Пример #1
        public static IEnumerable <IFileGeometry3D> ReadStl(FileInfo file)
            var          builder = new SimpleMeshBuilder();
            var          stl     = new STLReader();
            IOReadResult res;
            var          reader = new ASCIIBinarySTLParser();

            using (var fs = file.OpenRead()) {
                //using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs)) {
                //    res = stl.Read(br, new ReadOptions { }, builder);

            //    if (res.code == IOCode.Ok && builder.Meshes.Any()) {
            //        var mesh = builder.Meshes.Single();
            //        return new[] {
            //            new MeshData("STL",
            //            mesh.GetVertexArrayFloat().ToVector3List().AsReadOnly(),
            //            mesh.HasVertexNormals ?
            //                mesh.GetVertexNormalArray().ToVector3List().AsReadOnly()
            //                : new ReadOnlyCollection<Vector3>(new List<Vector3>()),
            //            mesh.GetTriangleArray().AsReadOnly(),
            //            mesh.HasVertexUVs ?
            //                mesh.GetVertexUVArray().ToVector2List().AsReadOnly()
            //                : new ReadOnlyCollection<Vector2>(new List<Vector2>()),
            //            mesh.HasVertexColors ?
            //                mesh.GetVertexColorArray().ToVector3List().AsReadOnly()
            //                :  new ReadOnlyCollection<Vector3>(new List<Vector3>())
            //            )
            //        };
            //    }
            //    throw new Exception("Can't read STL.");
Пример #2
        private void OpenFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string FilePath = null;

            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                FilePath = openFileDialog.FileName;
                STLReader stlReader = new STLReader(openFileDialog.FileName);
                meshArray = stlReader.ReadFile();
                TriangleMesh[] normalArray = new TriangleMesh[meshArray.Length];
                //Перобразование в лист Point3D
                for (int i = 0; i < meshArray.Length; i++)
                    point.Add(new Point3D(meshArray[i].vert1.x, meshArray[i].vert1.y, meshArray[i].vert1.z));
                    point.Add(new Point3D(meshArray[i].vert2.x, meshArray[i].vert2.y, meshArray[i].vert2.z));
                    point.Add(new Point3D(meshArray[i].vert3.x, meshArray[i].vert3.y, meshArray[i].vert3.z));
                //удаление дубликатов точек
                list = point.Distinct().ToList <Point3D>();
                //Преобразование в модель
                device           = create3dmodel(list);
                device3D.Content = device;
                Cutt.IsEnabled   = true;
                Count.IsEnabled  = true;
                viewPort3d.Children.Add(new SunLight());
Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!this.IsPostBack)
                if (this.Page.Request.Files.Count > 0)
                    UploadFileInfo fi           = new UploadFileInfo();
                    string         fileName     = GetNewFilename("STL", "stl");
                    string         fileFullPath = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine(uploadPath, fileName));

                    fi.gg_tj         = fi.gg_bmj = fi.gg_length = fi.gg_width =
                        fi.gg_height = fi.code = fi.error = "";

                    fi.source_name = this.Page.Request.Files[0].FileName;
                    fi.file_name   = this.Page.ResolveUrl("~") + uploadPath + "/" + fileName;
                    fi.success     = false;


                        STLReader stl = new STLReader(fileFullPath);

                        if (stl.IsValid)
                            fi.gg_tj = stl.Volume.ToString();
                            //fi.gg_bmj = stl.SurfaceArea.ToString();
                            fi.gg_length = stl.Size.Length.ToString();
                            fi.gg_width  = stl.Size.Width.ToString();
                            fi.gg_height = stl.Size.Height.ToString();

                            fi.success = true;
                            fi.error = stl.ErrorMessage;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        fi.code  = "-1";
                        fi.error = ex.Message;

                    string jsonString;
                    JavaScriptSerializer  serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    List <UploadFileInfo> jsonList   = new List <UploadFileInfo>();
                    jsonString = serializer.Serialize(jsonList);
                    jsonString = jsonString.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");

Пример #4
        static private void TestSTLReader()
            var Part         = new STLReader("Sk20.stl");
            int MaxCount     = 512;
            var SubDivisions = Part.RecursiveSplit(MaxCount);

            foreach (var item in SubDivisions)
                if (item.TriangleCount > MaxCount)
                    throw new Exception("This must be less than " + MaxCount.ToString() + " Triangles");
            int NumPoints = 512 * 100;
            var Mesher    = new PointInserter(SubDivisions.ToArray());
            var Pts       = Mesher.GetPointsGPU(NumPoints);
Пример #5
        private void fileSelectBt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog stldosyaSec = new OpenFileDialog();

            stldosyaSec.Filter = "STL Files|*.stl;*.txt;";

            if (stldosyaSec.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                dosyaSecTxb.Text = stldosyaSec.SafeFileName;

                STLReader      stlReader = new STLReader(stldosyaSec.FileName);
                TriangleMesh[] meshArray = stlReader.ReadFile();
                modelVAO = new Batu_GL.VAO_TRIANGLES();

                STLExport stlExporter = new STLExport();

                modelVAO.parameterArray = stlExporter.Get_Mesh_Vertices(meshArray);
                modelVAO.normalArray    = stlExporter.Get_Mesh_Normals(meshArray);
                modelVAO.color          = Color.CadetBlue;

                if (!stlReader.Get_Process_Error())
                    rotation               = 0;
                    drawTimer.Enabled      = true;
                    fileSelectBt.BackColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue;
                    drawTimer.Enabled      = false;
                    fileSelectBt.BackColor = Color.Tomato;

                    /* if there is an error, deinitialize the gl monitor to clear the screen */
                    glController.glInit(monitor, Batu_GL.Ortho_Mode.CENTER);
                // intentionally left blank
Пример #6
        public List <Mesh> LoadMeshes()
            using var stream       = File.OpenRead(_filePath);
            using var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            var builder = new DMesh3Builder();
            var reader  = new STLReader();

            var result = reader.Read(binaryReader, ReadOptions.Defaults, builder);


            if (result.code != IOCode.Ok)
                throw new Exception("Something went wrong when reading the STL file!");

            return(builder.Meshes.Select(m => new Mesh(m))
Пример #7
        private void ReadSelectedFile(string fileName)
            STLReader stlReader = new STLReader(fileName);

            TriangleMesh[] meshArray = stlReader.ReadFile();
            modelVAO = new Batu_GL.VAO_TRIANGLES();
            modelVAO.parameterArray = STLExport.Get_Mesh_Vertices(meshArray);
            modelVAO.normalArray    = STLExport.Get_Mesh_Normals(meshArray);
            modelVAO.color          = Color.Crimson;
            minPos = stlReader.GetMinMeshPosition(meshArray);
            maxPos = stlReader.GetMaxMeshPosition(meshArray);
            if (stlReader.Get_Process_Error())
                modelVAO = null;
                /* if there is an error, deinitialize the gl monitor to clear the screen */
                Batu_GL.Configure(GL_Monitor, Batu_GL.Ortho_Mode.CENTER);
Пример #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            STLReader reader = new STLReader("C:/Users/Becarios/Documents/Ferreyra/Scripts/CenterlineComputation/Centerline/Meshes/testmesh.stl");

            TriangleMesh[] mesh = reader.ReadFile();

            Vertex3[] vertices = new Vertex3[3 * mesh.Length];

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Length; i++)
                vertices[j]     = new Vertex3(mesh[i].vert1.x, mesh[i].vert1.y, mesh[i].vert1.z);
                vertices[j + 1] = new Vertex3(mesh[i].vert2.x, mesh[i].vert2.y, mesh[i].vert2.z);
                vertices[j + 2] = new Vertex3(mesh[i].vert3.x, mesh[i].vert3.y, mesh[i].vert3.z);
                j += 3;

            DelaunayTriangulation3 delaunay = new DelaunayTriangulation3();


            //VoronoiMesh3 voronoi = new VoronoiMesh3();

            //SAVE CENTROIDS

            using (StreamWriter writetext = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/Becarios/Documents/Ferreyra/Scripts/CenterlineComputation/DelaunayCentroids.txt"))
                for (int k = 0; k < delaunay.Cells.Count; k++)
                    writetext.WriteLine(delaunay.Cells[k].CircumCenter.X + " " + delaunay.Cells[k].CircumCenter.Y + " " + delaunay.Cells[k].CircumCenter.Z + " " + delaunay.Cells[k].Radius);
Пример #9
    // Load STL file
    public bool load_stl(string model_file)
        //Util.alert(MODULE + "  Loading STL: " + model_file);

        Vector3 min, max;

            STLReader stl_reader = new STLReader(model_file);;
            mesh = stl_reader.ReadFile();

            // Determine bounding box
            min = stl_reader.GetMinMeshPosition(mesh);
            max = stl_reader.GetMaxMeshPosition(mesh);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Util.error(MODULE + "Unable to load " + model_file + " " + ex.Message);

        //Util.alert(MODULE + "  Mesh triangles: " + mesh.Length);

        // ReCenter

        Vector3 center = new Vector3((min.X + max.X) / 2.0f, (min.Y + max.Y) / 2.0f, (min.Z + max.Z) / 2.0f);

        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Length; i++)
            mesh[i].vert1.X -= center.X; mesh[i].vert1.Y -= center.Y; mesh[i].vert1.Z -= center.Z;
            mesh[i].vert2.X -= center.X; mesh[i].vert2.Y -= center.Y; mesh[i].vert2.Z -= center.Z;
            mesh[i].vert3.X -= center.X; mesh[i].vert3.Y -= center.Y; mesh[i].vert3.Z -= center.Z;

Пример #10
        public PrintModule(IDbConnection db, ILog log, IRootPathProvider pathProvider) : base("/print")
            Get["/"] = parameters => {
                base.Page.Title = "3D打印";
                return(View["Index", base.Model]);

            Get["/materials"] = parameters => {
                var materials = db.Select <Material>(q => q.State == 0);
                //return Response.AsJson(( new List<string> { "Foo","Bar","Hello","World"}).Select(i => new {
                //    message = i

            Post["/upload"] = parameters => {
                string uploadDirectory;
                string filepath = "";
                if (Context.CurrentUser == null)
                    uploadDirectory = Path.Combine(pathProvider.GetRootPath(), "Content", "uploads", "temp");
                    filepath        = "/Content/uploads/temp/";
                    uploadDirectory = Path.Combine(pathProvider.GetRootPath(), "Content", "uploads", "3d");
                    filepath        = "/Content/uploads/3d/";

                if (!Directory.Exists(uploadDirectory))

                string             _filename = "";
                string             filename  = "";
                List <Models.File> files     = new List <Models.File>();

                foreach (var file in Request.Files)
                    if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.Name).ToLower() != ".stl")
                        //return Response.AsJson("{\"files\":[{error:\"文件格式不是stl\"}]}",Nancy.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                        files.Add(new Models.File()
                            error = "文件格式不是stl!"
                        return(Response.AsJson <JsonFileUpload>(new JsonFileUpload()
                            files = files
                    if (file.Name.IndexOf("$") >= 0)
                        files.Add(new Models.File()
                            error = "文件名不能包含'$'符号!"
                        return(Response.AsJson <JsonFileUpload>(new JsonFileUpload()
                            files = files

                    //_filename = file.Name;
                    if (Context.CurrentUser == null)
                        _filename = Session["TempUserId"].ToString() + "$" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-fffff") + "$" + file.Name;
                        filename  = Path.Combine(uploadDirectory, _filename);
                        string userid = "";
                        userid = db.Select <string>("select Id from T_User where Email=@email", new { email = base.Page.CurrentUser }).FirstOrDefault();

                        _filename = userid + "$" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-fffff") + "$" + file.Name;
                        filename  = Path.Combine(uploadDirectory, _filename);

                    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create)) {

                STLReader stl = new STLReader(filename);
                if (stl.IsValid)
                    //jsonfile.files= stl.Size.Length.ToString();
                    //fi.gg_width = stl.Size.Width.ToString();
                    //fi.gg_height = stl.Size.Height.ToString();
                    files.Add(new Models.File()
                        name     = _filename,
                        fullname = filepath + _filename,
                        length   = stl.Size.Length.ToString(),
                        width    = stl.Size.Width.ToString(),
                        height   = stl.Size.Height.ToString(),
                        surface  = stl.Surface.ToString(),
                        volume   = stl.Volume.ToString()
                    files.Add(new Models.File()
                        error = stl.ErrorMessage
                //return Response.AsJson("{\"files\":[{name:\"" + _filename + "\"}]}", Nancy.HttpStatusCode.OK);
                //files.Add(new Models.File() { name = _filename });
                return(Response.AsJson <JsonFileUpload>(new JsonFileUpload()
                    files = files

                //base.Page.Title = "上传成功";
                //return View["Index", base.Model];

            Get["/suppliers"] = parameters => {
                string materialid = Request.Query["materialid"].Value;
                string _distance  = Request.Query["distance"].Value;
                double distance   = 20000;
                if (_distance != null)
                    bool b = double.TryParse(_distance, out distance);
                    if (!b)
                        distance = 20000;
                double lng = 0, lat = 0;

                string    url = $"http://api.map.baidu.com/location/ip?ak=26904d2efeb684d7d59d493098e7295d&ip={Request.UserHostAddress}&coor=bd09ll";
                WebClient wc  = new WebClient();
                wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                string  json = wc.DownloadString(url);
                JObject m    = JObject.Parse(json);
                if (m["status"].ToString() == "0")
                    lng = double.Parse(m["point"]["x"].ToString()); //经度
                    lat = double.Parse(m["point"]["y"].ToString()); //纬度

                //lng = 118.645297;
                //lat = 24.879442;

                double range  = 180 / Math.PI * distance / 6372.797; //distance代表距离,单位是km
                double lngR   = range / Math.Cos(lat * Math.PI / 180.0);
                double maxLat = lat + range;
                double minLat = lat - range;
                double maxLng = lng + lngR;
                double minLng = lng - lngR;

                string sql       = $@"
                    SELECT t1.supplierId,t1.fname,address,tel,qq,logo,t2.Price as MatPrice,t3.fname as PrintCompleteName,t2.id as SupplierPrinterMaterialId
                    FROM t_supplier t1
                    join t_supplier_printer_material t2 on t2.supplierId=t1.supplierId
                    join t_printcomplete t3 on t3.completeid=t2.completeid                
                    WHERE ((lat BETWEEN '{minLat}' AND '{maxLat}') AND (lng BETWEEN '{minLng}' AND '{maxLng}'))
                        and t2.MaterialId=@MaterialId and t1.state='0'
                    Group by t1.supplierId,t1.fname,address,tel,qq,logo;";
                var    suppliers = db.Select <SupplierWithCompletePriceModel>(sql, new { MaterialId = materialid });
                return(Response.AsJson(suppliers.Select(i => new {
                    supplierId = i.SupplierId,
                    fname = i.Fname,
                    address = i.Address,
                    tel = i.Tel,
                    qq = i.QQ,
                    logo = i.Logo,
                    matprice = i.MatPrice,
                    printcompletename = i.PrintCompleteName,
                    supplierprintermaterialid = i.SupplierPrinterMaterialId
Пример #11
 static private void TestPointInPolygon()
     var STLFile = new STLReader("Cable support hook.stl");