private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Text = this.Text + " - Patient Management System"; m_LedOn = false; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); }
private void FrmElectionModule_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _mLedOn = false; _mRegMin1 = new Byte[400]; _mRegMin2 = new Byte[400]; _mFpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); using (_cnn = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.DbConn)) { _cnn.Open(); using (_cmd = new SqlCommand("Select ElectionId, ElectionPost, NoOfCandidates From AddNewElection", _cnn)) { using (_dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (_dr.Read()) { cmbElectionId.Items.Add(_dr["ElectionPost"].ToString()); _electionList.Add(new Election() { ElectionId = _dr["ElectionId"].ToString(), Post = _dr["ElectionPost"].ToString(), NoOfCandidates = (int)_dr["NoOfCandidates"] }); } } } } }
public FormEnroll() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); InitializeComponent(); fpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); fpm.Init(SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_FDU05); fpm.OpenDevice((Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT); fpm.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); pictureBoxPicture.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; Application.Idle += new EventHandler(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (picture != null || studentId == 0) { return; } if (capture == null) { capture = new VideoCapture(0, VideoCapture.API.DShow); capture.FlipHorizontal = true; // capture.SetCaptureProperty(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CapProp.Fps, 10); // capture.SetCaptureProperty(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CapProp.Buffersuze, 1); // capture.Start(); } if (capture.IsOpened) { Bitmap frame = capture.QueryFrame().Bitmap; pictureBoxPicture.BackgroundImage = frame; } }); }
private void TakeElection_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_LedOn = false; m_RegMin1 = new Byte[400]; m_RegMin2 = new Byte[400]; m_VrfMin = new Byte[400]; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); }
private void InitFingerPrint() { m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); var iError = m_FPM.Init(SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_AUTO); if (iError != (int)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnableButtons(false); // Init Button m_RadioButton = new RadioButton[11]; m_SecurityLevel = SGFPMSecurityLevel.NORMAL; m_StoredTemplate = null; m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 iError; string enum_device; comboBox1.Items.Clear(); // Enumerate Device iError = m_FPM.EnumerateDevice(); // Get enumeration info into SGFPMDeviceList m_DevList = new SGFPMDeviceList[m_FPM.NumberOfDevice]; for (int i = 0; i < m_FPM.NumberOfDevice; i++) { m_DevList[i] = new SGFPMDeviceList(); m_FPM.GetEnumDeviceInfo(i, m_DevList[i]); enum_device = m_DevList[i].DevName.ToString() + " : " + m_DevList[i].DevID; comboBox1.Items.Add(enum_device); } if (comboBox1.Items.Count > 0) { // Add Auto Selection enum_device = "Auto Selection"; comboBox1.Items.Add(enum_device); comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; //First selected one } StatusBar.Text = "Click Init Button"; if (m_useAnsiTemplate) { StatusBar.Text = "Format used: ANSI 378 Format"; } else { StatusBar.Text = "Format used: ISO 19794-2 Format"; } }
public FormTimeclock() { timer = new System.Timers.Timer(5000); timer.Elapsed += Reset; timer.SynchronizingObject = this; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); InitializeComponent(); fpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); fpm.Init(SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_FDU05); fpm.OpenDevice((Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT); fpm.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); fpm.EnableAutoOnEvent(true, (int)this.Handle); }
private void InitializeDevice() { m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 error; SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_AUTO; Int32 device_id = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; m_SecurityLevel = SGFPMSecurityLevel.NORMAL; m_DeviceOpened = false; error = m_FPM.Init(device_name); if (error != (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { error = m_FPM.InitEx(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_Dpi); } if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { m_FPM.CloseDevice(); error = m_FPM.OpenDevice(device_id); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to initialize scanner. Kindly check the connection"); } if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { SGFPMDeviceInfoParam pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); m_FPM.GetDeviceInfo(pInfo); m_ImageWidth = pInfo.ImageWidth; m_ImageHeight = pInfo.ImageHeight; m_Dpi = pInfo.ImageDPI; serialNo = pInfo.DeviceID; } error = m_FPM.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ISO19794); error = m_FPM.GetMaxTemplateSize(ref max_template_size); if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.OpenDevice(device_id); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { m_DeviceOpened = true; } } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnDelete.Enabled = false; btnUpdate.Enabled = false; EnablePanel(false); _mLedOn = false; _mFpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); tbRegistration.SelectedTab = tbVoterInfo; var voterRegistration = new VoterRegistration(); voterPin = voterRegistration.GetVoterId(); }
public MatcherInitResult Initialize() { MatcherInitResult result = new MatcherInitResult(); m_SecurityLevel = SGFPMSecurityLevel.NORMAL; sourceMatch = null; m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; fingerprintManager = new SGFingerPrintManager(); //SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN; int error = fingerprintManager.InitEx(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_Dpi); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { result.Message = "Initialization Success"; result.Success = true; } else { result.Message = "Init() Error " + error; return(result); } if (m_useAnsiTemplate) { // Set template format to ANSI 378 error = fingerprintManager.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); } else { // Set template format to ISO 19794-2 error = fingerprintManager.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ISO19794); } Int32 max_template_size = 0; error = fingerprintManager.GetMaxTemplateSize(ref max_template_size); //m_RegMin1 = new Byte[max_template_size]; //m_RegMin2 = new Byte[max_template_size]; //m_VrfMin = new Byte[max_template_size]; _isInitialized = true; return(result); }
private void Attendance_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_LedOn = false; m_SecurityLevel = SGFPMSecurityLevel.NORMAL; m_StoredTemplate = null; m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; EnableButtons(false); m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 iError; string enum_device; comboBox2.Items.Clear(); // Enumerate Device iError = m_FPM.EnumerateDevice(); // Get enumeration info into SGFPMDeviceList m_DevList = new SGFPMDeviceList[m_FPM.NumberOfDevice]; for (int i = 0; i < m_FPM.NumberOfDevice; i++) { m_DevList[i] = new SGFPMDeviceList(); m_FPM.GetEnumDeviceInfo(i, m_DevList[i]); enum_device = m_DevList[i].DevName.ToString() + " : " + m_DevList[i].DevID; comboBox2.Items.Add(enum_device); } if (comboBox2.Items.Count > 0) { // Add Auto Selection enum_device = "Auto Selection"; comboBox2.Items.Add(enum_device); comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0; //First selected one } }
///////////////////////////////////// private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { EnableButtons(false); // Init Button m_RadioButton = new RadioButton[11]; m_RadioButton[0] = FPPosUnknown; m_RadioButton[1] = FPPosRightThumb; m_RadioButton[2] = FPPosRightIndex; m_RadioButton[3] = FPPosRightMiddle; m_RadioButton[4] = FPPosRightRing; m_RadioButton[5] = FPPosRightLittle; m_RadioButton[6] = FPPosLeftThumb; m_RadioButton[7] = FPPosLeftIndex; m_RadioButton[8] = FPPosLeftMiddle; m_RadioButton[9] = FPPosLeftRing; m_RadioButton[10] = FPPosLeftLittle; comboBoxDeviceName.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBoxSelFinger.SelectedIndex = 0; m_SecurityLevel = SGFPMSecurityLevel.NORMAL; m_StoredTemplate = null; m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); StatusBar.Text = "Click Init Button"; if (m_useAnsiTemplate) { this.Text = "Matching Test: ANSI 378 Format"; } else { this.Text = "Matching Test: ISO 19794-2 Format"; } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 error; SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN; Int32 device_id = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_AUTO; m_DeviceOpened = false; if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.Init(device_name); } else { error = m_FPM.InitEx(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_Dpi); } if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { SGFPMDeviceInfoParam pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); m_FPM.GetDeviceInfo(pInfo); m_ImageWidth = pInfo.ImageWidth; m_ImageHeight = pInfo.ImageHeight; StatusBar.Text = "Initialization Success"; pictureBox1.Visible = true; progressBar1.Visible = true; button3.Visible = true; button4.Visible = false; } else { StatusBar.Text = "Init() Error " + error; return; } // Set template format to ANSI 378 error = m_FPM.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); // Get Max template size Int32 max_template_size = 0; error = m_FPM.GetMaxTemplateSize(ref max_template_size); m_RegMin1 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_RegMin2 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_VrfMin = new Byte[max_template_size]; // OpenDevice if device is selected if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.OpenDevice(device_id); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { m_DeviceOpened = true; } else { StatusBar.Text = "OpenDevice() Error : " + error; } } }
private void NuevaEntradaSalidaBitacora_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0; string appPath2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); ///create the connection string string connString = @"Data Source= " + appPath2 + @"\DBBIT.s3db ;Version=3;"; //create the database query string query = "SELECT * FROM Entradas"; //create an OleDbDataAdapter to execute the query System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter dAdapter = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter(query, connString); //create a command builder System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder cBuilder = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder(dAdapter); //create a DataTable to hold the query results DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); //fill the DataTable dAdapter.Fill(dTable); dAdapter.Update(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count != 0) { DataRow Row = dTable.Rows[dTable.Rows.Count - 1]; string num = Row["Numero"].ToString(); int autonum = Int32.Parse(num); label1.Text = (autonum + 1).ToString(); } else { label1.Text = "1"; } //create the database query query = "SELECT * FROM Salidas"; //create an OleDbDataAdapter to execute the query dAdapter = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter(query, connString); //create a command builder cBuilder = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder(dAdapter); //create a DataTable to hold the query results dTable = new DataTable(); //fill the DataTable dAdapter.Fill(dTable); dAdapter.Update(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count != 0) { DataRow Row = dTable.Rows[dTable.Rows.Count - 1]; string num = Row["Numero"].ToString(); int autonum = Int32.Parse(num); label12.Text = (autonum + 1).ToString(); } else { label12.Text = "1"; } m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 error; SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN; Int32 device_id = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_AUTO; m_DeviceOpened = false; if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) error = m_FPM.Init(device_name); else error = m_FPM.InitEx(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_Dpi); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { SGFPMDeviceInfoParam pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); m_FPM.GetDeviceInfo(pInfo); m_ImageWidth = pInfo.ImageWidth; m_ImageHeight = pInfo.ImageHeight; StatusBar.Text = "Initialization Success"; pictureBox1.Visible = true; progressBar1.Visible = true; button3.Visible = true; button4.Visible = false; } else { StatusBar.Text = "Init() Error " + error; return; } // Set template format to ANSI 378 error = m_FPM.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); // Get Max template size Int32 max_template_size = 0; error = m_FPM.GetMaxTemplateSize(ref max_template_size); m_RegMin1 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_RegMin2 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_VrfMin = new Byte[max_template_size]; // OpenDevice if device is selected if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.OpenDevice(device_id); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { m_DeviceOpened = true; } else { StatusBar.Text = "OpenDevice() Error : " + error; } } }
public static bool Check(DashBoardForm dashboard) { // Creating directory objects for application folder DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory defaultDir = new DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory(Program.defaultApplicationDirName); DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory defaultDatabaseDir = new DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory(Program.defaultApplicationDatabaseDirName); DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory defaultMatlabDir = new DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory(Program.defaultMatlabFunctionDirName); DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory defaultTempDir = new DirectoryOps.DefaultApplicationDirectory(Program.defaultApplicationTempDir); // Opening Operation Objects for each folder. DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation dirOperations = new DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation(defaultDir); DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation dbDirOperations = new DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation(defaultDatabaseDir); DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation matlabDirOperations = new DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation(defaultMatlabDir); DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation tempDirOperations = new DirectoryOps.DirectoryOperation(defaultTempDir); // If application Folder and application database folder // do not exist create them. if (!dirOperations.Exists()) { dirOperations.Create(); } if (!dbDirOperations.Exists()) { dbDirOperations.Create(); } if (!matlabDirOperations.Exists()) { matlabDirOperations.Create(); } if (!tempDirOperations.Exists()) { tempDirOperations.Create(); } // Checking if Fingerprint Machine is Connected SGFingerPrintManager m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_FDU03; //...Initializing Port Address Int32 port_addr = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; m_FPM.Init(device_name); Int32 iError = m_FPM.OpenDevice(port_addr); if (iError != (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(dashboard, "Are you sure you want to continue with out a fingerprint sensor?", "Fingerprint Sensor not Connected", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Console.WriteLine("Openning Device Error : " + iError); if (res == DialogResult.No) { dashboard.Close(); return(false); } dashboard.fp_device_connected(false); // Tell dashboard sensor is not connected } dashboard.fp_device_connected(true); // Tell dashboard sensor is connected return(true); }
public FingerPrintHelper() { SecuGen.Loader.LoadAssemblies(); m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); }
public void Initialize() { m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); var err = m_FPM.InitEx(260, 300, 500); }
private void frmCastVote_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { _voterId = VoterId; positionToolStripTextBox.SelectedIndex = 0; fillToolStripButton_Click_2(null,null); _mLedOn = false; _mRegMin1 = new Byte[400]; _mRegMin2 = new Byte[400]; _mFpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); }
private void AccountForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Adding AccountTypes to Selection ComboBox using (LeafSecurityEntities db = new LeafSecurityEntities()) { // Populating ComboList with AccountType(s). foreach (AccountType aType in db.AccountTypes) { accountTypeCombo.Items.Add(aType.TypeName); } if (m_accountInformation != null) { // Gathering User Information UserInformation userInfo = (from acc in db.UserInformations where acc.AccountID == m_accountInformation.AccountID select acc).First(); int accType = userInfo.AccountInformation.AccountType.TypeID; // Setting up AccountForm() // User Information firstNameTxt.Text = userInfo.FirstName.ToString(); lastNameTxt.Text = userInfo.LastName; if (userInfo.Email != null) { emailTxt.Text = userInfo.Email; } if (userInfo.PhoneNumber != null) { phoneNumberTxt.Text = userInfo.PhoneNumber; } if (userInfo.Address != null) { addressTxt.Text = userInfo.Address; } // If Admin Account Selected if (accType.Equals(1)) { accountTypeCombo.SelectedItem = accountTypeCombo.Items[0]; passwordTxt.Text = m_accountInformation.AccountUsername; confirmPasswordTxt.Text = m_accountInformation.AccountUsername; stringHashTxt.Text = "Admin Account Doesn't Contain This Item."; } // If User Account Seleted else { accountTypeCombo.SelectedIndex = 1; passwordTxt.Text = m_accountInformation.AccountUsername; } // AccountInformation usernameTxt.Text = userInfo.AccountInformation.AccountNumber; // BiometricInformation if (accType.Equals(2)) { // Gathering Fingerprint Information FingerprintTemplate fingerTemplate = (from acc in db.FingerprintTemplates where acc.AccountID == m_accountInformation.AccountID select acc).First(); // Only works for User Accounts stringHashTxt.Text = Path.GetFileName(fingerTemplate.MinutiaeTemplatePath.TemplatePath); generateHashBtn.Enabled = false; } } } // Enabling Sensor(s) m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_FDU03; // ...Initializing Port Address port_addr = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; // ...Initializing Device (HSDUO03P) m_FPM.Init(device_name); iError = m_FPM.OpenDevice(port_addr); fingerprint_device_connected = true; if (iError != (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { //DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you have a fingerprint sensor connected?", // "Fingerprint Sensor not Connected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //Console.WriteLine("OpenDevice() Error : " + iError); fingerprint_device_connected = false; } if (fingerprint_device_connected) { // Hiding Some Controls, // These controls are only used when fingerprint is not available. imageFilePath.Hide(); templatePathLbl.Hide(); openTempFileBtn.Hide(); groupBox3.Height = 450; // ...Enabling Auto-On Feature m_FPM.EnableAutoOnEvent(true, (int)this.Handle); AutoReadFingerprint_chk.Checked = true; // Getting Device Info SGFPMDeviceInfoParam pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); iError = m_FPM.GetDeviceInfo(pInfo); if (iError == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { img_w = pInfo.ImageWidth; img_h = pInfo.ImageHeight; img_dpi = pInfo.ImageDPI; } } else { // Hiding Some Controls, // These controls are only used when fingerprint is available. FingerprintPreviewBox.Hide(); AutoReadFingerprint_chk.Hide(); ReadFingerprintBtn.Hide(); fingerprint_preview_lbl.Hide(); } // disabling buttons that are used afer selecting account type AutoReadFingerprint_chk.Checked = false; AutoReadFingerprint_chk.Enabled = false; FingerprintPreviewBox.Hide(); copyHashBtn.Enabled = false; ReadFingerprintBtn.Enabled = false; openTempFileBtn.Enabled = false; imageFilePath.Enabled = false; }
private void frmVoterRegistration_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { EnableButtons(false); _mLedOn = false; _mFpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); using (_cnn = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.DBConn)) { _cnn.Open(); using (_cmd = new SqlCommand("Select LevelID From Level", _cnn)) { using (_dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (_dr.Read()) cmbLevel.Items.Add(_dr["LevelID"].ToString()); } } } }
private void NuevaEntradaSalidaBitacora_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0; string appPath2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); ///create the connection string string connString = @"Data Source= " + appPath2 + @"\DBBIT.s3db ;Version=3;"; //create the database query string query = "SELECT * FROM Entradas"; //create an OleDbDataAdapter to execute the query System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter dAdapter = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter(query, connString); //create a command builder System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder cBuilder = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder(dAdapter); //create a DataTable to hold the query results DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); //fill the DataTable dAdapter.Fill(dTable); dAdapter.Update(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count != 0) { DataRow Row = dTable.Rows[dTable.Rows.Count - 1]; string num = Row["Numero"].ToString(); int autonum = Int32.Parse(num); label1.Text = (autonum + 1).ToString(); } else { label1.Text = "1"; } //create the database query query = "SELECT * FROM Salidas"; //create an OleDbDataAdapter to execute the query dAdapter = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter(query, connString); //create a command builder cBuilder = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommandBuilder(dAdapter); //create a DataTable to hold the query results dTable = new DataTable(); //fill the DataTable dAdapter.Fill(dTable); dAdapter.Update(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count != 0) { DataRow Row = dTable.Rows[dTable.Rows.Count - 1]; string num = Row["Numero"].ToString(); int autonum = Int32.Parse(num); label12.Text = (autonum + 1).ToString(); } else { label12.Text = "1"; } m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 error; SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN; Int32 device_id = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_AUTO; m_DeviceOpened = false; if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.Init(device_name); } else { error = m_FPM.InitEx(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_Dpi); } if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { SGFPMDeviceInfoParam pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); m_FPM.GetDeviceInfo(pInfo); m_ImageWidth = pInfo.ImageWidth; m_ImageHeight = pInfo.ImageHeight; StatusBar.Text = "Initialization Success"; pictureBox1.Visible = true; progressBar1.Visible = true; button3.Visible = true; button4.Visible = false; } else { StatusBar.Text = "Init() Error " + error; return; } // Set template format to ANSI 378 error = m_FPM.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); // Get Max template size Int32 max_template_size = 0; error = m_FPM.GetMaxTemplateSize(ref max_template_size); m_RegMin1 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_RegMin2 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_VrfMin = new Byte[max_template_size]; // OpenDevice if device is selected if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.OpenDevice(device_id); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { m_DeviceOpened = true; } else { StatusBar.Text = "OpenDevice() Error : " + error; } } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_SecurityLevel = SGFPMSecurityLevel.NORMAL; m_StoredTemplate = null; m_ImageWidth = 260; m_ImageHeight = 300; m_Dpi = 500; m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); Int32 error; SGFPMDeviceName device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN; Int32 device_id = (Int32)SGFPMPortAddr.USB_AUTO_DETECT; device_name = SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_AUTO; m_DeviceOpened = false; if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) error = m_FPM.Init(device_name); else error = m_FPM.InitEx(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, m_Dpi); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { SGFPMDeviceInfoParam pInfo = new SGFPMDeviceInfoParam(); m_FPM.GetDeviceInfo(pInfo); m_ImageWidth = pInfo.ImageWidth; m_ImageHeight = pInfo.ImageHeight; StatusBar.Text = "Initialization Success"; this.Height = 453; this.Width = 820; pictureBox1.Enabled = true; pictureBox2.Enabled = true; PB1.Enabled = true; PB2.Enabled = true; button3.Enabled = true; button4.Enabled = true; button1.Enabled = false; textBox2.Enabled = false; button5.Enabled = false; button5.Visible = false; button6.Visible = true; button6.Enabled = true; } else { StatusBar.Text = "Init() Error " + error; return; } // Set template format to ANSI 378 error = m_FPM.SetTemplateFormat(SGFPMTemplateFormat.ANSI378); // Get Max template size Int32 max_template_size = 0; error = m_FPM.GetMaxTemplateSize(ref max_template_size); m_RegMin1 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_RegMin2 = new Byte[max_template_size]; m_VrfMin = new Byte[max_template_size]; // OpenDevice if device is selected if (device_name != SGFPMDeviceName.DEV_UNKNOWN) { error = m_FPM.OpenDevice(device_id); if (error == (Int32)SGFPMError.ERROR_NONE) { m_DeviceOpened = true; } else { StatusBar.Text = "OpenDevice() Error : " + error; } } }
private void frmTestaBiometria_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetUsuarios(); m_FPM = new SGFingerPrintManager(); }
private void frmVoterVerification_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { _mLedOn = false; _mRegMin1 = new Byte[400]; _mRegMin2 = new Byte[400]; _mFpm = new SGFingerPrintManager(); EnumerateBtn_Click(sender, e); }