SMInAppContentStyleOptions getIACStyleOptions()
            UIColor greenColor      = UIColor.FromRGBA(58 / 255, 190 / 255, 190 / 255, 1);
            UIColor backgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(250 / 255, 250 / 255, 250 / 255, 1 / 2);

            //call to SMInAppContentStyleOptions constructor
            SMInAppContentStyleOptions smOptions = SMInAppContentStyleOptions.DefaultStylingOptions();

            //set the properties you need to customise visual aspect of html boxes
            smOptions.MarginBetweenFirstBoxAndTopOfView = 0;
            smOptions.TitleTop                = 10;
            smOptions.TitleTextColor          = greenColor;
            smOptions.ShowTitleBorderBottom   = true;
            smOptions.TitleBorderBottomColor  = UIColor.FromRGBA(205 / 255, 205 / 255, 205 / 255, 8 / 10);
            smOptions.TitleBackgroundColor    = backgroundColor;
            smOptions.LinkBackgroundColor     = greenColor;
            smOptions.LinkTextColor           = UIColor.White;
            smOptions.LinksAlignment          = SMContentAlignment.Right;
            smOptions.LinksMargin             = 20;
            smOptions.LinkContentEdgeInsets   = new UIEdgeInsets(6.0f, 6.0f, 6.0f, 6.0f);
            smOptions.BoxBackgroundColor      = backgroundColor;
            smOptions.BoxBorderWidth          = 0.0f;
            smOptions.MainViewBackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            smOptions.TextViewBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;

        public void SetupUI()
            //initialize with your styling options
            SMInAppContentStyleOptions options = getIACStyleOptions();
            //get the sdk SMInAppContentHTMLViewController
            SMInAppContentURLViewController urlVC = SMInAppContentURLViewController.ViewControllerForCategory("MAIN");

            //Check if IAC are available for this type and category
            if (!urlVC.IsEmpty)
                //display SMInAppContentHTMLViewController in your containerView
                SMManager.SharedInstance().ShowSMController(urlVC, containerView, this);