Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Aoe Prediction result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Spell width</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Spell delay</param>
        /// <param name="missileSpeed">Spell missile speed</param>
        /// <param name="range">Spell range</param>
        /// <param name="from">Spell casted position</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom"></param>
        /// <returns>Prediction result as <see cref="Prediction.AoeResult"/></returns>
        public static Prediction.AoeResult GetAoePrediction(float width, float delay, float missileSpeed, float range, Vector2 from, Vector2 rangeCheckFrom)
            var result  = new Prediction.AoeResult();
            var enemies = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(p => p.IsValidTarget() && Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, 0, from).Distance(rangeCheckFrom) < range);

            foreach (var enemy in enemies)
                Prediction.Result prediction = GetPrediction(enemy, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, false, enemy.GetWaypoints(), enemy.AvgMovChangeTime(), enemy.LastMovChangeTime(), enemy.AvgPathLenght(), enemy.LastAngleDiff(), from, rangeCheckFrom);
                if (prediction.HitChance > HitChance.Medium)
                    float multp = (result.CastPosition.Distance(from) / 875.0f);

                    var spellHitBox = new SPredictionMash.Geometry.Polygon(
                        ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), result.CastPosition, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 200 * multp),
                        ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), result.CastPosition, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 320 * multp));

                    var collidedEnemies = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.AsParallel().Where(p => ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineCircle(Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, missileSpeed), p.BoundingRadius)), ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(spellHitBox)));
                    int collisionCount  = collidedEnemies.Count();
                    if (collisionCount > result.HitCount)
                        result = prediction.ToAoeResult(collisionCount, new Collision.Result(collidedEnemies.ToList <AIBaseClient>(), Collision.Flags.EnemyChampions));

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check Yasuo wall collisions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Start position</param>
        /// <param name="to">End position</param>
        /// <param name="width">Rectangle scale</param>
        /// <param name="isArc">Check collision for arc spell</param>
        /// <returns>true if collision found</returns>
        public static bool CheckYasuoWallCollision(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float width, bool isArc = false)
            if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.All(x => x.CharacterName != "Yasuo"))

            var spellHitBox = ClipperWrapper.DefineRectangle(from, to, width);

            if (isArc)
                spellHitBox = new SPredictionMash.Geometry.Polygon(
                    ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.Distance(from) / 900), 410, 200 * (to.Distance(from) / 900)),
                    ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.Distance(from) / 900), 410, 320 * (to.Distance(from) / 900)));

            foreach (var effectEmitter in ObjectManager.Get <EffectEmitter>())
                if (effectEmitter.IsValid &&
                    Regex.IsMatch(effectEmitter.Name, @"Yasuo_.+_w_windwallenemy\d", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    var wall          = effectEmitter;
                    var level         = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - 2, 2);
                    var wallWidth     = 250 + 50 * Convert.ToInt32(level);
                    var wallDirection = wall.Position.ToVector2();
                    var wallStart     = wall.Position.ToVector2() + wallWidth / 2 * wallDirection;
                    var wallEnd       = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection;
                    var wallPoly      = ClipperWrapper.DefineRectangle(wallStart, wallEnd, 5);

                    if (Variables.GameTimeTickCount < wall.RestartTime + 4000)
                        if (ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(wallPoly), ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(spellHitBox)))

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Prediction result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target for spell</param>
        /// <param name="width">Spell width</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Spell delay</param>
        /// <param name="missileSpeed">Spell missile speed</param>
        /// <param name="range">Spell range</param>
        /// <param name="collisionable">Spell collisionable</param>
        /// <param name="type">Spell skillshot type</param>
        /// <param name="path">Waypoints of target</param>
        /// <param name="avgt">Average reaction time (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="movt">Passed time from last movement change (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="avgp">Average Path Lenght</param>
        /// <param name="from">Spell casted position</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom"></param>
        /// <returns>Prediction result as <see cref="Prediction.Result"/></returns>
        public static Prediction.Result GetPrediction(AIBaseClient target, float width, float delay, float missileSpeed, float range, bool collisionable, List <Vector2> path, float avgt, float movt, float avgp, float anglediff, Vector2 from, Vector2 rangeCheckFrom, bool arconly = true)

            if (arconly)
                if (target.Distance(from) < width || target.Distance(from) > range * 0.75f)
                    return(CirclePrediction.GetPrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, path, avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff, from, rangeCheckFrom));

                var pred = LinePrediction.GetPrediction(target, 80f, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, path, avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff, from, rangeCheckFrom);
                if (pred.HitChance >= HitChance.Low)
                    pred.CastPosition = (from + (pred.CastPosition - from).Normalized() * range);
                    float cos = (float)Math.Cos((1 - pred.UnitPosition.Distance(from) / 820f) * Math.PI / 2);
                    float sin = (float)Math.Sin((1 - pred.UnitPosition.Distance(from) / 820f) * Math.PI / 2);
                    float x   = cos * (pred.CastPosition.X - from.X) - sin * (pred.CastPosition.Y - from.Y) + from.X;
                    float y   = sin * (pred.CastPosition.X - from.X) + cos * (pred.CastPosition.Y - from.Y) + from.Y;
                    pred.CastPosition = new Vector2(x, y);

                Prediction.Result result = new Prediction.Result();

                if (path.Count <= 1) //if target is not moving, easy to hit
                    result.HitChance    = HitChance.Immobile;
                    result.CastPosition = target.PreviousPosition.ToVector2();
                    result.UnitPosition = result.CastPosition;

                if (target is AIHeroClient && ((AIHeroClient)target).IsCastingImporantSpell())
                    result.HitChance    = HitChance.Immobile;
                    result.CastPosition = target.PreviousPosition.ToVector2();
                    result.UnitPosition = result.CastPosition;

                if (Utility.IsImmobileTarget(target))
                    return(Prediction.GetImmobilePrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, SkillshotType.Circle, from, rangeCheckFrom));

                if (target.IsDashing())
                    return(Prediction.GetDashingPrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, SkillshotType.Circle, from, rangeCheckFrom));

                float targetDistance = rangeCheckFrom.Distance(target.PreviousPosition);
                float flyTime        = 0f;

                if (missileSpeed != 0)
                    Vector2 Vt = (path[path.Count - 1] - path[0]).Normalized() * target.MoveSpeed;
                    Vector2 Vs = (target.PreviousPosition.ToVector2() - rangeCheckFrom).Normalized() * missileSpeed;
                    Vector2 Vr = Vs - Vt;

                    flyTime = targetDistance / Vr.Length();

                    if (path.Count > 5)
                        flyTime = targetDistance / missileSpeed;

                float t = flyTime + delay + Game.Ping / 2000f + ConfigMenu.SpellDelay / 1000f;

                result.HitChance = Prediction.GetHitChance(t * 1000f, avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff);

                #region arc collision test
                if (result.HitChance > HitChance.Low)
                    for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                        Vector2 senderPos = rangeCheckFrom;
                        Vector2 testPos   = path[i];

                        float multp = (testPos.Distance(senderPos) / 875.0f);

                        var dianaArc = new SPredictionMash.Geometry.Polygon(
                            ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), testPos, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 200 * multp),
                            ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), testPos, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 320 * multp));

                        if (!ClipperWrapper.IsOutside(dianaArc, target.PreviousPosition.ToVector2()))
                            result.HitChance    = HitChance.VeryHigh;
                            result.CastPosition = testPos;
                            result.UnitPosition = testPos;

                return(CirclePrediction.GetPrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, path, avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff, from, rangeCheckFrom));