Пример #1
        public bool CheckCanCompile()

            if (Errors == null)
                Errors = new List <SF_ErrorEntry>();
            else if (Errors.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < Errors.Count; i++)

            List <SF_Node> cNodes = GetListOfConnectedNodesWithGhosts(out editor.shaderEvaluator.ghostNodes);

            // If any properties are now outside the node graph, remove them from the property list

             *      for( int i = propertyList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
             *              if( !cNodes.Contains( propertyList[i] ) ) {
             *                      propertyList.RemoveAt( i );
             *              }
             *      }*/

            //if( editor.shaderEvaluator.ghostNodes != null )
            //Debug.Log( "Ghost nodes: " + editor.shaderEvaluator.ghostNodes.Count );

            texturesInVertShader = false;
            bool foundMipUsed = false;

            //SF_Node mipNode = null;
            usesSceneData = false;

            bool hasFacingNode = false;

            foreach (SF_Node n in cNodes)
                // Refresh property list
                if (n.IsProperty())
                    if (!n.IsGlobalProperty())
                        // Add if it's local and doesn't contain it already
                        if (!propertyList.Contains(n))
                        // Remove it if it's global and inside the list
                        if (propertyList.Contains(n))

                if (n is SFN_SceneColor)
                    usesSceneData = true;

                if (n is SFN_FaceSign)
                    hasFacingNode = true;

                if (n is SFN_Tex2d || n is SFN_Cubemap)                    // Check MIP input
                    if (n.GetInputIsConnected("MIP"))
                        foundMipUsed = true;
                        //mipNode = n;

                if (SF_Editor.NodeExistsAndIs(n, "SFN_SkyshopSpec"))
                    foundMipUsed = true;
                    //mipNode = n;

                foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in n.connectors)
                    if (con.conType == ConType.cOutput)
                    if (con.required && !con.IsConnected())
                        string err = "Missing required";
                        err += string.IsNullOrEmpty(con.label) ? " " : " [" + con.label + "] ";
                        err += "input on " + con.node.nodeName;
                        Errors.Add(SF_ErrorEntry.Create(err, con, false));

            // WARNINGS

            if (editor.ps.catBlending.autoSort)
                bool alphaConnected = editor.ps.HasAlpha();

                if (editor.ps.catLighting.transparencyMode == SFPSC_Lighting.TransparencyMode.Fade)
                    bool usingAlphaBlend = editor.ps.catBlending.blendSrc == BlendMode.SrcAlpha && editor.ps.catBlending.blendDst == BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha;

                    if (alphaConnected && !usingAlphaBlend)
                        SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Opacity is connected, but your shader isn't alpha blended, which is required by the fade transparency mode. Click the icon to make it alpha blended!", true);
                        error.action = () => {
                            UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catBlending, "error correction");
                            editor.ps.catBlending.blendModePreset = BlendModePreset.AlphaBlended;

                    if (!alphaConnected && usingAlphaBlend)
                        SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Opacity is not connected, but your shader is alpha blended. Click the icon to make it opaque!", true);
                        error.action = () => {
                            UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catBlending, "error correction");
                            editor.ps.catBlending.blendModePreset = BlendModePreset.Opaque;

                if (editor.ps.catLighting.transparencyMode == SFPSC_Lighting.TransparencyMode.Reflective)
                    bool usingAlphaBlendPremul = editor.ps.catBlending.blendSrc == BlendMode.One && editor.ps.catBlending.blendDst == BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha;

                    if (alphaConnected && !usingAlphaBlendPremul)
                        SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Opacity is connected, but your shader isn't using premultiplied alpha blending, which is required by the reflective transparency mode. Click the icon to use premultiplied alpha blending!", true);
                        error.action = () => {
                            UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catBlending, "error correction");
                            editor.ps.catBlending.blendModePreset = BlendModePreset.AlphaBlendedPremultiplied;

                    if (!alphaConnected && usingAlphaBlendPremul)
                        SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Opacity is not connected, but your shader is using premultiplied alpha blending. Click the icon to make it opaque!", true);
                        error.action = () => {
                            UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catBlending, "error correction");
                            editor.ps.catBlending.blendModePreset = BlendModePreset.Opaque;

             *      true,	// - Direct3D 9
             *      true,	// - Direct3D 11
             *      true,	// - OpenGL
             *      true,	// - OpenGL ES 2.0
             *      false,  // - Xbox 360
             *      false,	// - PlayStation 3
             *      false,	// - Flash
             *      false	// - Direct3D 11 for Windows RT
            bool osx     = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor;
            bool windows = !osx;
            bool ogl     = editor.ps.catMeta.usedRenderers[2];
            bool dx9     = editor.ps.catMeta.usedRenderers[0];
            bool dx11    = editor.ps.catMeta.usedRenderers[1];

#if UNITY_5_0
            bool inDx11Mode = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.useDirect3D11;
            bool inDx11Mode = true;

            if (osx && !ogl)
                SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Your shader will not render properly on your workstation - you need to have OpenGL enabled when working in OSX. Click the icon to enable OpenGL!", true);
                error.action = () => {
                    UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catMeta, "error correction - enable OpenGL");
                    editor.ps.catMeta.usedRenderers[2] = true;
            else if (windows)
                if (inDx11Mode && !dx11)
                    SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Your shader might not render properly on your workstation - you need to have Direct3D 11 enabled when working in DX11 mode on Windows. Click the icon to enable Direct3D 11!", true);
                    error.action = () => {
                        UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catMeta, "error correction - enable Direct3D 11");
                        editor.ps.catMeta.usedRenderers[1] = true;
                else if (!inDx11Mode && !dx9)
                    SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Your shader might not render properly on your workstation - you need to have Direct3D 9 enabled when working on Windows. Click the icon to enable Direct3D 9!", true);
                    error.action = () => {
                        UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catMeta, "error correction - enable Direct3D 9");
                        editor.ps.catMeta.usedRenderers[0] = true;

            if (editor.ps.catLighting.lightMode == SFPSC_Lighting.LightMode.PBL)
                if (editor.ps.HasDiffuse() && !editor.ps.HasSpecular())
                    Errors.Add(SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Using PBL requires metallic/specular to be connected", false));
                if (!editor.ps.HasDiffuse() && editor.ps.HasSpecular())
                    Errors.Add(SF_ErrorEntry.Create("Using PBL requires metallic/specular to be connected", false));

            List <SF_Node> dupes     = new List <SF_Node>();
            SF_Node[]      propNodes = cNodes.Where(x => x.IsProperty()).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < propNodes.Length; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < propNodes.Length; j++)
                    string nameA = propNodes[i].property.nameInternal;
                    string nameB = propNodes[j].property.nameInternal;

                    if (nameA == nameB)
            if (dupes.Count > 0)
                foreach (SF_Node dupe in dupes)
                    Errors.Add(SF_ErrorEntry.Create("You have property nodes with conflicting internal names. Please rename one of the " + dupe.property.nameInternal + " nodes", dupe, false));

            List <SF_Node> dupesVarname = new List <SF_Node>();
            for (int i = 0; i < cNodes.Count; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < cNodes.Count; j++)
                    string nameAvar = cNodes[i].variableName;
                    string nameBvar = cNodes[j].variableName;

                    if (nameAvar == nameBvar && dupes.Contains(cNodes[j]) == false)
            if (dupesVarname.Count > 0)
                foreach (SF_Node dupeVarname in dupesVarname)
                    Errors.Add(SF_ErrorEntry.Create("You have nodes with conflicting variable names. Please rename one of the " + dupeVarname.variableName + " nodes", dupeVarname, false));

            // Make sure you set the shader to double sided
            if (!editor.ps.catGeometry.IsDoubleSided() && hasFacingNode)
                SF_ErrorEntry error = SF_ErrorEntry.Create("You are using the Face Sign node, but your shader isn't double-sided. Click the icon to fix", false);
                error.action = () => {
                    UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(editor.ps.catGeometry, "error correction - fix double sided");
                    editor.ps.catGeometry.cullMode = SFPSC_Geometry.CullMode.DoubleSided;

            // Check if there are any textures in the vertex input
            texturesInVertShader      = HasNodeInput <SFN_Tex2d>(editor.mainNode.vertexOffset) || HasNodeInput <SFN_Tex2d>(editor.mainNode.outlineWidth);
            viewDirectionInVertOffset = HasNodeInput <SFN_ViewVector>(editor.mainNode.vertexOffset);


            if (foundMipUsed)
                //if( !mipInputUsed ) // This should be fixed with #pragma glsl
                //	errors.Add( new SF_ErrorEntry( "MIP input is only supported in Direct X", mipNode ) );
                mipInputUsed = true;
                mipInputUsed = false;

            int errorCount = Errors.Count(x => !x.isWarning);               // Let it compile, even though it has warnings

            if (errorCount == 0)
Пример #2
        public int OnLocalGUI(int yOffset, int in_maxWidth)
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                currentScrollWidth = Mathf.Lerp(currentScrollWidth, targetScrollWidth, 0.3f);

            this.maxWidth = in_maxWidth;

            Rect scrollRectPos = new Rect(0f, yOffset, in_maxWidth, Screen.height / EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint - yOffset - 20);
            bool useScrollbar  = (innerScrollRect.height > scrollRectPos.height);

            targetScrollWidth = useScrollbar ? 15 : 0;

            int scrollBarWidth = (int)currentScrollWidth;

            innerScrollRect.width = in_maxWidth - scrollBarWidth;

            guiChanged = false;

            int offset = 0;

            if (innerScrollRect.height < scrollRectPos.height)
                innerScrollRect.height = scrollRectPos.height;

            this.maxWidth -= scrollBarWidth;

            int scrollPad = scrollBarWidth - 15;

            Rect scrollWrapper = scrollRectPos;

            scrollWrapper.x = 0;
            scrollWrapper.y = 0;             // Since it's grouped
            scrollPos       = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollWrapper.PadRight(scrollPad), scrollPos, innerScrollRect, false, true);
                //offset = SettingsMeta( 0 );
                bool showErrors = editor.nodeView.treeStatus.Errors.Count > 0;
                if (!showErrors)
                    catConsole.expanded = false;
                offset = catConsole.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
                offset = catMeta.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
                offset = catProperties.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
                offset = catLighting.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
                offset = catGeometry.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
                offset = catBlending.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
                offset = catExperimental.Draw(offset);
                offset = GUISeparator(offset);                   // ----------------------------------------------
            this.maxWidth += scrollBarWidth;

            if (guiChanged)
                editor.ps = this;

            innerScrollRect.height = offset;