private void comboBoxEdit2_SelectedIndexChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxEdit2.Text != "") { comboBoxEdit3.Properties.Items.Clear(); string sql = "select * from tb_erpthird where 关联二级='" + comboBoxEdit2.Text + "'"; DataTable dt = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text); DataView myDataView = new DataView(dt); string[] strComuns = { "关联二级", "三级" }; dt = myDataView.ToTable(true, strComuns); List <string> spaceminute1 = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string n = dt.Rows[i]["三级"].ToString(); spaceminute1.Add(n); } foreach (string s in spaceminute1) { comboBoxEdit3.Properties.Items.Add(s); } comboBoxEdit2.Enabled = false; string sql11 = " select * from tb_xinerp where 一级 ='" + comboBoxEdit1.Text.Trim() + "' and 二级= '" + comboBoxEdit2.Text.Trim() + "'"; gridControl4.DataSource = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql11, CommandType.Text); gridView4.Columns["id"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成人"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成时间"].Visible = false; } }
private void 查看到货记录_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Sql1 = "select id,定位,部门,发货数量,发货时间 from tb_fahuojilu where 定位='" + 定位 + "'"; DataTable dt2 = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(Sql1, CommandType.Text); gridControl1.DataSource = dt2; }
private void FRwuliubuliaodan_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql1 = "select id, 序号,编码,型号,名称,单位,数量,类型,项目工令号,要求到货日期,备注,制造类型,申购人,收到料单日期,供方名称,合同号,实际采购数量,报价, 采购单价,实际到货日期,当前状态,采购料单备注,附件名称,附件类型,合同预计时间 from tb_caigouliaodan where 工作令号='" + gongzuolinghao + "' and 项目名称='" + xiangmumingcheng + "'and 时间='" + shijian + "' and 制造类型!='自制零部件' and 制造类型!='装配零部件' and 制造类型!='库存件'"; dt = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql1, CommandType.Text); dataGridViewX2.DataSource = dt; }
private void comboBoxEdit3_SelectedIndexChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBoxEdit3.Enabled = false; string sql11 = " select * from tb_xinerp where 一级 ='" + comboBoxEdit1.Text.Trim() + "' and 二级= '" + comboBoxEdit2.Text.Trim() + "' and 三级= '" + comboBoxEdit3.Text.Trim() + "'"; gridControl4.DataSource = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql11, CommandType.Text); gridView4.Columns["id"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成人"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成时间"].Visible = false; }
private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtwuzi.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入需要查找的内容"); return; } string sql = " select* from tb_xinerp where 一级 like '%" + txtwuzi.Text.Trim() + "%' or 二级 like '%" + txtwuzi.Text.Trim() + "%' or 三级 like '%" + txtwuzi.Text.Trim() + "%' or 四级 like '%" + txtwuzi.Text.Trim() + "%' "; gridControl4.DataSource = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text); gridView4.Columns["id"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成人"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成时间"].Visible = false; }
public void ImportDialog() { //string sql = "select 工作令号,项目名称,设备名称,时间 from tb_jishubumen where id='" + zifuchuan[1] + "'"; string sql = ""; DataTable dt = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text); string gonglinghao = dt.Rows[0]["工作令号"].ToString(); string xiangmumingcheng = dt.Rows[0]["项目名称"].ToString(); string shebeimingcheng = dt.Rows[0]["设备名称"].ToString(); string shijian = dt.Rows[0]["时间"].ToString(); FRwuliubuliaodan form = new FRwuliubuliaodan(); form.gongzuolinghao = gonglinghao; form.xiangmumingcheng = xiangmumingcheng; form.shijian = shijian; form.ShowDialog(); }
private void Frerpcreat1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "select * from tb_erpfirst"; DataTable dt = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text); List <string> spaceminute1 = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string n = dt.Rows[i]["一级"].ToString(); spaceminute1.Add(n); } foreach (string s in spaceminute1) { comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items.Add(s); } textBox1.Text = 工作令号; textBox2.Text = 项目名称; textBox_id.Text = id; }
private void simpleButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comdanwei.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("必须选择单位!"); return; } if (comboBoxEdit1.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("必须选择一级名称!"); return; } if (comboBoxEdit2.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("必须选择二级名称!"); return; } if (comboBoxEdit3.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("必须选择三级名称!"); return; } if (txtyulan.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("预览为空,请先预览再生成!"); return; } string sql111 = "select * from tb_erpfirst where 一级='" + comboBoxEdit1.Text + "'"; string yiji1 = Convert.ToString(SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql111, CommandType.Text)); if (yiji1 == "") { MessageBox.Show("一级名称不存在,请重新输入!"); return; } string sql222 = "select * from tb_erpsecond where 二级='" + comboBoxEdit2.Text + "'"; string erji2 = Convert.ToString(SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql222, CommandType.Text)); if (erji2 == "") { MessageBox.Show("二级名称不存在,请重新输入!"); return; } string sql333 = "select * from tb_erpthird where 三级='" + comboBoxEdit3.Text + "'"; string sanji3 = Convert.ToString(SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql333, CommandType.Text)); if (sanji3 == "") { MessageBox.Show("三级名称不存在,请重新输入!"); return; } string sql1122 = "select * from tb_xinerp where 三级='" + comboBoxEdit3.Text + "' and 四级='" + txtyulan.Text.Trim() + "'"; DataTable dtttt = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql1122, CommandType.Text); if (dtttt.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该ERP已存在!"); gridControl4.DataSource = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql1122, CommandType.Text); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("确认生号吗?", "软件提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { string sql12345 = "insert into tb_xinerp (一级,二级,三级,四级,单位,生成时间,生成人) VALUES ('" + comboBoxEdit1.Text.Trim() + "','" + comboBoxEdit2.Text.Trim() + "','" + comboBoxEdit3.Text.Trim() + "','" + txtyulan.Text.Trim() + "','" + comdanwei.Text.Trim() + "','" + DateTime.Now + "','" + yonghu + "')"; SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql12345, CommandType.Text); string sql11 = "select * from tb_xinerp where 新编号 is null "; DataTable dt = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql11, CommandType.Text); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string id = dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString(); string yiji = dt.Rows[i]["一级"].ToString(); string sql12 = " Select 编号 from tb_erpfirst where 一级='" + yiji.Trim() + "' "; string id1 = SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql12, CommandType.Text).ToString(); string yiji2 = dt.Rows[i]["二级"].ToString(); string sql2 = " Select id from tb_erpsecond where 二级='" + yiji2.Trim() + "' "; string id2 = SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql2, CommandType.Text).ToString(); if (id2.Length == 1) { id2 = "00" + id2; } if (id2.Length == 2) { id2 = "0" + id2; } string yiji3 = dt.Rows[i]["三级"].ToString(); string sql3 = " Select id from tb_erpthird where 三级='" + yiji3.Trim() + "' "; string id3 = SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql3, CommandType.Text).ToString(); if (id3.Length == 1) { id3 = "00000" + id3; } if (id3.Length == 2) { id3 = "0000" + id3; } if (id3.Length == 3) { id3 = "000" + id3; } if (id3.Length == 4) { id3 = "00" + id3; } if (id3.Length == 5) { id3 = "0" + id3; } string id4 = dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString(); if (id4.Length == 1) { id4 = "00000" + id4; } if (id4.Length == 2) { id4 = "0000" + id4; } if (id4.Length == 3) { id4 = "000" + id4; } if (id4.Length == 4) { id4 = "00" + id4; } if (id4.Length == 5) { id4 = "0" + id4; } string yiji4 = id1 + id2 + id3 + id4; string sql123456 = "update tb_xinerp set 新编号='" + yiji4 + "' where id='" + id + "'"; SQLHELP.ExecuteScalar(sql123456, CommandType.Text); MessageBox.Show("生成成功!"); string sql112233 = " select * from tb_xinerp where 新编号 ='" + yiji4 + "' "; gridControl4.DataSource = SQLHELP.GetDataTable(sql112233, CommandType.Text); gridView4.Columns["id"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成人"].Visible = false; gridView4.Columns["生成时间"].Visible = false; } } }