public int CountIp(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "select count(distinct(Ip)) from zl_hits where id in(" + ids + ")"; return(Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql))); }
public bool DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + TbName + " WHERE ID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
private DataTable Content_SelByNid(int siteID, string nids)//需要改为不依靠登录用户获取 { string where = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nids)) { DataTable dt = Node_Sel(siteID); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { nids += dr["NodeID"] + ","; } nids = nids.TrimEnd(','); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(nids); where += " A.NodeID IN(" + nids + ")"; PageSetting setting = new PageSetting() { cpage = CPage, psize = PSize, fields = "A.*,B.synopsis", t1 = "ZL_CommonModel", t2 = "ZL_C_Article", on = "A.ItemID=B.ID", where = where, order = "A.GeneralID DESC" }; return(DBCenter.SelPage(setting)); }
public bool DelByUid(string ids, int uid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update " + TbName + " Set Status=" + (int)ZLEnum.ConStatus.Recycle + " Where ID IN(" + ids + ") And UserID=" + uid; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool UpdateStatuByIDS(string ids, int status) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "UPDATE " + TbName + " SET [Status]=" + status + " WHERE ID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool DelByIds(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Delete From " + TbName + " Where ID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public void DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Delete from ZL_Plat_Task where ID in(" + ids + ")"; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql); }
private string GetWhere(Com_Filter filter, List <SqlParameter> sp) { string where = "B.PaymentStatus=1 AND A.AllMoney_Json IS NOT NULL"; if (filter.storeId != -100) { where += " AND B.StoreID=" + filter.storeId; } //技师用户ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.uids)) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(filter.uids); where += " AND (A.Code IS NOT NULL AND A.Code IN (" + filter.uids + "))"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.uname)) { sp.Add(new SqlParameter("uname", "%" + filter.uname + "%")); where += " AND A.Attribute LIKE @uname"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.skey)) { sp.Add(new SqlParameter("skey", "%" + filter.skey + "%")); where += " AND A.Proname LIKE @skey"; } DateTime time = DateTime.Now; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.stime) && DateTime.TryParse(filter.stime, out time)) { where += " AND A.AddTime>='" + filter.stime + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.etime) && DateTime.TryParse(filter.etime, out time)) { where += " AND A.AddTime<='" + filter.etime + "'"; } return(where); }
public void DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE " + PK + " IN(" + ids + ")"; SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); }
public ActionResult ClientView() { if (Mid < 1) { function.WriteErrMsg("未指定客户信息"); return(null); } if (!B_ARoleAuth.AuthCheckEx(, "crm")) { return(null); } M_CRMS_Client clientMod = new M_CRMS_Client(); M_ModelInfo modMod = modBll.SelReturnModel(48); ViewBag.fieldDT = new B_ModelField().SelByModelID(modMod.ModelID, false, false); clientMod = clientBll.SelReturnModel(Mid); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modMod.TableName) && clientMod.ItemID > 0) { ViewBag.valueDT = DBCenter.Sel(modMod.TableName, "ID=" + clientMod.ItemID); } ViewBag.conSetting = contactBll.SelPage(CPage, PSize, new F_CRMS_Contact() { ClientID = clientMod.ID }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientMod.LinkIds)) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(clientMod.LinkIds); ViewBag.linkDT = DBCenter.SelWithField(clientMod.TbName, "id,ClientName AS name,phone", "ID IN (" + clientMod.LinkIds + ")"); } return(View(clientMod)); }
/// <summary> /// 更新状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="ids"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Update(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "update [dbo].[ZL_Hits] set status=-2 where id in (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
/// <summary> /// 批量确认提现 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckByIds(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update " + TbName + " Set Str3=99 Where ID IN(" + ids + ") And Str3!='-1'"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public ContentResult PubInfo_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); int pubId = DataConvert.CLng(GetParam("pubid")); string ids = GetParam("ids"); SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); M_Pub pubMod = pubBll.SelReturnModel(pubId); if (pubMod == null) { throw new Exception("未指定互动模型"); } switch (action) { case "del": DBCenter.DelByIDS(pubMod.PubTableName, "ID", ids); break; case "audit": DBCenter.UpdateSQL(pubMod.PubTableName, "PubStart=1", "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); break; case "cancel": DBCenter.UpdateSQL(pubMod.PubTableName, "PubStart=0", "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
public bool DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Delete " + strTableName + " Where " + PK + " in (" + ids + ")"; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql); return(true); }
public bool RealDelByIDS(string ids, string items) { SafeSC.CheckDataEx(items); SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.DelByIDS(TbName, PK, ids); DBCenter.DelByIDS("ZL_P_Shop", "ID", items); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 从数据库中移动商品相关信息 /// </summary> public bool RealDelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DataTable dt = DBCenter.Sel(TbName, "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); string items = StrHelper.GetIDSFromDT(dt, "ItemID"); return(RealDelByIDS(ids, items)); }
/// <summary> /// 批量修改黄页样式 /// </summary> public void UpldateByIds(string ids, int styleID) { string sql = "Update " + strTableName + " Set NodeStyle=" + styleID + " Where ID in({0})"; SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); sql = string.Format(sql, ids); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql); }
protected void EBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ModeItem = GroupModel.SelectedValue; SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ModeItem); Gll.SetGroupModel(Mid, ModeItem); function.WriteSuccessMsg("设置成功", "GroupManage.aspx"); }
public void Del(string ids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.DelByIDS(TbName, PK, ids); }
public void UpdateStatus(string ids, int status) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TbName, "ZStatus=" + status, "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); }
public void Del(string ids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.DelByWhere(TbName, PK + " IN (" + ids + ")"); }
public bool DelByIDS(string ids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return(false); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); return(DBCenter.DelByIDS(TbName, PK, ids)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取选定的单页节点信息 /// </summary> public DataTable GetCreateSingleByID(string nids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nids)) { return(null); } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(nids); return(DBCenter.Sel(TbName, "NodeType=2 and NodeID in (" + nids + ")", "OrderID")); }
public void Reconvery(string nids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(nids); DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TbName, "ZStatus=99", "NodeID IN (" + nids + ")"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除节点,并删除该节点的子节点 /// </summary> public void DelNode(string nids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(nids); DBCenter.DelByWhere(TbName, "NodeID IN(" + nids + ")"); }
public void Audit(string ids, int audit) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TbName, "Audit=" + audit, "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); }
/// <summary> /// 恢复信息 /// </summary> public void RelByIDS(string ids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TbName, "Status=1", "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); }
public ContentResult Product_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string ids = GetParam("ids"); switch (action) { //case "upmove": // { // M_Product product = proBll.GetproductByid(Mid); // M_Product productPre = proBll.GetNearID(NodeID, product.OrderID, 1); //int NodeID, int CurrentID, int UporDown // if (productPre.OrderID != 0) // { // int CurrOrder = product.OrderID; // product.OrderID = productPre.OrderID; // productPre.OrderID = CurrOrder; // proBll.UpdateOrder(product); // proBll.UpdateOrder(productPre); // } // } // break; //case "downmove": // { // M_Product product = proBll.GetproductByid(Mid); // M_Product productPre = proBll.GetNearID(NodeID, product.OrderID, 0); // if (productPre.ID != 0) // { // int CurrOrder = product.OrderID; // product.OrderID = productPre.OrderID; // productPre.OrderID = CurrOrder; // proBll.UpdateOrder(product); // proBll.UpdateOrder(productPre); // } // } // break; case "refresh": //刷新/重发布,将商品ctreatime和updatatime改为当前值 SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); DBCenter.UpdateSQL(proBll.TbName, "AddTime='" + date + "',UpdateTime='" + date + "'", "ID IN (" + ids + ")"); break; case "del": SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); proBll.RealDelByIDS(ids); break; case "clear": proBll.ClearRecycle(); break; default: proBll.setproduct(action, ids); break; } return(Content(Success.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// 为角色添加新用户 /// </summary> public void AddToRole(string uids, int roleId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uids) || roleId < 1) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(uids); string where = "UserID IN (" + uids + ")"; DBCenter.UpdateSQL(TbName, "UserRole=UserRole+'," + roleId + ",'", where); }
public void DelModelTemplate(int NodeID, string ModelIDs) { ModelIDs = StrHelper.PureIDSForDB(ModelIDs); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModelIDs)) { return; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ModelIDs); DBCenter.DelByWhere("ZL_Node_ModelTemplate", "NodeID=" + NodeID + " AND ModelID Not IN (" + ModelIDs + ")"); }