public Tuple <double, double> GetEmplPrice(IList <EmpPayrollCategoryEmployeeClient> empPriceLst, SQLTableCache <Uniconta.DataModel.EmpPayrollCategory> empPayrollCatLst, SQLTableCache <Uniconta.DataModel.ProjectGroup> projGroupLst, Uniconta.DataModel.Employee employee, Uniconta.DataModel.Project project, DateTime priceDate, string payrollCategory = null) { #if !SILVERLIGHT if (employee == null) { return(new Tuple <double, double>(0, 0)); } this.empPriceLst = empPriceLst; var projGroup = projGroupLst.Get(project._Group); EmpPayrollCategory payrollCat; bool isMileagePrice; bool invoiceable; if (payrollCategory == null) { payrollCat = null; isMileagePrice = false; invoiceable = projGroup._Invoiceable; payrollCategory = string.Empty; } else { payrollCat = empPayrollCatLst.Get(payrollCategory); isMileagePrice = payrollCat._InternalType == InternalType.Mileage; invoiceable = projGroup._Invoiceable && payrollCat._Invoiceable; } if (empPriceLst != null && empPriceLst.Count > 0 && empPriceLst.Any(s => s._Employee != employee._Number)) // it contains other employees, remove them { empPriceLst = empPriceLst.Where(s => s._Employee == employee._Number).ToList(); } if (isMileagePrice) { invoiceable = projGroup._Invoiceable; } double salesPrice = 0, costPrice = 0; if (empPriceLst != null && empPriceLst.Count > 0) { var defaultPayrollCategory = empPayrollCatLst.Where(s => s._PrCategory == null && s.KeyStr == "Default").FirstOrDefault(); var prices = PriceMatrix(priceDate, 1, project, payrollCategory); if (prices != null && prices._Project == null && prices._DCAccount == null) { prices = PriceMatrix(priceDate, 1, project, defaultPayrollCategory?.KeyStr, true) ?? prices; } else if (prices == null && defaultPayrollCategory != null) { prices = PriceMatrix(priceDate, 1, project, defaultPayrollCategory.KeyStr); } if (prices != null) { salesPrice = prices._SalesPrice; costPrice = prices._CostPrice; } } if (payrollCat != null) { if (salesPrice == 0) { salesPrice = payrollCat._SalesPrice; } if (costPrice == 0) { costPrice = payrollCat._Rate; } } if (!isMileagePrice) //Always fallback to Employee for cost and sales prices { if (salesPrice == 0) { salesPrice = employee._SalesPrice; } if (costPrice == 0) { costPrice = employee._CostPrice; } } return(new Tuple <double, double>(costPrice, invoiceable ? salesPrice : 0)); #endif return(new Tuple <double, double>(0, 0)); }
public void SetEmplPrice(IEnumerable <TMJournalLineClientLocal> lst, IList <EmpPayrollCategoryEmployeeClient> empPriceLst, SQLTableCache <Uniconta.DataModel.EmpPayrollCategory> empPayrollCatLst, SQLTableCache <Uniconta.ClientTools.DataModel.ProjectClient> projLst, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Uniconta.DataModel.Employee employee, bool validate = false) { #if !SILVERLIGHT bool foundErr; this.employee = employee; this.empPriceLst = empPriceLst; int dayOfWeekStart = startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ? 7 : (int)startDate.DayOfWeek; int dayOfWeekEnd = endDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ? 7 : (int)endDate.DayOfWeek; var defaultPayrollCategory = empPayrollCatLst.Where(s => s._PrCategory == null && s.KeyStr == "Default").FirstOrDefault(); if (empPriceLst != null && empPriceLst.Any(s => s._Employee != employee._Number)) // it contains other employees, remove them { empPriceLst = empPriceLst.Where(s => s._Employee == employee._Number).ToList(); } foreach (var trans in lst) { var isMileageTrans = trans._RegistrationType == RegistrationType.Mileage ? true : false; if (isMileageTrans) { var projGroup = projGroupList.Get(trans.ProjectRef.Group); if (projGroup != null) { trans._Invoiceable = projGroup._Invoiceable; } } var payrollCat = empPayrollCatLst.Get(trans._PayrollCategory); var Proj = projLst.Get(trans._Project); foundErr = false; for (int x = dayOfWeekStart; x <= dayOfWeekEnd; x++) { if (trans.GetHoursDayN(x) == 0) { continue; } double salesPrice = 0, costPrice = 0; EmpPayrollCategoryEmployeeClient prices = null; if (empPriceLst != null && empPriceLst.Count > 0) { prices = PriceMatrix(startDate, x, Proj, trans._PayrollCategory); if (prices != null && prices._Project == null && prices._DCAccount == null && !isMileageTrans) { prices = PriceMatrix(startDate, x, Proj, defaultPayrollCategory?.KeyStr, true) ?? prices; } else if (prices == null && defaultPayrollCategory != null && !isMileageTrans) { prices = PriceMatrix(startDate, x, Proj, defaultPayrollCategory.KeyStr); } if (prices != null) { salesPrice = prices._SalesPrice; costPrice = prices._CostPrice; } } if (payrollCat != null) { if (salesPrice == 0) { salesPrice = payrollCat._SalesPrice; } if (costPrice == 0) { costPrice = payrollCat._Rate; } } if (!isMileageTrans) //Always fallback to Employee for cost and sales prices { if (salesPrice == 0) { salesPrice = employee._SalesPrice; } if (costPrice == 0) { costPrice = employee._CostPrice; } } trans.SetPricesDayN(x, trans._Invoiceable ? salesPrice : 0, costPrice); if (validate && !foundErr) { if (salesPrice == 0 && costPrice == 0) { if (startDate.AddDays(x - 1) >= employee._Hired) { checkErrors.Add(new TMJournalLineError() { Message = Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("NoRatesEmployee"), RowId = trans.RowId }); trans.ErrorInfo = string.Empty; err = true; foundErr = true; } } else { if (!foundErr && salesPrice == 0 && trans._Invoiceable && !isMileageTrans) { checkErrors.Add(new TMJournalLineError() { Message = string.Format("{0} ({1}: {2})", Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("NoSalesPrice"), Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("Date"), startDate.AddDays(x - 1).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")), RowId = trans.RowId }); trans.ErrorInfo = string.Empty; err = true; foundErr = true; } } } } } #endif }
public async void GetVatOSS(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { SetDateTime(txtDateFrm, txtDateTo); busyIndicator.IsBusy = true; List <PropValuePair> propValPair = new List <PropValuePair>(); if (fromDate != DateTime.MinValue || toDate != DateTime.MinValue) { string filter; if (fromDate != DateTime.MinValue) { filter = String.Format("{0:d}..", fromDate); } else { filter = ".."; } if (toDate != DateTime.MinValue) { filter += String.Format("{0:d}", toDate); } var prop = PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements("Date", typeof(DateTime), filter); propValPair.Add(prop); } if (glVatCache == null) { glVatCache = await api.LoadCache <Uniconta.DataModel.GLVat>(); } var vatEUList = glVatCache.Where(s => s._TypeSales == CreateVatOSSFile.VATTYPE_MOSS).Select(x => x._Vat).Distinct(); if (vatEUList != null && vatEUList.Count() > 0) { var strLst = string.Join(";", vatEUList); propValPair.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(DebtorInvoiceLines.Vat), typeof(string), strLst)); } var listOfDebInvLines = await api.Query <DebtorInvoiceLines>(propValPair); List <VatOSSTable> vatOSSlst = new List <VatOSSTable>(); if (listOfDebInvLines != null && listOfDebInvLines.Length != 0) { vatOSSlst = UpdateValues(listOfDebInvLines); busyIndicator.IsBusy = false; } else { var vatOSS = new VatOSSTable(); vatOSS._CompanyId = api.CompanyId; vatOSS._Date = DefaultFromDate; vatOSS.MOSSType = vatOSSReportType == 0 ? CreateVatOSSFile.MOSSTYPE_008 : vatOSSReportType == 1 ? CreateVatOSSFile.MOSSTYPE_021 : CreateVatOSSFile.MOSSTYPE_031; vatOSS._MOSSTypeName = GetMOSSTypeName(vatOSS.MOSSType); vatOSS.Compressed = true; vatOSSlst.Add(vatOSS); busyIndicator.IsBusy = false; compressed = true; } var sort = new VatOSSTableTypeSort(); vatOSSlst.Sort(sort); dgVatOSSGrid.ItemsSource = vatOSSlst; dgVatOSSGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
private async Task IncludeTimeJournals() { if (!InclTimeJournals || timeTransFound) { return; } ProjectClient proj = null; EmployeeClient emp = null; if (master != null) { emp = master as EmployeeClient; if (emp == null) { proj = master as ProjectClient; } if (proj == null) { var WIPreport = master as UnicontaClient.Pages.ProjectTransLocalClient; if (WIPreport != null) { proj = WIPreport.ProjectRef; } } } if (timetransLst == null && (master == null || emp != null || proj != null)) { timetransLst = new List <ProjectTransClient>(); timeTransFound = true; busyIndicator.IsBusy = true; var pairTM = new List <PropValuePair>(); if (emp != null) { pairTM.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(TMJournalLineClient.Employee), typeof(string), emp._Number)); pairTM.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(TMJournalLineClient.Date), emp._TMApproveDate, CompareOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual)); } else if (proj != null) { if (projLst == null) { var strb = StringBuilderReuse.Create(); strb.Append(proj._Number); foreach (var x in Projects) { if (x._MasterProject == proj._Number) { strb.Append(';').Append(x._Number); } } projLst = strb.ToString(); strb.Release(); } var projselected = includeSubProject ? projLst : proj._Number; pairTM.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(TMJournalLineClient.Project), typeof(string), projselected)); var minApproveDate = Employees.Where(x => x._TMApproveDate != DateTime.MinValue && x._Terminated == DateTime.MinValue).Min(x => x._TMApproveDate as DateTime?) ?? DateTime.MinValue; if (minApproveDate != DateTime.MinValue) { pairTM.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(TMJournalLineClient.Date), minApproveDate, CompareOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual)); } } else { var minApproveDate = Employees.Where(x => x._TMApproveDate != DateTime.MinValue && x._Terminated == DateTime.MinValue).Min(x => x._TMApproveDate as DateTime?) ?? DateTime.MinValue; if (minApproveDate != DateTime.MinValue) { pairTM.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(TMJournalLineClient.Date), minApproveDate, CompareOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual)); } } var tmJourLines = await api.Query <TMJournalLineClient>(pairTM); var tmLines = tmJourLines.Where(s => (s.Project != null && s.PayrollCategory != null && s.Date > Employees.First(z => z._Number == s.Employee)._TMApproveDate)).ToArray(); var search = new TMJournalLineClient(); var sort = new TMJournalEmpDateSort(); int pos = 0; Array.Sort(tmLines, sort); string lastEmployee = null; string lastPayroll = null; string lastProject = null; EmpPayrollCategory payrollCat = null; Uniconta.DataModel.Project project = null; var grpEmpDate = tmLines.GroupBy(x => new { x.Employee, x.Date }).Select(g => new { g.Key.Employee, g.Key.Date, EmployeeTable = Employees.Get(g.Key.Employee) }); foreach (var rec in grpEmpDate) { if (lastEmployee != rec.Employee) { lastEmployee = rec.Employee; await priceLookup.EmployeeChanged(rec.EmployeeTable); } search._Employee = rec.Employee; search._Date = rec.Date; pos = Array.BinarySearch(tmLines, search, sort); if (pos < 0) { pos = ~pos; } while (pos < tmLines.Length) { var s = tmLines[pos++]; if (s._Employee != rec.Employee || s._Date != rec.Date) { break; } if (s.Total != 0) { if (lastPayroll != s._PayrollCategory) { payrollCat = (Uniconta.DataModel.EmpPayrollCategory)Payrolls?.Get(s._PayrollCategory); lastPayroll = s._PayrollCategory; } var line = new ProjectTransClient(); line.IsTimeJournal = true; line._Project = s._Project; line._Employee = s._Employee; line._PayrollCategory = s._PayrollCategory; line._PrCategory = payrollCat?._PrCategory; line._Task = s._Task; line._Invoiceable = s._Invoiceable; line._Date = s._Date; if (s._RegistrationType == RegistrationType.Hours) { line._Text = s._Text; line._Unit = (byte)ItemUnit.Hours; if (payrollCat != null && (payrollCat._InternalType == Uniconta.DataModel.InternalType.OverTime || payrollCat._InternalType == Uniconta.DataModel.InternalType.FlexTime)) { line._Qty = payrollCat._Factor == 0 ? s.Total : s.Total * payrollCat._Factor; } else { line._Qty = s.Total; } } else { line._Text = TMJournalLineClient.GetMileageFormattedText(s._Text, s._AddressFrom, s._AddressTo, s._VechicleRegNo); line._Unit = (byte); line._Qty = s.Total; } s.Day1 = s.Total; s.Day2 = s.Day3 = s.Day4 = s.Day5 = s.Day6 = s.Day7 = 0; await priceLookup.GetEmployeePrice(s); line._CostPrice = s.GetCostPricesDayN(1); line._SalesPrice = s.GetSalesPricesDayN(1); if (api.CompanyEntity._DimFromProject) { if (lastProject != s._Project) { project = (Uniconta.DataModel.Project)Projects.Get(s._Project); lastProject = s._Project; } line._Dim1 = project._Dim1; line._Dim2 = project._Dim2; line._Dim3 = project._Dim3; line._Dim4 = project._Dim4; line._Dim5 = project._Dim5; } else { line._Dim1 = rec.EmployeeTable._Dim1; line._Dim2 = rec.EmployeeTable._Dim2; line._Dim3 = rec.EmployeeTable._Dim3; line._Dim4 = rec.EmployeeTable._Dim4; line._Dim5 = rec.EmployeeTable._Dim5; } timetransLst.Add(line); } } } busyIndicator.IsBusy = false; } if (timetransLst != null) { var transLst = ((IEnumerable <ProjectTransClient>)dgProjectTransaction.ItemsSource).ToList(); transLst.AddRange(timetransLst); dgProjectTransaction.SetSource(transLst.ToArray()); } }
public async void GetInvoiceEuSale(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { SetDateTime(txtDateFrm, txtDateTo); busyIndicator.IsBusy = true; List <PropValuePair> propValPair = new List <PropValuePair>(); if (fromDate != DateTime.MinValue || toDate != DateTime.MinValue) { string filter; if (fromDate != DateTime.MinValue) { filter = String.Format("{0:d}..", fromDate); } else { filter = ".."; } if (toDate != DateTime.MinValue) { filter += String.Format("{0:d}", toDate); } var prop = PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements("Date", typeof(DateTime), filter); propValPair.Add(prop); } if (glVatCache == null) { glVatCache = await api.LoadCache <Uniconta.DataModel.GLVat>(); } var vatEUList = glVatCache.Where(s => s._TypeSales == "s3" || s._TypeSales == "s4" || s._TypeSales == "s7").Select(x => x._Vat).Distinct(); if (vatEUList != null && vatEUList.Count() > 0) { var strLst = string.Join(";", vatEUList); propValPair.Add(PropValuePair.GenereteWhereElements(nameof(DebtorInvoiceLines.Vat), typeof(string), strLst)); } var listOfDebInvLines = await api.Query <DebtorInvoiceLines>(propValPair); List <EUSaleWithoutVAT> listdeb; if (listOfDebInvLines != null && listOfDebInvLines.Length != 0) { listdeb = UpdateValues(listOfDebInvLines); } else { listdeb = new List <EUSaleWithoutVAT>(); } busyIndicator.IsBusy = false; if (listdeb.Count == 0) { UnicontaMessageBox.Show(Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("zeroRecords"), Uniconta.ClientTools.Localization.lookup("Warning")); } dgEUSalesWithoutVATGrid.ItemsSource = listdeb; dgEUSalesWithoutVATGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }