Пример #1
        private void PrintPreview(SamplePrintType printType, String documentName)
            this.samplePrintType             = printType;
            document.DocumentName            = documentName;
            this.printPreviewDialog.Document = this.document;

            // Call the ShowDialog method. This will trigger the document's
            //  PrintPage event.
Пример #2
        private void HelperPrint(Graphics g, SamplePrintType printType, bool isPreview, RectangleF printerArea)
            float width  = (float)imageXView1.Image.ImageXData.Width;
            float height = (float)imageXView1.Image.ImageXData.Height;

            imageXView1.Image.ImageXData.Resolution.Units = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

            double resx = Math.Round(imageXView1.Image.ImageXData.Resolution.Dimensions.Width);
            double resy = Math.Round(imageXView1.Image.ImageXData.Resolution.Dimensions.Height);

            // Printable area for printers is in 1/100th of an inch, convert to inches
            printerArea.X      /= 100;
            printerArea.Y      /= 100;
            printerArea.Width  /= 100;
            printerArea.Height /= 100;

            // put the graphics into inches for convenience
            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

            // put width and height of image in terms of inches
            width  = (float)(width / resx);
            height = (float)(height / resy);

            // default to upper right
            float x                = 0.0f;
            float y                = 0.0f;
            float interSpacing     = 0.25f;         // spacing between images
            float topBottomSpacing = 0.0f;          // spacing before first image and after second image
            float scaleFactor      = 1.0f;
            float oldValue         = 0.0f;

            // keep the preview looking similiar to the hardcopy
            if (isPreview)
                x = printerArea.X;
                y = printerArea.Y;

            switch (printType)
            case SamplePrintType.Centered:
                // allow for larger images, let both checks happen, may need to scale in both directions
                if (height > printerArea.Height)
                    oldValue    = height;
                    height      = printerArea.Height;
                    scaleFactor = height / oldValue;
                    width      *= scaleFactor;

                if (width > printerArea.Width)
                    oldValue    = width;
                    width       = printerArea.Width;
                    scaleFactor = width / oldValue;
                    height     *= scaleFactor;

                x += (printerArea.Width - width) / 2;
                y += (printerArea.Height - height) / 2;

                imageXView1.Print(g, new RectangleF(x, y, width, height));

            case SamplePrintType.TwoBy:
                // trying to keep this simple, but allow for large images
                if (((height * 2) + interSpacing) > printerArea.Height)
                    oldValue    = height;
                    height      = (printerArea.Height / 2) - (interSpacing / 2);
                    scaleFactor = height / oldValue;
                    width      *= scaleFactor;

                if (width > printerArea.Width)
                    oldValue    = width;
                    width       = printerArea.Width;
                    scaleFactor = width / oldValue;
                    height     *= scaleFactor;

                interSpacing = (float)(printerArea.Height - (height * 2));
                if (interSpacing >= 0.25f * 3)
                    interSpacing    /= 3;
                    topBottomSpacing = interSpacing;
                    topBottomSpacing = (interSpacing - 0.25f) / 2;
                    if (topBottomSpacing < 0)
                        topBottomSpacing = 0;
                    interSpacing = 0.25f;

                x += (printerArea.Width - width) / 2;
                y += topBottomSpacing;

                imageXView1.Print(g, new RectangleF(x, y, width, height));

                y += (height + interSpacing);
                imageXView1.Print(g, new RectangleF(x, y, width, height));

            case SamplePrintType.FullPage:
                imageXView1.Print(g, new RectangleF(x, y, printerArea.Width, printerArea.Height));