public void StreamTxt(string filePath) { using (Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var password = reader.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Trying Username: {0}, Password: {1}, on {2}, {3}.", _username, password, _host, _port)); var valid = _sshConn.Connect(_host, _port, _username, password); if (valid) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The password '{0}' is valid for User '{1}'.", password, _username)); if (!PromptUserToContinue()) { broken = true; break; } } } } } }
public void start() { try { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.UserName = userName; f.Password = passwordWord; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; _objTmp = new Dictionary <TextBox, StringBuilder>(); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); //s.Blocking = false; s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), _port)); _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, this, s); this._conn = _conn; SSHChannel ch = _conn.OpenShell(this); this._pf = ch; _linePool = new List <string>(); SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; } catch (Exception e1) { SetText(_objTmp, form.consoleBox, e1.Message); } }
public void Connect(Socket s) { this._params.WindowSize = 0x1000; this._conn = SSHConnection.Connect(this._params, this, s); this._pf = this._conn.OpenShell(this); SSHConnectionInfo ci = this._conn.ConnectionInfo; }
private void connectbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sshcheckbox.Checked) { if (SSHConnection.Connect(tboxsshhost.Text, tboxsshuser.Text, tboxsshpw.Text, tboxsshport.Text)) { if (SQLConnection.Connect(tboxmysqlhost.Text, tboxmysqlname.Text, tboxmysqlpw.Text, /*tboxmysqlsd2db.Text,*/ tboxmysqlwordldb.Text)) { Datastores.dbused = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show(SQLConnection.error.Message); } } else { MessageBox.Show(SSHConnection.error.Message); } } else { if (SQLConnection.Connect(tboxmysqlhost.Text, tboxmysqlname.Text, tboxmysqlpw.Text, /*tboxmysqlsd2db.Text,*/ tboxmysqlwordldb.Text)) { Datastores.dbused = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show(SQLConnection.error.Message); } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.UserName = "******"; f.Password = "******"; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; Reader reader = new Reader(); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 22)); _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, reader, s); reader._conn = _conn; SSHChannel ch = _conn.OpenShell(reader); reader._pf = ch; SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; Thread.Sleep(1000); byte[] b = new byte[1]; string cmd = "ls"; byte[] data = (new UnicodeEncoding()).GetBytes(cmd); reader._pf.Transmit(data); Thread.Sleep(5000); string x = reader.SessionLog; //reader.OnData += }
public void Connect(Socket s) { _params.WindowSize = 0x1000; _params.IdentityFile = SSH2PrivateKeyFile; _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(_params, this, s); _pf = _conn.OpenShell(this); SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; }
public bool Connect(string host, string username, string password) { if (IsConnected) { return(false); } try { m_socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // send TCP keep-alive packets after 10 seconds of inactivity, then every 5 seconds SocketUtil.SetKeepAliveValues(m_socket, true, 10 * 1000, 5 * 1000); m_socket.Connect(host, 22); SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.UserName = username; f.Password = password; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; NullReader r = new NullReader(); if (m_timer != null) { m_timer.Stop(); m_timer.Dispose(); } m_conn = (SSH2Connection)SSHConnection.Connect(f, r, m_socket); m_timer = new Timer(); // check connection every 10 milliseconds m_timer.Interval = 10; m_timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnTimerTick); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message == "User authentication failed") { MessageBox.Show("This username and/or password were not accepted. Check them and try again", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { MessageBox.Show("SSH connection exception: " + e.Message); } return(false); } return(true); }
//Tutorial: Connecting to a host and opening a shell private static void ConnectAndOpenShell() { SampleKeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandler authHandler = null; SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter("", 22, SSHProtocol.SSH2, AuthenticationType.PublicKey, "okajima", "aaa"); //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA, PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 f.KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandlerCreator = (connection) => { return(authHandler = new SampleKeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandler("aaa")); }; Tracer tracer = new Tracer(); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(f.HostName), f.PortNumber)); //22 is the default SSH port ISSHConnection conn; if (f.AuthenticationType == AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive) { //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket conn = SSHConnection.Connect(s, f, c => new Reader(c), c => new Tracer()); bool result = authHandler.GetResult(); Debug.Assert(result == true); } else { //NOTE: if you use public-key authentication, follow this sample instead of the line above: //f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.PublicKey; f.IdentityFile = "C:\\P4\\tools\\keys\\aaa"; f.VerifySSHHostKey = (info) => { byte[] h = info.HostKeyFingerPrint; foreach (byte b in h) { Debug.Write(String.Format("{0:x2} ", b)); } return(true); }; //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket conn = SSHConnection.Connect(s, f, c => new Reader(c), null); } //Opening a shell var ch = conn.OpenShell(channelOperator => new ChannelHandler(channelOperator)); //you can get the detailed connection information in this way: //SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; //Go to sample shell SampleShell(ch); }
public void OpenConnect() { f.UserName = username; f.Password = password; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host), port)); _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, this, s); this._pf = _conn.OpenShell(this); SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; }
//Tutorial: port forwarding private static void ConnectSSH2AndPortforwarding() { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.EventTracer = new Tracer(); //to receive detailed events, set ISSHEventTracer Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH1; //this sample works on both SSH1 and SSH2 string host_ip = ""; //<--!!! [TO USERS OF Granados] f.UserName = "******"; //<--!!! if you try this sample, edit these values for your environment! f.Password = ""; //<--!!! s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host_ip), 22)); //22 is the default SSH port f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; //NOTE: if you use public-key authentication, follow this sample instead of the line above: // f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.PublicKey; // f.IdentityFile = "privatekey.bin"; // f.Password = "******"; //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 Reader reader = new Reader(); //simple event receiver //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, reader, s); reader._conn = _conn; //Local->Remote port forwarding SSHChannel ch = _conn.ForwardPort(reader, "", 80, "localhost", 0); reader._pf = ch; while (!reader._ready) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //wait response } reader._pf.Transmit(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")); //get the toppage //Remote->Local // if you want to listen to a port on the SSH server, follow this line: //_conn.ListenForwardedPort("", 10000); //NOTE: if you use SSH2, dynamic key exchange feature is supported. //((SSH2Connection)_conn).ReexchangeKeys(); }
protected override void Negotiate() { ITerminalParameter term = (ITerminalParameter)_destination.GetAdapter(typeof(ITerminalParameter)); ITCPParameter tcp = (ITCPParameter)_destination.GetAdapter(typeof(ITCPParameter)); SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter(); #if DEBUG // con.EventTracer = new SSHDebugTracer(); #endif con.Protocol = _destination.Method; con.CheckMACError = PEnv.Options.SSHCheckMAC; con.UserName = _destination.Account; con.Password = _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase; con.AuthenticationType = _destination.AuthenticationType; con.IdentityFile = _destination.IdentityFileName; con.TerminalWidth = term.InitialWidth; con.TerminalHeight = term.InitialHeight; con.TerminalName = term.TerminalType; con.WindowSize = PEnv.Options.SSHWindowSize; con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(PEnv.Options.CipherAlgorithmOrder); con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParsePublicKeyAlgorithm(PEnv.Options.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder); con.AgentForward = _destination.AgentForward; if (ProtocolsPlugin.Instance.ProtocolOptions.LogSSHEvents) { con.EventTracer = new SSHEventTracer(tcp.Destination); } if (_keycheck != null) { con.KeyCheck += new HostKeyCheckCallback(this.CheckKey); } SSHTerminalConnection r = new SSHTerminalConnection(_destination); SSHConnection ssh = SSHConnection.Connect(con, r.ConnectionEventReceiver, _socket); if (ssh != null) { if (PEnv.Options.RetainsPassphrase && _destination.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive) { ProtocolsPlugin.Instance.PassphraseCache.Add(tcp.Destination, _destination.Account, _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase); //接続成功時のみセット } //_destination.PasswordOrPassphrase = ""; 接続の複製のためにここで消さずに残しておく r.AttachTransmissionSide(ssh); r.UsingSocks = _socks != null; _result = r; } else { throw new IOException(PEnv.Strings.GetString("Message.SSHConnector.Cancelled")); } }
protected override void Negotiate() { //const string defaultCipherAlgoOrder = "AES256CTR;AES256;AES192CTR;AES192;AES128CTR;AES128;Blowfish;TripleDES"; //string[] cipherAlgorithmOrderArray = defaultCipherAlgoOrder.Split(new Char[] {';'}); //string[] hostKeyAlgorithmOrderArray = new string[] { "DSA", "RSA" }; SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter(); con.Protocol = _destination.Method; con.CheckMACError = (System.Boolean)true; // PEnv.Options.SSHCheckMAC; con.UserName = _destination.Account; con.Password = _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase; con.AuthenticationType = _destination.AuthenticationType; con.IdentityFile = _destination.IdentityFileName; con.TerminalWidth = _destination.InitialWidth; con.TerminalHeight = _destination.InitialHeight; con.TerminalName = _destination.TerminalType; con.WindowSize = _client.ConMain.ProtocolOptions.SSHWindowSize; //con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(ConsoleMain.Instance.ProtocolOptions.CipherAlgorithmOrder); //con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = ConsoleMain.Instance.ProtocolOptions.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder; con.AgentForward = _destination.AgentForward; if (_client.ConMain.ProtocolOptions.LogSSHEvents) { con.EventTracer = new SSHEventTracer(_destination.Destination); } if (_keycheck != null) { con.KeyCheck += new HostKeyCheckCallback(this.CheckKey); } SSHTerminalConnection r = new SSHTerminalConnection((ISSHLoginParameter)_destination); SSHConnection ssh = SSHConnection.Connect(con, r.ConnectionEventReceiver, _socket); if (ssh != null) { if (_client.ConMain.ProtocolOptions.RetainsPassphrase && _destination.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive) { _client.ConMain.PassphraseCache.Add(_destination.Destination, _destination.Account, _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase); //Ú‘±¬Œ÷Žž‚̂݃Zƒbƒg } ////_destination.PasswordOrPassphrase = ""; Ú‘±‚Ì•¡»‚Ì‚½‚ß‚É‚±‚±‚ÅÁ‚³‚¸‚ÉŽc‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚ r.AttachTransmissionSide(ssh); r.UsingSocks = _socks != null; _result = r; } else { throw new IOException("Message.SSHConnector.Cancelled"); } }
protected override void Negotiate() { SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter(); con.Protocol = _param.Method == ConnectionMethod.SSH1 ? SSHProtocol.SSH1 : SSHProtocol.SSH2; con.CheckMACError = GEnv.Options.SSHCheckMAC; con.UserName = _param.Account; con.Password = _password; con.AuthenticationType = _param.AuthType == AuthType.KeyboardInteractive ? AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive : _param.AuthType == AuthType.Password ? AuthenticationType.Password : AuthenticationType.PublicKey; con.IdentityFile = _param.IdentityFile; con.TerminalWidth = _size.Width; con.TerminalHeight = _size.Height; con.TerminalName = EnumDescAttribute.For(typeof(TerminalType)).GetDescription(_param.TerminalType); //con.TerminalName = "xterm"; con.WindowSize = GEnv.Options.SSHWindowSize; con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(GEnv.Options.CipherAlgorithmOrder); con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParsePublicKeyAlgorithm(GEnv.Options.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder); if (_keycheck != null) { con.KeyCheck += new HostKeyCheckCallback(this.CheckKey); } SSHTerminalConnection r = new SSHTerminalConnection(_param, _size.Width, _size.Height); SSHConnection ssh = SSHConnection.Connect(con, r, _socket); if (ssh != null) { if (GEnv.Options.RetainsPassphrase) { _param.Passphrase = _password; } r.FixConnection(ssh); if (ssh.AuthenticationResult == AuthenticationResult.Success) { r.OpenShell(); } r.UsingSocks = _socks != null; r.SetServerInfo(_param.Host, this.IPAddress); _result = new ConnectionTag(r); } else { throw new IOException(GEnv.Strings.GetString("Message.SSHConnector.Cancelled")); } }
//Tutorial: port forwarding private static void ConnectSSH2AndPortforwarding() { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter("", 22, SSHProtocol.SSH2, AuthenticationType.Password, "root", ""); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(f.HostName), f.PortNumber)); //22 is the default SSH port //NOTE: if you use public-key authentication, follow this sample instead of the line above: // f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.PublicKey; // f.IdentityFile = "privatekey.bin"; // f.Password = "******"; //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket Reader reader = null; var conn = SSHConnection.Connect(s, f, c => { return(reader = new Reader(c)); }, c => new Tracer()); Debug.Assert(reader != null); //Local->Remote port forwarding ChannelHandler ch = conn.ForwardPort( channelOperator => new ChannelHandler(channelOperator), "", 80u, "localhost", 0u); while (!reader._ready) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //wait response } byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); ch.Operator.Send(new DataFragment(data, 0, data.Length)); //get the toppage //Remote->Local // if you want to listen to a port on the SSH server, follow this line: //_conn.ListenForwardedPort("", 10000); //NOTE: if you use SSH2, dynamic key exchange feature is supported. //((SSH2Connection)_conn).ReexchangeKeys(); }
private void OpenShell() { m_cmdLineAdapter = Dialect.CreateCmdLineAdapter(); m_stream = new PipeStream(); //m_reader = new StreamReader(m_stream); SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.UserName = Params.SshLogin; f.Password = Params.SshPassword; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; m_treader = new STunReader(m_stream); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); s.Connect(Params.SshHost, Params.SshPort); m_conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, m_treader, s); m_treader.Channel = m_conn.OpenShell(m_treader); //SSHConnectionInfo ci = m__conn.ConnectionInfo; //byte[] b = new byte[1]; //while (true) //{ // int input = System.Console.Read(); // b[0] = (byte)input; // //Debug.WriteLine(input); // reader._pf.Transmit(b); //} //m_shell = new SshShell(Params.SshHost, Params.SshLogin); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Params.SshPassword)) m_shell.Password = Params.SshPassword; //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Params.IdentifyFile)) m_shell.AddIdentityFile(Params.IdentifyFile); //m_shell.Connect(Params.SshPort); //m_shell.WriteLine("echo AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); //m_instream = new PipeStream(); //m_outstream = new PipeStream(); //m_outstream.BlockLastReadBuffer = false; //m_shell.SetStream(m_instream, m_outstream); ////m_stream = m_shell.GetStream(); ////m_shell.m_instream = (PipedInputStream)((CombinedStream)m_stream).InputStream; //m_reader = new StreamReader(m_outstream); //ConsumeOutput(); }
private static void AgentForward() { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.EventTracer = new Tracer(); //to receive detailed events, set ISSHEventTracer Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; //this sample works on both SSH1 and SSH2 string host_ip = ""; //<--!!! [TO USERS OF Granados] f.UserName = "******"; //<--!!! if you try this sample, edit these values for your environment! string password = ""; s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host_ip), 22)); //22 is the default SSH port //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA, PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 f.AgentForward = new AgentForwardClient(); Reader reader = new Reader(); //simple event receiver AuthenticationType at = AuthenticationType.Password; f.AuthenticationType = at; f.Password = password; //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, reader, s); reader._conn = _conn; //Opening a shell SSHChannel ch = _conn.OpenShell(reader); reader._pf = ch; while (!reader._ready) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(1000); ch.Transmit(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("ssh -A -l okajima localhost\r")); //Go to sample shell SampleShell(reader); }
private static void AgentForward() { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter("", 22, SSHProtocol.SSH2, AuthenticationType.Password, "root", ""); Tracer tracer = new Tracer(); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(f.HostName), f.PortNumber)); //22 is the default SSH port //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA, PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 f.AgentForwardingAuthKeyProvider = new AgentForwardingAuthKeyProvider(); //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket Reader reader = null; var conn = SSHConnection.Connect(s, f, c => { return(reader = new Reader(c)); }, c => new Tracer() ); Debug.Assert(reader != null); //Opening a shell var ch = conn.OpenShell(channelOperator => new ChannelHandler(channelOperator)); while (!reader._ready) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(1000); byte[] data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("ssh -A -l okajima localhost\r"); ch.Operator.Send(new DataFragment(data, 0, data.Length)); //Go to sample shell SampleShell(ch); }
protected override void Negotiate() { SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter(); con.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; con.UserName = _profile.SSHAccount; con.Password = _password; con.AuthenticationType = _profile.AuthType; con.IdentityFile = _profile.PrivateKeyFile; con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = SSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(Env.Options.CipherAlgorithmOrder); con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = SSHUtil.ParsePublicKeyAlgorithm(Env.Options.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder); con.WindowSize = Env.Options.SSHWindowSize; con.CheckMACError = Env.Options.SSHCheckMAC; if (_keycheck != null) { con.KeyCheck += new HostKeyCheckCallback(this.CheckKey); } _result = ChannelFactory.Create(_profile); SSHConnection c = SSHConnection.Connect(con, _result, _socket); c.AutoDisconnect = false; if (c != null) { /* * if(_profile.ProtocolType==ProtocolType.Udp) * OpenUdpDestination(c, (UdpChannelFactory)_result); * else */ _result.FixConnection(c); if (Env.Options.RetainsPassphrase) { _profile.Passphrase = _password; //接続成功時のみセット } } else { throw new IOException(Env.Strings.GetString("Message.ConnectionManager.ConnectionCancelled")); } }
/// <summary> /// Method to connect to the Wabis machine /// </summary> /// <returns>true if connected else false</returns> public bool Connect() { connParameter.Protocol = Routrek.SSHC.SSHProtocol.SSH2; connParameter.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; connParameter.WindowSize = 0x1000; Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp); try { s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(_ipAddress, 22)); } catch { s.Close(); return(false); } try { _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(connParameter, reader, s); reader.connection = _conn; Routrek.SSHC.SSHChannel ch = _conn.OpenShell(reader); reader.Channel = ch; SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; reader.notify += new RcvdData(PrintResult); if (_conn.AuthenticationResult.ToString() == "Success") { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception connectionException) { Framework.Logger.LogError("Fail to connect to SSH Server, error: " + connectionException.Message); throw connectionException; } }
protected override void Negotiate() { SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter(_host, _port, SSHProtocol.SSH2, _profile.AuthType, _profile.SSHAccount, _password); con.IdentityFile = _profile.PrivateKeyFile; con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = SSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(Env.Options.CipherAlgorithmOrder); con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = SSHUtil.ParsePublicKeyAlgorithm(Env.Options.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder); con.WindowSize = Env.Options.SSHWindowSize; con.CheckMACError = Env.Options.SSHCheckMAC; if (_keycheck != null) { con.VerifySSHHostKey = this.CheckKey; } _result = ChannelFactory.Create(_profile); ISSHConnection c = SSHConnection.Connect( _socket, con, sshconn => _result, null); if (c != null) { /* * if(_profile.ProtocolType==ProtocolType.Udp) * OpenUdpDestination(c, (UdpChannelFactory)_result); * else */ _result.FixConnection(c); if (Env.Options.RetainsPassphrase) { _profile.Passphrase = _password; //接続成功時のみセット } } else { throw new IOException(Env.Strings.GetString("Message.ConnectionManager.ConnectionCancelled")); } }
private void Connect(ConnectionInfo con) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Password)) { DialogResult res = Login(); if (res != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } con.Password = Password; con.UserName = Settings.Default.UserName; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; SSHConnection ssh = new SSHConnection(); if (!ssh.Connect(con)) { Password = ""; Connect(con); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; return; } this.SuspendLayout(); ConnectionTab tab = CreateTab(String.Format("{0} - {1}", con.ConnectionName, con.Host), ssh); //commandString = "tail -f /apps/jboss/wildfly/standalone/log/server.log"; //tab.Connection.ExecuteCommand("tail -f -n 100 /apps/jboss/wildfly/standalone/log/server.log"); this.ResumeLayout(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
protected override void Negotiate() { ITerminalParameter term = (ITerminalParameter)_destination.GetAdapter(typeof(ITerminalParameter)); ITCPParameter tcp = (ITCPParameter)_destination.GetAdapter(typeof(ITCPParameter)); SSHTerminalConnection terminalConnection = new SSHTerminalConnection(_destination); SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter( tcp.Destination, tcp.Port, _destination.Method, _destination.AuthenticationType, _destination.Account, _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase); #if DEBUG // con.EventTracer = new SSHDebugTracer(); #endif con.Protocol = _destination.Method; con.CheckMACError = PEnv.Options.SSHCheckMAC; con.UserName = _destination.Account; con.Password = _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase; con.AuthenticationType = _destination.AuthenticationType; con.IdentityFile = _destination.IdentityFileName; con.TerminalWidth = term.InitialWidth; con.TerminalHeight = term.InitialHeight; con.TerminalName = term.TerminalType; con.WindowSize = PEnv.Options.SSHWindowSize; con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(PEnv.Options.CipherAlgorithmOrder); con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.ParsePublicKeyAlgorithm(PEnv.Options.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder); con.AgentForwardingAuthKeyProvider = _destination.AgentForwardingAuthKeyProvider; if (_keycheck != null) { con.VerifySSHHostKey = (info) => { return(_keycheck.Vefiry(info)); }; } con.KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandlerCreator = sshconn => terminalConnection.GetKeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandler(); ISSHProtocolEventLogger protocolEventLogger; if (ProtocolsPlugin.Instance.ProtocolOptions.LogSSHEvents) { protocolEventLogger = new SSHEventTracer(tcp.Destination); } else { protocolEventLogger = null; } var connection = SSHConnection.Connect(_socket, con, sshconn => terminalConnection.ConnectionEventReceiver, sshconn => protocolEventLogger); if (PEnv.Options.RetainsPassphrase && _destination.AuthenticationType != AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive) { ProtocolsPlugin.Instance.PassphraseCache.Add(tcp.Destination, _destination.Account, _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase); //接続成功時のみセット } //_destination.PasswordOrPassphrase = ""; 接続の複製のためにここで消さずに残しておく terminalConnection.AttachTransmissionSide(connection, connection.AuthenticationStatus); _result = terminalConnection; }
protected override void Negotiate() { ITerminalParameter term = (ITerminalParameter)_destination.GetAdapter(typeof(ITerminalParameter)); ITCPParameter tcp = (ITCPParameter)_destination.GetAdapter(typeof(ITCPParameter)); SSHTerminalConnection terminalConnection = new SSHTerminalConnection(_destination); SSHConnectionParameter con = new SSHConnectionParameter( tcp.Destination, tcp.Port, _destination.Method, _destination.AuthenticationType, _destination.Account, _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase); #if DEBUG // con.EventTracer = new SSHDebugTracer(); #endif con.Protocol = _destination.Method; con.CheckMACError = PEnv.Options.SSHCheckMAC; con.UserName = _destination.Account; con.Password = _destination.PasswordOrPassphrase; con.AuthenticationType = _destination.AuthenticationType; con.IdentityFile = _destination.IdentityFileName; con.TerminalWidth = term.InitialWidth; con.TerminalHeight = term.InitialHeight; con.TerminalName = term.TerminalType; con.WindowSize = PEnv.Options.SSHWindowSize; con.Timeouts.ResponseTimeout = PEnv.Options.SSHResponseTimeout; con.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.AppendMissingCipherAlgorithm( LocalSSHUtil.ParseCipherAlgorithm(PEnv.Options.CipherAlgorithmOrder)); con.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = LocalSSHUtil.AppendMissingPublicKeyAlgorithm( LocalSSHUtil.ParsePublicKeyAlgorithm(PEnv.Options.HostKeyAlgorithmOrder)); con.AgentForwardingAuthKeyProvider = _destination.AgentForwardingAuthKeyProvider; con.X11ForwardingParams = _destination.X11Forwarding; if (_keycheck != null) { con.VerifySSHHostKey = (info) => { return(_keycheck.Vefiry(info)); }; } con.KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandlerCreator = sshconn => terminalConnection.GetKeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationHandler(); ISSHProtocolEventLogger protocolEventLogger; if (ProtocolsPlugin.Instance.ProtocolOptions.LogSSHEvents) { protocolEventLogger = new SSHEventTracer(tcp.Destination); } else { protocolEventLogger = null; } var connection = SSHConnection.Connect(_socket, con, sshconn => terminalConnection.ConnectionEventReceiver, sshconn => protocolEventLogger); // Note: password must not be cleared here. it will be required when duplicating connection later. // The login settings was accepted. // No need to ask a password on the new attempt to login from the shortcut functionality. _destination.LetUserInputPassword = false; terminalConnection.AttachTransmissionSide(connection, connection.AuthenticationStatus); _result = terminalConnection; }
/// <summary> /// Connect to remote host:port over SSH tunnel /// </summary> public void Connect(string host, int port) { try { //remember remote target m_RemoteTarget = new IPEndPoint(ResolveHost(host), port); //connect to SSH server m_Client.Connect(new IPEndPoint(m_RemoteTarget.Address, SSHServerPort)); //get password from user var pass = ErlTransportPasswordSource.GetPassword(this, NodeName, SSHUserName); //set params var param = new SSHConnectionParameter(); param.EventTracer = this; //to receive detailed events param.UserName = SSHUserName; param.Password = pass; param.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; param.AuthenticationType = (AuthenticationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SSH.AuthenticationType), SSHAuthenticationType); if (param.AuthenticationType == AuthenticationType.PublicKey) { param.IdentityFile = SSHPrivateKeyFilePath; } //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation param.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA, PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; param.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES, CipherAlgorithm.AES192CTR, CipherAlgorithm.AES256CTR, CipherAlgorithm.AES128CTR }; param.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket m_Connection = SSHConnection.Connect(param, this, m_Client); m_Connection.AutoDisconnect = true; m_IsChannelReady = false; //Local->Remote port forwarding (we use localhost:0 as local port, because local port is not required for us, we will use this tunnel directly) m_Channel = m_Connection.ForwardPort(this, host, port, "localhost", 0); var deadLine = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(SSHTunnelCreationTimeout); while (!m_IsChannelReady && deadLine > DateTime.Now) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); //wait response } //if timeouted - throw exception if (!m_IsChannelReady && deadLine < DateTime.Now) { throw new ErlException(ERL_CREATE_SSH_TUNNEL_ERROR); } //create network stream m_Stream = new SshTunnelStream(m_Channel); //Remote->Local // if you want to listen to a port on the SSH server, follow this line: //_conn.ListenForwardedPort("", 10000); //NOTE: if you use SSH2, dynamic key exchange feature is supported. //((SSH2Connection)_conn).ReexchangeKeys(); } catch (Exception ex) { OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Ctrl, Direction.Inbound, ex.Message); throw; } }
public void CheckFresh() { //if (ThreadManager.IsRunning == false) return; try { string[] cols = row.Split('|'); Host = cols[0].Trim(); User = cols[1].Trim(); Pass = cols[2].Trim(); if (cols.Count() == 3) { Country = "UNKNOWN"; } else { Country = cols[3].Trim(); } _f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); _f.UserName = User; _f.Password = Pass; _f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; _f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; _f.WindowSize = 0x1000; _reader = new Reader(); _reader.TimeoutSeconds = TimeoutSeconds; _reader.passControl = new Reader.PassControl(passControl); _reader._country = Country; _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); //s.Blocking = false; _socket.SendTimeout = TimeoutSeconds * 1000; _socket.ReceiveTimeout = TimeoutSeconds * 1000; _socket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Host), DefaultPort)); new Thread(new ThreadStart(SetSSHConnectionTimeout)).Start(); _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(_f, _reader, _socket); if (SSHConnectTimeout) { throw new Exception("SSH Connect Timeout"); } _reader._conn = _conn; SSHChannel ch = _conn.ForwardPort(_reader, "", 80, "localhost", 80); _reader._pf = ch; int seconds = TimeoutSeconds; while (_reader._ready == false && seconds > 0) { seconds--; Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (_reader._ready == false && seconds <= 0) { throw new Exception("Reader._ready timeout"); } _reader.LineIndex = LineIndex; _reader.Host = Host; _reader.User = User; _reader.Pass = Pass; new Thread(new ThreadStart(_reader.SetHTTPRequestTimeout)).Start(); _reader._pf.Transmit(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GET /json HTTP/1.1\r\\r\n\r\n")); // } catch (Exception ex) { passControl(LineIndex, false, "", ex.Message); } }
// This method uses SCP protocol. private static void ScpCommand(string[] args) { ScpParameter scp_param = new ScpParameter(); #if true //OKAJIMA #if true scp_param.Direction = SCPCopyDirection.LocalToRemote; scp_param.RemoteFilename = "test.txt"; scp_param.LocalSource = new ScpLocalSource("C:\\IOPort\\test.txt"); #else scp_param.Direction = SCPCopyDirection.RemoteToLocal; scp_param.RemoteFilename = "hiro.jpg"; scp_param.LocalSource = new ScpLocalSource("C:\\IOPort\\hiro.jpg"); #endif //string host_ip; //string username, password; SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.EventTracer = new Tracer(); //to receive detailed events, set ISSHEventTracer Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.UserName = "******"; //<--!!! if you try this sample, edit these values for your environment! f.Password = "******"; //<--!!! f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 22)); //22 is the default SSH port SSHConnection conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, new Reader(), s); conn.AutoDisconnect = false; //auto close is disabled for multiple scp operations conn.ExecuteSCP(scp_param); conn.Disconnect(""); #endif #if HIRATA // check argument if (args.Length != 6) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: ScpCommand <server:port> <username> <password> to|from <src_file> <dst_file>"); Environment.Exit(0); } // test pattern int test = 103; if (test == 0) { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "to"; args[4] = "hoge6.txt"; args[5] = "hoge6s.txt"; } if (test == 1) { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "to"; args[4] = "hoge28k.txt"; args[5] = "hoge28ks.txt"; } if (test == 2) { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "to"; args[4] = null; // use Local Memory args[5] = "hogeLM.txt"; } if (test == 3) // big file transfer { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "to"; args[4] = "bigfile.bin"; args[5] = "bigfile.bin"; } if (test == 100) { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "from"; args[4] = "hoge6.txt"; args[5] = "hoge6c.txt"; } if (test == 101) { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "from"; args[4] = "hoge28k.txt"; args[5] = "hoge28kc.txt"; } if (test == 102) { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "from"; args[4] = "hoge6.txt"; //args[4] = "hoge28k.txt"; args[5] = null; // use Local Memory } if (test == 103) // big file transfer { args[0] = ""; args[1] = "yutaka"; args[2] = "yutaka"; args[3] = "from"; args[4] = "bigfile.bin"; args[5] = "bigfilec.bin"; } host_ip = args[0]; username = args[1]; password = args[2]; // setup SCP parameter if (args[3] == "to") // Local to Remote { if (args[5] == null || args[5] == "") { param.RemoteFilename = null; } else { param.RemoteFilename = args[5]; // remote file } // 転送元の指定(ローカルファイルおよびローカルメモリを選択) if (args[4] != null) { // ローカルファイルの転送 param.LocalSource = args[4]; // src file } else { // オンラインメモリの転送 //param.IoStream = new MemoryStream(256); param.IoStream = new MemoryStream(8192); for (int i = 0; i < 8192; i++) { param.IoStream.WriteByte((byte)i); } param.IoStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } param.Direction = true; param.Permission = "0666"; } else // Remote to Local { param.RemoteFilename = args[4]; // remote file // 転送元の指定(ローカルファイルおよびローカルメモリを選択) if (args[5] != null) { // ローカルファイルの転送 param.LocalSource = args[5]; } else { // オンラインメモリの転送 param.IoStream = null; } param.Direction = false; } // connect to server with SSH protocol SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.EventTracer = new Tracer(); //to receive detailed events, set ISSHEventTracer Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; //this sample works on both SSH1 and SSH2 f.UserName = username; //<--!!! if you try this sample, edit these values for your environment! f.Password = password; //<--!!! s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host_ip), 22)); //22 is the default SSH port f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; //NOTE: if you use public-key authentication, follow this sample instead of the line above: // f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.PublicKey; // f.IdentityFile = "privatekey.bin"; // f.Password = "******"; //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; //this option is ignored with SSH1 f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //NG: ERROR: MAC mismatch //f.WindowSize = 0x800; //NG //f.WindowSize = 0x30000; //NG //f.WindowSize = 0x400; //OK //f.CheckMACError = false; //NG: unexpected channel pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA local_channel=33243 /* USER OPTION */ //param.CancelTransfer = true; // cancel flag param.ProgressCallback = delegate() { Debug.Write("*"); }; // callback function if (SSHConnection.SCPExecute(param, f, s)) { Debug.WriteLine("scp success!"); if (param.Direction == false) { if (param.IoStream != null) { Debug.Write("IO Stream: "); for (int i = 0; i < param.IoStream.Length; i++) { byte b = (byte)param.IoStream.ReadByte(); Debug.Write(b.ToString("x2") + " "); } Debug.WriteLine(""); } } } else { Debug.WriteLine("scp failure: " + param.ErrorMessage); } #endif }
public bool CheckFresh(string SSH, int timeout) { bool flag; try { string[] strArrays = SSH.Split(new char[] { '|' }); this.Host = strArrays[0].Trim(); this.User = strArrays[1].Trim(); this.Pass = strArrays[2].Trim(); this._f = new SSHConnectionParameter() { UserName = this.User, Password = this.Pass, Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2, AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password, WindowSize = 4096 }; this._reader = new Reader(); this._socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { SendTimeout = timeout, ReceiveTimeout = timeout }; this._socket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(this.Host), 22)); SshChecker._sshTimeOut = timeout; (new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.SetSSHConnectionTimeout))).Start(); this._conn = SSHConnection.Connect(this._f, this._reader, this._socket); if (this.SSHConnectTimeout) { throw new Exception("SSH Connect Timeout"); } this._reader._conn = this._conn; SSHChannel sSHChannel = this._conn.ForwardPort(this._reader, "", 80, "localhost", 80); this._reader._pf = sSHChannel; int num = timeout; while (true) { if ((this._reader._ready ? true : num <= 0)) { break; } num--; Thread.Sleep(1000); } if ((this._reader._ready ? false : num <= 0)) { throw new Exception("Reader._ready timeout"); } this._reader.Host = this.Host; this._reader.User = this.User; this._reader.Pass = this.Pass; this._reader.SetHTTPRequestTimeout(); SshChecker.checkDone = false; this._reader._pf.Transmit(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GET /json HTTP/1.1\r\\r\n\r\n")); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; while (!SshChecker.checkDone) { Thread.Sleep(100); if ((DateTime.Now - now).TotalSeconds > (double)timeout) { throw new Exception("Request timeout"); } } if (!SshChecker.isFresh) { flag = false; return(flag); } } catch (Exception exception) { flag = false; return(flag); } flag = true; return(flag); }
//Tutorial: Connecting to a host and opening a shell private static void ConnectAndOpenShell() { SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.EventTracer = new Tracer(); //to receive detailed events, set ISSHEventTracer Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; //this sample works on both SSH1 and SSH2 string host_ip = ""; //<--!!! [TO USERS OF Granados] f.UserName = "******"; //<--!!! if you try this sample, edit these values for your environment! string password = "******"; s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host_ip), 22)); //22 is the default SSH port //former algorithm is given priority in the algorithm negotiation f.PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA, PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA }; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; //this option is ignored with SSH1 Reader reader = new Reader(); //simple event receiver AuthenticationType at = AuthenticationType.PublicKey; f.AuthenticationType = at; if (at == AuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive) { //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, reader, s); reader._conn = _conn; Debug.Assert(_conn.AuthenticationResult == AuthenticationResult.Prompt); AuthenticationResult r = ((SSH2Connection)_conn).DoKeyboardInteractiveAuth(new string[] { password }); Debug.Assert(r == AuthenticationResult.Success); } else { //NOTE: if you use public-key authentication, follow this sample instead of the line above: //f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.PublicKey; f.IdentityFile = "C:\\P4\\tools\\keys\\aaa"; f.Password = password; f.KeyCheck = delegate(SSHConnectionInfo info) { byte[] h = info.HostKeyMD5FingerPrint(); foreach (byte b in h) { Debug.Write(String.Format("{0:x2} ", b)); } return(true); }; //Creating a new SSH connection over the underlying socket _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, reader, s); reader._conn = _conn; } //Opening a shell SSHChannel ch = _conn.OpenShell(reader); reader._pf = ch; //you can get the detailed connection information in this way: SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; //Go to sample shell SampleShell(reader); }
// Token: 0x060003D1 RID: 977 RVA: 0x0002707C File Offset: 0x0002527C public bool CheckFresh(string SSH, int timeout) { bool result; try { string[] array = SSH.Split(new char[] { '|' }); this.Host = array[0].Trim(); this.User = array[1].Trim(); this.Pass = array[2].Trim(); this._f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); this._f.UserName = this.User; this._f.Password = this.Pass; this._f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; this._f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; this._f.WindowSize = 4096; this._reader = new Reader(); this._socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); this._socket.SendTimeout = timeout; this._socket.ReceiveTimeout = timeout; this._socket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(this.Host), 22)); SshChecker._sshTimeOut = timeout; new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.SetSSHConnectionTimeout)).Start(); this._conn = SSHConnection.Connect(this._f, this._reader, this._socket); bool sSHConnectTimeout = this.SSHConnectTimeout; if (sSHConnectTimeout) { throw new Exception("SSH Connect Timeout"); } this._reader._conn = this._conn; SSHChannel pf = this._conn.ForwardPort(this._reader, "", 80, "localhost", 80); this._reader._pf = pf; int num = timeout; while (!this._reader._ready && num > 0) { num--; Thread.Sleep(1000); } bool flag = !this._reader._ready && num <= 0; if (flag) { throw new Exception("Reader._ready timeout"); } this._reader.Host = this.Host; this._reader.User = this.User; this._reader.Pass = this.Pass; this._reader.SetHTTPRequestTimeout(); SshChecker.checkDone = false; this._reader._pf.Transmit(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GET /json HTTP/1.1\r\\r\n\r\n")); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; while (!SshChecker.checkDone) { Thread.Sleep(100); bool flag2 = (DateTime.Now - now).TotalSeconds > (double)timeout; if (flag2) { throw new Exception("Request timeout"); } } bool flag3 = !SshChecker.isFresh; if (flag3) { result = false; return(result); } } catch (Exception var_13_297) { result = false; return(result); } result = true; return(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* * string cn = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name; * string t1 = Routrek.SSHC.Strings.GetString("NotSSHServer"); * System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ja"); * Routrek.SSHC.Strings.Reload(); * string t2 = Routrek.SSHC.Strings.GetString("NotSSHServer"); */ #if false //RSA keygen //RSA KEY GENERATION TEST byte[] testdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("CHRISTIAN VIERI"); RSAKeyPair kp = RSAKeyPair.GenerateNew(2048, new Random()); byte[] sig = kp.Sign(testdata); kp.Verify(sig, testdata); new SSH2UserAuthKey(kp).WritePublicPartInOpenSSHStyle(new FileStream("C:\\IOPort\\newrsakey", FileMode.Create)); //SSH2UserAuthKey newpk = SSH2PrivateKey.FromSECSHStyleFile("C:\\IOPort\\newrsakey", "nedved"); #endif #if false //DSA keygen //DSA KEY GENERATION TEST byte[] testdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("CHRISTIAN VIERI 0000"); DSAKeyPair kp = DSAKeyPair.GenerateNew(2048, new Random()); byte[] sig = kp.Sign(testdata); kp.Verify(sig, testdata); new SSH2UserAuthKey(kp).WritePublicPartInOpenSSHStyle(new FileStream("C:\\IOPort\\newdsakey", FileMode.Create)); //SSH2PrivateKey newpk = SSH2PrivateKey.FromSECSHStyleFile("C:\\IOPort\\newdsakey", "nedved"); #endif SSHConnectionParameter f = new SSHConnectionParameter(); f.UserName = "******"; #if false //SSH1 //SSH1 f.Password = ""; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; f.PreferableCipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES }; #else //SSH2 f.Password = ""; f.Protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2; f.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Password; f.WindowSize = 0x1000; #endif Reader reader = new Reader(); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); //s.Blocking = false; s.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 22)); _conn = SSHConnection.Connect(f, reader, s); reader._conn = _conn; #if false //Remote->Local _conn.ListenForwardedPort("", 29472); #elif false //Local->Remote SSHChannel ch = _conn.ForwardPort(reader, "", 80, "localhost", 0); reader._pf = ch; while (!reader._ready) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } reader._pf.Transmit(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")); #elif false //SSH over SSH f.Password = "******"; SSHConnection con2 = _conn.OpenPortForwardedAnotherConnection(f, reader, "kuromatsu", 22); reader._conn = con2; SSHChannel ch = con2.OpenShell(reader); reader._pf = ch; #else //normal shell SSHChannel ch = _conn.OpenShell(reader); reader._pf = ch; #endif //Debug.WriteLine(_conn.ConnectionInfo.DumpHostKeyInKnownHostsStyle()); SSHConnectionInfo ci = _conn.ConnectionInfo; Thread.Sleep(1000); //((SSH2Connection)_conn).ReexchangeKeys(); byte[] b = new byte[1]; while (true) { int input = System.Console.Read(); b[0] = (byte)input; //Debug.WriteLine(input); reader._pf.Transmit(b); } }