private void LoadDailySchedule() { if (DateLock == false) { var regDate = DateTime.Now; DateStamp = regDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } UnRegisterRows(); SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT TOP 26 * FROM DS_SCHEDULE WHERE CONVERT(varchar, SCHEDULE_TIME, 101) = '" + DateStamp + "' AND (OUT_TIME IS NULL AND CANCELLED_TIME IS NULL) AND LOCATION = '" + Location + "' ORDER BY SCHEDULE_TIME ASC"); //SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT TOP 26 * FROM DS_SCHEDULE WHERE CONVERT(varchar, SCHEDULE_TIME, 101) = '09/30/2018' AND (OUT_TIME IS NULL AND CANCELLED_TIME IS NULL) AND LOCATION = '" + Location + "' ORDER BY SCHEDULE_TIME ASC"); RowsLoaded = SQLcontrol.RecordCount; if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { DateLock = true; for (RowNum = 0; RowNum < SQLcontrol.RecordCount; RowNum++) { CreateNewRow(); LblConnectionError.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } else { DateLock = false; RowsLoaded = 0; LblConnectionError.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
//''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' LOGS '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' private static void LogError(string custom, string message, string stackTrace, string source, string targetSite) { var dateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); SQLcontrol.InsertLog(dateTime, Environment.MachineName, version, "MS", custom, message, stackTrace, source, targetSite); }
public DockScheduleDisplay() { InitializeComponent(); //Populates About Panel LblAboutVersion.Content = Viewport.GlobalInformation.appVersion; LblAboutLocation.Content = Viewport.GlobalInformation.appLocation; LblAboutName.Content = Viewport.GlobalInformation.appName; GridLayoutTemplate.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (SQLcontrol.HasConnection()) { GrdSQLnotification.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; DateLock = false; SetScheduleLocation(); LoadDailySchedule(); CalculateAverage(); LocalClock(); StartUpdateTimer(); } else { GrdSQLnotification.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
//''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' PANEL BUTTONS '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' private void UpdateAction_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var Btn = (Button)sender; var rowNum = Regex.Replace(Btn.Name, "[^0-9 _]", ""); var focusPairID = FindName("txtPairID" + rowNum.ToString()) as TextBlock; var focusActive = FindName("btnAction" + rowNum.ToString()) as Button; var focusDisplay = FindName("lblTime" + rowNum.ToString()) as Label; var focusArrive = FindName("lblValueArrive" + rowNum.ToString()) as Label; var focusSent = FindName("lblValueSent" + rowNum.ToString()) as Label; var focusTimeIn = FindName("lblValueTimeIn" + rowNum.ToString()) as Label; var PairId = focusPairID.Text.ToString(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (focusActive.Content.ToString() == "MARK ARRIVED") { //LATE ARRIVAL HIGHLIGHT------------------------- SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM DS_SCHEDULE WHERE ID = '" + PairId + "'"); var scheduleTime = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SCHEDULE_TIME"].ToString(); DateTime displayTime = DateTime.Parse(scheduleTime, new CultureInfo("en-US", true)); if (DateTime.Now > displayTime) { focusDisplay.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 241, 81, 87)); } //----------------------------------------------- focusActive.Content = "SENT TO DOCK"; focusActive.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 247, 152, 28)); focusArrive.Content = now.ToShortTimeString(); SQLcontrol.InsertTime("ARRIVAL_TIME", PairId); } else if (focusActive.Content.ToString() == "SENT TO DOCK") { focusActive.Content = "ARRIVED AT DOCK"; focusActive.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 127, 91, 230)); focusSent.Content = now.ToShortTimeString(); SQLcontrol.InsertTime("SENT_TIME", PairId); } else if (focusActive.Content.ToString() == "ARRIVED AT DOCK") { focusActive.Content = "DEPARTED DOCK"; focusActive.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 25, 145, 235)); focusTimeIn.Content = now.ToShortTimeString(); SQLcontrol.InsertTime("IN_TIME", PairId); } else if (focusActive.Content.ToString() == "DEPARTED DOCK") { SQLcontrol.InsertTime("OUT_TIME", PairId); LoadDailySchedule(); } }
private void SetScheduleLocation() { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM [@profiles] WHERE COMPUTER = '" + Environment.MachineName + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { Location = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LOCATION"].ToString(); } }
private void NoShowCategory_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var btn = (Button)sender; var code = Regex.Replace(btn.Name, "[^0-9 _]", ""); var pairId = CancelDisplayPairId.Content.ToString(); //TODO SQLcontrol.InsertCancel(pairId, code); LoadDailySchedule(); CancelDialogPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; OverlayViewportDimmer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
private void UpdateConfig(string appName) { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM [@profiles] WHERE COMPUTER ='" + Environment.MachineName + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { LblAboutLocation.Content = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LOCATION"].ToString(); LoadApplication(appName); } else { var nameArray = Environment.MachineName.Split('-'); if (nameArray.Length > 0) { _parse1 = nameArray[0]; } if (nameArray.Length > 1) { _parse2 = nameArray[1]; } if (nameArray.Length > 2) { _parse3 = nameArray[2]; } switch (_parse1) { case "DSCENTER": GlobalInformation.appLocation = "Distribution Center"; break; case "SUNDOLPH": GlobalInformation.appLocation = "Sundolphin"; break; case "EXTRUSION": GlobalInformation.appLocation = "Extrusion"; break; case "FIVEPEAKS": GlobalInformation.appLocation = "Five Peaks"; break; case "STCKBRDG": GlobalInformation.appLocation = "Stockbridge"; break; } SQLcontrol.InsertComputer(Environment.MachineName, GlobalInformation.appLocation, _parse2, _parse3, appName, LblAboutVersion.Content.ToString()); LblAboutLocation.Content = GlobalInformation.appLocation; LoadApplication(appName); } }
private void workerLoadHeader_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { RefreshReady = false; SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM APP_MO_SCHEDULE WHERE MACHINE = '" + MachineNumber + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount <= 0) { return; } var sqlPart = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PART"].ToString(); DetectFileStatus(sqlPart); }
private void DockLocationArray(string location) { SQLcontrol.RunQuery_application("SELECT * FROM DS_CAT_LOCATIONS WHERE LOCATION = '" + location + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { int dockMax = Convert.ToInt32(SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DOCK"]); AddDockToList.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= dockMax; i++) { AddDockToList.Add(i.ToString()); } } }
private void Refresh_machineData(bool manualRefresh) { if (!RefreshReady) { return; } SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM APP_MO_SCHEDULE WHERE MACHINE = '" + MachineNumber + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { var sqlPart = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PART"].ToString(); var sqlDescription = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DESCRIPTION"].ToString(); var sqlQuantity = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["QUANTITY"].ToString(); if (MachineQuantity != sqlQuantity) { TitlePartInformation.Content = sqlPart + " : " + sqlDescription + " (x" + sqlQuantity + ")"; } if (MachinePart != sqlPart) { ClearErrorNotifications(); ResetSidebar(); CollapseAllViewers(); LoadHeaderInformation(); } else { if (!manualRefresh) { return; } CollapseAllViewers(); ResetSidebar(); LoadHeaderInformation(); UpdateTempFiles(); StandardizeWork_run(); } } else { //Machine Not in View ErrorCode_xMS001(); } }
private string Get_BoMsUrl(string part, string location) { if (File.Exists(location)) { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("EXEC Bill_of_Materials '" + part + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { var fileUrl = CreateTempFile(location, ".rpt"); return(fileUrl); } ErrorCode_xMS202(location); //BOM Empty return(null); } ErrorCode_xMS201(); //BOM Missing return(null); }
private void LoadHeaderInformation() { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM APP_MO_SCHEDULE WHERE MACHINE = '" + MachineNumber + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { var sqlPart = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PART"].ToString(); var sqlDescription = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DESCRIPTION"].ToString(); var sqlQuantity = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["QUANTITY"].ToString(); if (sqlPart != "") { TitlePartInformation.Content = sqlPart + " : " + sqlDescription + " (x" + sqlQuantity + ")"; ClearErrorNotifications(); MachinePart = sqlPart; MachineQuantity = sqlQuantity; //Begins search for file existence _workerLoadHeader.RunWorkerAsync(); _workerLoadForms.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { ResetUrls(); if (sqlPart != "") { return; } TitlePartInformation.Content = "NOTHING SCHEDULED"; ClearErrorNotifications(); CollapseAllViewers(); } } else { //cant find machine in view ErrorCode_xMS001(); ClearErrorNotifications(); CollapseAllViewers(); } }
private void UpdateDock_Selected(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { var Cmb = (ComboBox)sender; var Row = Regex.Replace(Cmb.Name, "[^0-9 _]", ""); var FocusDock = FindName("cmbValueDock" + Row.ToString()) as ComboBox; var FocusPairId = FindName("txtPairID" + Row.ToString()) as TextBlock; if (FocusDock.SelectedIndex > 0) { var dockNum = FocusDock.SelectedValue.ToString(); var pairID = FocusPairId.Text.ToString(); SQLcontrol.InsertDockNumber(dockNum, pairID); } else { var pairID = FocusPairId.Text.ToString(); SQLcontrol.ClearDockNumber(pairID); } }
//'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' SQL SEQUENCES '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' private void CalculateAverage() { var baseDate = DateTime.Now; var fwd = baseDate.AddDays(-(int)baseDate.DayOfWeek); var lwd = fwd.AddDays(7).AddSeconds(-1); FirstWeekday = fwd.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); LastWeekDay = lwd.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT IN_TIME, OUT_TIME FROM DS_SCHEDULE WHERE SCHEDULE_TIME BETWEEN '" + FirstWeekday + " 00:00:00.00' AND '" + LastWeekDay + " 23:59:59.999' AND LOAD_TIME > '00:05:00' AND LOCATION = '" + Location + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { var span = new DateTime(); for (var i = 0; i < SQLcontrol.RecordCount; i++) { var strInTime = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["IN_TIME"].ToString(); var strOutTime = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["OUT_TIME"].ToString(); var inTime = DateTime.Parse(strInTime, new CultureInfo("en-US", true)); var outTime = DateTime.Parse(strOutTime, new CultureInfo("en-US", true)); span += (outTime - inTime); } var avgSpan = new TimeSpan(span.Ticks / SQLcontrol.RecordCount); var tempDt = DateTime.MinValue.Add(avgSpan); var displayAverage = tempDt.ToString("H:mm:ss"); txtAverage.Text = displayAverage; } else { txtAverage.Text = "00:00:00"; } }
private void ReadConfig() { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM [@profiles] WHERE COMPUTER ='" + Environment.MachineName + "'"); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { GlobalInformation.appLocation = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LOCATION"].ToString(); LblAboutLocation.Content = GlobalInformation.appLocation; LoadApplication(SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["APPLICATION"].ToString()); //checks for recorded version number ------- if (LblAboutVersion.Content.ToString() == SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Version"].ToString()) { return; } //updates new version number ----------- SQLcontrol.UpdateComputer(LblAboutVersion.Content.ToString(), SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); } }
public MachineOperations() { InitializeComponent(); //Populates About Panel LblAboutVersion.Content = Viewport.GlobalInformation.appVersion; LblAboutLocation.Content = Viewport.GlobalInformation.appLocation; LblAboutName.Content = Viewport.GlobalInformation.appName; LocalClock(); DeclareWorkers(); DeleteObsoleteTempFiles(); PdfCommon.Initialize("52433553494d50032923be84e16cd6ae0bce153446af7918d52303038286fd2b3b152577b1db687a1fddd5421ba5de0de33485546791f523f09d6a386e859c9f977b1ae8ff459708090f0552a3505549f9bd4f984adcb484ce3b75bb4f3c1fcd6f97b68c22cb7ecfd52fc40c9ea0a748d251457b07b7fcb3e84e4641176b807b"); PdfViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; CrystalViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (SQLcontrol.HasConnection()) { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM [@profiles] WHERE COMPUTER = '" + Environment.MachineName + '"'); if (SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0) { MachineNumber = SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NUMBER"].ToString(); //TODO MACHINE NUMBER SOMEWHERE } GrdSqlNotification.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; LoadHeaderInformation(); } else { GrdSqlNotification.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
private static string Get_FileUrl(string part, string container) { SQLcontrol.RunQuery("SELECT * FROM MO_FILE_LISTING WHERE PART = '" + part + "' AND CONTAINER = '" + container + "'"); return(SQLcontrol.RecordCount > 0 ? SQLcontrol.Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MASTER"].ToString() : null); }