Пример #1
 public void Load(VMFindLocationResultMarshal input, VMContext context)
     RadianDirection = input.RadianDirection;
     Position = input.Position;
     Score = input.Score;
     FaceAnywhere = input.FaceAnywhere;
     Chair = context.VM.GetObjectById(input.Chair);
     RouteEntryFlags = input.RouteEntryFlags;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns which search direction (n/s/e/w/ne/nw/se/sw) a target is in relation to an object. (absolute)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos1">The position of the source.</param>
        /// <param name="pos2">The position of the target.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SLOTFlags GetSearchDirection(Vector2 pos1, Vector2 pos2, float rotShift)
            double dir = Math.Atan2(Math.Floor(pos2.X) - Math.Floor(pos1.X), Math.Floor(pos1.Y) - Math.Floor(pos2.Y)) * (180.0 / Math.PI);

            dir = DirectionUtils.NormalizeDegrees(dir - rotShift * (180.0 / Math.PI));
            SLOTFlags result = (SLOTFlags)0;

            if (dir >= -45.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= 45.0 + ANGLE_ERROR)
                result |= SLOTFlags.NORTH;
            if (dir >= 0.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= 90.0 + ANGLE_ERROR)
                result |= SLOTFlags.NORTH_EAST;
            if (dir >= 45.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= 135.0 + ANGLE_ERROR)
                result |= SLOTFlags.EAST;
            if ((dir >= 90.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= 180.0 + ANGLE_ERROR) || (dir <= -180.0 + ANGLE_ERROR))
                result |= SLOTFlags.SOUTH_EAST;
            if (dir >= 135.0 - ANGLE_ERROR || dir <= -135.0 + ANGLE_ERROR)
                result |= SLOTFlags.SOUTH;
            if ((dir >= -180.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= -90.0 + ANGLE_ERROR) || (dir >= 180.0 - ANGLE_ERROR))
                result |= SLOTFlags.SOUTH_WEST;
            if (dir >= -135.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= -45.0 + ANGLE_ERROR)
                result |= SLOTFlags.WEST;
            if (dir >= -90.0 - ANGLE_ERROR && dir <= 0.0 + ANGLE_ERROR)
                result |= SLOTFlags.NORTH_WEST;

Пример #3
        // TODO: float values may desync if devices are not both x86 or using a different C# library.
        // Might need to replace with fixed point library for position and rotation

        /// <summary>
        /// This method will find all the avaliable locations within the criteria ordered by proximity to the optimal proximity
        /// External functions can then decide which is most desirable. E.g. the nearest slot to the object may be the longest route if
        /// its in another room.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="slot"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <VMFindLocationResult> FindAvaliableLocations(VMEntity obj, VMContext context, VMEntity caller)
             * Start at min proximity and circle around the object to find the avaliable locations.
             * Then pick the one nearest to the optimal value

             * ------ MAJOR TODO: ------
             * Avoid vector math at all costs! Small differences in hardware could cause desyncs.
             * This really goes for all areas of the SimAntics engine, but here it's particularly bad.
            Vector2 center;

            if (OnlySit)
                FailCode = VMRouteFailCode.NoChair;

            // if we need to use the average location of an object group, it needs to be calculated.
            if (((Flags & SLOTFlags.UseAverageObjectLocation) > 0) && (obj.MultitileGroup.MultiTile))
                center = new Vector2(0, 0);
                var objs = obj.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++)
                    center += new Vector2(objs[i].Position.x / 16f, objs[i].Position.y / 16f);
                center /= objs.Count;
                center = new Vector2(obj.Position.x / 16f, obj.Position.y / 16f);

            //add offset of slot if it exists. must be rotated to be relative to object
            var rotOff    = Vector3.Transform(Slot.Offset, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(obj.RadianDirection));
            var circleCtr = new Vector2(center.X + rotOff.X / 16, center.Y + rotOff.Y / 16);

            ushort room = context.VM.Context.GetRoomAt(obj.Position);

            Results = new List <VMFindLocationResult>();

            if ((Flags & SLOTFlags.SnapToDirection) > 0)
            { //snap to the specified direction, on the specified point.
                double baseRot;
                if (Slot.Facing > SLOTFacing.FaceAwayFromObject)
                    // bit of a legacy thing here. Facing field did not use to exist,
                    // which is why SnapToDirection was hacked to use the directional flags.
                    // now that it exists, it is used instead, to encode the same information...
                    // just transform back into old format.
                    Flags |= (SLOTFlags)(1 << (int)Slot.Facing);
                    if (((int)Flags & 255) == 0)
                        Flags |= SLOTFlags.NORTH;

                var flagRot = DirectionUtils.PosMod(obj.RadianDirection + FlagsAsRad(Flags), Math.PI * 2);
                if (flagRot > Math.PI)
                    flagRot -= Math.PI * 2;

                VerifyAndAddLocation(obj, circleCtr, center, Flags, Double.MaxValue, context, caller, (float)flagRot);
                if (((int)Flags & 255) == 0 || Slot.Offset != new Vector3())
                    //exact position
                    //Flags |= (SLOTFlags)255;

                    // special case, walk directly to point.
                    VerifyAndAddLocation(obj, circleCtr, center, Flags, Double.MaxValue, context, caller, float.NaN);
                var maxScore    = Math.Max(DesiredProximity - MinProximity, MaxProximity - DesiredProximity) + (LotTilePos.Distance(obj.Position, caller.Position) + MaxProximity) / 3 + 2;
                var ignoreRooms = (Flags & SLOTFlags.IgnoreRooms) > 0;

                SLOTEnumerationFunction((x, y, distance) =>
                    var pos = new Vector2(circleCtr.X + x / 16.0f, circleCtr.Y + y / 16.0f);
                    if (distance >= MinProximity - 0.5 && distance <= MaxProximity + 0.5 && (ignoreRooms || context.VM.Context.GetRoomAt(new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level)) == room)) //slot is within proximity
                        var routeEntryFlags = (GetSearchDirection(circleCtr, pos, obj.RadianDirection) & Flags);                                                                                                                                     //the route needs to know what conditions it fulfilled
                        if (routeEntryFlags > 0)                                                                                                                                                                                                     //within search location
                            double baseScore = ((maxScore - Math.Abs(DesiredProximity - distance)) + context.VM.Context.NextRandom(1024) / 1024.0f);
                            VerifyAndAddLocation(obj, pos, center, routeEntryFlags, baseScore, context, caller, float.NaN);
            /** Sort by how close they are to desired proximity **/

            if (Results.Count > 1)
                Results = Results.OrderBy(x => - x.Score).ToList();                   //avoid sort because it acts incredibly unusually
            if (Results.Count > 0)
                FailCode = VMRouteFailCode.Success;
Пример #4
        private void VerifyAndAddLocation(VMEntity obj, Vector2 pos, Vector2 center, SLOTFlags entryFlags, double score, VMContext context, VMEntity caller, float facingDir)
            //note: verification is not performed if snap target slot is enabled.
            var tpos = new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level);

            if (context.IsOutOfBounds(tpos))

            score -= LotTilePos.Distance(tpos, caller.Position) / 3.0;

            if (Slot.SnapTargetSlot < 0 && context.Architecture.RaycastWall(new Point((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y), new Point(obj.Position.TileX, obj.Position.TileY), obj.Position.Level))
                SetFail(VMRouteFailCode.WallInWay, null);

            bool faceAnywhere = false;

            if (float.IsNaN(facingDir))
                var obj3P = obj.Position.ToVector3();
                var objP  = new Vector2(obj3P.X, obj3P.Y);
                switch (Slot.Facing)
                case SLOTFacing.FaceTowardsObject:
                    facingDir = (float)GetDirectionTo(pos, objP); break;

                case SLOTFacing.FaceAwayFromObject:
                    facingDir = (float)GetDirectionTo(objP, pos); break;

                case SLOTFacing.FaceAnywhere:
                    faceAnywhere = true;
                    facingDir    = 0.0f; break;

                    int intDir   = (int)Math.Round(Math.Log((double)obj.Direction, 2));
                    var rotatedF = ((int)Slot.Facing + intDir) % 8;
                    facingDir = (float)(((int)rotatedF > 4) ? ((double)rotatedF * Math.PI / 4.0) : (((double)rotatedF - 8.0) * Math.PI / 4.0)); break;

            VMFindLocationResult result = new VMFindLocationResult
                Position        = new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level),
                RadianDirection = facingDir,
                FaceAnywhere    = faceAnywhere,
                RouteEntryFlags = entryFlags
            var avatarInWay = false;

            if (Slot.SnapTargetSlot < 0)
                var solid = caller.PositionValid(tpos, Direction.NORTH, context, VMPlaceRequestFlags.AcceptSlots);
                if (solid.Status != Model.VMPlacementError.Success)
                    if (solid.Object != null)
                        if (solid.Object is VMGameObject)
                            if (Slot.Sitting > 0 && solid.Object.EntryPoints[26].ActionFunction != 0)
                                result.Chair = solid.Object;
                                SetFail(VMRouteFailCode.DestTileOccupied, solid.Object);
                            avatarInWay = true;

                if (context.ObjectQueries.GetObjectsAt(tpos)?.Any(
                        x => ((VMEntityFlags2)x.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.FlagField2) & VMEntityFlags2.ArchitectualDoor) > 0) ?? false)
                    avatarInWay = true; //prefer not standing in front of a door. (todo: merge with above check?)
                if (result.Chair != null && (Math.Abs(DirectionUtils.Difference(result.Chair.RadianDirection, facingDir)) > Math.PI / 4))
                    return; //not a valid goal.
                if (result.Chair == null && OnlySit)

                score = score * ((result.Chair != null) ? Slot.Sitting : Slot.Standing);
                //if an avatar is in or going to our destination positon, we this spot becomes low priority as getting into it will require a shoo.
                if (!avatarInWay)
                    foreach (var avatar in context.ObjectQueries.Avatars)
                        if (avatar == caller)
                        //search for routing frame. is its destination the same as ours?
                        if (avatar.Thread != null)
                            var intersects = avatar.Thread.Stack.Any(x => x is VMRoutingFrame && ((VMRoutingFrame)x).IntersectsOurDestination(result));
                            if (intersects)
                                score = Math.Max(double.Epsilon, score);
                    score = Math.Max(double.Epsilon, score);
            result.Score = score;

Пример #5
        private void VerifyAndAddLocation(VMEntity obj, Vector2 pos, Vector2 center, SLOTFlags entryFlags, double score, VMContext context, VMEntity caller, float facingDir)
            //note: verification is not performed if snap target slot is enabled.
            var tpos = new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level);

            if (context.IsOutOfBounds(tpos))

            score -= LotTilePos.Distance(tpos, caller.Position) / 3.0;

            if (Slot.SnapTargetSlot < 0 && context.Architecture.RaycastWall(new Point((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y), new Point(obj.Position.TileX, obj.Position.TileY), obj.Position.Level))
                SetFail(VMRouteFailCode.WallInWay, null);

            bool faceAnywhere = false;

            if (float.IsNaN(facingDir))
                var obj3P = obj.Position.ToVector3();
                var objP  = new Vector2(obj3P.X, obj3P.Y);
                switch (Slot.Facing)
                case SLOTFacing.FaceTowardsObject:
                    facingDir = (float)GetDirectionTo(pos, objP); break;

                case SLOTFacing.FaceAwayFromObject:
                    facingDir = (float)GetDirectionTo(objP, pos); break;

                case SLOTFacing.FaceAnywhere:
                    faceAnywhere = true;
                    facingDir    = 0.0f; break;

                    int intDir   = (int)Math.Round(Math.Log((double)obj.Direction, 2));
                    var rotatedF = ((int)Slot.Facing + intDir) % 8;
                    facingDir = (float)(((int)rotatedF > 4) ? ((double)rotatedF * Math.PI / 4.0) : (((double)rotatedF - 8.0) * Math.PI / 4.0)); break;

            VMEntity chair = null;

            if (Slot.SnapTargetSlot < 0)
                var solid = caller.PositionValid(tpos, Direction.NORTH, context);
                if (solid.Status != Model.VMPlacementError.Success)
                    if (solid.Object != null && solid.Object is VMGameObject)
                        if (Slot.Sitting > 0 && solid.Object.EntryPoints[26].ActionFunction != 0)
                            chair = solid.Object;
                            SetFail(VMRouteFailCode.DestTileOccupied, solid.Object);

                if (chair != null && (Math.Abs(DirectionUtils.Difference(chair.RadianDirection, facingDir)) > Math.PI / 4))
                    return; //not a valid goal.
                if (chair == null && OnlySit)

            Results.Add(new VMFindLocationResult
                Position        = new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level),
                Score           = score * ((chair != null) ? Slot.Sitting : Slot.Standing), //todo: prefer closer?
                RadianDirection = facingDir,
                Chair           = chair,
                FaceAnywhere    = faceAnywhere,
                RouteEntryFlags = entryFlags
Пример #6
        private void VerifyAndAddLocation(VMEntity obj, Vector2 pos, Vector2 center, SLOTFlags entryFlags, double score, VMContext context, VMEntity caller, float facingDir)
            //note: verification is not performed if snap target slot is enabled.
            var tpos = new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level);

            if (context.IsOutOfBounds(tpos)) return;

            score -= LotTilePos.Distance(tpos, caller.Position)/3.0;

            if (Slot.SnapTargetSlot < 0 && context.Architecture.RaycastWall(new Point((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y), new Point(obj.Position.TileX, obj.Position.TileY), obj.Position.Level))
                SetFail(VMRouteFailCode.WallInWay, null);

            bool faceAnywhere = false;
            if (float.IsNaN(facingDir))
                var obj3P = obj.Position.ToVector3();
                var objP = new Vector2(obj3P.X, obj3P.Y);
                switch (Slot.Facing)
                    case SLOTFacing.FaceTowardsObject:
                        facingDir = (float)GetDirectionTo(pos, objP); break;
                    case SLOTFacing.FaceAwayFromObject:
                        facingDir = (float)GetDirectionTo(objP, pos); break;
                    case SLOTFacing.FaceAnywhere:
                        faceAnywhere = true;
                        facingDir = 0.0f; break;
                        int intDir = (int)Math.Round(Math.Log((double)obj.Direction, 2));
                        var rotatedF = ((int)Slot.Facing + intDir) % 8;
                        facingDir = (float)(((int)rotatedF > 4) ? ((double)rotatedF * Math.PI / 4.0) : (((double)rotatedF - 8.0) * Math.PI / 4.0)); break;

            VMEntity chair = null;
            if (Slot.SnapTargetSlot < 0)
                var solid = caller.PositionValid(tpos, Direction.NORTH, context);
                if (solid.Status != Model.VMPlacementError.Success)
                    if (solid.Object != null && solid.Object is VMGameObject)
                        if (Slot.Sitting > 0 && solid.Object.EntryPoints[26].ActionFunction != 0)
                            chair = solid.Object;
                            SetFail(VMRouteFailCode.DestTileOccupied, solid.Object);

                if (chair != null && (Math.Abs(DirectionUtils.Difference(chair.RadianDirection, facingDir)) > Math.PI / 4))
                    return; //not a valid goal.
                if (chair == null && OnlySit) return;

            Results.Add(new VMFindLocationResult
                Position = new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level),
                Score = score * ((chair != null) ? Slot.Sitting : Slot.Standing), //todo: prefer closer?
                RadianDirection = facingDir,
                Chair = chair,
                FaceAnywhere = faceAnywhere,
                RouteEntryFlags = entryFlags
Пример #7
 private static double FlagsAsRad(SLOTFlags dir)
     double value = Math.Round(Math.Log((int)dir & 255, 2))*Math.PI/4;
     //if (value > Math.PI) value -= 2*Math.PI;
     return value;
Пример #8
        // TODO: float values may desync if devices are not both x86 or using a different C# library.
        // Might need to replace with fixed point library for position and rotation
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will find all the avaliable locations within the criteria ordered by proximity to the optimal proximity
        /// External functions can then decide which is most desirable. E.g. the nearest slot to the object may be the longest route if
        /// its in another room.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="slot"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<VMFindLocationResult> FindAvaliableLocations(VMEntity obj, VMContext context, VMEntity caller)
             * Start at min proximity and circle around the object to find the avaliable locations.
             * Then pick the one nearest to the optimal value

             * ------ MAJOR TODO: ------
             * Avoid vector math at all costs! Small differences in hardware could cause desyncs.
             * This really goes for all areas of the SimAntics engine, but here it's particularly bad.
            Vector2 center;
            if (OnlySit) FailCode = VMRouteFailCode.NoChair;

            // if we need to use the average location of an object group, it needs to be calculated.
            if (((Flags & SLOTFlags.UseAverageObjectLocation) > 0) && (obj.MultitileGroup.MultiTile)) {
                center = new Vector2(0, 0);
                var objs = obj.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++)
                    center += new Vector2(objs[i].Position.x/16f, objs[i].Position.y/16f);
                center /= objs.Count;
            } else center = new Vector2(obj.Position.x/16f, obj.Position.y/16f);

            //add offset of slot if it exists. must be rotated to be relative to object
            var rotOff = Vector3.Transform(Slot.Offset, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(obj.RadianDirection));
            var circleCtr = new Vector2(center.X + rotOff.X / 16, center.Y + rotOff.Y / 16);

            ushort room = context.VM.Context.GetRoomAt(obj.Position);
            Results = new List<VMFindLocationResult>();

            if ((Flags & SLOTFlags.SnapToDirection) > 0)
            { //snap to the specified direction, on the specified point.
                double baseRot;
                if (Slot.Facing > SLOTFacing.FaceAwayFromObject)
                    // bit of a legacy thing here. Facing field did not use to exist,
                    // which is why SnapToDirection was hacked to use the directional flags.
                    // now that it exists, it is used instead, to encode the same information...
                    // just transform back into old format.
                    Flags |= (SLOTFlags)(1 << (int)Slot.Facing);
                    if (((int)Flags & 255) == 0) Flags |= SLOTFlags.NORTH;

                var flagRot = DirectionUtils.PosMod(obj.RadianDirection+FlagsAsRad(Flags), Math.PI*2);
                if (flagRot > Math.PI) flagRot -= Math.PI * 2;

                VerifyAndAddLocation(obj, circleCtr, center, Flags, Double.MaxValue, context, caller, (float)flagRot);
                return Results;
                if (((int)Flags & 255) == 0 || Slot.Offset != new Vector3())
                    //exact position
                    //Flags |= (SLOTFlags)255;

                    // special case, walk directly to point.
                    VerifyAndAddLocation(obj, circleCtr, center, Flags, Double.MaxValue, context, caller, float.NaN);
                    return Results;
                var maxScore = Math.Max(DesiredProximity - MinProximity, MaxProximity - DesiredProximity) + (LotTilePos.Distance(obj.Position, caller.Position)+MaxProximity)/3 + 2;
                var ignoreRooms = (Flags & SLOTFlags.IgnoreRooms) > 0;

                var resolutionBound = (MaxProximity / Slot.Resolution) * Slot.Resolution;

                for (int x = -resolutionBound; x <= resolutionBound; x += Slot.Resolution)
                    for (int y = -resolutionBound; y <= resolutionBound; y += Slot.Resolution)
                        var pos = new Vector2(circleCtr.X + x / 16.0f, circleCtr.Y + y / 16.0f);
                        double distance = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                        if (distance >= MinProximity - 0.01 && distance <= MaxProximity + 0.01 && (ignoreRooms || context.VM.Context.GetRoomAt(new LotTilePos((short)Math.Round(pos.X * 16), (short)Math.Round(pos.Y * 16), obj.Position.Level)) == room)) //slot is within proximity
                            var routeEntryFlags = (GetSearchDirection(circleCtr, pos, obj.RadianDirection) & Flags); //the route needs to know what conditions it fulfilled
                            if (routeEntryFlags > 0) //within search location
                                double baseScore = ((maxScore - Math.Abs(DesiredProximity - distance)) + context.VM.Context.NextRandom(1024) / 1024.0f);
                                VerifyAndAddLocation(obj, pos, center, routeEntryFlags, baseScore, context, caller, float.NaN);
            /** Sort by how close they are to desired proximity **/

            if (Results.Count > 1) Results = Results.OrderBy(x => -x.Score).ToList(); //avoid sort because it acts incredibly unusually
            if (Results.Count > 0) FailCode = VMRouteFailCode.Success;
            return Results;
Пример #9
        public VMSlotParser(SLOTItem slot)
            Slot = slot;
            Flags = slot.Rsflags;

            MinProximity = slot.MinProximity;
            MaxProximity = slot.MaxProximity;
            DesiredProximity = slot.OptimalProximity;

            if (MaxProximity == 0) { MaxProximity = MinProximity; }
            if (DesiredProximity == 0) { DesiredProximity = MinProximity; }
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will find all the avaliable locations within the criteria ordered by proximity to the optimal proximity
        /// External functions can then decide which is most desirable. E.g. the nearest slot to the object may be the longest route if
        /// its in another room.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="minProximity"></param>
        /// <param name="maxProximity"></param>
        /// <param name="desiredProximity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <VMFindLocationResult> FindAvaliableLocations(Vector2 center, SLOTFlags flags, int minProximity, int maxProximity, int desiredProximity)
             * Start at min proximity and circle around the object to find the avaliable locations.
             * Then pick the one nearest to the optimal value
            var result = new List <VMFindLocationResult>();

            var proximity          = minProximity;
            var proximityIncrement = 16;
            var proximityNudge     = proximityIncrement * 0.25f;
            var currentDepth       = 1.0f;

            while (proximity <= maxProximity)
                var angle = 0.0f;
                /** Every time we move out by 1 tile in proximity, there will be more tiles to look at **/
                var angleIncrement = 360.0f / (currentDepth * 8);

                while (angle < 360.0f)
                    var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0f);
                    var radius  = proximity + proximityNudge;

                    var xpos = Math.Round(radius * Math.Cos(radians));
                    var ypos = Math.Round(radius * Math.Sin(radians));

                    var tileX = (float)Math.Round(xpos / 16.0f) + center.X;
                    var tileY = (float)Math.Round(ypos / 16.0f) + center.Y;

                    var direction = GetDirection(center, new Vector2(tileX, tileY));

                    if ((flags & direction) == direction)
                        //TODO: Check if slot is occupied or out of bounds

                        /** This is acceptible to the slot :) **/
                        result.Add(new VMFindLocationResult {
                            Direction = direction,
                            Position  = new Vector2(tileX, tileY),
                            Proximity = proximity
                    angle += angleIncrement;

                proximity += proximityIncrement;

            /** Sort by how close they are to desired proximity **/
            result.Sort(new VMProximitySorter(desiredProximity));

Пример #11
 public void Deserialize(BinaryReader reader)
     RadianDirection = reader.ReadSingle();
     Position = new LotTilePos();
     Score = reader.ReadDouble();
     FaceAnywhere = reader.ReadBoolean();
     Chair = reader.ReadInt16();
     RouteEntryFlags = (SLOTFlags)reader.ReadInt32();
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will find all the avaliable locations within the criteria ordered by proximity to the optimal proximity
        /// External functions can then decide which is most desirable. E.g. the nearest slot to the object may be the longest route if
        /// its in another room.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="minProximity"></param>
        /// <param name="maxProximity"></param>
        /// <param name="desiredProximity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <VMFindLocationResult> FindAvaliableLocations(VMEntity obj, SLOTItem slot, VMContext context)
             * Start at min proximity and circle around the object to find the avaliable locations.
             * Then pick the one nearest to the optimal value

            Vector2 center = new Vector2(obj.Position.X, obj.Position.Y);

            if (obj is VMAvatar)
                center -= new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

            var rotOff = Vector3.Transform(slot.Offset, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ObjectRotAsRad(obj.Direction)));

            center += new Vector2(rotOff.X / 16, rotOff.Y / 16);

            SLOTFlags flags = slot.Rsflags;

            if (slot.Facing == -3)
                flags |= SLOTFlags.FacingAwayFromObject;

            int minProximity     = slot.MinProximity;
            int maxProximity     = slot.MaxProximity;
            int desiredProximity = slot.OptimalProximity;

            if (maxProximity == 0)
                maxProximity = minProximity;
            if (desiredProximity == 0)
                desiredProximity = minProximity;

            var result = new List <VMFindLocationResult>();

            if (flags == 0)
                flags |= SLOTFlags.SOUTH; //if flags are not set, location is literally in the exact position (no proximity)
                flags  = RotateByObjectDir(flags, obj.Direction, false);
                result.Add(new VMFindLocationResult
                    Flags     = flags,
                    Position  = new Vector3(center.X + 0.5f, center.Y + 0.5f, 0), //force ground floor for now
                    Proximity = 0

            var proximity          = minProximity;
            var proximityIncrement = 16;
            var proximityNudge     = proximityIncrement * 0.25f;
            var currentDepth       = 1.0f;

            //rotate directional facing flags if slot flags are not "absolute".
            flags = RotateByObjectDir(flags, obj.Direction, false);

            while (proximity <= maxProximity)
                var angle = 0.0f;
                /** Every time we move out by 1 tile in proximity, there will be more tiles to look at **/
                var angleIncrement = 360.0f / (currentDepth * 8);

                while (angle < 360.0f)
                    var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0f);
                    var radius  = proximity + proximityNudge;

                    var xpos = Math.Round(radius * Math.Cos(radians));
                    var ypos = Math.Round(radius * Math.Sin(radians));

                    var tileX = (float)Math.Round(xpos / 16.0f) + center.X;
                    var tileY = (float)Math.Round(ypos / 16.0f) + center.Y;

                    if (!context.SolidToAvatars(new VMTilePos((short)(tileX + 0.5f), (short)(tileY + 0.5f), 1)))
                        //we want to find slots where ANDing the rotated direction against a criteria (eg, facing towards, away) results in a value that is not 0.

                        SLOTFlags criteria = (SLOTFlags)255;
                        if ((flags & SLOTFlags.FacingAwayFromObject) == SLOTFlags.FacingAwayFromObject)
                            criteria = GetDirection(center, new Vector2(tileX, tileY));
                            criteria = GetDirection(new Vector2(tileX, tileY), center);

                        var temp = (flags & criteria);

                        if (temp > 0 || (flags & SLOTFlags.FaceAnywhere) == SLOTFlags.FaceAnywhere) //criteria met, add this location
                            result.Add(new VMFindLocationResult
                                Flags     = temp | (flags & unchecked ((SLOTFlags)0xFFFFFF00)),
                                Position  = new Vector3(tileX + 0.5f, tileY + 0.5f, 0), //force ground floor for now
                                Proximity = proximity
                    angle += angleIncrement;

                proximity += proximityIncrement;

            /** Sort by how close they are to desired proximity **/
            //result.Sort(new VMProximitySorter(desiredProximity));
