public void LoadProduct(string productID) { //Display specific product try { Accessory = handler.selectAccessory(productID); Treatment = handler.selectTreatment(productID); tblProducts.Visible = true; #region Header int count = 0; //displaythe table headers //create a new row in the table and set the height TableRow newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); //create a header row and set cell widths //create a header row and set cell widths TableHeaderCell newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); //create a header row and set cell widths newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); newHeaderCell.Text = "Product Description: "; newHeaderCell.Width = 300; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(newHeaderCell); count++; newRow = new TableRow(); tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); newHeaderCell.Text = "Price: "; newHeaderCell.Width = 100; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(newHeaderCell); count++; if (Accessory != null) { newRow = new TableRow(); tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); newHeaderCell.Text = "Colour: "; newHeaderCell.Width = 100; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(newHeaderCell); count++; } if (cookie != null) { if (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R") { newRow = new TableRow(); tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); //create a header row and set cell widths newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); newHeaderCell.Text = "Brand: "; newHeaderCell.Width = 300; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(newHeaderCell); count++; newRow = new TableRow(); tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); newHeaderCell.Text = "Supplier: "; newHeaderCell.Width = 100; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(newHeaderCell); count++; //edit BTN Row newRow = new TableRow(); tblProducts.Rows.Add(newRow); newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell(); newHeaderCell.Width = 100; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(newHeaderCell); count++; } } #endregion //track row count & number of products count if (Accessory != null) { phProductImage.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='400' height='400' src='" + productID + ".jpg'/>")); count = 0; lblHeadera.Text = Accessory.Name.ToString(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Accessory.ProductDescription.ToString(); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "R" + string.Format("{0:#.00}", Accessory.Price); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Accessory.Colour; tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; if (cookie != null) { if (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R") { cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Accessory.Brandname.ToString(); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Accessory.supplierName.ToString(); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; EditProductBtn.Text = "<a class= 'btn btn-primary' href = '?Action=EditProd&" + "ProductID=" + productID.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "' >Edit Product</a>"; } } } else if (Treatment != null) { phProductImage.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='400' height='400' src='" + productID + ".jpg'/>")); count = 0; lblHeadera.Text = Treatment.Name.ToString(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Treatment.ProductDescription.ToString(); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "R" + string.Format("{0:#.00}", Treatment.Price); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; if (cookie != null) { if (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R") { cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Treatment.Brandname.ToString(); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = Treatment.supplierName.ToString(); tblProducts.Rows[count].Cells.Add(cell); count++; EditProductBtn.Text = "<a class= 'btn btn-primary' href = '?Action=EditProd&" + "ProductID=" + productID.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "' >Edit Product</a>"; } } } #region Gauge if (cookie != null) { if (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R") { #region stock Stock_Management settings = handler.getStockSettings(); int lowStockTier = settings.LowStock; int middelTier = lowStockTier * 2; int UpperlTier = middelTier * 2; Dictionary <string, string> chartConfig = new Dictionary <string, string>(); chartConfig.Add("caption", "Qty On Hand"); chartConfig.Add("lowerLimit", "0"); chartConfig.Add("upperLimit", UpperlTier.ToString()); chartConfig.Add("showValue", "1"); chartConfig.Add("numberSuffix", "Units"); chartConfig.Add("theme", "fusion"); chartConfig.Add("showToolTip", "0"); List <ColorRange> color = new List <ColorRange>(); color.Add(new ColorRange(0, lowStockTier, "#F2726F")); color.Add(new ColorRange(lowStockTier, middelTier, "#FFC533")); color.Add(new ColorRange(middelTier, UpperlTier, "#62B58F")); //store dial configuration var dial = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); if (Accessory != null) { dial.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("value", Accessory.Qty.ToString())); } else if (Treatment != null) { dial.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("value", Treatment.Qty.ToString())); } // json data to use as chart data source StringBuilder jsonData = new StringBuilder(); //build chart config object jsonData.Append("{'chart':{"); foreach (var config in chartConfig) { jsonData.AppendFormat("'{0}':'{1}',", config.Key, config.Value); } jsonData.Replace(",", "},", jsonData.Length - 1, 1); StringBuilder range = new StringBuilder(); //build colorRange object range.Append("'colorRange':{"); range.Append("'color':["); foreach (ColorRange clr in color) { range.AppendFormat("{{'minValue':'{0}','maxValue':'{1}','code':'{2}'}},", clr.Min, clr.Max, clr.ColorCode); } range.Replace(",", "]},", range.Length - 1, 1); //build dials object StringBuilder dials = new StringBuilder(); dials.Append("'dials':{"); dials.Append("'dial':["); foreach (var dialCnf in dial) { dials.AppendFormat("{{'{0}':'{1}'}},", dialCnf.Key, dialCnf.Value); } dials.Replace(",", "]}", dials.Length - 1, 1); jsonData.Append(range.ToString()); jsonData.Append(dials.ToString()); jsonData.Append("}"); //Create gauge instance // charttype, chartID, width, height, data format, data Chart MyFirstGauge = new Chart("angulargauge", "first_gauge", "400", "250", "json", jsonData.ToString()); //render gauge Literal1.Text = MyFirstGauge.Render(); #endregion } } #endregion } catch (Exception Err) { function.logAnError(" An error occurred retrieving list of products external products page. Error: " + Err); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check query string productID = Request.QueryString["ProductID"]; string action = Request.QueryString["Action"]; //access Contorl cookie = Request.Cookies["CheveuxUserID"]; if (cookie != null) { if (action == null && productID == null && (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R")) { Response.Redirect("../Manager/Products.aspx"); } } //load all products if (action == null) { if (productID == null) { phProducts.Visible = true; addandedit.Visible = false; phSpecProduct.Visible = false; lblHeadera.Text = "Products"; loadProductList('X'); } else if (productID != null) //load specific product { lblHeadera.Text = "Product"; //later make this display the specific products name or image phProducts.Visible = false; addandedit.Visible = false; phSpecProduct.Visible = true; DisplayProduct.Visible = true; LoadProduct(productID); } } else if (cookie != null) { if (action == "Add" && (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R")) { phProducts.Visible = false; addandedit.Visible = true; phSpecProduct.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { productTypes = handler.getProductTypes(); foreach (ProductType pType in productTypes) { if (pType.ProductOrService == 'P') { drpProductType.Items.Add(new ListItem(, pType.typeID.ToString())); } } brandList = handler.getBrandsForProductType(drpProductType.SelectedItem.Text.ToCharArray()[0]); foreach (SP_GetBrandsForProductType brand in brandList) { drpBrandList.DataSource = brandList; drpBrandList.DataTextField = "Name"; drpBrandList.DataValueField = "BrandID"; drpBrandList.DataBind(); } loadSupplier(); } } else if (action == "EditProd" && (cookie["UT"] == "M" || cookie["UT"] == "R")) { phProducts.Visible = false; addandedit.Visible = true; phSpecProduct.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { productTypes = handler.getProductTypes(); foreach (ProductType pType in productTypes) { if (pType.ProductOrService == 'P') { drpProductType.Items.Add(new ListItem(, pType.typeID.ToString())); } } brandList = handler.getBrandsForProductType(drpProductType.SelectedItem.Text.ToCharArray()[0]); foreach (SP_GetBrandsForProductType brand in brandList) { drpBrandList.DataSource = brandList; drpBrandList.DataTextField = "Name"; drpBrandList.DataValueField = "BrandID"; drpBrandList.DataBind(); } loadSupplier(); lblHeadera.Text = "Edit Product"; btnAddProduct.Text = "Save"; Accessory = handler.selectAccessory(productID); Treatment = handler.selectTreatment(productID); //track row count & number of products count if (Accessory != null) { txtName.Text = Accessory.Name.ToString(); txtProductDescription.Text = Accessory.ProductDescription.ToString(); txtPrice.Text = Accessory.Price.ToString(); drpProductType.SelectedIndex = 0; drpProductType.Visible = false; lbleditProdType.Text = "Accessory"; drpBrandList.SelectedValue = Accessory.BrandID; drpBrandList.Visible = false; lblEditProdBrand.Text = drpBrandList.SelectedItem.Text; drpListSupplier.SelectedValue = Accessory.supplierID; drpListSupplier.Visible = false; lbleditProdSupp.Text = drpListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text; txtcolour.Visible = false; lblEditProdCol.Text = Accessory.Colour.ToString(); } //display accessories else if (Treatment != null) { txtName.Text = Treatment.Name.ToString(); txtProductDescription.Text = Treatment.ProductDescription.ToString(); txtPrice.Text = Treatment.Price.ToString(); drpProductType.Visible = false; drpProductType.SelectedIndex = 1; lbleditProdType.Text = "Treatment"; drpProductType_Change(sender, e); drpBrandList.SelectedValue = Treatment.BrandID; drpBrandList.Visible = false; lblEditProdBrand.Text = drpBrandList.SelectedItem.Text; drpListSupplier.SelectedValue = Treatment.supplierID; drpListSupplier.SelectedValue = Treatment.supplierID; drpListSupplier.Visible = false; lbleditProdSupp.Text = drpListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text; txtcolour.Visible = false; lblEditProdCol.Text = Treatment.TreatmentType; } } } } }
public void autoPurchOrders() { Stock_Management stockSettings = new Stock_Management(); List <SP_GetAuto_Purchase_Products> AutoPurchProds = new List <SP_GetAuto_Purchase_Products>(); List <PRODUCT> allProducts = null; string success = "Err"; try { stockSettings = Handler.getStockSettings(); if (stockSettings.AutoPurchase == true) { if (stockSettings.NxtOrderdDate < DateTime.Now) { if (stockSettings.AutoPurchaseProducts == true) { AutoPurchProds = Handler.getAutoPurchOrdProds(); } else { allProducts = Handler.getAllProducts(); foreach (PRODUCT prod in allProducts) { SP_GetAuto_Purchase_Products purchProd = new SP_GetAuto_Purchase_Products(); purchProd.ProductID = prod.ProductID; purchProd.Name = prod.Name; purchProd.ProductType = prod.ProductType; purchProd.Qty = stockSettings.PurchaseQty; AutoPurchProds.Add(purchProd); } } List <Supplier> supps = Handler.getSuppliers(); foreach (Supplier sup in supps) { Order order = new Order(); order.supplierID = sup.supplierID; List <Order_DTL> orderDTLs = new List <Order_DTL>(); List <OrderViewModel> outOrders = Handler.getOutStandingOrders(); foreach (SP_GetAuto_Purchase_Products prod in AutoPurchProds) { bool add = true; //check if the product is not alread on order foreach (OrderViewModel outOrder in outOrders) { List <OrderViewModel> outOrderProducts = Handler.getProductOrderDL(outOrder.OrderID.ToString()); foreach (OrderViewModel outOrderDL in outOrderProducts) { if (outOrderDL.ProductID == prod.ProductID) { add = false; } } } if (add == true) { if (prod.ProductType == "A") { SP_GetAllAccessories prodDetails = Handler.selectAccessory(prod.ProductID); if (prodDetails.supplierID == sup.supplierID && prodDetails.Qty < stockSettings.LowStock) { Order_DTL newOrderProduct = new Order_DTL(); newOrderProduct.Qty = prod.Qty; newOrderProduct.ProductID = prod.ProductID; orderDTLs.Add(newOrderProduct); } } else if (prod.ProductType == "T") { SP_GetAllTreatments prodDetails = Handler.selectTreatment(prod.ProductID); if (prodDetails.supplierID == sup.supplierID && prodDetails.Qty < stockSettings.LowStock) { Order_DTL newOrderProduct = new Order_DTL(); newOrderProduct.Qty = prod.Qty; newOrderProduct.ProductID = prod.ProductID; orderDTLs.Add(newOrderProduct); } } } } if (orderDTLs.Count > 0) { success = newPurchaseOrder(order, orderDTLs); if (success != "Err") { stockSettings.NxtOrderdDate = updateAutoOrderDate(stockSettings.AutoPurchaseFrequency); Handler.updateStockSettings(stockSettings); //send manager confirmation email Supplier supp = Handler.getSupplier(order.supplierID); //send an email notification var body = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); body.AppendFormat("Hello Mnager,"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"Please review the auto purchase order request sent to " + sup.supplierName + " at the link below"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"" + success); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"The Next Auto Purchase request will occur on " + stockSettings.NxtOrderdDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"Regards,"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"The Cheveux Team"); sendEmailAlert(Handler.getManagerContact().Email, "Manager", "New Auto Purchase Order Request", body.ToString(), "Cheveux"); } else { stockSettings.NxtOrderdDate = updateAutoOrderDate(stockSettings.AutoPurchaseFrequency); Handler.updateStockSettings(stockSettings); //send manager error email Supplier supp = Handler.getSupplier(order.supplierID); //send an email notification var body = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); body.AppendFormat("Hello Mnager,"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"A failed auto purchase order request for supplier " + sup.supplierName + " occurred at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm dd MMM yyyy")); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"Please contact admin"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"The Next Auto Purchase request will occur on " + stockSettings.NxtOrderdDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"Regards,"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"The Cheveux Team"); sendEmailAlert(Handler.getManagerContact().Email, "Manager", "New Auto Purchase Order Request", body.ToString(), "Cheveux"); logAnError("Error making Auto Purchse Order"); success = ""; } } } } else { success = ""; } } else { success = ""; } } catch (Exception err) { logAnError("Error making Auto Purchse Order: " + err); } if (success == "Err") { logAnError("Error making Auto Purchse Order"); //send an email notification var body = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); body.AppendFormat("Hello Mnager,"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"A faild auto purchase order request ocourde at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm dd MMM yyyy")); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"Please contact admin"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"Regards,"); body.AppendLine(@""); body.AppendLine(@"The Cheveux Team"); sendEmailAlert(Handler.getManagerContact().Email, "Manager", "New Auto Purchase Order Request", body.ToString(), "Cheveux"); } }