Пример #1
 public SIPURI(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, IPAddress address, int port)
     Scheme = scheme;
     if (address != null)
         Host = address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 ? $"[{address}]:{port}" : $"{address}:{port}";
Пример #2
        public SIPURI(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPEndPoint sipEndPoint)
            Scheme = scheme;
            Host   = sipEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString();

            if (sipEndPoint.Protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.udp && scheme != SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                Parameters.Set(m_uriParamTransportKey, sipEndPoint.Protocol.ToString());
Пример #3
        public SIPURI(string user, string host, string paramsAndHeaders, SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol)
            User = user;
            Host = host;
            Scheme = scheme;

            if (protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.udp && scheme != SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                Parameters.Set(m_uriParamTransportKey, protocol.ToString());
Пример #4
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async,
                                              ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;

            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;

            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none &&
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;

            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;
 public SIPParameterlessURI(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, string host, string user)
     m_uri = new SIPURI(user, host, null);
     m_uri.Scheme = scheme;
Пример #6
 public void PushRoute(IPEndPoint socket, SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protcol)
     m_sipRoutes.Insert(0, new SIPRoute(scheme + ":" + socket.ToString(), true));
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// The contact SIP URI to be used for contacting this SIP channel WHEN sending to the destination IP address.
 /// The contact URI can change based on the destination. For example if the SIP channel is listening on IPAddress.Any
 /// a destination address of will result in a contact of sip: Using the same channel to
 /// send to a destination address on the Internet will result in a different URI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scheme">The SIP scheme to use for the Contact URI.</param>
 /// <param name="dstEndPoint">The destination SIP end point the Contact URI is for. For a SIPChannel using
 /// IPAddress.Any the destination needs to be known so it can select the correct local address.</param>
 public SIPURI GetContactURI(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPEndPoint dstEndPoint)
     return(new SIPURI(scheme, GetLocalSIPEndPointForDestination(dstEndPoint)));
Пример #8
 public SIPParameterlessURI(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, string host, string user)
     m_uri        = new SIPURI(user, host, null);
     m_uri.Scheme = scheme;
Пример #9
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;
            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;
            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.ContainsKey(reqdNAPTRService))
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;
            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;

            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup requested for " + srvLookup + ".", null));

            DNSResponse srvRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(srvLookup, DNSQType.SRV, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);
            if (srvRecordResponse == null && async)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup pending for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Timedout)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup timed out for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.SRVTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error != null)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup for " + srvLookup + " returned error of " + lookupResult.LookupError + ".", null));
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error == null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV != null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordSRV srvRecord in srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipSRVResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(reqdNAPTRService, srvRecord.Priority, srvRecord.Weight, srvRecord.RR.TTL, srvRecord.Target, srvRecord.Port, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record found for " + srvLookup + ", result " + srvRecord.Target + " " + srvRecord.Port + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no SRV records found for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
Пример #10
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;

            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;

            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.ContainsKey(reqdNAPTRService))
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;

            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;

            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup requested for " + srvLookup + ".", null));

            DNSResponse srvRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(srvLookup, DNSQType.SRV, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);

            if (srvRecordResponse == null && async)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup pending for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Timedout)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup timed out for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.SRVTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error != null)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup for " + srvLookup + " returned error of " + lookupResult.LookupError + ".", null));
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Error == null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV != null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordSRV srvRecord in srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipSRVResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(reqdNAPTRService, srvRecord.Priority, srvRecord.Weight, srvRecord.RR.TTL, srvRecord.Target, srvRecord.Port, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record found for " + srvLookup + ", result " + srvRecord.Target + " " + srvRecord.Port + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no SRV records found for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
Пример #11
        public static void DNSSRVRecordLookup(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol, string host, bool async, ref SIPDNSLookupResult lookupResult)
            SIPServicesEnum reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.none;

            if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipudp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tcp)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            //rj2 2018-10-17: this looks wrong, but the www says: if sips then protocol is _tcp not _tls
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.sipstcp;
            else if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sip && protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.tls)
                reqdNAPTRService = SIPServicesEnum.siptls;

            // If there are NAPTR records available see if there is a matching one for the SIP scheme and protocol required.
            // this works best (only works) if protocol in sip-uri matches sip-service of NAPTRRecord
            SIPDNSServiceResult naptrService = null;

            if (lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults != null && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.Count > 0)
                if (reqdNAPTRService != SIPServicesEnum.none && lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults.ContainsKey(reqdNAPTRService))
                    naptrService = lookupResult.SIPNAPTRResults[reqdNAPTRService];

            // Construct the SRV target to lookup depending on whether an NAPTR record was available or not.
            string srvLookup = null;

            if (naptrService != null)
                srvLookup = naptrService.Data;
                if (scheme == SIPSchemesEnum.sips)
                    srvLookup = SIPDNSConstants.SRV_SIPS_TCP_QUERY_PREFIX + host;
                    srvLookup = "_" + scheme.ToString() + "._" + protocol.ToString() + "." + host;

            SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup requested for " + srvLookup + ".", null));

            DNSResponse srvRecordResponse = DNSManager.Lookup(srvLookup, QType.SRV, DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT, null, true, async);

            if (srvRecordResponse == null && async)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup pending for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.Pending = true;
            else if (srvRecordResponse.Timedout)
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup timed out for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
                lookupResult.SRVTimedoutAt = DateTime.Now;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srvRecordResponse.Error))
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record lookup for " + srvLookup + " returned error of " + lookupResult.LookupError + ".", null));
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srvRecordResponse.Error) && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV != null && srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV.Length > 0)
                foreach (RecordSRV srvRecord in srvRecordResponse.RecordSRV)
                    SIPDNSServiceResult sipSRVResult = new SIPDNSServiceResult(reqdNAPTRService, srvRecord.PRIORITY, srvRecord.WEIGHT, srvRecord.RR.TTL, srvRecord.TARGET, srvRecord.PORT, DateTime.Now);
                    SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS SRV record found for " + srvLookup + ", result " + srvRecord.TARGET + " " + srvRecord.PORT + ".", null));
                SIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Unknown, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DNS, "SIP DNS no SRV records found for " + srvLookup + ".", null));
Пример #12
        public SIPURI(SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPEndPoint sipEndPoint)
            Scheme = scheme;
            Host = sipEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString();

            if (sipEndPoint.Protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                Parameters.Set(m_uriParamTransportKey, sipEndPoint.Protocol.ToString());
Пример #13
        public SIPURI(string user, string host, string paramsAndHeaders, SIPSchemesEnum scheme, SIPProtocolsEnum protocol)
            User = user;
            Host = host;
            Scheme = scheme;

            if (protocol != SIPProtocolsEnum.udp)
                Parameters.Set(m_uriParamTransportKey, protocol.ToString());
Пример #14
 public SIPURI(string user, string host, string paramsAndHeaders, SIPSchemesEnum scheme)
     User = user;
     Host = host;
     Scheme = scheme;