public static SPAT LoadSPATDataForIntersection(string intersectionId) { SPAT data = null; string file = $"GreenLight.Core.Test.SPAT-{intersectionId}-WiFi.xml"; var assembly = typeof(XMLHelper).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(file); if (stream != null) { try { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SPAT)); data = serializer.Deserialize(stream) as SPAT; } catch { } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find file", file); } return(data); }
public static DateTime SPATMessageTimeStamp(SPAT spat) { Debug.Assert(spat != null, "Parameter null, SPAT"); var now = DateTime.Now; var timestamp = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, 0, 0); var spanInMinutes = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(spat.intersections.IntersectionState.moy); timestamp = timestamp.AddMinutes(spanInMinutes.Minutes); timestamp = timestamp.AddMilliseconds(spat.intersections.IntersectionState.timeStamp); return(timestamp); }
public static GLOSAResult TimeToTraficLight(MapData map, SPAT spat, List <GPSLocation> gpsHistory, double?deviceHeading, ulong maneuver, int crocsTime) { GLOSAResult result = new GLOSAResult() { Errors = GLOSAErrors.NoErrors, }; result = ProjectedLaneForManeuver(map, gpsHistory, deviceHeading, maneuver); if (result.Errors == GLOSAErrors.NoErrors) { var lane = (MapDataIntersectionsIntersectionGeometryGenericLane)result.Object; var description = result.Description; result = ProjectedSignalTimingsForLane(lane, spat, maneuver, crocsTime); result.Object = lane; result.Description = description; if (result.Errors == GLOSAErrors.NoErrors) { var timeToTrafficNode = -1.0; if (result.CurrentStateTimeMovement.MovementEvent == MovementEvent.Green) { timeToTrafficNode = result.CurrentStateTimeMovement.MovementTimespan.TotalSeconds; } else if (result.CurrentStateTimeMovement.MovementEvent == MovementEvent.Red) { //WAIT! } else if (result.CurrentStateTimeMovement.MovementEvent == MovementEvent.Amber) { //TODO } result.TimeToTrafficLight = timeToTrafficNode; } } else { result.Errors = GLOSAErrors.UnableToFindProjectedLaneForMovement; } return(result); }
private SPAT GetWiFISPAT() { SPAT data = null; if (_socketService != null && _socketService.Listening == true) { try { if (Settings.EnableIntersectionMode == true) { string s = _socketService.GetData(); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SPAT)); using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(s)) { data = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as SPAT; } } else { string s = _socketService.GetData(); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SPAT)); using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(s)) { data = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as SPAT; } } } catch { } finally { } } return(data); }
private bool TimerServiceCallback() { bool @continue = true; if (TimerHasFinished()) { @continue = false; } else { var before = DateTime.Now; if (Settings.EnableIntersectionMode == false && CheckLocationServicesPermission() == false) { PostVehicleMessage(VehicleServiceStatus.GPSPermissionError); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : GPS not enabled"); LogDataEvent("GPS not enabled (Permissions)"); return(@continue); } if (Settings.EnableIntersectionMode == false && CheckLocationServices() == false) { PostVehicleMessage(VehicleServiceStatus.GPSNotAvailable); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : Waiting for GPS"); LogDataEvent("Waiting for GPS"); return(@continue); } if (Settings.EnableIntersectionMode == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.UniqueVehicleDeviceAppId.Trim()) == true) { PostVehicleMessage(VehicleServiceStatus.VehicleIdNotSet); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : Vehicle Id missing"); LogDataEvent("Vehicle Id missing"); return(@continue); } if (CheckNetworkStatus() == false) { PostVehicleMessage(VehicleServiceStatus.NetworkConnectionError); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : Waiting for connection (WiFi Mode: {Settings.EnableWiFiMode})"); LogDataEvent("No Network Connection"); return(@continue); } Task.Run(() => SyncTime()); if (_navigationService.IsNavigating == false || _navigationService.IsNavigatingToWaypoint == false || _navigationService.Waypoint == null) { PostVehicleMessage(null, null); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : Locating intersection"); LogDataEvent("Locating intersection"); return(@continue); } // GET MAP SPAT data of intersection var nextWaypoint = _navigationService.LocateWaypointWithLineOfSight(WaypointDetectionMethod.GPSHistoryDirection, 1, 50); var nexyWaypointId = nextWaypoint != null? : null; Task.Run(async() => await _GLOSAWebService.SyncMAPSPATAsync(_navigationService.WayPointId, nexyWaypointId)); if (HasMapSPATDataFromCellular() == false && HasMapSPATDataFromWiFi() == false) { PostVehicleMessage(null, null); LogDataEvent($"Waiting for data"); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : Waiting for data {}"); return(@continue); } MapData map = null; SPAT spat = null; var dataConnection = DataConnection.Cellular; if (Settings.EnableWiFiMode == true && HasMapSPATDataFromWiFi() == true) { _isUsingWiFiSPATData = true; map = GetWiFIMAP(); spat = GetWiFISPAT(); dataConnection = DataConnection.WiFi_Beacon; } // revert to celluar data if (spat == null && HasMapSPATDataFromCellular() == true) { _isUsingWiFiSPATData = false; spat = _GLOSAWebService.SPATData(_navigationService.WayPointId); dataConnection = DataConnection.Cellular; } // revert to celluar data if (map == null && HasMapSPATDataFromCellular() == true) { map = _GLOSAWebService.MAPData(_navigationService.WayPointId); } var history = _navigationService.GPSHistory; DateTime date = CurrentTime(); int currentTimeCROCS = GLOSAHelper.ConvertTimeToCROCSTime(date); GLOSAResult glosaResult = GLOSAHelper.TimeToTraficLight(map, spat, history, _navigationService.DeviceHeading, _allowedVehicleManeuvers, currentTimeCROCS); if (glosaResult.Errors == GLOSAErrors.NoErrors) { CalculationResult calculation = AdvisorySpeedCalculationResult.CalculateAdvisorySpeed(_navigationService.DistanceToWaypoint, glosaResult.TimeToTrafficLight, _navigationService.CurrentSpeed, _advisoryCalculatorMode); PostVehicleMessage(calculation, glosaResult); var after = DateTime.Now; double latency = (after - before).TotalMilliseconds; LogDataEvent(calculation, glosaResult, latency, currentTimeCROCS, dataConnection); } else { PostVehicleMessage(null, glosaResult); LogDataEvent("GLOSA Result", null, null, $"{}", null, 0, Convert.ToInt16(_navigationService.DeviceHeading), glosaResult.Description); Debug.WriteLine($"Vehicle Service Timer {DateTime.Now} : GLOSA Error - {glosaResult.Errors}"); } } return(@continue); }
public static SPATIntersectionsIntersectionStateMovementState LocateSignalMovementStateForLane(SPAT spat, MapDataIntersectionsIntersectionGeometryGenericLane lane, ulong maneuver) { SPATIntersectionsIntersectionStateMovementState movementState = null; if (lane.connectsTo != null) { var laneConnection = lane.connectsTo.Where(connection => connection.connectingLane.maneuver == maneuver); if (laneConnection.Count() > 0) { byte signalGroup = laneConnection.First().signalGroup; movementState = spat.intersections.IntersectionState.states.Where(state => state.signalGroup == signalGroup).FirstOrDefault(); } } return(movementState); }
public static GLOSAResult ProjectedSignalTimingsForLane(MapDataIntersectionsIntersectionGeometryGenericLane lane, SPAT spat, ulong maneuver, int crocsTime) { GLOSAResult crocsResult = new GLOSAResult(); SPATIntersectionsIntersectionStateMovementState state = LocateSignalMovementStateForLane(spat, lane, maneuver); if (state != null) { List <StateTimeMovementEvent> stateTimeMovementEvents = ProjectedMovementEventStates(state, crocsTime); crocsResult.StateTimeMovementEvents = stateTimeMovementEvents; if (IsTimeWithinCurrentMovementSequence(crocsTime, stateTimeMovementEvents) == true) { crocsResult.CurrentStateTimeMovement = FindNextMovementEvent(crocsTime, stateTimeMovementEvents); } else { crocsResult.Errors = GLOSAErrors.UnableToProjectMovementStates; } } else { crocsResult.Errors = GLOSAErrors.UnableToFindProjectedStateForLane; } return(crocsResult); }
private async Task SPATRequest(string intersectionId) { // Should request every 10 seconds if (ShouldSyncSPATData(intersectionId) == false) { return; } if (_spatRequestActive == true) { return; } if (SPATRequestErrors.ContainsKey(intersectionId) && SPATRequestErrors[intersectionId] > 5) { return; } var before = DateTime.Now; _spatRequestActive = true; var requestMethod = "GET"; var URL = $"{Constants.API_GLOSA_SPAT_ENDPPOINT_URL}¶m={intersectionId}"; int statusCode = 0; string value = null; try { Envelope envelope = await GLOSACommunicateAsync <Envelope>(intersectionId, Constants.API_GLOSA_SPAT_ENDPPOINT_URL); SPAT data = envelope.Body.SPAT; if (data != null) { if (SPATDataStore.ContainsKey(intersectionId)) { SPATDataStore[intersectionId] = data; } else { SPATDataStore.Add(intersectionId, data); } UpdateSPATSyncTime(intersectionId); } statusCode = 200; } catch (Exception e) { if (SPATRequestErrors.ContainsKey(intersectionId)) { SPATRequestErrors[intersectionId]++; } else { SPATRequestErrors.Add(intersectionId, 1); } var result = new GLOSAResult(); result.Errors = GLOSAErrors.WebServiceError; if (e.GetType() == typeof(XmlException)) { result.Errors = GLOSAErrors.WebServiceXMLParsingError; } else { statusCode = 500; value = e.Message; } } finally { if (statusCode > 0) { var after = DateTime.Now; double latency = (after - before).TotalMilliseconds; var log = new GLOSAMonitoringLog() { URL = URL, StatusCode = statusCode, Method = requestMethod, Latency = latency, Value = value, }; if (_dataAnalyticsService != null) { Logger.LogMonitoring(_dataAnalyticsService, log); } } _spatRequestActive = false; } }