Пример #1
         * @param storeID to check
         * @param quantity threshold to get items below
         * @returns table of productID, product name, and stocklevel below that threshold in that store
        public List <List <String> > GetStockBelowThreshold(int id, int threshold)
            if (threshold < 1)
                throw new Exception("Threshold can not be 0 or lower!");
            var sql     = new SQLController();
            var content = new List <List <string> >();
            var data    = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($@"SELECT StoreInventory.StoreID, StoreInventory.ProductID as ID, Product.Name as Product, StoreInventory.StockLevel as StockLevel
                                        FROM StoreInventory
                                        JOIN Product ON Product.ProductID = StoreInventory.ProductID
                                        WHERE StoreInventory.StoreID = {id} AND StockLevel < { threshold }");
            int i       = 0;

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                content.Add(new List <string> {
                    x["ID"].ToString(), x["Product"].ToString(), x["StockLevel"].ToString()
            if (i < 1)
                throw new Exception("No products are below the threshold.");
Пример #2
         * @param storeID
         * @param productID
         * Creates a request of 1 quantity of the product with id productID, the request is from storeid. This method checks first that this store does not have that item.
        public void AddNewInventoryItem(int storeID, int productID)
                // this will throw an exception if productID is not valid
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception($"There is no product with an id of {productID}");

            var sql  = new SQLController();
            var data = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($@" SELECT OwnerInventory.ProductID
                                                            FROM OwnerInventory
                                                            WHERE OwnerInventory.ProductID IN
                                                            (SELECT ProductID
                                                            FROM Product
                                                            SELECT ProductID FROM StoreInventory WHERE StoreInventory.StoreID = {storeID})");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                if (productID == (int)x["ProductID"])
                    CreateRequest(storeID, productID, 1);
            throw new Exception("Failed to create a stock request - This store already has that item in stock.");
Пример #3
        private void AddTable(string startDatum, string slutDatum)
            var tabel = SQLController.GetDataTable(Query.GetPersonalQuery(startDatum, slutDatum, (int)Common.personalTypes.type2, Common.columnNamesPersonal));

            Calculate.AddCalculateColumns(tabel, Common.columnsToAdd);
            Calculate.GetErastingValues(startDatum, slutDatum);
Пример #4
 public SQLView()
     InitializeComponent(); if (DesignMode || (Site != null && Site.DesignMode))
     controller = new SQLController();
Пример #5
         * @param productID to get name from
         * @returns string of product name
        public string GetProductNameByID(int id)
            var sql  = new SQLController();
            var data = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($@"SELECT * FROM Product
                                                           WHERE ProductID = {id}");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
            throw new Exception($"A product of the ID {id} does not exist!");
Пример #6
         * @param id StoreID to get name from
         * @returns name of Store with the same id
        public String SelectStore(int id)
            var sql  = new SQLController();
            var data = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($"SELECT Name FROM Store WHERE StoreID={id}");

            if (data.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow row = data.Rows[0];
            throw new Exception("Not a valid ID.");
Пример #7
         * @returns a table of storeIds and store names
        public List <List <String> > GetStores()
            var sql     = new SQLController();
            var content = new List <List <string> >();
            var data    = sql.ExecuteDataRequest(@"SELECT * FROM Store");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                content.Add(new List <string> {
                    x["StoreID"].ToString(), x["Name"].ToString()
Пример #8
         * @param storeID to create it for
         * @param productId to create it for
         * @param quantity to request
        public void CreateRequest(int storeID, int productID, int quantity)
            if (quantity < 1)
                throw new Exception("Quantity can not be be 0 or lower!");
            var sql          = new SQLController();
            var rowsAffected = sql.ExecuteNonQueryRequest($@"INSERT INTO StockRequest VALUES({storeID},

            if (rowsAffected != 1)
                throw new Exception("Invalid product ID.");
Пример #9
         * @param id productID in OwnerInventory to be reset to 20
        public bool ResetInventoryStock(int id)
            var sql           = new SQLController();
            var linesAffected = sql.ExecuteNonQueryRequest($@"UPDATE OwnerInventory
                                          SET StockLevel = 20
                                          WHERE ProductID = {id} AND StockLevel < 20"); // safe because it is an int

            if (linesAffected == 1)
Пример #10
         * @returns a table of ProductIDs, Product Names, and StockLevels from OwnerInventory
        public List <List <string> > GetOwnerInventory()
            var sql     = new SQLController();
            var content = new List <List <string> >();
            var data    = sql.ExecuteDataRequest(@"SELECT OwnerInventory.ProductID as ID, Product.Name as Product, OwnerInventory.StockLevel
                                        FROM OwnerInventory
                                        JOIN Product ON Product.ProductID = OwnerInventory.ProductID");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                content.Add(new List <string> {
                    x["ID"].ToString(), x["Product"].ToString(), x["StockLevel"].ToString()
Пример #11
         * @param id StoreID to retrieve from
         * @return Table of ProductID, Product Name, and Stocklevel from a specific store
        public List <List <String> > GetStoreInventory(int id)
            var sql     = new SQLController();
            var content = new List <List <string> >();
            var data    = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($@"SELECT StoreInventory.StoreID, StoreInventory.ProductID as ID, Product.Name as Product, StoreInventory.StockLevel as StockLevel
                                        FROM StoreInventory
                                        JOIN Product ON Product.ProductID = StoreInventory.ProductID
                                        WHERE StoreInventory.StoreID = {id}");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                content.Add(new List <string> {
                    x["ID"].ToString(), x["Product"].ToString(), x["StockLevel"].ToString()
Пример #12
         * @param storeid to buy from
         * @param productID that is being bought
         * @param quantity to buy of that productid
        public void BuyProduct(int store, int productID, int quantity)
            if (quantity < 1)
                throw new Exception("Quantity can not be 0 or lower. That wouldn't make sense!");
            var sql          = new SQLController();
            var content      = new List <List <string> >();
            var rowsAffected = sql.ExecuteNonQueryRequest($@"UPDATE StoreInventory
                                                            SET StockLevel = StockLevel - {quantity}
                                                            WHERE ProductID = {productID} AND StoreID = {store} AND StockLevel >= {quantity}");

            if (rowsAffected != 1)
                throw new Exception($"There is not enough stock for this quantity of {GetProductNameByID(productID)}! Sorry about that!");
Пример #13
         * @returns table of StockRequestID, Store Name, Product Name, Quantity and StockLevel
        public List <List <string> > GetStockRequests()
            var sql     = new SQLController();
            var content = new List <List <string> >();
            var data    = sql.ExecuteDataRequest(@"SELECT StockRequest.StockRequestID as ID, Store.Name as Store, Product.Name as Product, StockRequest.Quantity as Quantity, OwnerInventory.StockLevel as StockLevel
                                        FROM StockRequest
                                        JOIN Store ON StockRequest.StoreID = Store.StoreID
                                        JOIN Product ON StockRequest.ProductID = Product.ProductID
                                        JOIN OwnerInventory ON StockRequest.ProductID = OwnerInventory.ProductID; ");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                content.Add(new List <string> {
                    x["ID"].ToString(), x["Store"].ToString(), x["Product"].ToString(), x["Quantity"].ToString(), x["StockLevel"].ToString()
Пример #14
         * @param id Store to retrieve items not in stock from
         * @returns table of products that are not stocked by the store
        public List <List <String> > GetItemsNotInStock(int id)
            var sql     = new SQLController();
            var content = new List <List <string> >();

            var data = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($@" SELECT OwnerInventory.ProductID, Product.Name, OwnerInventory.StockLevel
                                                            FROM OwnerInventory
                                                            INNER JOIN Product ON OwnerInventory.ProductID = Product.ProductID
                                                            WHERE OwnerInventory.ProductID IN
                                                            (SELECT ProductID
                                                            FROM Product
                                                            SELECT ProductID FROM StoreInventory WHERE StoreInventory.StoreID = {id}) ");

            foreach (var x in data.Select())
                content.Add(new List <string> {
                    x["ProductID"].ToString(), x["Name"].ToString(), x["StockLevel"].ToString()
Пример #15
        public void hulIgennemTilIdentityDB()
            string        before     = "selectScript() er kørt, følgende fundet:\n" + GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now) + "\n";
            SQLController controller = new SQLController();
            SQLmodel      sqlModel   = new SQLmodel();

            sqlModel.sqlId     = 42;
            sqlModel.sqlResult = "";
            sqlModel.sqlScript = "select current_timestamp";
            ViewResult result = controller.Index(sqlModel) as ViewResult;

            string res = ((SQLmodel)(result.Model)).sqlResult;

            string after = "selectScript() er kørt, følgende fundet:\n" + GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now) + "\n";
            int    c0    = before.CompareTo(res);
            int    c1    = res.CompareTo(after);
            Assert.IsTrue(c0 <= 0, "c0 fejl " + c0 + "" + before + " " + after);
            Assert.IsTrue(c1 <= 0, "c1 fejl " + c1 + " " + res + " " + after);
            Assert.IsTrue(res.Length == 0, "Not debug. Result>>" + result + "<<");
Пример #16
 public void CreateNewObject()
     sqlController = new SQLController();
     date1         = new DateTime(2008, 12, 1, 18, 30, 52);
     date2         = DateTime.Now;
Пример #17
 public MainService()
     this.repository = new SQLController();
Пример #18
        public bool ProcessStockRequest(int id)
            var sql = new SQLController();
            int quantity = -1, stocklevel = -1, productID = -1, storeID = -1, stockrequestID = -1;

            using (var data = sql.ExecuteDataRequest($@"SELECT StockRequest.StockRequestID as ID, Store.StoreID as StoreID, Product.ProductID as ProductID, StockRequest.Quantity as Quantity, OwnerInventory.StockLevel as StockLevel
                                        FROM StockRequest
                                        JOIN Store ON StockRequest.StoreID = Store.StoreID
                                        JOIN Product ON StockRequest.ProductID = Product.ProductID
                                        JOIN OwnerInventory ON StockRequest.ProductID = OwnerInventory.ProductID
                                        WHERE StockRequestID = {id}; ")) // safe because it has to be an int
                    if (data.Rows.Count > 0)
                        DataRow row = data.Rows[0];

                        quantity       = (int)row["Quantity"];
                        stocklevel     = (int)row["StockLevel"];
                        productID      = (int)row["ProductID"];
                        stockrequestID = (int)row["ID"];
                        storeID        = (int)row["StoreID"];
                    if (quantity == -1)
                        // checks if everything was found
                        throw new Exception("Something went wrong when reading the data from SQL.");
                    if (quantity > stocklevel) // not enough stock
                    var newOwnerStock = (int)stocklevel - (int)quantity;

                    // change stock level in ownerinventory
                    sql.ExecuteNonQueryRequest($@"UPDATE OwnerInventory
                                                       SET OwnerInventory.StockLevel = OwnerInventory.StockLevel - {quantity}
                                                       WHERE OwnerInventory.ProductID = {productID}

                    // change stock level in store inventory (if theres 0 stock it creates a new record instead)
                    sql.ExecuteNonQueryRequest($@"IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM StoreInventory 
                                                            WHERE (StoreInventory.ProductID = {productID} AND StoreInventory.StoreID = {storeID}) )
                                                     UPDATE StoreInventory 
                                                     SET StoreInventory.StockLevel = StoreInventory.StockLevel + {quantity}
                                                     WHERE (StoreInventory.ProductID = {productID} AND StoreInventory.StoreID = {storeID})
                                                     INSERT INTO StoreInventory VALUES({storeID}, {productID}, {quantity})");

                    // removes stockrequest once complete
                    sql.ExecuteNonQueryRequest($@"DELETE FROM StockRequest
                                                 WHERE StockRequest.StockRequestID = {stockrequestID}");

                catch (SqlException e)