Пример #1
 /// <summary> Store a profile in the global variables and on disk. You determine if this is a left- or right hand. </summary>
 /// <param name="profile"></param>
 /// <param name="rightHand"></param>
 public static void SetProfile(SGCore.HandProfile profile, bool rightHand)
     //since we're working off the accessors, profiles are automatically stored.
     if (rightHand)
         RightHandProfile = profile;
         LeftHandProfile = profile;
Пример #2
        /// <summary> Returns a Hand Pose containing everything you'd want to animate a hand model in Unity. Using a custom HandProfile. </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool GetHandPose(SGCore.Kinematics.BasicHandModel handDimensions, SGCore.HandProfile userProfile, out SG_HandPose pose, bool forceUpdate = false)
            if (this.CVDataAvailable(forceUpdate)) //we are able to get CV data. Yay
                pose          = new SG_HandPose(SGCore.HandPose.FromHandAngles(lastCVData.handAngles, lastCVData.rightHand, handDimensions));
                newPoseNeeded = false; //we don't need a new pose this frame, thank you.
                lastHandModel = handDimensions;
                lastHandPose  = pose;
            if (this.lastGlove != null)
                if (forceUpdate || newPoseNeeded) //we need a new pose
                    lastHandModel = handDimensions;
                    if (this.CalibrationStage == CalibrationStage.MoveFingers)
                        lastHandPose  = SG_HandPose.Idle(this.IsRight);
                        newPoseNeeded = false; //we don't need a new pose this frame, thank you.
                    else if (this.CalibrationLocked && this.currentSequence != null)
                        //we should gram it from the calibrationSequence instead.
                        if (this.currentSequence.GetCalibrationPose(out lastHandPose))
                            newPoseNeeded = false;
                        SGCore.HandPose iPose;
                        if (lastGlove.GetHandPose(handDimensions, userProfile, out iPose))
                            lastHandPose  = new SG_HandPose(iPose);
                            newPoseNeeded = false; //we don't need a new pose this frame, thank you.
                // else we already have one, and don't want to force-update.
                pose = lastHandPose;
                return(lastHandPose != null);
            else if (lastHandPose == null)
                lastHandPose = SG_HandPose.Idle(this.IsRight);
            }                                                                                 //only if we dont yet have a LastHandPose.

            //otherwise we shouldn't bother
            pose = lastHandPose;
Пример #3
 /// <summary> Load a profile form a file, return true if it was succesfully deserialized. </summary>
 /// <param name="filePath"></param>
 /// <param name="currProfile"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool LoadProfile(string filePath, ref SGCore.HandProfile currProfile)
     string[] lines;
     if (SG.Util.FileIO.ReadTxtFile(filePath, out lines) && lines.Length > 0)
             currProfile = SGCore.HandProfile.Deserialize(lines[0]);
         catch (System.Exception ex)
             Debug.LogError("Error attempting to collect a profile: " + ex.Message);
Пример #4
        // Store / Load functions

        /// <summary> Load the latest profiles from disk. Automatically called when you first try to access a profile.
        /// Exposed so you can force-reload profiles. </summary>
        public static void TryLoadFromDisk()
            if (!LoadProfile(ProfileDirectory + leftHandFile, ref leftProfile))             //returns false if it couldn't be loaded.
                if (leftProfile == null)
                    leftProfile = SGCore.HandProfile.Default(false);
            if (!LoadProfile(ProfileDirectory + rightHandFile, ref rightProfile))             //returns false if it couldn't be loaded.
                if (rightProfile == null)
                    rightProfile = SGCore.HandProfile.Default(true);
            triedLoading = true;
Пример #5
 /// <summary> Restore the left- or right hand profiles back to their default values. </summary>
 /// <param name="rightHand"></param>
 public static void RestoreDefaults(bool rightHand)
     SGCore.HandProfile newProfile = SGCore.HandProfile.Default(rightHand);
     Debug.Log("Restoring " + (rightHand ? "Right" : "Left") + " hand to Default Values");
     SetProfile(newProfile, rightHand);
Пример #6
 /// <summary> Store a profile in the global variables and on disk. The profile determines if this is a left- or right hand. </summary>
 /// <param name="profile"></param>
 public static void SetProfile(SGCore.HandProfile profile)
     SetProfile(profile, profile.IsRight);
Пример #7
        /// <summary> Retrieve flexion angles, normalized to [0...1] or [fingers extended ... fingers flexed] </summary>
        /// <param name="handModel"></param>
        /// <param name="userProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="flexions"></param>
        /// <param name="forceUpdate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual bool GetNormalizedFlexion(SGCore.Kinematics.BasicHandModel handModel, SGCore.HandProfile userProfile, out float[] flexions, bool forceUpdate = false)
            SG_HandPose pose;

            if (GetHandPose(handModel, userProfile, out pose, forceUpdate))
                flexions = pose.normalizedFlexion;
            flexions = new float[5];