Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取活动信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1">活动报名信息ID</param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="strUserName"></param>
        public void GETQYHDMODEL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int        Id   = int.Parse(P1);
            SZHL_QYHDN qyhd = new SZHL_QYHDNB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == Id);

            msg.Result = qyhd;

            DataTable dtPL = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDTByCommand("  SELECT *  FROM JH_Auth_TL WHERE MSGType='QYHD' AND  MSGTLYID='" + P1 + "'");

            dtPL.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtPL.Rows)
                if (dr["MSGisHasFiles"] != null && dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString() != "")
                    int[] fileIds = dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString().SplitTOInt(',');
                    dr["FileList"] = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));
            msg.Result1 = dtPL;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qyhd.Files))
                int[] fileIds = qyhd.Files.SplitTOInt(',');
                msg.Result2 = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));
            msg.Result3 = new SZHL_QYHD_ResultB().GetEntities(d => d.HDID == qyhd.ID);
            msg.Result4 = new SZHL_QYHD_OptionB().GetEntities(d => d.HDId == qyhd.ID);
Пример #2
        public void GETRWGLINDEXLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string    userName    = UserInfo.User.UserName;
            string    strWhere    = string.Format(" (bg.CRUser='******' or  ','+RWFZR+','  like '%,{0},%'  or ','+RWCYR+','  like '%,{0},%' ) ", userName);
            int       recordCount = 0;
            DataTable dtList      = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDataPager(" SZHL_RWGL  bg inner join JH_Auth_ZiDian zd on LeiBie= zd.ID and Class=7  ", "bg.*,zd.TypeName  ", 8, 1, "bg.CRDate desc", strWhere + " And RWStatus=0", ref recordCount);
            DataTable dtList1     = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDataPager(" SZHL_RWGL  bg inner join JH_Auth_ZiDian zd on LeiBie= zd.ID and Class=7  ", "bg.*,zd.TypeName  ", 8, 1, "bg.CRDate desc", strWhere + " And RWStatus=1", ref recordCount);

            msg.Result  = dtList;
            msg.Result1 = dtList1;
Пример #3
        public void GETGZBGMODEL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int Id = 0;

            int.TryParse(P1, out Id);
            SZHL_GZBG sg = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == Id && d.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId);

            msg.Result = sg;
            if (sg != null)
                msg.Result3 = new JH_Auth_ZiDianB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == sg.LeiBie).TypeName;

            DataTable dtPL = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDTByCommand("  SELECT *  FROM JH_Auth_TL WHERE MSGType='GZBG' AND  MSGTLYID='" + P1 + "'");

            dtPL.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtPL.Rows)
                if (dr["MSGisHasFiles"] != null && dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString() != "")
                    int[] fileIds = dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString().SplitTOInt(',');
                    dr["FileList"] = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));

            msg.Result1 = dtPL;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sg.Files))
                int[] fileIds = sg.Files.SplitTOInt(',');
                msg.Result2 = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));

            if (sg != null)
                new JH_Auth_User_CenterB().ReadMsg(UserInfo, sg.ID, "GZBG");
Пример #4
        public void GETKQINSTALL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int page      = 0;
            int pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);              //页码
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount); //页数
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int recordCount = 0;

            string searchContent = context.Request["search"] ?? "";
            string strWhere      = " ComID=" + UserInfo.User.ComId;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchContent))
                strWhere = string.Format(" And KQTitle like '%{0}%'", searchContent);
            DataTable dt = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDataPager(" SZHL_KQBC ", "*", pagecount, page, " CRDate desc ", strWhere, ref recordCount);

            msg.Result  = dt;
            msg.Result1 = recordCount;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取话题BYID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETHTMODEL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int Id = 0;

            int.TryParse(P1, out Id);
            SZHL_TSSQ sg = new SZHL_TSSQB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == Id && d.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId);

            msg.Result = sg;
            if (sg != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sg.Files))
                    msg.Result1 = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(" ID in (" + sg.Files + ")");
                if (sg.LeiBie != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sg.LeiBie.ToString()))
                    var SS = new JH_Auth_ZiDianB().GetEntity(p => p.ID == sg.LeiBie);
                    if (SS != null)
                        msg.Result2 = SS.TypeName;
                //msg.Result3 = new JH_Auth_TLB().GetEntities(d => d.ComId == UserInfo.User.ComId && d.MSGType == "TSSQ" && d.MSGTLYID == P1 && (d.MsgISShow != "Y" && d.MsgISShow != "N")).ToList();

                DataTable dtPL = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDTByCommand("  SELECT *  FROM JH_Auth_TL WHERE MSGType='TSSQ' AND  MSGTLYID='" + P1 + "' and MsgISShow!='Y' and MsgISShow!='N')");
                dtPL.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtPL.Rows)
                    if (dr["MSGisHasFiles"] != null && dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString() != "")
                        int[] fileIds = dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString().SplitTOInt(',');
                        dr["FileList"] = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));
                msg.Result3 = dtPL;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 工作报告统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1"></param>
        /// <param name="P2"></param>
        /// <param name="UserInfo"></param>
        public void GETGZBGTJ(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int page      = 0;
            int pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);              //页码
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount); //页数
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int recordCount = 0;

            string starDate = (P1 == "" ? DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() : P1) + "-";
            string EndDate  = "";

            if (P2 == "0" || P2 == "")
                starDate = starDate + "01" + "-01";
                EndDate  = (P1 == "" ? DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() : P1) + "-12" + "-31";
                starDate = starDate + P2 + "-01";
                EndDate  = DateTime.Parse(starDate).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string searchContent = context.Request["search"] ?? "";
            string strWhere      = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchContent))
                strWhere = string.Format(" And ( BG.CRUserName like '%{0}%'  OR BG.BranchName like '%{1}%' )", searchContent, searchContent);
            string    strSql = string.Format(@"SELECT   BG.BranchName,BG.CRUser, zd.TypeName, DATEPART(MONTH,BG.CRDate) ccMonth , COUNT(BG.ID) daycount from SZHL_GZBG BG inner join JH_Auth_ZiDian zd on BG.LeiBie=zd.ID  and zd.COMID='{0}' WHERE   BG.ComID='{1}'  AND  BG.RBDate BETWEEN  '{2}' and '{3}'" + strWhere + " GROUP by  BG.BranchName,BG.CRUser, zd.TypeName, DATEPART(MONTH,BG.CRDate) ", UserInfo.User.ComId, UserInfo.User.ComId, starDate, EndDate);
            DataTable dt     = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDataPager("(" + strSql + ") as gzbgtjtable ", "*", pagecount, page, " BranchName,CRUser,ccMonth,TypeName ", " 1=1 ", ref recordCount);

            msg.Result  = dt;
            msg.Result1 = recordCount;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取日志列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="P1">日志类型</param>
        /// <param name="P2">查询条件</param>
        /// <param name="strUserName"></param>
        public void GETGZBGLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int DataID = -1;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["ID"] ?? "-1", out DataID);//微信获取单个数据的ID

            int page      = 0;
            int pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);              //页码
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount); //页数
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int    recordCount = 0;
            string strWhere    = string.Format(" bg.ComId={0} ", UserInfo.User.ComId);
            string type        = context.Request["type"] ?? "1";

            if (type == "2")//下属报告
                string Users = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserBranchUsers(UserInfo.User.ComId.Value, UserInfo.User.UserName).Select(d => d.UserName).ToList().ListTOString(',');
                strWhere += string.Format("and   bg.CRUser in ('{0}')", Users.ToFormatLike());
            else if (type == "1") //当前登录人报告
                strWhere += string.Format("and   bg.CRUser='******'", UserInfo.User.UserName);
            else if (type == "3")//获取抄送人报告
                strWhere += string.Format("and    ','+bg.ChaoSongUser+',' like '%{0}%'", UserInfo.User.UserName);

            if (P1 != "")//分类
                strWhere += string.Format("And  bg.LeiBie={0}", P1);
            if (P2 != "")//内容查询
                strWhere += string.Format(" And (bg.RBContent like '%{0}%' OR bg.CRUserName like '%{0}%' OR bg.BranchName like '%{0}%' )", P2);
            string time = context.Request["time"] ?? "";

            if (time != "")
                if (time == "1")   //近一周
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,bg.RBDate,getdate())<7");
                else if (time == "2")
                {  //近一月
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,bg.RBDate,getdate())<30");
                else if (time == "3")  //自定义时间
                    string strTime = context.Request["starTime"] ?? "";
                    string endTime = context.Request["endTime"] ?? "";
                    if (strTime != "")
                        strWhere += string.Format(" And convert(varchar(10),bg.RBDate,120) >='{0}'", strTime);
                    if (endTime != "")
                        strWhere += string.Format(" And convert(varchar(10),bg.RBDate,120) <='{0}'", endTime);
            if (DataID != -1)
                string strIsHasDataQX = new JH_Auth_QY_ModelB().ISHASDATAREADQX("GZBG", DataID, UserInfo);
                if (strIsHasDataQX == "Y")
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And bg.ID = '{0}'", DataID);
                new JH_Auth_User_CenterB().ReadMsg(UserInfo, DataID, "GZBG");
            DataTable dt      = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDataPager(" SZHL_GZBG  bg inner join JH_Auth_ZiDian zd on LeiBie= zd.ID and Class=6  ", "bg.BranchName,bg.CRUserName,CONVERT(varchar(100), bg.RBDate, 23) as RBDate,zd.TypeName,bg.CRUser,bg.RBContent,bg.RBJSR,bg.RBWCQK,bg.LeiBie,bg.CRDate,bg.ID,bg.Files ", pagecount, page, "bg.CRDate desc", strWhere, ref recordCount);
            string    Ids     = "";
            string    fileIDs = "";

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                Ids += row["ID"].ToString() + ",";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Files"].ToString()))
                    fileIDs += row["Files"].ToString() + ",";
            Ids     = Ids.TrimEnd(',');
            fileIDs = fileIDs.TrimEnd(',');

            dt.Columns.Add("PLList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
            dt.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
            if (Ids != "")
                List <FT_File> FileList = new List <FT_File>();
                DataTable      dtPL     = new JH_Auth_TLB().GetDTByCommand(string.Format("SELECT tl.* FROM JH_Auth_TL tl WHERE tl.MSGType='GZBG' AND  tl.MSGTLYID in ({0})", Ids));
                dtPL.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtPL.Rows)
                    if (dr["MSGisHasFiles"] != null && dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString() != "")
                        int[] fileIds = dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString().SplitTOInt(',');
                        dr["FileList"] = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileIDs))
                    int[] fileId = fileIDs.SplitTOInt(',');
                    FileList = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileId.Contains(d.ID)).ToList();
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    row["PLList"] = dtPL.FilterTable("MSGTLYID='" + row["ID"] + "'");
                    if (FileList.Count > 0)
                        string[] fileIds = row["Files"].ToString().Split(',');
                        row["FileList"] = FileList.Where(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID.ToString()));
            msg.Result  = dt;
            msg.Result1 = recordCount;
Пример #8
        public void GETRWGLLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string userName = UserInfo.User.UserName;
            string strWhere = " bg.ComId =" + UserInfo.User.ComId.Value;

            if (P1 != "")
                if (P1 == "2")
                    //  strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,bg.RWJZDate,getdate())>0");
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And bg.RWJZDate < CONVERT(char(10), GETDATE(), 120) And RWStatus='0'");
                else if (P1 == "1")
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And RWStatus={0}", P1);
                else if (P1 == "0")
                    //strWhere += string.Format(" And bg.RWJZDate >= CONVERT(char(10), GETDATE(), 120) And RWStatus={0}", P1);
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And RWStatus={0}", P1);
            if (P2 != "")
                switch (P2)
                case "0":
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And (bg.CRUser='******' or  ','+RWFZR+','  like '%,{0},%'  or ','+RWCYR+','  like '%,{0},%'  or ','+KHFXRS+','  like '%,{0},%' )", userName);

                case "1":
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And (','+RWFZR+','  like '%," + userName + ",%' )");

                case "2":
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And bg.CRUser='******'", UserInfo.User.UserName);

                case "3":
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And (','+RWCYR+','  like '%," + userName + ",%' )");

                case "4":
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And (','+KHFXRS+','  like '%," + userName + ",%' )");
            string leibie = context.Request["lb"] ?? "";

            if (leibie != "")
                strWhere += string.Format(" And LeiBie='{0}' ", leibie);
            string strContent = context.Request["Content"] ?? "";

            strContent = strContent.TrimEnd();
            if (strContent != "")
                strWhere += string.Format(" And ( RWTitle like '%{0}%' )", strContent);
            string time = context.Request["time"] ?? "";

            if (time != "")
                if (time == "1")   //近一周
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,bg.CRDate,getdate())<7");
                else if (time == "2")
                {  //近一月
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,bg.CRDate,getdate())<30");
                else if (time == "3")  //自定义时间
                    string strTime = context.Request["starTime"] ?? "";
                    string endTime = context.Request["endTime"] ?? "";
                    if (strTime != "")
                        strWhere += string.Format(" And convert(varchar(10),bg.CRDate,120) >='{0}'", strTime);
                    if (endTime != "")
                        strWhere += string.Format(" And convert(varchar(10),bg.CRDate,120) <='{0}'", endTime);
            int DataID = -1;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["ID"] ?? "-1", out DataID);//记录Id
            if (DataID != -1)
                string strIsHasDataQX = new JH_Auth_QY_ModelB().ISHASDATAREADQX("RWGL", DataID, UserInfo);
                if (strIsHasDataQX == "Y")
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And bg.ID = '{0}'", DataID);
                new JH_Auth_User_CenterB().ReadMsg(UserInfo, DataID, "RWGL");
            DataTable dtList    = new DataTable();
            int       page      = 0;
            int       pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);              //页码
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount); //页数
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int recordCount = 0;

            dtList = new SZHL_GZBGB().GetDataPager(" SZHL_RWGL  bg LEFT JOIN JH_Auth_ZiDian zd on LeiBie= zd.ID and Class=7  LEFT JOIN JH_Auth_User jau ON bg.RWFZR = jau.UserName AND jau.ComId=bg.ComId ", @" [CRUserName],
	[IsTX],CASE WHEN RWJZDate<CONVERT(char(20), GETDATE(), 23) THEN 1 else 0 END AS jzstatus"    , pagecount, page, "bg.RWJZDate desc", strWhere, ref recordCount);
            string Ids     = "";
            string fileIDs = "";

            foreach (DataRow row in dtList.Rows)
                Ids += row["ID"].ToString() + ",";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Files"].ToString()))
                    fileIDs += row["Files"].ToString() + ",";
            Ids     = Ids.TrimEnd(',');
            fileIDs = fileIDs.TrimEnd(',');
            if (Ids != "")
                List <FT_File> FileList = new List <FT_File>();
                DataTable      dtPL     = new JH_Auth_TLB().GetDTByCommand(string.Format("SELECT tl.* FROM JH_Auth_TL tl WHERE tl.MSGType='RWGL' AND  tl.MSGTLYID in ({0})", Ids));
                dtPL.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtPL.Rows)
                    if (dr["MSGisHasFiles"] != null && dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString() != "")
                        int[] fileIds = dr["MSGisHasFiles"].ToString().SplitTOInt(',');
                        dr["FileList"] = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileIDs))
                    int[] fileId = fileIDs.SplitTOInt(',');
                    FileList = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileId.Contains(d.ID)).ToList();
                dtList.Columns.Add("PLList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
                dtList.Columns.Add("FileList", Type.GetType("System.Object"));
                foreach (DataRow row in dtList.Rows)
                    row["PLList"] = dtPL.FilterTable("MSGTLYID='" + row["ID"] + "'");
                    if (FileList.Count > 0)
                        string[] fileIds = row["Files"].ToString().Split(',');
                        row["FileList"] = FileList.Where(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID.ToString()));
            msg.Result  = dtList;
            msg.Result1 = recordCount;