/// <summary>
        /// Read SSH.com SSH2 private key parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="passphrase">passphrase for decrypt the key file</param>
        /// <param name="keyPair">key pair</param>
        /// <param name="comment">comment or empty if it didn't exist</param>
        /// <exception cref="SSHException">failed to parse</exception>
        public void Load(string passphrase, out KeyPair keyPair, out string comment)
            if (keyFile == null)
                throw new SSHException("A key file is not loaded yet");

            String base64Text;

            using (StreamReader sreader = GetStreamReader()) {
                string line = sreader.ReadLine();
                if (line == null || line != PrivateKeyFileHeader.SSH2_SSHCOM_HEADER)
                    throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("NotValidPrivateKeyFile") + " (missing header)");

                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                comment = String.Empty;
                while (true)
                    line = sreader.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)
                        throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("NotValidPrivateKeyFile") + " (unexpected eof)");
                    if (line == PrivateKeyFileHeader.SSH2_SSHCOM_FOOTER)
                    if (line.IndexOf(':') >= 0)
                        if (line.StartsWith("Comment: "))
                            comment = line.Substring("Comment: ".Length);
                    else if (line[line.Length - 1] == '\\')
                        buf.Append(line, 0, line.Length - 1);
                base64Text = buf.ToString();

            byte[] keydata = Base64.Decode(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(base64Text));

            SSH2DataReader reader = new SSH2DataReader(keydata);
            int            magic  = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (magic != MAGIC)
                throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("NotValidPrivateKeyFile") + " (magic code unmatched)");
            int    privateKeyLen = reader.ReadInt32();
            string type          = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadString());

            string ciphername = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadString());
            int    bufLen     = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (ciphername != "none")
                CipherAlgorithm algo = CipherFactory.SSH2NameToAlgorithm(ciphername);
                byte[]          key  = SSH2UserAuthKey.PassphraseToKey(passphrase, CipherFactory.GetKeySize(algo));
                Cipher          c    = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH2, algo, key);
                byte[]          tmp  = new Byte[reader.Image.Length - reader.Offset];
                c.Decrypt(reader.Image, reader.Offset, reader.Image.Length - reader.Offset, tmp, 0);
                reader = new SSH2DataReader(tmp);

            int parmLen = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (parmLen < 0 || parmLen > reader.Rest)
                throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("WrongPassphrase"));

            if (type.IndexOf("if-modn") != -1)
                //mindterm mistaken this order of BigIntegers
                BigInteger e = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger d = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger n = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger u = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger p = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger q = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                keyPair = new RSAKeyPair(e, d, n, u, p, q);
            else if (type.IndexOf("dl-modp") != -1)
                if (reader.ReadInt32() != 0)
                    throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("UnsupportedPrivateKeyFormat")
                                           + " (" + Strings.GetString("Reason_UnsupportedDSAKeyFormat") + ")");
                BigInteger p = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger g = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger q = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger y = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                BigInteger x = reader.ReadBigIntWithBits();
                keyPair = new DSAKeyPair(p, g, q, y, x);
                throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("UnsupportedAuthenticationMethod"));