Пример #1
        void RebalanceCallback(IntPtr rk, ErrorCode err,
                               /* rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t * */ IntPtr partitions,
                               IntPtr opaque)
            var partitionList = SafeKafkaHandle.GetTopicPartitionOffsetList(partitions);

            if (err == ErrorCode._ASSIGN_PARTITIONS)
                var handler = OnPartitionsAssigned;
                if (handler != null && handler.GetInvocationList().Length > 0)
                    handler(this, partitionList);
            if (err == ErrorCode._REVOKE_PARTITIONS)
                var handler = OnPartitionsRevoked;
                if (handler != null && handler.GetInvocationList().Length > 0)
                    handler(this, partitionList);
Пример #2
        internal Topic(SafeKafkaHandle kafkaHandle, Producer producer, string topic, TopicConfig config)
            this.producer = producer;

            config = config ?? new TopicConfig();
            config["produce.offset.report"] = "true";
            IntPtr configPtr = config.handle.Dup();

            if (config.CustomPartitioner != null)
                PartitionerDelegate = (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt,
                                       IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) =>
                    byte[] key = null;
                    if (keydata != IntPtr.Zero)
                        key = new byte[(int)keylen];
                        Marshal.Copy(keydata, key, 0, (int)keylen);
                    return(config.CustomPartitioner(this, key, partition_cnt));
                LibRdKafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(configPtr, PartitionerDelegate);

            handle = kafkaHandle.Topic(topic, configPtr);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new Producer instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">
        ///     librdkafka configuration parameters (refer to https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md)
        ///     TODO: Link to confluent-kafka-dotnet page with dotnet specific parameters also (i.e. default.topic.config).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="manualPoll">
        ///     If true, does not start a dedicated polling thread to trigger events or receive delivery reports -
        ///     you must call the Poll method periodically instead.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="disableDeliveryReports">
        ///     If true, disables notification of delivery reports. Note: if set to true and you use a ProduceAsync variant that return
        ///     a Task, the Tasks will never complete. Generally you should leave this parameter as false. Set it to true for "fire and
        ///     forget" semantics and a small boost in performance.
        /// </param>
        public Producer(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > config, bool manualPoll = false, bool disableDeliveryReports = false)
            this.topicConfig            = (IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> >)config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == "default.topic.config").Value;
            this.manualPoll             = manualPoll;
            this.disableDeliveryReports = disableDeliveryReports;

            var configHandle = SafeConfigHandle.Create();

            .Where(prop => prop.Key != "default.topic.config")
            .ForEach((kvp) => { configHandle.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ToString()); });

            IntPtr configPtr = configHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

            if (!disableDeliveryReports)
                LibRdKafka.conf_set_dr_msg_cb(configPtr, DeliveryReportCallback);

            // TODO: provide some mechanism whereby calls to the error and log callbacks are cached until
            //       such time as event handlers have had a chance to be registered.
            LibRdKafka.conf_set_error_cb(configPtr, ErrorCallback);
            LibRdKafka.conf_set_log_cb(configPtr, LogCallback);
            LibRdKafka.conf_set_stats_cb(configPtr, StatsCallback);

            this.kafkaHandle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType.Producer, configPtr);

            if (!manualPoll)
                callbackCts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
                callbackTask = StartPollTask(callbackCts.Token);
Пример #4
        internal Topic(SafeKafkaHandle kafkaHandle, Producer producer, string topic, TopicConfig config,
                       out LibRdKafka.PartitionerCallback partitionerDelegate)
            // PartitionerDelegate is an out parameter as its reference must be kept outside of Topic
            // it may be called after topic is GC, and it may be different for different topics
            // so we can't simply make it static here
            this.producer = producer;

            config = config ?? new TopicConfig();
            config["produce.offset.report"] = "true";
            IntPtr configPtr = config.handle.Dup();

            if (config.CustomPartitioner != null)
                partitionerDelegate = (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt,
                                       IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) =>
                    byte[] key = null;
                    if (keydata != IntPtr.Zero)
                        key = new byte[(int)keylen];
                        Marshal.Copy(keydata, key, 0, (int)keylen);
                    return(config.CustomPartitioner(this, key, partition_cnt));
                LibRdKafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(configPtr, partitionerDelegate);
                partitionerDelegate = null;

            handle = kafkaHandle.Topic(topic, configPtr);
 private List <DeleteRecordsReport> extractDeleteRecordsReports(IntPtr resultPtr)
 => SafeKafkaHandle.GetTopicPartitionOffsetErrorList(resultPtr)
 .Select(a => new DeleteRecordsReport
     Topic     = a.Topic,
     Partition = a.Partition,
     Offset    = a.Offset,
     Error     = a.Error
Пример #6
 internal void CommitCallback(IntPtr rk,
                              ErrorCode err,
                              /* rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t * */ IntPtr offsets,
                              IntPtr opaque)
     OnOffsetCommit?.Invoke(this, new OffsetCommitArgs()
         Error   = err,
         Offsets = SafeKafkaHandle.GetTopicPartitionOffsetList(offsets)
Пример #7
        private void CommitCallback(
            IntPtr rk,
            ErrorCode err,
            IntPtr offsets,
            IntPtr opaque)
            // Ensure registered handlers are never called as a side-effect of Dispose/Finalize (prevents deadlocks in common scenarios).
            if (kafkaHandle.IsClosed)

            offsetsCommittedHandler?.Invoke(new CommittedOffsets(
                                                kafkaHandle.CreatePossiblyFatalError(err, null)
Пример #8
        internal void Init(RdKafkaType type, IntPtr config, Config.LogCallback logger)
            ErrorDelegate = (IntPtr rk, ErrorCode err, string reason, IntPtr opaque) =>
                OnError?.Invoke(this, new ErrorArgs()
                    ErrorCode = err,
                    Reason    = reason
            LibRdKafka.conf_set_error_cb(config, ErrorDelegate);

            if (logger == null)
                logger = ((string handle, int level, string fac, string buf) =>
                    var now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
                    Console.WriteLine($"{level}|{now}|{handle}|{fac}| {buf}");

            LogDelegate = (IntPtr rk, int level, string fac, string buf) =>
                // The log_cb is called very early during construction, before
                // SafeKafkaHandle or any of the C# wrappers are ready.
                // So we can't really pass rk on, just pass the rk name instead.
                var name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(LibRdKafka.name(rk));
                logger(name, level, fac, buf);
            LibRdKafka.conf_set_log_cb(config, LogDelegate);

            StatsDelegate = (IntPtr rk, IntPtr json, UIntPtr json_len, IntPtr opaque) =>
                OnStatistics?.Invoke(this, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(json));
            LibRdKafka.conf_set_stats_cb(config, StatsDelegate);

            handle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(type, config);

            callbackCts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
            callbackTask = StartCallbackTask(callbackCts.Token);
Пример #9
 internal static extern SafeTopicConfigHandle rd_kafka_default_topic_conf_dup(SafeKafkaHandle rk);
Пример #10
        internal Producer(ProducerBuilder <TKey, TValue> builder)
            var baseConfig = builder.ConstructBaseConfig(this);

            // TODO: Make Tasks auto complete when EnableDeliveryReportsPropertyName is set to false.
            // TODO: Hijack the "delivery.report.only.error" configuration parameter and add functionality to enforce that Tasks
            //       that never complete are never created when this is set to true.

            this.statisticsHandler = baseConfig.statisticsHandler;
            this.logHandler        = baseConfig.logHandler;
            this.errorHandler      = baseConfig.errorHandler;
            this.oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler = baseConfig.oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler;
            this.partitioners = baseConfig.partitioners;

            var config = Confluent.Kafka.Config.ExtractCancellationDelayMaxMs(baseConfig.config, out this.cancellationDelayMaxMs);

            this.DeliveryReportCallback = DeliveryReportCallbackImpl;


            var modifiedConfig = Library.NameAndVersionConfig
                                         .Where(prop =>
                                                prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableBackgroundPoll &&
                                                prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableDeliveryReports &&
                                                prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields))

            if (modifiedConfig.Where(obj => obj.Key == "delivery.report.only.error").Count() > 0)
                // A managed object is kept alive over the duration of the produce request. If there is no
                // delivery report generated, there will be a memory leak. We could possibly support this
                // property by keeping track of delivery reports in managed code, but this seems like
                // more trouble than it's worth.
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'delivery.report.only.error' property is not supported by this client");

            var enableBackgroundPollObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableBackgroundPoll).Value;

            if (enableBackgroundPollObj != null)
                this.manualPoll = !bool.Parse(enableBackgroundPollObj);

            var enableDeliveryReportsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableDeliveryReports).Value;

            if (enableDeliveryReportsObj != null)
                this.enableDeliveryReports = bool.Parse(enableDeliveryReportsObj);

            var deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields).Value;

            if (deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj != null)
                var fields = deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj.Replace(" ", "");
                if (fields != "all")
                    this.enableDeliveryReportKey             = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportValue           = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportHeaders         = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportTimestamp       = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportPersistedStatus = false;
                    if (fields != "none")
                        var parts = fields.Split(',');
                        foreach (var part in parts)
                            switch (part)
                            case "key": this.enableDeliveryReportKey = true; break;

                            case "value": this.enableDeliveryReportValue = true; break;

                            case "timestamp": this.enableDeliveryReportTimestamp = true; break;

                            case "headers": this.enableDeliveryReportHeaders = true; break;

                            case "status": this.enableDeliveryReportPersistedStatus = true; break;

                            default: throw new ArgumentException(
                                          $"Unknown delivery report field name '{part}' in config value '{ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields}'.");

            var configHandle = SafeConfigHandle.Create();

            modifiedConfig.ForEach((kvp) =>
                if (kvp.Value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException($"'{kvp.Key}' configuration parameter must not be null.");
                configHandle.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            IntPtr configPtr = configHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

            if (enableDeliveryReports)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_dr_msg_cb(configPtr, DeliveryReportCallback);

            // Explicitly keep references to delegates so they are not reclaimed by the GC.
            errorCallbackDelegate      = ErrorCallback;
            logCallbackDelegate        = LogCallback;
            statisticsCallbackDelegate = StatisticsCallback;
            oAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallbackDelegate = OAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallback;

            if (errorHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_error_cb(configPtr, errorCallbackDelegate);
            if (logHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_log_cb(configPtr, logCallbackDelegate);
            if (statisticsHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_stats_cb(configPtr, statisticsCallbackDelegate);
            if (oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb(configPtr, oAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallbackDelegate);

            this.ownedKafkaHandle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType.Producer, configPtr, this);

            if (this.partitioners?.Any() ?? false)
                foreach (var partitioner in this.partitioners)
                    var    topicConfigHandle = SafeTopicConfigHandle.Create();
                    IntPtr topicConfigPtr    = topicConfigHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

                    Librdkafka.PartitionerDelegate partitionerDelegate =
                        (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt,
                         IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) =>
                        if (this.ownedKafkaHandle.IsClosed)

                        var topic = partitioner.Key;
                        var providedPartitioner = partitioner.Value;

                        return(CallCustomPartitioner(topic, providedPartitioner, keydata, keylen, partition_cnt, rkt_opaque, msg_opaque));

                    this.partitionerCallbacks.Add(partitioner.Key, partitionerDelegate);

                    // Set partitioner on the topic_conf...
                    Librdkafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(topicConfigPtr, partitionerDelegate);

                    // Associate topic_conf with topic
                    // this also caches the topic handle (and topic_conf)
                    this.ownedKafkaHandle.getKafkaTopicHandle(partitioner.Key, topicConfigPtr);

                    // topic_conf ownership was transferred

            configHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); // config object is no longer usable.

            if (!manualPoll)
                callbackCts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
                callbackTask = StartPollTask(callbackCts.Token);

                builder.KeySerializer, builder.ValueSerializer,
                builder.AsyncKeySerializer, builder.AsyncValueSerializer);
Пример #11
        internal Producer(ProducerBuilder <TKey, TValue> builder)
            var baseConfig = builder.ConstructBaseConfig(this);

            // TODO: Make Tasks auto complete when EnableDeliveryReportsPropertyName is set to false.
            // TODO: Hijack the "delivery.report.only.error" configuration parameter and add functionality to enforce that Tasks
            //       that never complete are never created when this is set to true.

            this.statisticsHandler = baseConfig.statisticsHandler;
            this.logHandler        = baseConfig.logHandler;
            this.errorHandler      = baseConfig.errorHandler;

            var config = Confluent.Kafka.Config.ExtractCancellationDelayMaxMs(baseConfig.config, out this.cancellationDelayMaxMs);

            this.DeliveryReportCallback = DeliveryReportCallbackImpl;


            var modifiedConfig = config
                                 .Where(prop =>
                                        prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableBackgroundPoll &&
                                        prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableDeliveryReports &&
                                        prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields);

            if (modifiedConfig.Where(obj => obj.Key == "delivery.report.only.error").Count() > 0)
                // A managed object is kept alive over the duration of the produce request. If there is no
                // delivery report generated, there will be a memory leak. We could possibly support this
                // property by keeping track of delivery reports in managed code, but this seems like
                // more trouble than it's worth.
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'delivery.report.only.error' property is not supported by this client");

            var enableBackgroundPollObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableBackgroundPoll).Value;

            if (enableBackgroundPollObj != null)
                this.manualPoll = !bool.Parse(enableBackgroundPollObj);

            var enableDeliveryReportsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableDeliveryReports).Value;

            if (enableDeliveryReportsObj != null)
                this.enableDeliveryReports = bool.Parse(enableDeliveryReportsObj);

            var deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields).Value;

            if (deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj != null)
                var fields = deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj.Replace(" ", "");
                if (fields != "all")
                    this.enableDeliveryReportKey             = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportValue           = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportHeaders         = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportTimestamp       = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportPersistedStatus = false;
                    if (fields != "none")
                        var parts = fields.Split(',');
                        foreach (var part in parts)
                            switch (part)
                            case "key": this.enableDeliveryReportKey = true; break;

                            case "value": this.enableDeliveryReportValue = true; break;

                            case "timestamp": this.enableDeliveryReportTimestamp = true; break;

                            case "headers": this.enableDeliveryReportHeaders = true; break;

                            case "status": this.enableDeliveryReportPersistedStatus = true; break;

                            default: throw new ArgumentException(
                                          $"Unknown delivery report field name '{part}' in config value '{ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields}'.");

            var configHandle = SafeConfigHandle.Create();

            modifiedConfig.ToList().ForEach((kvp) => {
                if (kvp.Value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException($"'{kvp.Key}' configuration parameter must not be null.");
                configHandle.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            IntPtr configPtr = configHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

            if (enableDeliveryReports)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_dr_msg_cb(configPtr, DeliveryReportCallback);

            // Explicitly keep references to delegates so they are not reclaimed by the GC.
            errorCallbackDelegate      = ErrorCallback;
            logCallbackDelegate        = LogCallback;
            statisticsCallbackDelegate = StatisticsCallback;

            Librdkafka.conf_set_error_cb(configPtr, errorCallbackDelegate);
            Librdkafka.conf_set_log_cb(configPtr, logCallbackDelegate);
            Librdkafka.conf_set_stats_cb(configPtr, statisticsCallbackDelegate);

            this.ownedKafkaHandle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType.Producer, configPtr, this);
            configHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); // config object is no longer useable.

            if (!manualPoll)
                callbackCts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
                callbackTask = StartPollTask(callbackCts.Token);

                builder.KeySerializer, builder.ValueSerializer,
                builder.AsyncKeySerializer, builder.AsyncValueSerializer);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new <see cref="Confluent.Kafka.ConsumerBase" /> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">
        ///     A collection of librdkafka configuration parameters
        ///     (refer to https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md)
        ///     and parameters specific to this client (refer to:
        ///     <see cref="Confluent.Kafka.ConfigPropertyNames" />).
        ///     At a minimum, 'bootstrap.servers' and 'group.id' must be
        ///     specified.
        /// </param>
        public ConsumerBase(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > config)

            config = Config.GetCancellationDelayMaxMs(config, out this.cancellationDelayMaxMs);

            if (config.FirstOrDefault(prop => string.Equals(prop.Key, "group.id", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Value == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("'group.id' configuration parameter is required and was not specified.");

            var modifiedConfig = config
                                 .Where(prop => prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Consumer.ConsumeResultFields);

            var enabledFieldsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Consumer.ConsumeResultFields).Value;

            if (enabledFieldsObj != null)
                var fields = enabledFieldsObj.ToString().Replace(" ", "");
                if (fields != "all")
                    this.enableHeaderMarshaling    = false;
                    this.enableTimestampMarshaling = false;
                    this.enableTopicNameMarshaling = false;
                    if (fields != "none")
                        var parts = fields.Split(',');
                        foreach (var part in parts)
                            switch (part)
                            case "headers": this.enableHeaderMarshaling = true; break;

                            case "timestamp": this.enableTimestampMarshaling = true; break;

                            case "topic": this.enableTopicNameMarshaling = true; break;

                            default: throw new ArgumentException(
                                          $"Unexpected consume result field name '{part}' in config value '{ConfigPropertyNames.Consumer.ConsumeResultFields}'.");

            var configHandle = SafeConfigHandle.Create();

            .ForEach((kvp) => {
                if (kvp.Value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"'{kvp.Key}' configuration parameter must not be null.");
                configHandle.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ToString());

            // Explicitly keep references to delegates so they are not reclaimed by the GC.
            rebalanceDelegate     = RebalanceCallback;
            commitDelegate        = CommitCallback;
            errorCallbackDelegate = ErrorCallback;
            logCallbackDelegate   = LogCallback;
            statsCallbackDelegate = StatsCallback;

            IntPtr configPtr = configHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

            Librdkafka.conf_set_rebalance_cb(configPtr, rebalanceDelegate);
            Librdkafka.conf_set_offset_commit_cb(configPtr, commitDelegate);

            Librdkafka.conf_set_error_cb(configPtr, errorCallbackDelegate);
            Librdkafka.conf_set_log_cb(configPtr, logCallbackDelegate);
            Librdkafka.conf_set_stats_cb(configPtr, statsCallbackDelegate);

            this.kafkaHandle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType.Consumer, configPtr, this);
            configHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); // config object is no longer useable.

            var pollSetConsumerError = kafkaHandle.PollSetConsumer();

            if (pollSetConsumerError != ErrorCode.NoError)
                throw new KafkaException(new Error(pollSetConsumerError,
                                                   $"Failed to redirect the poll queue to consumer_poll queue: {ErrorCodeExtensions.GetReason(pollSetConsumerError)}"));
        internal Producer(ProducerBuilder <TKey, TValue> builder)
            var baseConfig         = builder.ConstructBaseConfig(this);
            var partitioners       = baseConfig.partitioners;
            var defaultPartitioner = baseConfig.defaultPartitioner;

            // TODO: Make Tasks auto complete when EnableDeliveryReportsPropertyName is set to false.
            // TODO: Hijack the "delivery.report.only.error" configuration parameter and add functionality to enforce that Tasks
            //       that never complete are never created when this is set to true.

            this.statisticsHandler = baseConfig.statisticsHandler;
            this.logHandler        = baseConfig.logHandler;
            this.errorHandler      = baseConfig.errorHandler;
            this.oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler = baseConfig.oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler;

            var config = Confluent.Kafka.Config.ExtractCancellationDelayMaxMs(baseConfig.config, out this.cancellationDelayMaxMs);

            this.DeliveryReportCallback = DeliveryReportCallbackImpl;


            var modifiedConfig = Library.NameAndVersionConfig
                                         .Where(prop =>
                                                prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableBackgroundPoll &&
                                                prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableDeliveryReports &&
                                                prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields))

            if (modifiedConfig.Where(obj => obj.Key == "delivery.report.only.error").Count() > 0)
                // A managed object is kept alive over the duration of the produce request. If there is no
                // delivery report generated, there will be a memory leak. We could possibly support this
                // property by keeping track of delivery reports in managed code, but this seems like
                // more trouble than it's worth.
                throw new ArgumentException("The 'delivery.report.only.error' property is not supported by this client");

            var enableBackgroundPollObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableBackgroundPoll).Value;

            if (enableBackgroundPollObj != null)
                this.manualPoll = !bool.Parse(enableBackgroundPollObj);

            var enableDeliveryReportsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.EnableDeliveryReports).Value;

            if (enableDeliveryReportsObj != null)
                this.enableDeliveryReports = bool.Parse(enableDeliveryReportsObj);

            var deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields).Value;

            if (deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj != null)
                var fields = deliveryReportEnabledFieldsObj.Replace(" ", "");
                if (fields != "all")
                    this.enableDeliveryReportKey             = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportValue           = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportHeaders         = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportTimestamp       = false;
                    this.enableDeliveryReportPersistedStatus = false;
                    if (fields != "none")
                        var parts = fields.Split(',');
                        foreach (var part in parts)
                            switch (part)
                            case "key": this.enableDeliveryReportKey = true; break;

                            case "value": this.enableDeliveryReportValue = true; break;

                            case "timestamp": this.enableDeliveryReportTimestamp = true; break;

                            case "headers": this.enableDeliveryReportHeaders = true; break;

                            case "status": this.enableDeliveryReportPersistedStatus = true; break;

                            default: throw new ArgumentException(
                                          $"Unknown delivery report field name '{part}' in config value '{ConfigPropertyNames.Producer.DeliveryReportFields}'.");

            var    configHandle = SafeConfigHandle.Create();
            IntPtr configPtr    = configHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

            modifiedConfig.ForEach((kvp) =>
                if (kvp.Value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException($"'{kvp.Key}' configuration parameter must not be null.");
                configHandle.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            if (enableDeliveryReports)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_dr_msg_cb(configPtr, DeliveryReportCallback);

            // Explicitly keep references to delegates so they are not reclaimed by the GC.
            errorCallbackDelegate      = ErrorCallback;
            logCallbackDelegate        = LogCallback;
            statisticsCallbackDelegate = StatisticsCallback;
            oAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallbackDelegate = OAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallback;

            if (errorHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_error_cb(configPtr, errorCallbackDelegate);
            if (logHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_log_cb(configPtr, logCallbackDelegate);
            if (statisticsHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_stats_cb(configPtr, statisticsCallbackDelegate);
            if (oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb(configPtr, oAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallbackDelegate);

            Action <SafeTopicConfigHandle, PartitionerDelegate> addPartitionerToTopicConfig = (topicConfigHandle, partitioner) =>
                Librdkafka.PartitionerDelegate librdkafkaPartitioner = (IntPtr rkt, IntPtr keydata, UIntPtr keylen, int partition_cnt, IntPtr rkt_opaque, IntPtr msg_opaque) =>
                        var topicNamePtr = Librdkafka.topic_name(rkt);
                        var topic        = Util.Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(topicNamePtr);
                        var keyIsNull    = keydata == IntPtr.Zero;
                        var keyBytes     = keyIsNull
                                ? ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty
                                : new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(keydata.ToPointer(), (int)keylen);
                        return(partitioner(topic, partition_cnt, keyBytes, keyIsNull));
                Librdkafka.topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(topicConfigHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), librdkafkaPartitioner);

            // Configure the default custom partitioner.
            if (defaultPartitioner != null)
                // The default topic config may have been modified by topic-level
                // configuraton parameters passed down from the top level config.
                // If that's the case, duplicate the default topic config to avoid
                // colobbering any already configured values.
                var defaultTopicConfigHandle            = configHandle.GetDefaultTopicConfig();
                SafeTopicConfigHandle topicConfigHandle =
                    defaultTopicConfigHandle.DangerousGetHandle() != IntPtr.Zero
                        ? defaultTopicConfigHandle.Duplicate()
                        : SafeTopicConfigHandle.Create();
                addPartitionerToTopicConfig(topicConfigHandle, defaultPartitioner);
                Librdkafka.conf_set_default_topic_conf(configPtr, topicConfigHandle.DangerousGetHandle());

            this.ownedKafkaHandle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType.Producer, configPtr, this);
            configHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid();  // ownership was transferred.

            // Per-topic partitioners.
            foreach (var partitioner in partitioners)
                var topicConfigHandle = this.ownedKafkaHandle.DuplicateDefaultTopicConfig();
                addPartitionerToTopicConfig(topicConfigHandle, partitioner.Value);
                this.ownedKafkaHandle.newTopic(partitioner.Key, topicConfigHandle.DangerousGetHandle());

            if (!manualPoll)
                callbackCts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
                callbackTask = StartPollTask(callbackCts.Token);

                builder.KeySerializer, builder.ValueSerializer,
                builder.AsyncKeySerializer, builder.AsyncValueSerializer);
Пример #14
        internal Consumer(ConsumerBuilder <TKey, TValue> builder)
            var baseConfig = builder.ConstructBaseConfig(this);

            this.statisticsHandler              = baseConfig.statisticsHandler;
            this.logHandler                     = baseConfig.logHandler;
            this.errorHandler                   = baseConfig.errorHandler;
            this.partitionsAssignedHandler      = baseConfig.partitionsAssignedHandler;
            this.partitionsRevokedHandler       = baseConfig.partitionsRevokedHandler;
            this.partitionsLostHandler          = baseConfig.partitionsLostHandler;
            this.offsetsCommittedHandler        = baseConfig.offsetsCommittedHandler;
            this.oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler = baseConfig.oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler;
            this.revokedOrLostHandlerIsFunc     = baseConfig.revokedOrLostHandlerIsFunc;

            var config = Confluent.Kafka.Config.ExtractCancellationDelayMaxMs(baseConfig.config, out this.cancellationDelayMaxMs);

            if (config.FirstOrDefault(prop => string.Equals(prop.Key, "group.id", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Value == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("'group.id' configuration parameter is required and was not specified.");

            var modifiedConfig = Library.NameAndVersionConfig
                                 .Concat(config.Where(prop => prop.Key != ConfigPropertyNames.Consumer.ConsumeResultFields))

            var enabledFieldsObj = config.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Key == ConfigPropertyNames.Consumer.ConsumeResultFields).Value;

            if (enabledFieldsObj != null)
                var fields = enabledFieldsObj.Replace(" ", "");
                if (fields != "all")
                    this.enableHeaderMarshaling    = false;
                    this.enableTimestampMarshaling = false;
                    this.enableTopicNameMarshaling = false;
                    if (fields != "none")
                        var parts = fields.Split(',');
                        foreach (var part in parts)
                            switch (part)
                            case "headers": this.enableHeaderMarshaling = true; break;

                            case "timestamp": this.enableTimestampMarshaling = true; break;

                            case "topic": this.enableTopicNameMarshaling = true; break;

                            default: throw new ArgumentException(
                                          $"Unexpected consume result field name '{part}' in config value '{ConfigPropertyNames.Consumer.ConsumeResultFields}'.");

            var configHandle = SafeConfigHandle.Create();

            modifiedConfig.ForEach((kvp) =>
                if (kvp.Value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException($"'{kvp.Key}' configuration parameter must not be null.");
                configHandle.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            // Explicitly keep references to delegates so they are not reclaimed by the GC.
            rebalanceDelegate          = RebalanceCallback;
            commitDelegate             = CommitCallback;
            errorCallbackDelegate      = ErrorCallback;
            logCallbackDelegate        = LogCallback;
            statisticsCallbackDelegate = StatisticsCallback;
            oAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallbackDelegate = OAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallback;

            IntPtr configPtr = configHandle.DangerousGetHandle();

            if (partitionsAssignedHandler != null || partitionsRevokedHandler != null || partitionsLostHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_rebalance_cb(configPtr, rebalanceDelegate);
            if (offsetsCommittedHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_offset_commit_cb(configPtr, commitDelegate);

            if (errorHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_error_cb(configPtr, errorCallbackDelegate);
            if (logHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_log_cb(configPtr, logCallbackDelegate);
            if (statisticsHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_stats_cb(configPtr, statisticsCallbackDelegate);
            if (oAuthBearerTokenRefreshHandler != null)
                Librdkafka.conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb(configPtr, oAuthBearerTokenRefreshCallbackDelegate);

            this.kafkaHandle = SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType.Consumer, configPtr, this);
            configHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); // config object is no longer useable.

            var pollSetConsumerError = kafkaHandle.PollSetConsumer();

            if (pollSetConsumerError != ErrorCode.NoError)
                throw new KafkaException(new Error(pollSetConsumerError,
                                                   $"Failed to redirect the poll queue to consumer_poll queue: {ErrorCodeExtensions.GetReason(pollSetConsumerError)}"));

            // setup key deserializer.
            if (builder.KeyDeserializer == null)
                if (!defaultDeserializers.TryGetValue(typeof(TKey), out object deserializer))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Key deserializer was not specified and there is no default deserializer defined for type {typeof(TKey).Name}.");
                this.keyDeserializer = (IDeserializer <TKey>)deserializer;
                this.keyDeserializer = builder.KeyDeserializer;

            // setup value deserializer.
            if (builder.ValueDeserializer == null)
                if (!defaultDeserializers.TryGetValue(typeof(TValue), out object deserializer))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Value deserializer was not specified and there is no default deserializer defined for type {typeof(TValue).Name}.");
                this.valueDeserializer = (IDeserializer <TValue>)deserializer;
                this.valueDeserializer = builder.ValueDeserializer;
Пример #15
        private void RebalanceCallback(
            IntPtr rk,
            ErrorCode err,
            IntPtr partitionsPtr,
            IntPtr opaque)
                // Ensure registered handlers are never called as a side-effect of Dispose/Finalize (prevents deadlocks in common scenarios).
                if (kafkaHandle.IsClosed)
                    // The RebalanceCallback should never be invoked as a side effect of Dispose.
                    // If for some reason flow of execution gets here, something is badly wrong.
                    // (and we have a closed librdkafka handle that is expecting an assign call...)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected rebalance callback on disposed kafkaHandle");

                if (kafkaHandle.RebalanceProtocol == "COOPERATIVE" &&
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Neither revoked nor lost partition handlers may return an updated assignment when a COOPERATIVE assignor is in use");

                var partitions = SafeKafkaHandle.GetTopicPartitionOffsetErrorList(partitionsPtr).Select(p => p.TopicPartition).ToList();

                if (err == ErrorCode.Local_AssignPartitions)
                    if (partitionsAssignedHandler == null)
                        if (kafkaHandle.RebalanceProtocol == "COOPERATIVE")
                            IncrementalAssign(partitions.Select(p => new TopicPartitionOffset(p, Offset.Unset)));
                            Assign(partitions.Select(p => new TopicPartitionOffset(p, Offset.Unset)));

                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj) { assignCallCount = 0; }
                    var assignTo = partitionsAssignedHandler(partitions);
                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj)
                        if (assignCallCount > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("(Incremental)Assign/Unassign must not be called in the partitions assigned handler");

                    if (kafkaHandle.RebalanceProtocol == "COOPERATIVE")
                        if (assignTo.Count() != partitions.Count())
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("The partitions assigned handler must not return a different set of topic partitions than it was provided");

                        var sortedPartitions = partitions.OrderBy(p => p).ToList();
                        var sortedAssignTo   = assignTo.OrderBy(p => p.TopicPartition);

                        var partitionsIter = sortedPartitions.GetEnumerator();
                        foreach (var p in sortedAssignTo)
                            if (p.TopicPartition != partitionsIter.Current)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("The partitions assigned handler must not return a different set of topic partitions than it was provided");


                if (err == ErrorCode.Local_RevokePartitions)
                    if (partitionsRevokedHandler == null &&
                        (!kafkaHandle.AssignmentLost || partitionsLostHandler == null))
                        if (kafkaHandle.RebalanceProtocol == "COOPERATIVE")

                    var assignmentWithPositions = new List <TopicPartitionOffset>();
                    foreach (var tp in partitions)
                            assignmentWithPositions.Add(new TopicPartitionOffset(tp, Position(tp)));
                            assignmentWithPositions.Add(new TopicPartitionOffset(tp, Offset.Unset));

                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj) { assignCallCount = 0; }
                    var assignTo = kafkaHandle.AssignmentLost
                        ? (partitionsLostHandler != null
                            ? partitionsLostHandler(assignmentWithPositions)
                            : partitionsRevokedHandler(assignmentWithPositions))
                        : partitionsRevokedHandler(assignmentWithPositions);
                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj)
                        if (assignCallCount > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Assign/Unassign must not be called in the partitions revoked handler");

                    if (kafkaHandle.RebalanceProtocol == "COOPERATIVE")
                        // assignTo is always empty, not used in the COOPERATIVE case.

                throw new KafkaException(kafkaHandle.CreatePossiblyFatalError(err, null));
            catch (Exception e)
                handlerException = e;
Пример #16
        private void RebalanceCallback(
            IntPtr rk,
            ErrorCode err,
            IntPtr partitions,
            IntPtr opaque)
                var partitionAssignment = SafeKafkaHandle.GetTopicPartitionOffsetErrorList(partitions).Select(p => p.TopicPartition).ToList();

                // Ensure registered handlers are never called as a side-effect of Dispose/Finalize (prevents deadlocks in common scenarios).
                if (kafkaHandle.IsClosed)
                    // The RebalanceCallback should never be invoked as a side effect of Dispose.
                    // If for some reason flow of execution gets here, something is badly wrong.
                    // (and we have a closed librdkafka handle that is expecting an assign call...)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected rebalance callback on disposed kafkaHandle");

                if (err == ErrorCode.Local_AssignPartitions)
                    if (partitionsAssignedHandler == null)
                        Assign(partitionAssignment.Select(p => new TopicPartitionOffset(p, Offset.Unset)));

                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj) { assignCallCount = 0; }
                    var assignTo = partitionsAssignedHandler(partitionAssignment);
                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj)
                        if (assignCallCount > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Assign/Unassign must not be called in the partitions assigned handler.");

                if (err == ErrorCode.Local_RevokePartitions)
                    if (partitionsRevokedHandler == null)

                    var assignmentWithPositions = new List <TopicPartitionOffset>();
                    foreach (var tp in partitionAssignment)
                            assignmentWithPositions.Add(new TopicPartitionOffset(tp, Position(tp)));
                            assignmentWithPositions.Add(new TopicPartitionOffset(tp, Offset.Unset));

                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj) { assignCallCount = 0; }
                    var assignTo = partitionsRevokedHandler(assignmentWithPositions);
                    lock (assignCallCountLockObj)
                        if (assignCallCount > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Assign/Unassign must not be called in the partitions revoked handler.");

                    // This distinction is important because calling Assign whilst the consumer is being
                    // closed (which will generally trigger this callback) is disallowed.
                    if (assignTo.Count() > 0)

                throw new KafkaException(kafkaHandle.CreatePossiblyFatalError(err, null));
            catch (Exception e)
                handlerException = e;
Пример #17
        private void RebalanceCallback(
            IntPtr rk,
            ErrorCode err,
            IntPtr partitions,
            IntPtr opaque)
            var partitionList = SafeKafkaHandle.GetTopicPartitionOffsetErrorList(partitions).Select(p => p.TopicPartition).ToList();

            // Ensure registered handlers are never called as a side-effect of Dispose/Finalize (prevents deadlocks in common scenarios).
            if (kafkaHandle.IsClosed)
                // The RebalanceCallback should never be invoked as a side effect of Dispose.
                // If for some reason flow of execution gets here, something is badly wrong.
                // (and we have a closed librdkafka handle that is expecting an assign call...)
                throw new Exception("unexpected rebalance callback on disposed kafkaHandle");

            // Note: The contract with librdkafka requires the application to acknowledge rebalances by calling Assign.
            // To make the API less error prone, this is done automatically by the C# binding if required - the number
            // of times assign is called by user code is tracked, and if this is zero, then assign is called automatically.

            if (err == ErrorCode.Local_AssignPartitions)
                var handler = OnPartitionsAssigned;
                if (handler != null && handler.GetInvocationList().Length > 0)
                    assignCallCount = 0;
                    handler(this, partitionList);
                    if (assignCallCount == 1)
                    if (assignCallCount > 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Assign/Unassign was called {assignCallCount} times after OnPartitionsAssigned was raised. It must be called at most once.");
                Assign(partitionList.Select(p => new TopicPartitionOffset(p, Offset.Invalid)));
            else if (err == ErrorCode.Local_RevokePartitions)
                var handler = OnPartitionsRevoked;
                if (handler != null && handler.GetInvocationList().Length > 0)
                    assignCallCount = 0;
                    handler(this, partitionList);
                    if (assignCallCount == 1)
                    if (assignCallCount > 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Assign/Unassign was called {assignCallCount} times after OnPartitionsAssigned was raised. It must be called at most once.");
                throw new KafkaException(kafkaHandle.CreatePossiblyFatalError(err, null));