/// <summary> /// Occurs when the party invitation gets accepted /// </summary> private void CM_PARTYINVITATIONACCEPT(CMSG_PARTYINVITATIONACCEPT cpkt) { //FORWARD A OKAY MESSAGE TO THE SENDER AND RECIEVER OF THE INIVATION PartySession party = this.character.sessionParty; if (party != null) { if (cpkt.Status == 1) { //Has accepted the party invitation { SMSG_PARTYINVITATIONRESULT spkt = new SMSG_PARTYINVITATIONRESULT(); spkt.Result = 0; spkt.SessionId = party.PartyLeader.id; party.PartyLeader.client.Send((byte[])spkt); } //Send over a new party if (this.character.sessionParty.Count == 1) { SMSG_PARTYMEMBERINFO spkt = new SMSG_PARTYMEMBERINFO(); spkt.Leader = party.PartyLeader.id; spkt.LeaderIndex = 1; spkt.Setting1 = this.character.sessionParty.LootSettings; spkt.Setting2 = this.character.sessionParty.ExpSettings; spkt.Setting3 = 0; if (this.character.sessionParty.ItemLeader != null) { spkt.Setting4 = this.character.sessionParty.ItemLeader.id; } spkt.AddMemberInfo(party.GetCharacters()); spkt.SessionId = party.PartyLeader.id; spkt.Result = 1; party.PartyLeader.client.Send((byte[])spkt); } //Forwards new party member information to all existing players this.character.sessionParty.Add(this.character); int index = party.IndexOf(this.character) + 1; //Process character adding foreach (Character target in party.GetCharacters()) { //Send a new character to other party members if (target.id != character.id) { SMSG_PARTYNEWMEMBER spkt2 = new SMSG_PARTYNEWMEMBER(); spkt2.Index = 1; spkt2.ActorId = this.character.id; spkt2.Unknown = 1; spkt2.Name = this.character.Name; spkt2.SessionId = target.id; target.client.Send((byte[])spkt2); } //Send a complete list to yourself else { SMSG_PARTYMEMBERINFO spkt7 = new SMSG_PARTYMEMBERINFO(); spkt7.Leader = party.PartyLeader.id; spkt7.LeaderIndex = 1; spkt7.Setting1 = this.character.sessionParty.LootSettings; spkt7.Setting2 = this.character.sessionParty.ExpSettings; spkt7.Setting3 = 0; if (this.character.sessionParty.ItemLeader != null) { spkt7.Setting4 = this.character.sessionParty.ItemLeader.id; } spkt7.Result = 1; spkt7.SessionId = this.character.id; spkt7.AddMemberInfo(party.GetCharacters()); this.Send((byte[])spkt7); } } //Forwards new party member location and HP/SP //informations foreach (Character target in party.GetCharacters()) { if (target.id == character.id) { continue; } //Send over target to myself SMSG_PARTYUNKNOWN spkt4 = new SMSG_PARTYUNKNOWN(); spkt4.ActorID = target.id; spkt4.Unsure = 1; spkt4.Unknown = (byte)(this.character.map + 0x65); spkt4.Race = 0; spkt4.Map = target.map; spkt4.HP = target.HP; spkt4.HPmax = target.HPMAX; spkt4.SP = target.SP; spkt4.SPmax = target.SPMAX; spkt4.LP = target._status.CurrentLp; spkt4.CharLvl = target._level; spkt4.Job = target.job; spkt4.JobLvl = target.jlvl; spkt4.SessionId = this.character.id; this.Send((byte[])spkt4); //Send my self to target SMSG_PARTYUNKNOWN spkt3 = new SMSG_PARTYUNKNOWN(); spkt3.ActorID = this.character.id; spkt3.Unsure = 1; spkt3.Unknown = (byte)(this.character.map + 0x65); spkt3.Race = 0; spkt3.Map = this.character.map; spkt3.HP = this.character.HP; spkt3.HPmax = this.character.HPMAX; spkt3.SP = this.character.SP; spkt3.SPmax = this.character.SPMAX; spkt3.LP = this.character._status.CurrentLp; spkt3.CharLvl = this.character._level; spkt3.Job = this.character.job; spkt3.JobLvl = this.character.jlvl; spkt3.SessionId = target.id; target.client.Send((byte[])spkt3); //Process positon update if (target.map == this.character.map) { SMSG_PARTYMEMBERLOCATION spkt6 = new SMSG_PARTYMEMBERLOCATION(); spkt6.Index = 1; spkt6.ActorId = target.id; spkt6.X = target.Position.x; spkt6.Y = target.Position.y; spkt6.SessionId = this.character.id; this.Send((byte[])spkt6); SMSG_PARTYMEMBERLOCATION spkt5 = new SMSG_PARTYMEMBERLOCATION(); spkt5.Index = 1; spkt5.ActorId = this.character.id; spkt5.X = this.character.Position.x; spkt5.Y = this.character.Position.y; spkt5.SessionId = target.id; target.client.Send((byte[])spkt5); } } } else { Character PartyLeader = this.character.sessionParty.PartyLeader; SMSG_PARTYINVITATIONRESULT spkt = new SMSG_PARTYINVITATIONRESULT(); spkt.Result = (byte)PartyErrors.DENIED; spkt.SessionId = PartyLeader.id; PartyLeader.client.Send((byte[])spkt); try { uint TargetActorId = (uint)this.character.Tag; Character TargetActor = null; if (LifeCycle.TryGetById(TargetActorId, out TargetActor)) { TargetActor.Tag = null; if (TargetActor.sessionParty._Characters.Count <= 1) { TargetActor.sessionParty = null; } } } catch (InvalidCastException) { Trace.TraceWarning("Cannot retrieve actor information"); } if (this.character.sessionParty.Count <= 1) { this.character.sessionParty = null; } this.character.Tag = null; } } //FORWARD A DENIAL MESSAGE TO THE RECIEVER OF THE INVITATION else { SMSG_PARTYINVITATIONRESULT spkt = new SMSG_PARTYINVITATIONRESULT(); spkt.Result = (byte)PartyErrors.DENIED; spkt.SessionId = this.character.id; this.Send((byte[])spkt); this.character.sessionParty = null; } }
public static bool Warp(Character target, Point destination, Zone NewZoneInstance) { if (target.client.isloaded == true) { if (target.map > 0 && NewZoneInstance.Map > 0) { if (target.map != NewZoneInstance.Map) { #region Not the same Zone if (target.currentzone.Type != ZoneType.Dungeon) { WorldCoordinate worldcoord; worldcoord.coords = target.Position; worldcoord.map = target.currentzone.Map; target.lastlocation = worldcoord; } //Start loading target.client.isloaded = false; Zone currentZone = target.currentzone; target.currentzone.OnLeave(target); lock (target) { //Unregister currentZone.Regiontree.Unsubscribe(target); //Set position to the new location target.map = NewZoneInstance.Map; //Set new position target.Position = new Point( destination.x, destination.y, destination.z ); } //Update party members if (target.sessionParty != null) { foreach (Character partyTarget in target.sessionParty) { //switch the map SMSG_PARTYMEMBERMAPCHANGE spkt4 = new SMSG_PARTYMEMBERMAPCHANGE(); spkt4.Index = 1; spkt4.ActorId = target.id; spkt4.Unknown = (byte)(target.map + 0x065); spkt4.Zone = target.map; spkt4.SessionId = partyTarget.id; partyTarget.client.Send((byte[])spkt4); } } //Set zone instance target.currentzone = NewZoneInstance; //Send over load packet SMSG_SENDSTART spkt = new SMSG_SENDSTART(); spkt.SessionId = target.id; spkt.X = destination.x; spkt.Y = destination.y; spkt.Z = destination.z; spkt.MapId = NewZoneInstance.Map; spkt.Unknown = (byte)(target.map + 0x65); spkt.Channel = 1; target.client.Send((byte[])spkt); return(true); #endregion Not the same Zone } else { #region Notify People That Actor Disapears Point origin = target.Position; Regiontree tree; tree = target.currentzone.Regiontree; foreach (MapObject c in tree.SearchActors(target, SearchFlags.DynamicObjects)) { bool insightrangeold = Point.IsInSightRangeByRadius(origin, c.Position); bool insightrangenew = Point.IsInSightRangeByRadius(destination, c.Position); if (c.id == target.id) { continue; } //If vible from old postion but not from new position hide if (insightrangeold && !insightrangenew) { double distance = Point.GetDistance3D(destination, c.Position); //CROSS NOTIFY PLAYERS ACTORS DISAPPPEARS if (MapObject.IsPlayer(c)) { Character targetChar = c as Character; targetChar.HideObject(target); } c.HideObject(target); c.Disappear(target); } } #endregion Notify People That Actor Disapears #region Update Region target.Position = new Point(destination.x, destination.y, destination.z); Regiontree.UpdateRegion(target); #endregion Update Region #region Teleport SMSG_ACTORTELEPORT spkt = new SMSG_ACTORTELEPORT(); spkt.SessionId = target.id; spkt.x = destination.x; spkt.y = destination.y; spkt.Z = destination.z; target.client.Send((byte[])spkt); #endregion Teleport #region Reset State target.ISONBATTLE = false; target.stance = (byte)StancePosition.Reborn; target._targetid = 0; SMSG_ACTORCHANGESTATE spkt4 = new SMSG_ACTORCHANGESTATE(); spkt4.SessionId = target.id; spkt4.Stance = target.stance; spkt4.TargetActor = target._targetid; spkt4.State = (target.ISONBATTLE == true) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; spkt4.ActorID = target.id; target.client.Send((byte[])spkt4); #endregion Reset State #region Notify People That the Actor Appears tree = target.currentzone.Regiontree; foreach (MapObject myObject in tree.SearchActors(target, SearchFlags.DynamicObjects)) { bool insightrangeold = Point.IsInSightRangeByRadius(origin, myObject.Position); bool insightrangenew = Point.IsInSightRangeByRadius(destination, myObject.Position); double distance = Point.GetDistance3D(destination, myObject.Position); //If visible from new postion but not from old postion if (insightrangenew && !insightrangeold) { myObject.ShowObject(target); myObject.Appears(target); if (MapObject.IsPlayer(myObject)) { Character current = (Character)myObject; if (current.client.isloaded == false) { continue; } target.ShowObject(current); } } } #endregion Notify People That the Actor Appears #region Notify Party Members if (target.sessionParty != null) { foreach (Character partyTarget in target.sessionParty) { if (partyTarget.id == target.id) { continue; } SMSG_PARTYMEMBERLOCATION spkt3 = new SMSG_PARTYMEMBERLOCATION(); spkt3.Index = 1; spkt3.ActorId = target.id; spkt3.SessionId = partyTarget.id; spkt3.X = (destination.x / 1000); spkt3.Y = (destination.y / 1000); partyTarget.client.Send((byte[])spkt3); } } #endregion Notify Party Members return(true); } } else { Trace.TraceError("Warping player {0} to unsupported map {1}", target.Name, 0); return(false); } } else { return(false); } }