The header key is incorrect or missing and therefore the NCA header content type check has failed. Errored File: {applicationPath}");
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The file encountered was not of a valid type. Errored File: {applicationPath}");
                                Logger.PrintDebug(LogClass.Application, exception.ToString());

                                _loadingError = true;

                        else if (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".nro")
                            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file);

                            byte[] Read(long position, int size)
                                file.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin);


                                file.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                int assetOffset = reader.ReadInt32();

                                if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Read(assetOffset, 4)) == "ASET")
                                    byte[] iconSectionInfo = Read(assetOffset + 8, 0x10);

                                    long iconOffset = BitConverter.ToInt64(iconSectionInfo, 0);
                                    long iconSize   = BitConverter.ToInt64(iconSectionInfo, 8);

                                    ulong nacpOffset = reader.ReadUInt64();
                                    ulong nacpSize   = reader.ReadUInt64();

                                    // Reads and stores game icon as byte array
                                    applicationIcon = Read(assetOffset + iconOffset, (int)iconSize);

                                    // Read the NACP data
                                    Read(assetOffset + (int)nacpOffset, (int)nacpSize).AsSpan().CopyTo(controlHolder.ByteSpan);

                                    // Get the title name, title ID, developer name and version number from the NACP
                                    version = controlHolder.Value.DisplayVersion.ToString();

                                    GetNameIdDeveloper(ref controlHolder.Value, out titleName, out titleId, out developer);
                                    applicationIcon = _nroIcon;
                                    titleName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(applicationPath);
                                Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The file encountered was not of a valid type. Errored File: {applicationPath}");


                        else if (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".nca")
                                Nca nca       = new Nca(_virtualFileSystem.KeySet, new FileStream(applicationPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read).AsStorage());
                                int dataIndex = Nca.GetSectionIndexFromType(NcaSectionType.Data, NcaContentType.Program);

                                if (nca.Header.ContentType != NcaContentType.Program || nca.Header.GetFsHeader(dataIndex).IsPatchSection())

                            catch (InvalidDataException)
                                Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The NCA header content type check has failed. This is usually because the header key is incorrect or missing. Errored File: {applicationPath}");
                                Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The file encountered was not of a valid type. Errored File: {applicationPath}");

                                _loadingError = true;


                            applicationIcon = _ncaIcon;
                            titleName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(applicationPath);
                        // If its an NSO we just set defaults
                        else if (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToLower() == ".nso")
                            applicationIcon = _nsoIcon;
                            titleName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(applicationPath);
                catch (IOException exception)
                    Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, exception.Message);

                    _loadingError = true;


                ApplicationMetadata appMetadata = LoadAndSaveMetaData(titleId);

                if (ulong.TryParse(titleId, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ulong titleIdNum))
                    SaveDataFilter filter = new SaveDataFilter();
                    filter.SetUserId(new UserId(1, 0));
                    filter.SetProgramId(new TitleId(titleIdNum));

                    Result result = virtualFileSystem.FsClient.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out SaveDataInfo saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref filter);

                    if (result.IsSuccess())
                        saveDataPath = Path.Combine(virtualFileSystem.GetNandPath(), "user", "save", saveDataInfo.SaveDataId.ToString("x16"));

                ApplicationData data = new ApplicationData
                    Favorite      = appMetadata.Favorite,
                    Icon          = applicationIcon,
                    TitleName     = titleName,
                    TitleId       = titleId,
                    Developer     = developer,
                    Version       = version,
                    TimePlayed    = ConvertSecondsToReadableString(appMetadata.TimePlayed),
                    LastPlayed    = appMetadata.LastPlayed,
                    FileExtension = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToUpper().Remove(0, 1),
                    FileSize      = (fileSize < 1) ? (fileSize * 1024).ToString("0.##") + "MB" : fileSize.ToString("0.##") + "GB",
                    Path          = applicationPath,
                    SaveDataPath  = saveDataPath,
                    ControlHolder = controlHolder


                OnApplicationAdded(new ApplicationAddedEventArgs()
                    AppData = data

                OnApplicationCountUpdated(new ApplicationCountUpdatedEventArgs()
                    NumAppsFound  = numApplicationsFound,
                    NumAppsLoaded = numApplicationsLoaded

            OnApplicationCountUpdated(new ApplicationCountUpdatedEventArgs()
                NumAppsFound  = numApplicationsFound,
                NumAppsLoaded = numApplicationsLoaded

            if (_loadingError)
                    GtkDialog.CreateErrorDialog("One or more files encountered could not be loaded, check logs for more info.");
Пример #13
        public static void LoadApplications(List <string> appDirs, Keyset keySet, TitleLanguage desiredTitleLanguage, FileSystemClient fsClient = null, VirtualFileSystem vfs = null)
            int numApplicationsFound  = 0;
            int numApplicationsLoaded = 0;

            _keySet = keySet;
            _desiredTitleLanguage = desiredTitleLanguage;

            // Builds the applications list with paths to found applications
            List <string> applications = new List <string>();

            foreach (string appDir in appDirs)
                if (Directory.Exists(appDir) == false)
                    Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The \"game_dirs\" section in \"Config.json\" contains an invalid directory: \"{appDir}\"");


                foreach (string app in Directory.GetFiles(appDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                    if ((Path.GetExtension(app) == ".xci") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app) == ".nro") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(app) == ".nso") ||
                        (Path.GetFileName(app) == "hbl.nsp"))
                    else if ((Path.GetExtension(app) == ".nsp") || (Path.GetExtension(app) == ".pfs0"))
                            bool hasMainNca = false;

                            PartitionFileSystem nsp = new PartitionFileSystem(new FileStream(app, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read).AsStorage());
                            foreach (DirectoryEntryEx fileEntry in nsp.EnumerateEntries("/", "*.nca"))
                                nsp.OpenFile(out IFile ncaFile, fileEntry.FullPath, OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                Nca nca       = new Nca(_keySet, ncaFile.AsStorage());
                                int dataIndex = Nca.GetSectionIndexFromType(NcaSectionType.Data, NcaContentType.Program);

                                if (nca.Header.ContentType == NcaContentType.Program && !nca.Header.GetFsHeader(dataIndex).IsPatchSection())
                                    hasMainNca = true;

                            if (!hasMainNca)
                        catch (InvalidDataException)
                            Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"{app}: The header key is incorrect or missing and therefore the NCA header content type check has failed.");

                    else if (Path.GetExtension(app) == ".nca")
                            Nca nca       = new Nca(_keySet, new FileStream(app, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read).AsStorage());
                            int dataIndex = Nca.GetSectionIndexFromType(NcaSectionType.Data, NcaContentType.Program);

                            if (nca.Header.ContentType != NcaContentType.Program || nca.Header.GetFsHeader(dataIndex).IsPatchSection())
                        catch (InvalidDataException)
                            Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"{app}: The header key is incorrect or missing and therefore the NCA header content type check has failed.");


            // Loops through applications list, creating a struct and then firing an event containing the struct for each application
            foreach (string applicationPath in applications)
                double fileSize        = new FileInfo(applicationPath).Length * 0.000000000931;
                string titleName       = "Unknown";
                string titleId         = "0000000000000000";
                string developer       = "Unknown";
                string version         = "0";
                string saveDataPath    = null;
                byte[] applicationIcon = null;

                using (FileStream file = new FileStream(applicationPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    if ((Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".nsp") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".pfs0") ||
                        (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".xci"))
                            PartitionFileSystem pfs;

                            if (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".xci")
                                Xci xci = new Xci(_keySet, file.AsStorage());

                                pfs = xci.OpenPartition(XciPartitionType.Secure);
                                pfs = new PartitionFileSystem(file.AsStorage());

                            // Store the ControlFS in variable called controlFs
                            IFileSystem controlFs = GetControlFs(pfs);

                            // If this is null then this is probably not a normal NSP, it's probably an ExeFS as an NSP
                            if (controlFs == null)
                                applicationIcon = _nspIcon;

                                Result result = pfs.OpenFile(out IFile npdmFile, "/main.npdm", OpenMode.Read);

                                if (result != ResultFs.PathNotFound)
                                    Npdm npdm = new Npdm(npdmFile.AsStream());

                                    titleName = npdm.TitleName;
                                    titleId   = npdm.Aci0.TitleId.ToString("x16");
                                // Creates NACP class from the NACP file
                                controlFs.OpenFile(out IFile controlNacpFile, "/control.nacp", OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                Nacp controlData = new Nacp(controlNacpFile.AsStream());

                                // Get the title name, title ID, developer name and version number from the NACP
                                version = controlData.DisplayVersion;

                                titleName = controlData.Descriptions[(int)_desiredTitleLanguage].Title;

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleName))
                                    titleName = controlData.Descriptions.ToList().Find(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Title)).Title;

                                titleId = controlData.PresenceGroupId.ToString("x16");

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleId))
                                    titleId = controlData.SaveDataOwnerId.ToString("x16");

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleId))
                                    titleId = (controlData.AddOnContentBaseId - 0x1000).ToString("x16");

                                developer = controlData.Descriptions[(int)_desiredTitleLanguage].Developer;

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(developer))
                                    developer = controlData.Descriptions.ToList().Find(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Developer)).Developer;

                                // Read the icon from the ControlFS and store it as a byte array
                                    controlFs.OpenFile(out IFile icon, $"/icon_{_desiredTitleLanguage}.dat", OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                                        applicationIcon = stream.ToArray();
                                catch (HorizonResultException)
                                    foreach (DirectoryEntryEx entry in controlFs.EnumerateEntries("/", "*"))
                                        if (entry.Name == "control.nacp")

                                        controlFs.OpenFile(out IFile icon, entry.FullPath, OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();

                                        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                                            applicationIcon = stream.ToArray();

                                        if (applicationIcon != null)

                                    if (applicationIcon == null)
                                        applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".xci" ? _xciIcon : _nspIcon;
                        catch (MissingKeyException exception)
                            applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".xci" ? _xciIcon : _nspIcon;

                            Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"Your key set is missing a key with the name: {exception.Name}");
                        catch (InvalidDataException)
                            applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".xci" ? _xciIcon : _nspIcon;

                            Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.Application, $"The header key is incorrect or missing and therefore the NCA header content type check has failed. Errored File: {applicationPath}");
                    else if (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".nro")
                        BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file);

                        byte[] Read(long position, int size)
                            file.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin);


                        file.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        int assetOffset = reader.ReadInt32();

                        if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Read(assetOffset, 4)) == "ASET")
                            byte[] iconSectionInfo = Read(assetOffset + 8, 0x10);

                            long iconOffset = BitConverter.ToInt64(iconSectionInfo, 0);
                            long iconSize   = BitConverter.ToInt64(iconSectionInfo, 8);

                            ulong nacpOffset = reader.ReadUInt64();
                            ulong nacpSize   = reader.ReadUInt64();

                            // Reads and stores game icon as byte array
                            applicationIcon = Read(assetOffset + iconOffset, (int)iconSize);

                            // Creates memory stream out of byte array which is the NACP
                            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Read(assetOffset + (int)nacpOffset, (int)nacpSize)))
                                // Creates NACP class from the memory stream
                                Nacp controlData = new Nacp(stream);

                                // Get the title name, title ID, developer name and version number from the NACP
                                version = controlData.DisplayVersion;

                                titleName = controlData.Descriptions[(int)_desiredTitleLanguage].Title;

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleName))
                                    titleName = controlData.Descriptions.ToList().Find(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Title)).Title;

                                titleId = controlData.PresenceGroupId.ToString("x16");

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleId))
                                    titleId = controlData.SaveDataOwnerId.ToString("x16");

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(titleId))
                                    titleId = (controlData.AddOnContentBaseId - 0x1000).ToString("x16");

                                developer = controlData.Descriptions[(int)_desiredTitleLanguage].Developer;

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(developer))
                                    developer = controlData.Descriptions.ToList().Find(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Developer)).Developer;
                            applicationIcon = _nroIcon;
                    // If its an NCA or NSO we just set defaults
                    else if ((Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".nca") || (Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".nso"))
                        applicationIcon = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath) == ".nca" ? _ncaIcon : _nsoIcon;
                        titleName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(applicationPath);

                ApplicationMetadata appMetadata = LoadAndSaveMetaData(titleId);

                if (ulong.TryParse(titleId, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ulong titleIdNum))
                    SaveDataFilter filter = new SaveDataFilter();
                    filter.SetUserId(new UserId(1, 0));
                    filter.SetTitleId(new TitleId(titleIdNum));

                    Result result = fsClient.FindSaveDataWithFilter(out SaveDataInfo saveDataInfo, SaveDataSpaceId.User, ref filter);

                    if (result.IsSuccess())
                        saveDataPath = Path.Combine(vfs.GetNandPath(), $"user/save/{saveDataInfo.SaveDataId:x16}");

                ApplicationData data = new ApplicationData()
                    Favorite      = appMetadata.Favorite,
                    Icon          = applicationIcon,
                    TitleName     = titleName,
                    TitleId       = titleId,
                    Developer     = developer,
                    Version       = version,
                    TimePlayed    = ConvertSecondsToReadableString(appMetadata.TimePlayed),
                    LastPlayed    = appMetadata.LastPlayed,
                    FileExtension = Path.GetExtension(applicationPath).ToUpper().Remove(0, 1),
                    FileSize      = (fileSize < 1) ? (fileSize * 1024).ToString("0.##") + "MB" : fileSize.ToString("0.##") + "GB",
                    Path          = applicationPath,
                    SaveDataPath  = saveDataPath


                OnApplicationAdded(new ApplicationAddedEventArgs()
                    AppData       = data,
                    NumAppsFound  = numApplicationsFound,
                    NumAppsLoaded = numApplicationsLoaded