protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             UserAcc ua = UserAcc.GetObjUser();
             hidUserID.Value        = ua.nUserID + "";
             hidEncryptUserID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(hidUserID.Value);
             //txtOldPass.Attributes.Add("type", "password");
             //string strID = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strID))
             //    hidUserID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(strID);
             //    SetData(hidUserID.Value.toIntNullToZero());
             //    hidEncryptUserID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(hidUserID.Value);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            if (!IsPostBack)
                string sQueryStrIndID = Request.QueryString["in"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sQueryStrIndID))
                    hdfIndID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(sQueryStrIndID);

                    ((_MP_EPI_FORMS)this.Master).hdfPRMS      = SystemFunction.GetPermissionMenu(15) + "";
                    ((_MP_EPI_FORMS)this.Master).hdfCheckRole = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID + "";
                    SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "Intensity_from.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring
Пример #3
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             string strID = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strID))
                 hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(strID);
                 hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value);
                 //CR. 06.02.2019 Sync from SAP
                 txtCode.Enabled        = false;
                 txtCompanyName.Enabled = false;
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             PTTGC_EPIEntities db  = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
             string            str = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 int nFacID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str));
                 hdfFacID.Value = str;
                 ltrCreate.Text = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_asset_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i>&nbsp;Create Sub-facility</a>";
                 var itemHeader = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID);
                 if (itemHeader != null)
                     var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == itemHeader.CompanyID);
                     ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> >  <a style='color:white' href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(itemCompany.ID + "")) + "'> " + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > " + itemHeader.Name;//กำหนด Header
             SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null);
Пример #5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strID = "";

        string[] userindname = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split('\\');
        if (userindname.Length >= 2)
            strID = userindname[1] + "";
        else//for test
            strID = "";

        string sUrl = "";

        if (userindname.Length >= 2)
            sUrl = "~/login.aspx?strad=" + Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(strID)) + "&&smod=%Agf4D%";
        else//for test
            sUrl = "~/login.aspx";
Пример #6
    public static List <TDataSAPFacility> SearchSAPFacility(string sSearch, string sFacilityID, string sAssesstID)
        List <TDataSAPFacility> lstData = new List <TDataSAPFacility>();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities       db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        int nFacID  = STCrypt.Decrypt(sFacilityID).toIntNullToZero();
        var dataFac = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID);

        if (dataFac != null)
            var dataCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == dataFac.CompanyID);
            if (dataCompany != null)
                int?nAssessetID = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sAssesstID))
                    nAssessetID = STCrypt.Decrypt(sAssesstID).toIntNull();

                var qFacSAPCode = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.nLevel == 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.sRefFacCode) && (nAssessetID.HasValue ? w.ID != nAssessetID : true)).Select(s => s.sRefFacCode).ToList();
                sSearch = sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
                var dataVPlant = db.v_TM_SAP_ALLFAC.Where(w => w.sType == "P" && !qFacSAPCode.Contains(w.sCode) && w.sCompCode == dataCompany.sCode && ((w.sName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sShortName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sCode + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch))).Select(s => new TDataSAPFacility {
                    sCode = s.sCode, sName = s.sCode + " - " + s.sName
                }).OrderBy(o => o.sName).Take(30).ToList();
                var dataVComp = db.v_TM_SAP_ALLFAC.Where(w => w.sType == "O" && !qFacSAPCode.Contains(w.sCode) && ((w.sName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sShortName + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || (w.sCode + "").ToLower().Contains(sSearch))).Select(s => new TDataSAPFacility {
                    sCode = s.sCode, sName = s.sCode + " - " + s.sName
                }).OrderBy(o => o.sName).Take(30).ToList();
                lstData = dataVPlant.Concat(dataVComp).OrderBy(o => o.sName).Take(30).ToList();
Пример #7
 public static string STCDecrypt(this string instance)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance))
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                PTTGC_EPIEntities db       = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
                string            str      = Request.QueryString["strid"];
                string            strFacID = Request.QueryString["strFacID"];
                int  nFacilityID           = 0;
                bool IsNew = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    hdfReturnStr.Value += "&&strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str);
                    int nComID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str));
                    hdfComType.Value = nComID == 1 ? "PTT" : "GC";
                    hdfComID.Value   = str;
                    var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nComID && w.cDel == "N");
                    if (itemCompany != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacID))
                            IsNew               = false;
                            nFacilityID         = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(strFacID));
                            hdfFacilityID.Value = strFacID;
                            var itemFacility = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.ID == nFacilityID);
                            if (itemFacility != null)
                                ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "' style='color:white'>" + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > " + itemFacility.Name + "  > Edit";//กำหนด Header กรณีเข้ามา EDIT
                            IsNew          = true;
                            ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "' style='color:white'>" + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > Facility  > Create";//กำหนด Header  กรณีเข้ามา ADD

                        hdfIsNew.Value = IsNew ? "C" : "E";
                    setDDL_Cbl(IsNew, nComID);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacID))
                    SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "admin_company_lst.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring
Пример #9
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ForgetPassword(string sEmail, string sUsername)
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        sEmail    = sEmail.ToLower();
        sUsername = sUsername.ToLower();

        var lstUser = db.mTUser.Where(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.cDel == "N" && w.Username.ToLower() == sUsername && w.Email.ToLower() == sEmail).ToList();

        if (lstUser.Any())
            var Data = lstUser.First();

            string sTitle  = "";
            string sText   = "";
            string subject = "";
            string message = "";
            string sURL    = "";
            string sFoot   = "";// "Should you have any questions about RD&T work process.";

            // sURL = Applicationpath + "login_forget.aspx?str=" + SystemFunction.Encrypt_UrlEncrypt(nDocID + "");

            subject = "Password Confirmation | " + SystemFunction.SystemName + "";

            sText += "<p>Your password is " + STCrypt.Decrypt(Data.PasswordEncrypt) + "</p>";

            string From = SystemFunction.GetSystemMail;
            string To   = Data.Email;
            message = string.Format(GET_TemplateEmail(),
                                    "Dear " + Data.Firstname + ' ' + Data.Lastname,
            Workflow.DataMail_log log = new Workflow.DataMail_log();
            log           = SystemFunction.SendMailAll(From, To, "", "", subject, message, "");
            log.nDataID   = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(Data.ID + "");
            log.sPageName = "login.aspx";
            new Workflow().SaveLogMail(log);
            if (log.bStatus)
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            result.Msg    = "data not found user";
    public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData CreateLinkExport(IntensityClass it)
        sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData o = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                string sPath = "#";
                switch (it.nOperationType)
                case 4:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_1.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_1 = GetLoadData(it);

                case 11:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_2.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_2 = GetLoadData(it);

                case 13:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_3.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_3 = GetLoadData(it);

                case 14:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_4.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_4 = GetLoadData(it);
                if (sPath != "#")
                    sPath = sPath + "?str1=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.nFacility + "")) + "&&str2=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.sYear + ""));
                o.sPath = sPath;
                //var lst = GetLoadData(it);

                o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                o.sMsg    = "";
                o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
                o.sMsg    = "Session Expired !!";
        catch (Exception ex)
            o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            o.sMsg    = ex.ToString();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string str = Request.QueryString["strad"];
        string sm  = Request.QueryString["smod"];
        string sAD = "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sm))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                hdfUserAD.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(str);
Пример #12
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sIN = Request.QueryString["in"] + "";
        string sOT = Request.QueryString["ot"] + "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sIN))
            hdfsIndicator.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sIN);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sOT))
            hdfsOperationType.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sOT);
        SystemFunction.ListYearsDESC(ddlYear, "-select-", "en-US", "th-TH", short.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["startYear"].ToString()));
Пример #13
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
            if (!IsPostBack)
                PTTGC_EPIEntities env     = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
                string            sFormID = Request.QueryString["strid"];    // Form ID
                string            sLevel  = Request.QueryString["strlevel"]; // Level (L1 = 3,L2 = 4 ,L0 = 2) After Decrypt
                int nFormID   = 0; int.TryParse(STCrypt.Decrypt(sFormID), out nFormID);
                var gDataForm = env.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFormID))
                    if (gDataForm != null)
                        hidFacility.Value      = gDataForm.FacilityID.ToString();
                        hidIndicator.Value     = gDataForm.IDIndicator.ToString();
                        hidOperationType.Value = gDataForm.OperationTypeID.ToString();
                        hidYear.Value          = gDataForm.sYear;

                        var qOpera    = env.mOperationType.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == gDataForm.OperationTypeID);
                        var qFac      = env.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == gDataForm.FacilityID);
                        var qGroupInd = env.mTIndicator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == gDataForm.IDIndicator);
                        lblGroupIndicator.Text = qGroupInd != null ? qGroupInd.Indicator : "";
                        lblOperationtype.Text  = qOpera.Name;
                        lblFacility.Text       = qFac != null ? qFac.Name : "";
                        lblYear.Text           = gDataForm.sYear;

                    hidFormID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sFormID);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLevel))
                        hidLevel.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sLevel);
Пример #14
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         string str = Request.QueryString["str"];
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
             string sDataDecrypt   = STCrypt.Decrypt(str);
             var    arrDataDecrypt = sDataDecrypt.Split('|');
             string sIncID         = arrDataDecrypt[0];
             string sOprtID        = arrDataDecrypt[1];
             string sFacID         = arrDataDecrypt[2];
             string sYear          = arrDataDecrypt[3];
             ExportData(sIncID, sOprtID, sFacID, sYear);
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             string strID = Request.QueryString["str"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strID))
                 hdfProductID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(strID);
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             string str = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 hidEncyptID.Value = str;
                 hidnID.Value      = STCrypt.Decrypt(str);
Пример #17
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null);
         SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSizeGC, null);
         if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
             string str = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                 if (SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str)) != 1)
                 PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
                 int nComID           = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str));
                 hdfComID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(nComID + "");
                 var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nComID && w.cDel == "N");
                 if (itemCompany != null)
                     ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > " + itemCompany.Name;//กำหนด Header
                 ltrCreateGC.Text = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_facility_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(nComID + "")) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i>&nbsp;Create Facility</a>";
                 ltrCreate.Text   = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_facility_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(nComID + "")) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i>&nbsp;Create Facility</a>";
                 SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "admin_company_lst.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
         string str1 = Request.QueryString["str1"] + "";
         string str2 = Request.QueryString["str2"] + "";
         if (ssTRetunrLoadData_1 != null)
             if (ssTRetunrLoadData_1.lstIn.Count > 0)
                 string sFacility = "";
                 string sYear     = "";
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2))
                     sFacility = STCrypt.Decrypt(str1);
                     sYear     = STCrypt.Decrypt(str2);
                 Export_EXCEL(sFacility, sYear);
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
         if (!IsPostBack)
             SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null);
             string OperationID = Request.QueryString["strid"];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OperationID))
                 int nID = int.Parse(STCrypt.Decrypt(OperationID));
                 hdfEncryptOperationID.Value = OperationID;
                 hdfOperationID.Value        = STCrypt.Decrypt(hdfEncryptOperationID.Value);
Пример #20
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string sIN    = Request.QueryString["in"] + "";     // Indicator;
            string sOT    = Request.QueryString["ot"] + "";     // OperationType;
            string year   = Request.QueryString["year"] + "";   // Year ;
            string fac    = Request.QueryString["fac"] + "";    // Facility;
            string status = Request.QueryString["status"] + ""; //Status Approve with edit content
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sIN))
                hdfsIndicator.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sIN);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sOT))
                hdfsOperationType.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(sOT);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fac))
                hdfsFacility.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(fac);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year))
                hdfsYear.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(year);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                hdfsStatus.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(status);
            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                hdfIsAdmin.Value = SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin() == true ? "Y" : "N";

            SystemFunction.ListYearsDESC(ddlYear, "-select-", "en-US", "th-TH", short.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["startYear"].ToString()));
Пример #21
 public static string DecryptParameter(this string instance)
     return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance) ? STCrypt.Decrypt(instance) : "");
Пример #22
 public static string EncryptParameter(this string instance)
     return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance) ? HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(instance)) : "");
Пример #23
    public static TRetunrLoadData LoadData(CSearch itemSearch)
        TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <TDataTable> lstData = new List <TDataTable>();
            string            sSearch = itemSearch.sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
            string            sStatus = itemSearch.sStatus.Trims().ToLower();
            int nComID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(itemSearch.sComID));
            lstData = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.nLevel == 0 && w.CompanyID == nComID && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.Name.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : true) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus) ? w.cActive.ToLower().Contains(sStatus) : true)).Select(s => new TDataTable
                nCompanyID    = s.CompanyID,
                nFacilityID   = s.ID,
                sFacilityName = s.Name,
                sStatus       = s.cActive == "Y" ? "Active" : "Inactive",
                dUpdate       = s.dUpdate,
            }).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();

            int?nSortCol = SystemFunction.GetIntNull(itemSearch.sIndexCol);
            switch ((itemSearch.sOrderBy + "").ToLower())
            case SystemFunction.ASC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sFacilityName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.dUpdate).ToList(); break;

                case 4: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.dUpdate).ToList(); break;

            case SystemFunction.DESC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sFacilityName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList(); break;

                case 4: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList(); break;

            #region//Final Action >> Skip Take Data For Javasacript
            sysGlobalClass.Pagination dataPage = new sysGlobalClass.Pagination();
            dataPage = SystemFunction.GetPaginationSmall(SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageSize), SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageIndex), lstData.Count);
            lstData  = lstData.Skip(dataPage.nSkipData).Take(dataPage.nTakeData).ToList();

            foreach (var item in lstData)
                item.sUpdate = item.dUpdate.DateString();
                item.sLink   = "<a class='btn btn-warning' href='admin_facility_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nCompanyID.ToString())) + "&&strFacID=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nFacilityID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i>&nbsp;Edit</a>";

            result.lstData           = lstData;
            result.nPageCount        = dataPage.nPageCount;
            result.nPageIndex        = dataPage.nPageIndex;
            result.sPageInfo         = dataPage.sPageInfo;
            result.sContentPageIndex = dataPage.sContentPageIndex;
            result.nStartItemIndex   = dataPage.nStartItemIndex;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
    public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData SaveData(IntensityClass it)
        sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData result = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
        string sStatus     = it.rt.nStatusWF + "";
        string sStatusTemp = sStatus;
        int    nFormID     = 0;

            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                if (it.rt.lstIn != null)
                    PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

                    var ef = db.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(w => w.IDIndicator == it.nIndicator && w.sYear == it.sYear && w.OperationTypeID == it.nOperationType && w.FacilityID == it.nFacility);

                    if (ef == null)
                        nFormID            = (db.TEPI_Forms.Any() ? db.TEPI_Forms.Max(m => m.FormID) : 0) + 1;
                        ef                 = new TEPI_Forms();
                        ef.FormID          = nFormID;
                        ef.sAddBy          = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                        ef.dAddDate        = DateTime.Now;
                        ef.sYear           = it.sYear;
                        ef.IDIndicator     = it.nIndicator;
                        ef.OperationTypeID = it.nOperationType;
                        ef.FacilityID      = it.nFacility;
                        nFormID = ef.FormID;

                    if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                        ef.ResponsiblePerson = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                        ef.sUpdateBy         = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                        ef.dUpdateDate       = DateTime.Now;

                    var ot        = db.TIntensity_Other.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).ToList();
                    int nReportID = (db.TEPI_Workflow.Any() ? db.TEPI_Workflow.Max(m => m.nReportID) : 0) + 1;

                    if (sStatus == "24")
                        sStatus = "0";
                    List <string> lstMonthAdd = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                        lstMonthAdd.Add(i + "");
                    foreach (string i in lstMonthAdd)
                        int nM        = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(i);
                        var ef_wf     = db.TEPI_Workflow.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.nMonth == nM);
                        int?nStatus   = 0;
                        int nStatusID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sStatus);
                        if (ef_wf == null)
                            ef_wf           = new TEPI_Workflow();
                            ef_wf.nReportID = nReportID;
                            ef_wf.FormID    = nFormID;
                            ef_wf.nMonth    = nM;

                            if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                                ef_wf.nStatusID = nStatus;
                                ef_wf.nActionBy = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                                ef_wf.dAction   = DateTime.Now;
                    if (sStatusTemp != "24" && sStatusTemp != "2")
                        it.rt.lstIn.ForEach(f =>
                            var td       = db.TIntensityDominator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f.ProductID);
                            int nVersion = (db.TIntensity_Remark.Any(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f.ProductID) ? db.TIntensity_Remark.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f.ProductID).Max(m => m.nVersion) : 0) + 1;
                            if (td == null)
                                td           = new TIntensityDominator();
                                td.ProductID = f.ProductID;
                                td.FormID    = nFormID;
                            td.UnitID = 0;
                            td.M1     = f.M1;
                            td.M2     = f.M2;
                            td.M3     = f.M3;
                            td.M4     = f.M4;
                            td.M5     = f.M5;
                            td.M6     = f.M6;
                            td.M7     = f.M7;
                            td.M8     = f.M8;
                            td.M9     = f.M9;
                            td.M10    = f.M10;
                            td.M11    = f.M11;
                            td.M12    = f.M12;
                            td.UnitID = f.UnitID;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.nTotal))
                                td.nTotal = f.nTotal;
                            td.Target = f.Target;

                            var rm       = new TIntensity_Remark();
                            rm.FormID    = nFormID;
                            rm.ProductID = f.ProductID;
                            rm.nVersion  = nVersion;
                            rm.sRemark   = f.sRemark;
                            if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                                rm.dAddDate = DateTime.Now;
                                rm.sAddBy   = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                            int nUnit = f.UnitID;

                            f.lstarrDetail.Where(w => w.IsActive == true).ToList().ForEach(f2 =>
                                var to = db.TIntensity_Other.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f2.nProductID && w.UnderProductID == f2.UnderProductID).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (to == null)
                                    to                = new TIntensity_Other();
                                    to.ProductID      = f2.nProductID;
                                    to.FormID         = nFormID;
                                    to.UnderProductID = f2.UnderProductID;
                                to.UnitID      = nUnit;
                                to.UnitID      = 0;
                                to.M1          = f2.M1;
                                to.M2          = f2.M2;
                                to.M3          = f2.M3;
                                to.M4          = f2.M4;
                                to.M5          = f2.M5;
                                to.M6          = f2.M6;
                                to.M7          = f2.M7;
                                to.M8          = f2.M8;
                                to.M9          = f2.M9;
                                to.M10         = f2.M10;
                                to.M11         = f2.M11;
                                to.M12         = f2.M12;
                                to.Target      = f2.sTarget;
                                to.ProductName = f2.sIndicator;

                        #region SAVE FILE
                        if (it.rt.lstDataFile.Count > 0)
                            string sPathSave = string.Format(it.sFolderInPathSave, nFormID);

                            var qDelFile = it.rt.lstDataFile.Where(w => w.IsNewFile == false && w.sDelete == "Y").ToList();
                            if (qDelFile.Any())
                                foreach (var qf in qDelFile)
                                    var query = db.TEPI_Forms_File.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.sSysFileName == qf.SaveToFileName);
                                    if (query != null)
                                        new SystemFunction().DeleteFileInServer(query.sPath, query.sSysFileName);
                                        // new SystemFunction2().DeleteFileInServer(query.sSysPath, query.sSysFileName);

                            //Save New File Only
                            var lstSave = it.rt.lstDataFile.Where(w => w.sDelete == "N").ToList();

                            if (lstSave.Any())
                                int nFileID = db.TEPI_Forms_File.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).Any() ? db.TEPI_Forms_File.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).Max(m => m.nFileID) + 1 : 1;
                                lstSave.ForEach(f =>
                                    string sSystemFileName = "";
                                    if (f.IsNewFile == true)
                                        sSystemFileName = nFormID + "_" + nFileID + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss") + "." + SystemFunction.GetFileNameFromFileupload(f.SaveToFileName, "");
                                        SystemFunction.UpFile2Server(f.SaveToPath, sPathSave, f.SaveToFileName, sSystemFileName);
                                        f.ID = nFileID;
                                    var t = db.TEPI_Forms_File.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nFileID == f.ID && w.FormID == nFormID);
                                    if (t == null)
                                        t              = new TEPI_Forms_File();
                                        t.FormID       = nFormID;
                                        t.nFileID      = nFileID;
                                        t.sSysFileName = sSystemFileName;
                                        t.sFileName    = f.FileName;
                                        t.sPath        = sPathSave;
                                    t.sDescription = f.sDescription;
                                    if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                                        t.dAdd   = DateTime.Now;
                                        t.nAddBy = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;



                    new EPIFunc().RecalculateMaterial(it.nOperationType, it.nFacility, it.sYear);
                    new EPIFunc().RecalculateWaste(it.nOperationType, it.nFacility, it.sYear);
                    new EPIFunc().RecalculateWater(it.nOperationType, it.nFacility, it.sYear);

                if (sStatusTemp != "27")
                    new Workflow().UpdateHistoryStatus(nFormID);

                int nStatusTemp = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sStatusTemp);
                if (nStatusTemp != 0)
                    string sMode = "";
                    switch (nStatusTemp)
                    case 1:
                        sMode = "SM";

                    case 2:
                        sMode = "RQ";

                    case 24:
                        sMode = "RC";

                    case 27:
                        sMode = "APC";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sMode))
                        var wf = new Workflow().WorkFlowAction(nFormID, it.lstMonth, sMode, UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID, UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID, it.rt.sComment);
                        result.sStatus = wf.Status;
                        result.sMsg    = wf.Msg;
                        if (UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID == 4)//ENVI Corporate (L2) >> Req.09.04.2019 Send email to L0 on L2 Modified data.
                            new Workflow().SendEmailToL0onL2EditData(it.sYear, it.nIndicator, it.nFacility, it.nOperationType);

                        result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                        result.sMsg    = "";
                    result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                    result.sMsg    = "";
                result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
                result.sMsg    = "Session Expired !!";
        catch (Exception ex)
            result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            result.sMsg    = ex.ToString();
        string sPath = "#";
        switch (it.nOperationType)
        case 4:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_1.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_1 = GetLoadData(it);

        case 11:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_2.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_2 = GetLoadData(it);

        case 13:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_3.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_3 = GetLoadData(it);

        case 14:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_4.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_4 = GetLoadData(it);
        if (sPath != "#")
            sPath = sPath + "?in=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.nIndicator + "")) + "&&ot=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.nOperationType + ""));
        result.sPath = sPath;

    public static CResultLogin Login(string sUserName, string sPassword, string sMode)
        CResultLogin      result  = new CResultLogin();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        List <TDataRole>  lstData = new List <TDataRole>();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUserName) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sMode) ? !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPassword) : true))
            string sPassEncypt = STCrypt.Encrypt(sPassword);
            var    User        = db.mTUser.Where(w => w.Username == sUserName && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sMode) ? w.PasswordEncrypt == sPassEncypt : true) && w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y").ToList();
            if (User.Any())
                int nUserID     = User.Any() ? User.First().ID : 0;
                int nRoleID     = 0;
                var lst_Role    = db.mTUserInRole.Where(w => w.nUID == nUserID).Select(s => s.nRoleID).Distinct().ToList();
                var lstDataRole = db.mTUserRole.ToList();
                if (lst_Role.Count > 1)
                    result.Status    = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                    result.Msg       = "muti";
                    result.nUserID   = nUserID;
                    lstData          = GetRolePermission(nUserID + "");
                    result.TDataRole = lstData;
                    if (lst_Role.Any())
                        nRoleID = lst_Role.First();

                    string sNameRole = lstDataRole.Any() ? lstDataRole.First(w => w.ID == nRoleID).Name : "";

                    UserAcc ua = (new UserAcc
                        nUserID = nUserID,
                        nRoleID = nRoleID,
                        sFullName = User.First().Firstname + ' ' + User.First().Lastname,
                        sActionRoleName = sNameRole,
                    result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sMode))
                    result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                    result.Msg    = "User account not Register.";
                    result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
                    result.Msg    = "User account and password incorrect.";
    public static TRetunrLoadData LoadData(CSearch itemSearch)
        TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <TDataTable> lstData = new List <TDataTable>();
            string            sCon    = "";
            string            sSearch = itemSearch.sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
            string            sStatus = itemSearch.sStatus.Trims().ToLower();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch))
                sCon += @" AND sName LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus))
                sCon += @" AND (LOWER(cActive) = '" + sStatus + @"')  ";

            var TB_Effluent_Product = db.TEffluent_OtherProduct_Point.ToList(); //IsUse

            string    _SQL = @" select nUnitID
                              ,CASE WHEN cActive = 'Y' THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive' END as sStatus
                            from TM_Effluent_Unit
                            where cDel = 'N' " + sCon + @"
                            ORDER BY dUpdate DESC";
            DataTable dt   = CommonFunction.Get_Data(SystemFunction.strConnect, _SQL);
            lstData = CommonFunction.ConvertDatableToList <TDataTable>(dt).ToList();

            foreach (var item in lstData)
                item.sUpdate = item.dUpdate.DateString();
                item.sLink   = "<a class='btn btn-warning' href='admin_master_effluent_otherunit_update.aspx?str=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nUnitID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i>&nbsp;Edit</a>";
                item.nIsUse  = TB_Effluent_Product.Any(a => a.nUnitID == item.nUnitID) ? TB_Effluent_Product.Where(a => a.nUnitID == item.nUnitID).Count() : 0;

            int?nSortCol = SystemFunction.GetIntNull(itemSearch.sIndexCol);
            switch ((itemSearch.sOrderBy + "").ToLower())
            case SystemFunction.ASC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sUpdate).ToList(); break;

            case SystemFunction.DESC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sUpdate).ToList(); break;

            #region//Final Action >> Skip Take Data For Javasacript
            sysGlobalClass.Pagination dataPage = new sysGlobalClass.Pagination();
            dataPage = SystemFunction.GetPaginationSmall(SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageSize), SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageIndex), lstData.Count);
            lstData  = lstData.Skip(dataPage.nSkipData).Take(dataPage.nTakeData).ToList();
            var lstDataFac = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N").ToList();

            result.lstData           = lstData;
            result.nPageCount        = dataPage.nPageCount;
            result.nPageIndex        = dataPage.nPageIndex;
            result.sPageInfo         = dataPage.sPageInfo;
            result.sContentPageIndex = dataPage.sContentPageIndex;
            result.nStartItemIndex   = dataPage.nStartItemIndex;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
    public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod SaveToDB(string sDesc, string sID, List <dataFileContactUs> objFile)
        sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod();
        PTTGC_EPIEntities db  = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
        DateTime          now = DateTime.Now;

        if (UserAcc.UserExpired())
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
                UserAcc ua = UserAcc.GetObjUser();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sID))
                    string sPathSend = "";
                    int    nID       = int.Parse(STCrypt.Decrypt(sID));
                    var    Query     = db.TContactUs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.nContactID == nID);
                    if (Query != null)
                        Query.sAnswer    = sDesc;
                        Query.cStatusAns = "2";
                        Query.dAnswer    = now;
                        Query.dUpdate    = now;
                        Query.nAnswerBy  = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;

                        if (objFile.Count > 0 && objFile != null)
                            string sPathSave = string.Format(sFolderInPathSave, nID);
                            //string sPathSave = string.Format(sFolderInPathSave, nID);
                            var    f = objFile.First();
                            string sSystemFileName = nID + "_" + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss") + "." + SystemFunction.GetFileNameFromFileupload(f.sFileName, ""); //SystemFunction2.GetFileType(item.SaveToFileName);
                            SystemFunction.UpFile2Server(f.sPath, sPathSave, f.sSysFileName, sSystemFileName);

                            Query.sAnsFile    = f.sFileName;
                            Query.sAnsSysFile = sSystemFileName;
                            Query.sAnsPath    = sPathSave;
                            sPathSend         = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("./") + sPathSave + sSystemFileName;

                        var Ispass = db.SaveChanges() > 0;
                        if (Ispass)
                            string To = Query.sContactEmail;                                                   // Contact Mail
                            string AdminContactmail = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ContactMail"] + ""; // Mail Admin
                            //string To1 = "*****@*****.**";

                            string sSubject           = SystemFunction.sAbbrSystem + " : Contact Us." + Query.sSubject;
                            string sGurl              = SystemFunction.RequestUrl() + WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultPage"] + "";
                            string sHtml              = @"
                                    <table align='left'  border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='3'>

                                            <td align='left'>Dear: " + Query.sContactName + @"</td>
                                           <td align='left'>Subject: " + Query.sSubject + @"</td>
                                           <td align='left'>Description: " + Query.sDetail + @"</td>
                                           <td align='left'>Answer: " + Query.sAnswer + @"</td>

                            Workflow.DataMail_log log = new Workflow.DataMail_log();

                            string ccMail  = "";
                            var    lstUser = db.mTUser.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == ua.nUserID);
                            if (lstUser != null)
                                ccMail = lstUser.Email;

                            log           = SystemFunction.SendMailAll(AdminContactmail, To, ccMail, "", sSubject, sHtml, sPathSend != "" ? sPathSend.Replace("/", "\\") : "");
                            log.nDataID   = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(nID + "");
                            log.sPageName = "admin_ContactUs_update.aspx";
                            new Workflow().SaveLogMail(log);
                            if (log.bStatus)
                                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;
            catch (Exception e)
                result.Msg    = e.Message;
                result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed;

            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success;

Пример #28
    public static TRetunrLoadData LoadData(CSearch itemSearch)
        TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <TDataTable> lstData = new List <TDataTable>();
            string            sSearch = itemSearch.sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
            string            sStatus = itemSearch.sStatus.Trims().ToLower();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus))
                sStatus = sStatus == "w" ? null : sStatus;
            lstData = db.TContactUs.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.sContactName.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : true) && (sStatus != "" ? w.cStatusAns == sStatus : true)).Select(s => new TDataTable
                nContactID   = s.nContactID,
                sContactName = s.sContactName,
                cStatusAns   = s.cStatusAns == null ? "Wait" : s.cStatusAns == "1" ? "Read" : "Success",
                cStatus      = s.cStatusAns,
                dCreate      = s.dCreate,
                dUpdate      = s.dUpdate,
            }).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();
            //lstData = db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.Name.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : true)).Select(s => new TDataTable
            //    nCompID = s.ID,
            //    sCompName = s.Name,
            //    sStatus = s.cActive == "Y" ? "Active" : "Inactive",
            //    dUpdate = s.dUpdate
            //}).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();

            int?nSortCol = SystemFunction.GetIntNull(itemSearch.sIndexCol);
            switch ((itemSearch.sOrderBy + "").ToLower())
            case SystemFunction.ASC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sContactName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.dCreate).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.cStatus).ToList(); break;
                    //case 4: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.nCountFacility).ToList(); break;

            case SystemFunction.DESC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sContactName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.dCreate).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.cStatus).ToList(); break;
                    //case 4: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.nCountFacility).ToList(); break;

            #region//Final Action >> Skip Take Data For Javasacript
            sysGlobalClass.Pagination dataPage = new sysGlobalClass.Pagination();
            dataPage = SystemFunction.GetPaginationSmall(SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageSize), SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageIndex), lstData.Count);
            lstData  = lstData.Skip(dataPage.nSkipData).Take(dataPage.nTakeData).ToList();

            foreach (var item in lstData)
                var color    = item.cStatus == null ? "warning" : item.cStatus == "1" ? "primary" : "success";
                var Wordding = item.cStatus == null ? "Reply" : item.cStatus == "1" ? "Read" : "View";
                var icon     = item.cStatus == null ? "edit" : item.cStatus == "1" ? "search" : "search";
                item.sUpdate = item.dUpdate.DateString();
                item.sCreate = item.dCreate.DateString();
                item.sLink   = "<a class='btn btn-" + color + "' href='admin_ContactUs_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nContactID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-" + icon + "'></i>&nbsp;" + Wordding + "</a>";

            result.lstData           = lstData;
            result.nPageCount        = dataPage.nPageCount;
            result.nPageIndex        = dataPage.nPageIndex;
            result.sPageInfo         = dataPage.sPageInfo;
            result.sContentPageIndex = dataPage.sContentPageIndex;
            result.nStartItemIndex   = dataPage.nStartItemIndex;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
    public static TRetunrLoadData LoadData(CSearch itemSearch)
        TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <TDataTable> lstData = new List <TDataTable>();

            string sSearch = itemSearch.sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
            string sStatus = itemSearch.sStatus.Trims().ToLower();

            lstData = db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.Name.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : true) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus) ? w.cActive.ToLower().Contains(sStatus) : true)).Select(s => new TDataTable
                nCompID   = s.ID,
                sCompName = s.Name,
                sStatus   = s.cActive == "Y" ? "Active" : "Inactive",
                dUpdate   = s.dUpdate,
                SearchBy  = "",
            }).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();

            var lstDataFac = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N").ToList();
            var lstCompanyID_SearchBySub     = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.cDel == "N" && w.nLevel == 2 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.Name.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : false)).Select(s => new { s.CompanyID }).Distinct().ToList();
            var lstCompanyID_SearchBySubLve1 = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.cDel == "N" && w.nLevel == 1 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.Name.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : false)).Select(s => new { s.CompanyID }).Distinct().ToList();

            if (lstCompanyID_SearchBySub.Any())
                List <int> lstComID = new List <int>();
                lstComID = lstCompanyID_SearchBySub.Select(s => s.CompanyID).ToList();
                var lstCompany = db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && lstComID.Contains(w.ID)).Select(s => s.ID).ToList();

                if (lstCompany.Any())
                    foreach (var item in lstCompany)
                        ///// Check ว่ามีไอดีนี้ในบริษัทไหม ถ้าไม่มีค่อย แอด เพิ่ม
                        var q = lstData.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nCompID == item);
                        if (q == null)
                            List <TDataTable> lstDataSub2 = new List <TDataTable>();

                            lstDataSub2 = db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.ID == item).Select(s => new TDataTable
                                nCompID   = s.ID,
                                sCompName = s.Name,
                                sStatus   = s.cActive == "Y" ? "Active" : "Inactive",
                                dUpdate   = s.dUpdate,
                                SearchBy  = "Y",
                            }).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();

            if (lstCompanyID_SearchBySubLve1.Any())
                List <int> lstComID = new List <int>();
                lstComID = lstCompanyID_SearchBySubLve1.Select(s => s.CompanyID).ToList();
                var lstCompany = db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && lstComID.Contains(w.ID)).Select(s => s.ID).ToList();

                if (lstCompany.Any())
                    foreach (var item in lstCompany)
                        ///// Check ว่ามีไอดีนี้ในบริษัทไหม ถ้าไม่มีค่อย แอด เพิ่ม
                        var q = lstData.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nCompID == item);
                        if (q == null)
                            List <TDataTable> lstDataSub1 = new List <TDataTable>();

                            lstDataSub1 = db.mTCompany.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.ID == item).Select(s => new TDataTable
                                nCompID   = s.ID,
                                sCompName = s.Name,
                                sStatus   = s.cActive == "Y" ? "Active" : "Inactive",
                                dUpdate   = s.dUpdate,
                                SearchBy  = "Y",
                            }).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();

            foreach (var item in lstData)
                string sLinkFacility = "";
                item.nCountFacility = lstDataFac.Where(w => w.CompanyID == item.nCompID && w.cDel == "N" && (item.nCompID == 1 ? w.nLevel == 0 : w.nLevel == 1)).Count();
                sLinkFacility       = "<div class='btn-group'>" +
                                      "<a class='btn btn-sm btn-primary' href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nCompID.ToString())) + "'><span class='badge'>" + lstDataFac.Where(w => w.CompanyID == item.nCompID && w.cDel == "N" && (item.nCompID == 1 ? w.nLevel == 0 : w.nLevel == 1)).Count() + "</span></a>" +
                                      "<a class='btn btn-sm btn-info' href='admin_facility_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nCompID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i></a>" +
                item.sUpdate = item.dUpdate.DateString();
                item.sLink   = "<a class='btn btn-warning' href='admin_company_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nCompID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i>&nbsp;Edit</a>";
                //item.sLinkFacility = "<a class='btn btn-info' href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nCompID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-search'></i></a>";
                item.sLinkFacility = sLinkFacility;

            int?nSortCol = SystemFunction.GetIntNull(itemSearch.sIndexCol);
            switch ((itemSearch.sOrderBy + "").ToLower())
            case SystemFunction.ASC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sCompName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.dUpdate).ToList(); break;

                case 4: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.nCountFacility).ToList(); break;

            case SystemFunction.DESC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sCompName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList(); break;

                case 4: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.nCountFacility).ToList(); break;

            #region//Final Action >> Skip Take Data For Javasacript
            sysGlobalClass.Pagination dataPage = new sysGlobalClass.Pagination();
            dataPage = SystemFunction.GetPaginationSmall(SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageSize), SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageIndex), lstData.Count);
            lstData  = lstData.Skip(dataPage.nSkipData).Take(dataPage.nTakeData).ToList();

            result.lstData           = lstData;
            result.nPageCount        = dataPage.nPageCount;
            result.nPageIndex        = dataPage.nPageIndex;
            result.sPageInfo         = dataPage.sPageInfo;
            result.sContentPageIndex = dataPage.sContentPageIndex;
            result.nStartItemIndex   = dataPage.nStartItemIndex;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
Пример #30
    public static TRetunrLoadData LoadData(CSearch itemSearch)
        TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData();

        if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
            PTTGC_EPIEntities db      = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
            List <TDataTable> lstData = new List <TDataTable>();
            string            sCon    = "";
            string            sSearch = itemSearch.sSearch.Trims().ToLower();
            string            sStatus = itemSearch.sStatus.Trims().ToLower();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch))
                sCon += @" AND (LOWER(w.sCode) LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%' OR LOWER(w.sName) LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%' OR LOWER(td.sName) LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%') ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus))
                sCon += @" AND (LOWER(w.cActive) = '" + sStatus + @"')  ";

            var Data_type        = db.TData_Type.AsEnumerable().Where(w => w.cActive == "Y").ToList(); //GetDataTYPE_Name
            var TB_Waste_Product = db.TWaste_Product_data.ToList();                                    //IsUse

            string    _SQL = @" SELECT w.ID as nWasteID
      ,w.sCode as sCode
      ,w.sName as sName
      ,w.nTypeID as nTypeID
	  ,td.sName as sTypeName
	  ,CASE WHEN w.cActive = 'Y' THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive' END as sStatus
      FROM TM_WasteDisposal w
      LEFT JOIN TData_Type td ON w.nTypeID = td.nID
      WHERE w.cDel = 'N' " + sCon + @"
      ORDER BY w.dUpdate DESC ";
            DataTable dt   = CommonFunction.Get_Data(SystemFunction.strConnect, _SQL);
            lstData = CommonFunction.ConvertDatableToList <TDataTable>(dt).ToList();

            //lstData = db.TM_WasteDisposal.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSearch) ? w.sName.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) || w.sCode.ToLower().Contains(sSearch) : true) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus) ? w.cActive.ToLower().Contains(sStatus) : true)).Select(s => new TDataTable
            //    nWasteID = s.ID,
            //    sCode = s.sCode,
            //    sName = s.sName,
            //    nTypeID = s.nTypeID,
            //    sStatus = s.cActive == "Y" ? "Active" : "Inactive",
            //    dUpdate = s.dUpdate
            //}).OrderByDescending(o => o.dUpdate).ToList();

            foreach (var item in lstData)
                item.sUpdate = item.dUpdate.DateString();
                item.sLink   = "<a class='btn btn-warning' href='admin_master_waste_update.aspx?str=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(item.nWasteID.ToString())) + "'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i>&nbsp;Edit</a>";
                //item.sTypeName = Data_type.Any(a => a.nID == item.nTypeID) ? Data_type.First(a => a.nID == item.nTypeID).sName : "";
                item.nIsUse = TB_Waste_Product.Any(a => a.nDisposalID == item.nWasteID) ? TB_Waste_Product.Where(a => a.nDisposalID == item.nWasteID).Count() : 0;

            int?nSortCol = SystemFunction.GetIntNull(itemSearch.sIndexCol);
            switch ((itemSearch.sOrderBy + "").ToLower())
            case SystemFunction.ASC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sTypeName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sName).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderBy(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

            case SystemFunction.DESC:
                switch (nSortCol)
                case 1: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sTypeName).ToList(); break;

                case 2: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sName).ToList(); break;

                case 3: lstData = lstData.OrderByDescending(o => o.sStatus).ToList(); break;

            #region//Final Action >> Skip Take Data For Javasacript
            sysGlobalClass.Pagination dataPage = new sysGlobalClass.Pagination();
            dataPage = SystemFunction.GetPaginationSmall(SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageSize), SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(itemSearch.sPageIndex), lstData.Count);
            lstData  = lstData.Skip(dataPage.nSkipData).Take(dataPage.nTakeData).ToList();
            var lstDataFac = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N").ToList();

            result.lstData           = lstData;
            result.nPageCount        = dataPage.nPageCount;
            result.nPageIndex        = dataPage.nPageIndex;
            result.sPageInfo         = dataPage.sPageInfo;
            result.sContentPageIndex = dataPage.sContentPageIndex;
            result.nStartItemIndex   = dataPage.nStartItemIndex;
            result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;