Пример #1
        static void UpdateRTCFromNetwork()
            SIM800H.SntpClient.SyncNetworkTimeAsync("time.nist.gov", TimeSpan.Zero, (ar) =>
                // update RTC only if update was successful
                if (((SyncNetworkTimeAsyncResult)ar).Result == SyncResult.SyncSuccessful)
                    // get current date time and update RTC
                    DateTime rtcValue = SIM800H.GetDateTime();
                    // set framework date time

                    // done here, dispose SNTP client to free up memory
                    SIM800H.SntpClient = null;

                    new Thread(() =>

                        // start doing the thing with IoT Hub...
                    Debug.Print("### failed to get time from NTP server ###");
Пример #2
        static void UpdateRTCFromNetwork()
            Console.WriteLine("... requesting time from NTP server ...");

            // the following code block uses an async call to SNTP client which should be OK for most of the use scenarios
            // check an alternative in the code block commented bellow

            SIM800H.SntpClient.SyncNetworkTimeAsync("pool.ntp.org", TimeSpan.Zero, (ar) =>
                // update RTC only if update was successful
                if (((SyncNetworkTimeAsyncResult)ar).Result == SyncResult.SyncSuccessful)
                    // get current date time and update RTC
                    DateTime rtcValue = SIM800H.GetDateTime();
                    // set framework date time

                    Console.WriteLine("!!! new time from NTP server: " + rtcValue.ToString());

                    // done here, dispose SNTP client to free up memory
                    SIM800H.SntpClient = null;
                    Console.WriteLine("### failed to get time from NTP server ###");

            // if your network connection is not that good and you definitely need a valid RTC better do this inside a try/catch AND using a retry strategy
            // the implementation bellow uses a synchronous call to SNTP client
            // for the simplest async call see the

            //byte retryCounter = 0;

            //while (retryCounter <= 3)
            //    try
            //    {
            //        var result = SIM800H.SntpClient.SyncNetworkTimeAsync("time.nist.gov", TimeSpan.Zero).End();

            //        // check result
            //        if (result == SyncResult.SyncSuccessful)
            //        {
            //            // get current date time and update RTC
            //            DateTime rtcValue = SIM800H.GetDateTime();
            //            // set framework date time
            //            Rtc.SetSystemTime(rtcValue);

            //            Console.WriteLine("!!! new time from NTP server: " + rtcValue.ToString());

            //            // done here, dispose SNTP client to free up memory
            //            SIM800H.SntpClient.Dispose();
            //            SIM800H.SntpClient = null;

            //            return;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            Console.WriteLine("### failed to get time from NTP server ###");
            //        }
            //    }
            //    catch
            //    {
            //        // failed updating RTC
            //        // flag this
            //    }

            //    // add retry
            //    retryCounter++;

            //    // progressive wait 15*N seconds before next retry
            //    Thread.Sleep(15000 * retryCounter);