Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the new S3 file from the Met Office bucket into our ingest bucket
        /// </summary>
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage sqsMessage, ILambdaContext context)
            // First, extract the original message we received from SNS, by unwrapping it from the sqs Message headers
            JObject snsMessage = JObject.Parse(sqsMessage.Body);

            // Now get the file notification details from the "Message" field of the SNS message
            JObject fileNotification = JObject.Parse(snsMessage["Message"].ToString());

            string bucket = fileNotification["bucket"].ToString();
            string key    = fileNotification["key"].ToString();

            context.Logger.LogLine($"Received SQS notification new file available: s3://{bucket}/{key}");

            AmazonS3Client s3 = new AmazonS3Client();

            CopyObjectResponse result = await s3.CopyObjectAsync(bucket, key, "bigwind-ingest", key);

            if ((((int)result.HttpStatusCode) < 200) || (((int)result.HttpStatusCode) > 299))
                throw new System.Exception($"S3 copy request failed with HttpStatusCode: {result.HttpStatusCode}");
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context, Table table)
            var response  = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Response>(message.Body);
            var site      = response.Body.Data.Site;
            var timestamp = response.Head.Timestamp;
            var document  = new Document
                [AWSConstructs.Names.RealtimeDataTablePartitionKey] = timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"),
                [AWSConstructs.Names.RealtimeDataTableSortKey]      = ((DateTimeOffset)timestamp).ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                ["EnergyDay"]        = site.EnergyDay ?? 0,
                ["EnergyYear"]       = site.EnergyYear ?? 0,
                ["EnergyTotal"]      = site.EnergyTotal ?? 0,
                ["AccumulatorPower"] = site.AccumulatorPower ?? 0,
                ["GridPower"]        = site.GridPower ?? 0,
                ["LoadPower"]        = site.LoadPower ?? 0,
                ["ArrayPower"]       = site.ArrayPower ?? 0,
                ["Autonomy"]         = site.AutonomyPercent ?? 0,
                ["SelfConsumption"]  = site.SelfConsumptionPercent ?? 0

            _ = await table.PutItemAsync(document);
        private async Task RemoveSqsMessage(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message)
            if (!deleteSuccessfulMessages)

            var deleteRequest = new DeleteMessageRequest
                QueueUrl      = SqsQueueUrl,
                ReceiptHandle = message.ReceiptHandle
            var response = await sqsClient.DeleteMessageAsync(deleteRequest);

            if (response.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

            Log.Information("Cannot remove SQS Status: {StatusCode} handle: {ReceiptHandle} ",
                            string.Join(response.HttpStatusCode.ToString(), Environment.NewLine),
                            string.Join(Environment.NewLine, message.ReceiptHandle));
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
            context.Logger.LogLine($"Processed message {message.Body}");

            var messageBody = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestMessage>(message.Body);

            await amazonDynamoDB.UpdateItemAsync(new UpdateItemRequest
                TableName = "message-processor",
                Key       = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                    { "pk", new AttributeValue($"SqsProcessor|{messageBody.TestId}") }
                ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                    { ":incr", new AttributeValue {
                          N = "1"
                      } },
                    { ":end", new AttributeValue(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("o")) }
                UpdateExpression = "SET MessageCount = MessageCount + :incr, EndTime = :end"
Пример #5
        private static async Task <CheckResult> ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message)
            var request   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CheckRequest>(message.Body);
            var dnsResult = Config.DnsChecksEnabled ? await DnsSystem.CheckDnsRecords(request) : default(DnsResult);

            var httpResult = Config.HttpChecksEnabled ? await HttpSystem.CheckHttp(request) : default(HttpResult);

            if (dnsResult == null && httpResult == null)

            var result = new CheckResult
                RequestId  = message.MessageId,
                Domain     = request.Domain,
                Rank       = request.Rank,
                Checked    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                DnsResult  = dnsResult,
                HttpResult = httpResult

Пример #6
 private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message)
     var(bucket, key) = GetS3DetailsFromMessage(message);
     await _dataUploader.UploadData(_dataConverterService.ConvertData(_s3Repository.GetData(bucket, key)));
Пример #7
        private void ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
            var api = new APIHelper();

                var log = context.Logger;
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch transpileStopWatch       = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch completeProcessStopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                //Default threshold if not provided is set to 250 sec
                var functionThreshold = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FunctionThreshold") ?? "250000";

                if (message != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body))
                    var request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(message.Body);
                    if (request == null)
                        log.LogLine("Error : Request body can not be empty");

                    var projectId         = request["ProjectId"] != null ? (string)request["ProjectId"] : null;
                    var userEmail         = request["UserEmail"] != null ? (string)request["UserEmail"] : null;
                    var resourceProcessed = request["ResourcesProcesed"] != null ? (int)request["ResourcesProcesed"] : 0;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userEmail))
                        log.LogLine($"Invalid request paramater : {message.Body}");
                        log.LogLine($"Transpiling the project : {projectId}");

                        log.LogLine($"Getting project details for project : {projectId}");
                        var project        = api.GetProjectDetailsApi(userEmail, projectId);
                        var totalFiles     = 0;
                        var completedFiles = resourceProcessed;

                        if (project != null && project.Resources != null && project.Resources.Any(x => !x.IsStatic))
                            totalFiles = project.Resources.Count(x => !x.IsStatic && x.ResourceType == Models.Project.ResourceType.LINK);
                            KitsunePage page = null;
                            log.LogLine($"Transpiling '{project.Resources.Count(x => !x.IsStatic) - resourceProcessed}' resources ");
                            string compiledFile = string.Empty;
                            foreach (var resource in project.Resources.Where(x => !x.IsStatic && x.ResourceType == Models.Project.ResourceType.LINK).OrderByDescending(x => x.UpdatedOn).Skip(resourceProcessed))

                                    compiledFile = api.GetFileFromS3(new GetFileFromS3RequestModel
                                        BucketName = project.BucketNames.demo,
                                        Compiled   = true,
                                        ProjectId  = project.ProjectId,
                                        SourcePath = resource.SourcePath
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    log.LogLine($"Exception : {ex.Message}, StackTrace : {ex.StackTrace}");
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compiledFile))
                                        NUglify.Html.HtmlSettings settings = new NUglify.Html.HtmlSettings()
                                            DecodeEntityCharacters = false, RemoveOptionalTags = false, ShortBooleanAttribute = false
                                        //settings.TagsWithNonCollapsableWhitespaces.Add("p", false);
                                        NUglify.UglifyResult minify = NUglify.Uglify.Html(compiledFile, settings);
                                        if (!minify.HasErrors)
                                            page = new NodeProcessor().Process(minify.Code, resource.SourcePath, resource.KObject, resource.CustomVariables, resource.Offset);
                                            string errorList = "";
                                            foreach (NUglify.UglifyError error in minify.Errors)
                                                errorList += $"[{error.StartLine},{error.StartColumn}:{error.EndLine},{error.EndColumn}]{error.ErrorCode}:{error.ErrorNumber}:{error.Message};";
                                            log.LogLine($"Error : File minification for '{resource.SourcePath}', erorrList {errorList}");
                                            page = new NodeProcessor().Process(minify.Code, resource.SourcePath, resource.KObject, resource.CustomVariables, resource.Offset);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        log.LogLine($"Exception : File minification for '{resource.SourcePath}', Message : {ex.Message}, StackTrace : {ex.StackTrace}");
                                        page = new NodeProcessor().Process(compiledFile, resource.SourcePath, resource.KObject, resource.CustomVariables, resource.Offset);

                                if (page != null)
                                    var jsonSerializeSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
                                    jsonSerializeSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
                                    string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(page, Formatting.None, jsonSerializeSettings);

                                    var resourceContent = new SaveFileContentToS3RequestModel
                                        ProjectId   = project.ProjectId,
                                        BucketName  = project.BucketNames.demo,
                                        SourcePath  = $"{resource.SourcePath}.kc",
                                        FileContent = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(output)),
                                        base64      = true
                                    var compiledStringResult = api.SaveFileContentToS3(resourceContent);
                                    if (compiledStringResult == null)

                                    //Increase the completed files count
                                    //Update project and build error
                                    UpdateBuildError(project.ProjectId, project.UserEmail, resource.SourcePath, context);

                                log.LogLine($"{completedFiles}/{totalFiles} '{resource.SourcePath}' {transpileStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()}");

                                //Check if the runtime is exceeding the timelimit then push to queue with completed task.

                                if (completedFiles < totalFiles && completeProcessStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > int.Parse(functionThreshold))
                                    var msgBody = new
                                        ProjectId         = projectId,
                                        UserEmail         = userEmail,
                                        ResourcesProcesed = completedFiles
                                    var response = AWSSQSHelper.PushMessageToQueue(msgBody, context, RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(message.AwsRegion));
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                                        log.LogLine($"Pushed the message to queue : {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgBody)}");
                                    //Exit the loop;
                            totalFiles = completedFiles = 0;
                            log.LogLine("No resource found to transpile");

                        if (completedFiles >= totalFiles)
                            log.LogLine($"Transpilation done successfully for project '{project.ProjectId}' in {completeProcessStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
                            log.LogLine("Updating Build Status");
                            var buildStatusUpdateResult = api.UpdateBuildStatus(project.UserEmail, new CreateOrUpdateKitsuneStatusRequestModel
                                ProjectId = project.ProjectId,
                                Stage     = BuildStatus.Completed,
                            log.LogLine("Success : Updating Build Status");

                            log.LogLine("Calling trigger completed event");

                            if (api.TriggerCompletedEvent(project.ProjectId).IsError)
                                log.LogLine($"Error updating transpilation complete status for project '{project.ProjectId}'");
                            log.LogLine("Success : Calling trigger completed event");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        UpdateBuildError(projectId, userEmail, null, context);

                        if (api.TriggerFailedEvent(projectId).IsError)
                            log.LogLine($"Error updating transpilation failed status for project '{projectId}'");
                    // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message
                AWSSQSHelper.DeleteMessageFromQueue(message, context);
Пример #8
        public void Setup()
            // APIGatewayProxy
            _baseAPIGatewayProxyRequest = new APIGatewayProxyRequest
                HttpMethod = "POST",
                Path       = "/test/path",

            _baseAPIGatewayProxyResponse = new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,

            // ApplicationLoadBalancer
            var albRequestContext = new ApplicationLoadBalancerRequest.ALBRequestContext
                Elb = new ApplicationLoadBalancerRequest.ElbInfo()

            albRequestContext.Elb.TargetGroupArn = TestArn;
            _baseApplicationLoadBalancerRequest  = new ApplicationLoadBalancerRequest
                HttpMethod     = "POST",
                Path           = "/test/path",
                RequestContext = albRequestContext,

            _baseApplicationLoadBalancerResponse = new ApplicationLoadBalancerResponse
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,

            // SQSEvent
            var sqsRecord = new SQSEvent.SQSMessage
                EventSourceArn = TestArn

            _baseSQSEvent = new SQSEvent
                Records = new List <SQSEvent.SQSMessage> {

            // SNSEvent
            var snsMessaage = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage()
                Message = "Test Message",
            var snsRecord = new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                EventSubscriptionArn = TestArn,
                Sns = snsMessaage

            _baseSNSEvent = new SNSEvent
                Records = new List <SNSEvent.SNSRecord> {

            // KinesisEvent
            var kinesisRecord = new KinesisEvent.KinesisEventRecord
                EventSourceARN = TestArn

            _baseKinesisEvent = new KinesisEvent
                Records = new List <KinesisEvent.KinesisEventRecord> {

            // S3Event
            var s3Record = new Amazon.S3.Util.S3EventNotification.S3EventNotificationRecord
                S3 = new Amazon.S3.Util.S3EventNotification.S3Entity
                    Bucket = new Amazon.S3.Util.S3EventNotification.S3BucketEntity
                        Arn = TestArn

            _baseS3Event = new S3Event
                Records = new List <Amazon.S3.Util.S3EventNotification.S3EventNotificationRecord> {

            // DynamoDBEvent
            var dynamoDBRecord = new DynamoDBEvent.DynamodbStreamRecord
                EventSourceArn = TestArn

            _baseDynamoDBEvent = new DynamoDBEvent
                Records = new List <DynamoDBEvent.DynamodbStreamRecord> {

            // KinesisFirehoseEvent
            _baseKinesisFirehoseEvent = new KinesisFirehoseEvent
                DeliveryStreamArn = TestArn,
 public static bool IsKeepWarm(this SQSEvent.SQSMessage message)
     return(message?.Body != null && message.Body.Contains(KeepWarm, StringComparison.InvariantCulture));
Пример #10
 private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
     context.Logger.LogLine($"Processed message {message.Body}");
     await ImageHandler(message.Body);
Пример #11
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
            message.MessageAttributes.TryGetValue("To", out MessageAttribute toEmail);
            message.MessageAttributes.TryGetValue("Subject", out MessageAttribute subject);
            norbertSendFrom = secrets.norbertSendFromTest;
            context.Logger.LogLine("Default NorbertSendFrom : " + norbertSendFrom);
            context.Logger.LogLine("Finding SendFrom");
            if (subject.StringValue.ToLower().Contains("ema"))
                if (live)
                    norbertSendFrom = secrets.norbertSendFromLive;
                    context.Logger.LogLine("Sending from WNC Live : " + norbertSendFrom);
                    norbertSendFrom = secrets.norbertSendFromTest;
                    context.Logger.LogLine("Sending from WNC Test : " + norbertSendFrom);
            if (subject.StringValue.ToLower().Contains("emn"))
                if (live)
                    norbertSendFrom = secrets.nncSendFromLive;
                    context.Logger.LogLine("Sending from NNC Live : " + norbertSendFrom);
                    norbertSendFrom = secrets.nncSendFromTest;
                    context.Logger.LogLine("Sending from NNC Test : " + norbertSendFrom);
            context.Logger.LogLine("Sending email to " + toEmail.StringValue + " with subject of : " + subject.StringValue);
            String messageBody = message.Body;
            Random rand        = new Random();

            if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                messageBody = messageBody.Replace("NNN", secrets.botPersona1);
                messageBody = messageBody.Replace("NNN", secrets.botPersona2);
            using (AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(RegionEndpoint.EUWest1))
                SendEmailRequest sendRequest = new SendEmailRequest
                    Source      = norbertSendFrom,
                    Destination = new Destination
                        ToAddresses = new List <string> {
                        BccAddresses = new List <string> {
                    Message = new Message
                        Subject = new Content(subject.StringValue),
                        Body    = new Body
                            Html = new Content
                                Charset = "UTF-8",
                                Data    = messageBody
                    ConfigurationSetName = "AllMail"
                    SendEmailResponse sesresponse = await client.SendEmailAsync(sendRequest);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + ex.Message);
            await Task.CompletedTask;
Пример #12
        public async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message)
            ParseEpubContract parseEpubContract =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ParseEpubContract>(message.Body);

            string bucketName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALEXA_READER_BUCKET");
            string filePath   = $"{parseEpubContract.FolderName}/{parseEpubContract.FileName}";

            Stream fileStream = AwsService.S3.GetObject(filePath, bucketName);

            // Opens a book and reads all of its content into memory
            EpubBook epubBook = EpubReader.ReadBook(fileStream);

            Book book = new Book();

            book.Uuid         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            book.Title        = epubBook.Title;
            book.Chapters     = new List <Chapter>();
            book.Owner        = parseEpubContract.User;
            book.EpubFilePath = filePath;

            List <string> chaptersToSkip = new List <string>
                "quick glossary"

            List <EpubNavigationItem> validChapters = epubBook.Navigation
                                                      .Where(c => !chaptersToSkip.Contains(c.Title.ToLower()))

            List <ConvertTextToSpeechContract> convertTextToSpeechContracts =
                new List <ConvertTextToSpeechContract>();

            foreach (EpubNavigationItem epubChapter in validChapters)
                Chapter chapter = new Chapter();
                chapter.Uuid        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                chapter.Title       = epubChapter.Title;
                chapter.Subchapters = new List <Subchapter>();

                // Nested chapters
                List <EpubNavigationItem> subChapters = epubChapter.NestedItems;

                foreach (var subChapter in subChapters)
                    EpubTextContentFile content = subChapter.HtmlContentFile;

                    string stripped = StripHTML(content.Content);

                    string id            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    string audioFilePath = $"{parseEpubContract.FolderName}/{id}.mp3";

                    chapter.Subchapters.Add(new Subchapter
                        AudioFilePath       = audioFilePath,
                        Uuid                = id,
                        CurrentTimePosition = 0

                    convertTextToSpeechContracts.Add(new ConvertTextToSpeechContract
                        TextContent         = stripped,
                        AudioFilePathToSave = audioFilePath,
                        Owner = parseEpubContract.User

                chapter.CurrentSubchapterId = chapter.Subchapters.FirstOrDefault()?.Uuid;

            book.CurrentChapterId = book.Chapters.FirstOrDefault()?.Uuid;

            string queueUrl       = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CONVERSION_QUEUE_URL");
            string messageGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            List <SendMessageBatchRequestEntry> messages = new List <SendMessageBatchRequestEntry>();

            Action <ConvertTextToSpeechContract> addMessageToSend = (contract) =>
                string messageBody            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contract);
                string messageDeduplicationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                messages.Add(new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry
                    Id                     = messageDeduplicationId,
                    MessageBody            = messageBody,
                    MessageGroupId         = messageGroupId,
                    MessageDeduplicationId = messageDeduplicationId

            .Take(convertTextToSpeechContracts.Count - 1)
            .ForEach(contract => addMessageToSend(contract));

            ConvertTextToSpeechContract last = convertTextToSpeechContracts.Last();

            last.NotifyOwner = true;

            List <List <SendMessageBatchRequestEntry> > messageGroups = SplitList(messages, 10).ToList();

            messageGroups.ForEach(messageGroup =>
                AwsService.SQS.SendMessageBatch(messageGroup, queueUrl);

            var synteshisRequest = new SynthesizeSpeechRequest
                Engine       = Engine.Neural,
                OutputFormat = "mp3",
                //SampleRate = "8000",
                Text         = txtContent,
                TextType     = "text",
                VoiceId      = VoiceId.Joanna,
                LanguageCode = LanguageCode.EnUS

            var client = new AmazonPollyClient(RegionEndpoint.USEast1);

            var task = client.SynthesizeSpeechAsync(synteshisRequest);

            var response = task.Result;

            //Console.WriteLine($"Synthetized {response.RequestCharacters} caracthers");

            //// COMMON PROPERTIES

            //// Book's title
            //string title = epubBook.Title;

            //// Book's authors (comma separated list)
            //string author = epubBook.Author;

            //// Book's authors (list of authors names)
            //List<string> authors = epubBook.AuthorList;

            //// Book's cover image (null if there is no cover)
            //byte[] coverImageContent = epubBook.CoverImage;
            //if (coverImageContent != null)
            //    using (MemoryStream coverImageStream = new MemoryStream(coverImageContent))
            //    {
            //        Image coverImage = Image.FromStream(coverImageStream);
            //    }

            //// TABLE OF CONTENTS

            //// Enumerating chapters
            //foreach (EpubNavigationItem chapter in epubBook.Navigation)
            //    // Title of chapter
            //    string chapterTitle = chapter.Title;

            //    // Nested chapters
            //    List<EpubNavigationItem> subChapters = chapter.NestedItems;

            //// READING ORDER

            //// Enumerating the whole text content of the book in the order of reading
            //foreach (EpubTextContentFile textContentFile in book.ReadingOrder)
            //    // HTML of current text content file
            //    string htmlContent = textContentFile.Content;

            //// CONTENT

            //// Book's content (HTML files, stlylesheets, images, fonts, etc.)
            //EpubContent bookContent = epubBook.Content;

            //// IMAGES

            //// All images in the book (file name is the key)
            //Dictionary<string, EpubByteContentFile> images = bookContent.Images;

            //EpubByteContentFile firstImage = images.Values.First();

            //// Content type (e.g. EpubContentType.IMAGE_JPEG, EpubContentType.IMAGE_PNG)
            //EpubContentType contentType = firstImage.ContentType;

            //// MIME type (e.g. "image/jpeg", "image/png")
            //string mimeType = firstImage.ContentMimeType;

            //// Creating Image class instance from the content
            //using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream(firstImage.Content))
            //    Image image = Image.FromStream(imageStream);

            //// Cover metadata
            //if (bookContent.Cover != null)
            //    string coverFileName = bookContent.Cover.FileName;
            //    EpubContentType coverContentType = bookContent.Cover.ContentType;
            //    string coverMimeType = bookContent.Cover.ContentMimeType;

            //// HTML & CSS

            //// All XHTML files in the book (file name is the key)
            //Dictionary<string, EpubTextContentFile> htmlFiles = bookContent.Html;

            //// All CSS files in the book (file name is the key)
            //Dictionary<string, EpubTextContentFile> cssFiles = bookContent.Css;

            //// Entire HTML content of the book
            //foreach (EpubTextContentFile htmlFile in htmlFiles.Values)
            //    string htmlContent = htmlFile.Content;

            //// All CSS content in the book
            //foreach (EpubTextContentFile cssFile in cssFiles.Values)
            //    string cssContent = cssFile.Content;

            //// OTHER CONTENT

            //// All fonts in the book (file name is the key)
            //Dictionary<string, EpubByteContentFile> fonts = bookContent.Fonts;

            //// All files in the book (including HTML, CSS, images, fonts, and other types of files)
            //Dictionary<string, EpubContentFile> allFiles = bookContent.AllFiles;


            //// EPUB OPF data
            //EpubPackage package = epubBook.Schema.Package;

            //// Enumerating book's contributors
            //foreach (EpubMetadataContributor contributor in package.Metadata.Contributors)
            //    string contributorName = contributor.Contributor;
            //    string contributorRole = contributor.Role;

            //// EPUB 2 NCX data
            //Epub2Ncx epub2Ncx = epubBook.Schema.Epub2Ncx;

            //// Enumerating EPUB 2 NCX metadata
            //foreach (Epub2NcxHeadMeta meta in epub2Ncx.Head)
            //    string metadataItemName = meta.Name;
            //    string metadataItemContent = meta.Content;

            //// EPUB 3 navigation
            //Epub3NavDocument epub3NavDocument = epubBook.Schema.Epub3NavDocument;

            //// Accessing structural semantics data of the head item
            //StructuralSemanticsProperty? ssp = epub3NavDocument.Navs.First().Type;
Пример #13
 private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
     context.Logger.LogLine($"Dequeued message '{message.Body}'");
     await PutS3Object(context, message.Body);
Пример #14
 private Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context) =>
 Process(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TMessage>(message.Body));
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
            context.Logger.LogLine($"Processed message {message.Body}");
            context.Logger.LogLine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Files");

                var amazonCompilerSqsQueueHandler = new AmazonSQSQueueHandlers <CompilerServiceSQSModel>(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SQS_URL"));

                var sqsModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CompilerServiceSQSModel>(message.Body);

                var errors = new List <BuildError>();
                List <CompileResult> buildStatus = null;

                var projectId    = sqsModel.ProjectId;
                var buildVersion = sqsModel.BuildVersion;
                var user         = sqsModel.UserEmail;

                //Update the kitsune project status to building
                if (APIHelpers.UpdateProjectStatus(user, projectId, buildVersion.ToString()))
                    context.Logger.LogLine(String.Format("Compilation processing started for project '{0}' with version {1}", projectId, buildVersion));

                    buildStatus = new BuildAndRunHelper().BuildProject(user, projectId, bool.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IS_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION")), 1);
                    if (buildStatus != null && buildStatus.Any())
                        errors = new List <BuildError>();
                        foreach (var error in buildStatus)
                            if (!error.Success)
                                errors.AddRange(error.ErrorMessages.Select(x => new BuildError
                                    Column          = x.LinePosition,
                                    Line            = x.LineNumber,
                                    Message         = x.Message,
                                    ErrorStackTrace = x.Message,
                                    SourceMethod    = "KitsuneCompiler",
                                    SourcePath      = error.PageName
                        APIHelpers.UpdateProjectErrorStatus(user, projectId, buildVersion, errors);
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Compilation failed for project '{0}' with version {1}, Errors", projectId, buildVersion));
                        Log.Error(String.Format("Compilation failed for project '{0}' with version {1}, Errors", projectId, buildVersion));
                        foreach (var err in errors)
                        buildStatus = null;
                        //UPDATE the project status
                        if (APIHelpers.UpdateBuildStatus(user, projectId, buildVersion))
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Compilation done successful"), projectId, buildVersion.ToString());
                            Log.Information(string.Format("Compilation done successful"), projectId, buildVersion.ToString());

                var response = amazonCompilerSqsQueueHandler.DeleteMessageFromQueue(new AmazonSQSMessageQueueModel <CompilerServiceSQSModel>
                    MessageBody       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CompilerServiceSQSModel>(message.Body),
                    MessageId         = message.MessageId,
                    ReceiptHandle     = message.ReceiptHandle,
                    MessageAttributes = message.Attributes

            catch { }

            await Task.CompletedTask;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream)"/> method is overridden to
        /// provide specific behavior for this base class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method cannot be overridden.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream with the request payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            var failureCounter = 0;

            // deserialize stream to sqs event
            LogInfo("deserializing stream to SQS event");
            var sqsEvent = DeserializeJson <SQSEvent>(stream);

            // process all received sqs records
            var successfulMessages = new List <SQSEvent.SQSMessage>();

            foreach (var sqsRecord in sqsEvent.Records)
                CurrentRecord = sqsRecord;
                try {
                    // attempt to deserialize the sqs record
                    LogInfo("deserializing message");
                    var message = Deserialize(sqsRecord.Body);

                    // attempt to process the sqs message
                    LogInfo("processing message");
                    await ProcessMessageAsync(message);

                } catch (LambdaRetriableException e) {
                    // record error as warning; function will need to fail to prevent deletion
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    // send straight to the dead letter queue and prevent from re-trying
                    try {
                        await RecordFailedMessageAsync(LambdaLogLevel.ERROR, FailedMessageOrigin.SQS, SerializeJson(sqsRecord), e);

                    } catch {
                        // no dead-letter queue configured; function will need to fail to prevent deletion
                } finally {
                    CurrentRecord = null;

            // check if any failures occurred
            if (failureCounter > 0)
                // delete all messages that were successfully processed to avoid them being tried again
                if (successfulMessages.Count > 0)
                    await Provider.DeleteMessagesFromQueueAsync(
                        successfulMessages.Select(message =>
                                                  (MessageId: message.MessageId, ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle)

                // fail invocation to prevent messages from being deleted
                throw new LambdaAbortException($"processing failed: {failureCounter} errors ({successfulMessages.Count} messages succeeded)");
            return($"processed {successfulMessages.Count} messages".ToStream());
Пример #17
        private async Task <SendMessageResponse> ResendMessageToAnotherQueue(string queue, SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaLogger logger, int delaySeconds = 0)
            logger.Log($" ** sending message {message.Body} to  queue {queue} ** ");
            var writeMessageRequest = new SendMessageRequest(queue, message.Body);

            int retryCounter = 0;

            if (message.MessageAttributes.ContainsKey(RetryCount))
                retryCounter = Convert.ToInt32(message.MessageAttributes[RetryCount].StringValue);

            writeMessageRequest.MessageAttributes = new Dictionary <string, MessageAttributeValue>();
            writeMessageRequest.MessageAttributes.Add(RetryCount, new MessageAttributeValue()
                DataType = "String", StringValue = (retryCounter).ToString()

            //Normalize distribution of incoming messages in time by function x2
            writeMessageRequest.DelaySeconds = retryCounter * retryCounter * delaySeconds;

            return(await this.SqSClient.SendMessageAsync(writeMessageRequest));
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream)"/> method is overridden to
        /// provide specific behavior for this base class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method cannot be overridden.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream with the request payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            // deserialize stream to sqs event
            LogInfo("deserializing stream to SQS event");
            var sqsEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <SQSEvent>(stream);

            if (!sqsEvent.Records.Any())
                return($"empty batch".ToStream());

            // process all received sqs records
            var eventSourceArn     = sqsEvent.Records.First().EventSourceArn;
            var successfulMessages = new List <SQSEvent.SQSMessage>();

            foreach (var record in sqsEvent.Records)
                _currentRecord = record;
                var metrics = new List <LambdaMetric>();
                try {
                    var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // attempt to deserialize the sqs record
                    LogInfo("deserializing message");
                    var message = Deserialize(record.Body);

                    // attempt to process the sqs message
                    LogInfo("processing message");
                    await ProcessMessageAsync(message);


                    // record successful processing metrics
                    var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Latency", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Milliseconds));
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Lifespan", (now - record.GetLifespanTimestamp()).TotalSeconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Seconds));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // NOTE (2020-04-21, bjorg): delete message if error is not retriable (i.e. logic error) or
                    //  the message has reached it's maximum number of retries.
                    var deleteMessage = !(e is LambdaRetriableException) ||
                                        (record.GetApproximateReceiveCount() >= await Provider.GetMaxRetriesForQueueAsync(record.EventSourceArn));

                    // the intent is to delete the message
                    if (deleteMessage)
                        // NOTE (2020-04-22, bjorg): always log an error since the intent is to send
                        //  this message to the dead-letter queue.
                        try {
                            // attempt to send failed message to the dead-letter queue
                            await RecordFailedMessageAsync(LambdaLogLevel.ERROR, FailedMessageOrigin.SQS, LambdaSerializer.Serialize(record), e);

                            // record forwarded message as successful so it gets deleted from the queue

                            // record failed processing metrics
                            metrics.Add(("MessageDead.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                        } catch {
                            // record attempted processing metrics
                            metrics.Add(("MessageFailed.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                        // record attempted processing metrics
                        metrics.Add(("MessageFailed.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));

                        // log error as a warning as we expect to see this message again
                } finally {
                    _currentRecord = null;

            // check if any failures occurred
            if ((sqsEvent.Records.Count != successfulMessages.Count) && (successfulMessages.Count > 0))
                // delete all messages that were successfully processed to avoid them being tried again
                await Provider.DeleteMessagesFromQueueAsync(
                    successfulMessages.Select(message =>
                                              (MessageId: message.MessageId, ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle)

                // fail invocation to prevent messages from being deleted
                throw new LambdaAbortException($"processing failed: {sqsEvent.Records.Count - successfulMessages.Count} errors ({successfulMessages.Count} messages succeeded)");
            return($"processed {successfulMessages.Count} messages".ToStream());
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Process message from SQSEvent
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
     context.Logger.LogLine($"Processed message: {message.Body}");
     await Task.CompletedTask;
Пример #20
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context)
                context.Logger.LogLine($"Processed message {message.Body}");

                var loanProcessId = string.Empty;

                if (message.MessageAttributes != null)
                    loanProcessId = (message.MessageAttributes.ContainsKey("Id") ? message.MessageAttributes["Id"].StringValue : string.Empty);
                else if (message.Attributes != null)
                    loanProcessId = (message.Attributes.ContainsKey("Id") ? message.Attributes["Id"].ToString() : string.Empty);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loanProcessId))
                    context.Logger.LogLine($"LoanProcessId doens't included on request.");

                var loanProcessObjectRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LoanProcess>(message.Body);

                #region Process object

                var loanProcessObject = new LoanProcess
                    Id            = loanProcessId,
                    IdLoanRequest = loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Id,
                    IdStatus      = Status.Completed,
                    Modificado    = DateTime.Now,
                    StatusRow     = "U", //Update
                    IdUserUpdate  = -1,
                    VlAmout       = loanProcessObjectRequest.VlAmout,
                    IdTerms       = loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Terms.Id

                var vlTerm = Math.Round(loanProcessObject.VlAmout / loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Terms.Term, 2);

                #region Age Policy

                if (DateTime.Now.Year - loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Customer.BirthDate.Year < 18)
                    loanProcessObjectRequest.RefusedPolicy = "age";

                #endregion Age Policy

                var objRequestApiNoverde = JObject.FromObject(new { cpf = loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Customer.CpfCnpj });

                #region Score Policy

                (bool restSuccessScore, string restMessageReturnScore, JObject resultSCore) = new RestHelpers().PostAsync <JObject, JObject>(RestApi.NOVERDE, "score", objRequestApiNoverde, TypeOfAuth.KEY);
                if (!restSuccessScore)
                    throw new Exception($"Score API: {restMessageReturnScore}");

                var iScore = 0;
                Int32.TryParse(resultSCore["score"].ToString(), out iScore);

                if (iScore < 600)
                    loanProcessObjectRequest.RefusedPolicy = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loanProcessObjectRequest.RefusedPolicy) ? "score" : loanProcessObjectRequest.RefusedPolicy += ", score");

                #endregion Score Policy

                #region Commitment Policy

                (bool restSuccessCom, string restMessageReturnCom, JObject resultCommitment) = new RestHelpers().PostAsync <JObject, JObject>(RestApi.NOVERDE, "commitment", objRequestApiNoverde, TypeOfAuth.KEY);
                if (!restSuccessCom)
                    throw new Exception($"Commitment API: {restMessageReturnCom}");

                decimal iCommitment = 0;
                decimal.TryParse(resultCommitment["commitment"].ToString(), out iCommitment);

                var vlCommitment = Math.Round(loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.VlIncome * iCommitment, 2);
                var vlFree       = Math.Round(loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.VlIncome - vlCommitment, 2);

                vlTerm = await CalcTermAsync(loanProcessObjectRequest, loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.VlAmout, vlFree, iScore);

                if (vlTerm <= 0)
                    loanProcessObject.RefusedPolicy = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loanProcessObjectRequest.RefusedPolicy) ? "commitment" : loanProcessObjectRequest.RefusedPolicy += ", commitment");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loanProcessObject.RefusedPolicy))
                    loanProcessObject.Result = LoanProcess.refused;
                    loanProcessObject.Result = LoanProcess.approved;

                loanProcessObject.IdTerms = loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Terms.Id;
                loanProcessObject.Terms   = loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest.Terms;

                loanProcessObject.IdStatus    = Status.Completed;
                loanProcessObject.LoanRequest = loanProcessObjectRequest.LoanRequest;

                #endregion Commitment Policy

                loanProcessService.Put <LoanProcessValidator>(loanProcessObject);

                #endregion Process object

                context.Logger.LogLine($"Finished {message.Body}");

                // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message
                await Task.CompletedTask;
            catch (Exception ex)
                context.Logger.LogLine($"[ERRO] Detalhe: {ex.ToString()}");
                throw ex;