static void Main(string[] args) { String file = "test.svg"; //"iso-8859-1" string text = File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")); /*text = Regex.Replace(text, "(<!--(.*?)-->)|(ng-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+=\"[^\"]*\")", ""); * byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text); * text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);*/ //File.WriteAllText("loadPodloga2.svg", text); SVGImage image = new SVGImage(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)); FileStream sw = File.Create("svg.pdf"); image.SaveToPdf(sw); image.SaveToPdf("svg2.pdf"); //System.Drawing.Bitmap i = image.Image(10.0); System.Drawing.Bitmap i = image.Image(3000, 3000, false); Bitmap target = new Bitmap(i.Size.Width, i.Size.Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target); g.Clear(Color.White); //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.White)), 0, 0, target.Width, target.Height); g.DrawImage(i, 0, 0); target.Save("svg.png", ImageFormat.Png); i.Save("svg2.png", ImageFormat.Png); i.Save("svg.jpeg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); i.Save("svg.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp); }
void Start() { spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SVGImage>(); if (Switch != null) { _SwitchConducting = Switch.SwitchConducting;//true; if (_SwitchConducting == true) { spriteRenderer.sprite = close; position = DbPos.close; } else { spriteRenderer.sprite = open; position =; } } else { _SwitchConducting = false; spriteRenderer.sprite = bad; position = DbPos.bad; } oldSwitchConducting = _SwitchConducting; if (Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <OperateDialog>().Length > 0) { operateDialog = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <OperateDialog>()[0]; } else { Debug.Log("cannot find operateDialog"); } }
public void SetBoostImageIcon(int i, String name, bool bought) { SVGImage image = characterBoards[i].transform.Find(name).GetComponent <SVGImage>(); Color newCol; if (bought) { if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#FFFFFF", out newCol)) { if (image.color != newCol) { image.color = newCol; } } } else { if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#5A5A5A", out newCol)) { if (image.color != newCol) { image.color = newCol; } } } }
public bool FillFromSvg(SVGImage svg) { try { float x = ParseSize(svg.X, Dpi.X); float y = ParseSize(svg.Y, Dpi.Y); float w = ParseSize(svg.Width, Dpi.X); float h = ParseSize(svg.Height, Dpi.Y); RectangleF = new RectangleF(x, y, w, h); _fileName = svg.HRef; _id = svg.Id; try { _image = Image.FromFile(_fileName); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { SVGErr.Log("DrawImageObject", "FillFromSvg", ex.ToString(), SVGErr._LogPriority.Info); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex0) { SVGErr.Log("DrawImageObject", "FillFromSvg", ex0.ToString(), SVGErr._LogPriority.Info); return(false); } }
private static GameObject GetOrCreateProfileOverride(Image portrait) { GameObject profileOverrideGO = portrait.transform.parent.gameObject.FindFirstChildNamed(ModConsts.GO_Profile_Override); if (profileOverrideGO == null) { Mod.Log.Debug?.Write(" -- CREATING PORTRAIT OVERRIDE NODE"); profileOverrideGO = new GameObject(); = ModConsts.GO_Profile_Override; profileOverrideGO.transform.parent = portrait.transform.parent; profileOverrideGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f); Vector3 newPos = portrait.transform.position; newPos.x -= 30f; newPos.y += 30f; profileOverrideGO.transform.position = newPos; SVGImage image = profileOverrideGO.GetOrAddComponent <SVGImage>(); if (image == null) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(" -- FAILED TO LOAD IMAGE - WILL NRE!"); } image.color = Color.white; image.enabled = true; } return(profileOverrideGO); }
public static DrawObject Create(SVGImage svg) { try { DrawImageObject dobj; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(svg.Id)) { dobj = new DrawImageObject(svg.HRef, ParseSize(svg.X, Dpi.X), ParseSize(svg.Y, Dpi.Y), ParseSize(svg.Width, Dpi.X), ParseSize(svg.Height, Dpi.Y)); } else { var di = new DrawImageObject(); if (!di.FillFromSvg(svg)) { return(null); } dobj = di; } return(dobj); } catch (Exception ex) { SVGErr.Log("DrawImageObject", "Create", ex.ToString(), SVGErr._LogPriority.Info); return(null); } }
public static void Postfix( MechComponentRef ___componentRef, SVGImage ___icon, LocalizableText ___nameText, LocalizableText ___bonusTextA, LocalizableText ___bonusTextB ) { try { // support no icon ___icon.gameObject.SetActive(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(___componentRef.Def.Description.Icon)); // support no name ___nameText.gameObject.SetActive(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(___componentRef.Def.Description.UIName)); // support null besides empty string ___bonusTextA.gameObject.SetActive(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(___componentRef.Def.BonusValueA)); ___bonusTextB.gameObject.SetActive(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(___componentRef.Def.BonusValueB)); } catch (Exception e) { Control.Logger.Error.Log(e); } }
// Function to set the weather mode public void SetWeather(SVGImage bg_btn, WeatherClip clip) { hasWeather = thisScenario.SetWeatherVideo(clip); // Returns true if video found UpdateStartButton(); SetSelectedButton(parent_weathertoggles, bg_btn); }
private void checkIfRezeptIsDone() { foreach (Transform child in panels_left[0].transform) { //wenn der Pfeil erreicht ist, sind die Zutaten alle erledigt if (child.tag == "Pfeil") { finishRezept(); return; } Image image = child.GetComponent <Image> (); if (image != null) { var tempColor = image.color; if (tempColor.a != 0.2f) { return; } } SVGImage image2 = child.GetComponent <SVGImage> (); if (image2 != null) { var tempColor = image2.color; if (tempColor.a != 0.2f) { return; } } } }
void DrawSolutionIcon(CairoContextEx cr, double x, double y, double width, double height) { string image; int img_index = (int)SolutionIcon; switch (SolutionIcon) { case SolutionType.CorrectAnswer: image = "gtk-ok.svg"; break; case SolutionType.InvalidAnswer: image = "gtk-stop.svg"; break; case SolutionType.Tip: image = "gtk-info.svg"; break; default: return; } // In memory games, the image gets painted several dozen times if (images [img_index] == null) { images [img_index] = new SVGImage(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), image); } cr.DrawImage(images [img_index], x + icon_margin, y, width, height); }
void SetActiveTab(SVGImage image) { foreach (SVGImage ri in images) { ri.sprite = tabClosed; } image.sprite = tabOpen; }
/// <summary> /// 它创建了一个新的SVG图像元素。 /// </summary> public SVGImage AddImage(SVGUnit parent, ref SVGUnit last) { SVGImage img = new SVGImage(this); AddElement(parent, img, ref last); return(img); }
static bool Prefix(SGDifficultyIndicatorWidget __instance, List <UIColorRefTracker> ___pips, UIColor ___activeColor, ref int difficulty) { Traverse difficultySetter = Traverse.Create(__instance).Property("Difficulty"); difficultySetter.SetValue(difficulty); __instance.Reset(); float f = ((float)(difficulty) % 10) / 2f; if (!DCECore.settings.useDiffRungs) { f = Mathf.Min((float)difficulty / 2f, 5f); } else { if ((difficulty % 10) == 0 && difficulty != 0) { f = 5f; } } int index; Color color; bool customColor = DCECore.settings.getRungColor(Math.Max((difficulty - 1) / 10, 0), out color); for (index = 0; index < Mathf.FloorToInt(f); ++index) { UIColorRefTracker pip = ___pips[index]; pip.GetComponent <SVGImage>().fillAmount = 1f; if (customColor) { pip.SetUIColor(UIColor.Custom); pip.OverrideWithColor(color); } else { pip.SetUIColor(___activeColor); } } if ((double)index >= (double)f) { return(false); } UIColorRefTracker pip1 = ___pips[index]; SVGImage component = pip1.GetComponent <SVGImage>(); if (customColor) { pip1.SetUIColor(UIColor.Custom); pip1.OverrideWithColor(color); } else { pip1.SetUIColor(___activeColor); } component.fillAmount = f - (float)index; return(false); }
private static IEnumerator FadeToAlpha(SVGImage image, float alpha) { image.color = new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, 0); while (image.color.a < alpha) { image.color = new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, image.color.a + Time.deltaTime * 2.0f); yield return(null); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { animalSVGImage = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(SVGImage)) as SVGImage; animalOpenEye = animalSVGImage.vectorGraphics; isClosed = false; open = firstBlink; close = 0.2f; timer = open; }
private static IEnumerator FadeToZeroAlpha(SVGImage image) { image.color = new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, 1); while (image.color.a > 0.0f) { image.color = new Color(image.color.r, image.color.g, image.color.b, image.color.a - Time.deltaTime * 2.0f); yield return(null); } }
public void SetBoostImageCircle(SVGImage circle, bool bought) { Color newCol; SVGImage image = circle.transform.Find("Boost Image").GetComponent <SVGImage>(); Image backgroundImage = circle.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image>(); if (bought) { if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#EAEAEA", out newCol)) { if (circle.color != newCol) { circle.color = newCol; } } if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#FFFFFF", out newCol)) { if (image.color != newCol) { image.color = newCol; } } if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#FFFFFF", out newCol)) { if (backgroundImage.color != newCol) { backgroundImage.color = newCol; } } } else { if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#686868", out newCol)) { if (circle.color != newCol) { circle.color = newCol; } } if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#5A5A5A", out newCol)) { if (image.color != newCol) { image.color = newCol; } } if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#C8C8C8", out newCol)) { if (backgroundImage.color != newCol) { backgroundImage.color = newCol; } } } }
public static void ResetDrawBackgroundCache() { if (image == null) { return; } image.Dispose(); image = null; }
static void UpdateIcon(GameObject icon, bool enable, bool isPlayerPositive) { if (enable) { SVGImage image = icon.GetComponent <SVGImage>(); image.color = isPlayerPositive ? Mod.Config.Icons.PlayerPositiveMarkColor : Mod.Config.Icons.PlayerNegativeMarkColor; } icon.SetActive(enable); }
//public void initializeStuff(Transform uicharge, TextMeshProUGUI uichargetext, SVGImage fillcolorsvgimg){ public void initializeStuff(GameObject uicharge, GameObject uichargetext) { chargePercent = 0.0f; energyGradientMat = gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().material; UICharge = uicharge.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); UIChargeText = uichargetext.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); FillColor = uicharge.GetComponent <SVGImage>(); //tint = FillColor.GetComponent<Material>(); print(UICharge + " " + UIChargeText + " " + FillColor); }
public bool UseSvgImg() { Init(); SVGImage sr = this.GetComponent <SVGImage>(); if (sr != null) { this.SetImg(sr); } return(sr != null); }
public static void Postfix(MechComponentRef ___componentRef, SVGImage ___icon) { try { ___icon.gameObject.SetActive(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(___componentRef.Def.Description.Icon)); } catch (Exception e) { Control.mod.Logger.LogError(e); } }
// Called when a button is selected to change all buttons to standard color private void SetSelectedButton(Transform parent, SVGImage selectedBtn) { SVGImage[] backgrounds = parent.GetComponentsInChildren <SVGImage>(); foreach (SVGImage item in backgrounds) { item.color = normal_color; } selectedBtn.color = selected_color; }
public void DeterminePreviewColor(GameObject preview, int highestLevel) { BuildingPreview buildingPreview = preview.GetComponent <BuildingPreview>(); if (buildingPreview) { SVGImage svgImage1 = preview.transform.Find("Ground").GetComponent <SVGImage>(); SVGImage svgImage2 = preview.transform.Find("Structure").GetComponent <SVGImage>(); svgImage1.color = buildingPreview.index <= highestLevel ? Color.white : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.7f); svgImage2.color = buildingPreview.index <= highestLevel ? Color.white : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.7f); } }
private void Start() { viewComponent = GetComponent <SVGImage>(); if (viewPlay == null || viewPause == null) { DebugLog.LogRed("There`s no sprite in ButtonPause.cs"); return; } UpdateState(); }
void Awake() { mimic = GetComponent <SVGImage>(); if (mimic != null) { NormalColor = mimic.color; } else { Debug.Log("cannot find SVG Image"); } }
void Awake() { Joystick = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Joystick"); MovementJoystick = ((CNJoystick)Joystick.GetComponent(typeof(CNJoystick))); fireButton = GameObject.Find("Fire Button").GetComponent <Button> (); jumpButton = GameObject.Find("Jump Button").GetComponent <Button> (); drinkButton = GameObject.Find("Drink Button").GetComponent <Button> (); drinkButtonGO = GameObject.Find("Drink Button"); drinkButtonImage = drinkButtonGO.GetComponentInChildren <SVGImage> (); equipSFX = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource> (); }
public static void setSpriteOrHide(this SVGImage image, Sprite sprite) { if (sprite == null) { image.sprite = sprite; image.enabled = false; } else { image.enabled = true; image.sprite = sprite; } }
// Token: 0x06013CC1 RID: 81089 RVA: 0x00509D40 File Offset: 0x00507F40 static void Reset(UIColor ___defaultColor, List <UIColorRefTracker> ___pips) { if (___defaultColor == UIColor.Custom) { return; } foreach (UIColorRefTracker uicolorRefTracker in ___pips) { uicolorRefTracker.SetUIColor(___defaultColor); SVGImage component = uicolorRefTracker.GetComponent <SVGImage>(); if (component != null) { component.fillAmount = 0f; } } }
private void Start() { _soundManager = SoundManager29.Instance; _camera = Camera.main; _originalRot = _bottle.transform.eulerAngles.z; _bottleBatter = _bottle.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject; _originalScale = _batters[0].localScale; _readyFlapjack = _batters[2].GetComponent <SVGImage>(); _startRoutine = StartCoroutine(WaitForPlayerInput()); }