public void Open(string text, WorkshopItem item) { this.opened = true; this._text = text; SFX.Play("openClick", 0.4f); this._item = item; }
private void GameOver() { Countdown.onComplete -= GameOver; start = false; grade = Quality.CalculateGradeFromPoints(PointsManager.GetPoints()); PointsManager.onFinishLeveling += () => { GemSpawnManager.UpgradeGem(grade); PointsManager.gameObject.SetActive(false); GradeText.text = Quality.GradeToString(grade); GradeText.color = Quality.GradeToColor(grade); GradeText.gameObject.SetActive(true); SFX.Play(Quality.ReturnSFXName(grade), 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); }; PointsManager.DoEndGameTransition(); foreach (NewCutPoint cut in activeCuts) { Destroy(cut.gameObject); } ShowUIButtons(); }
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) { Rigidbody2D subject = col.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); if (subject != null) { ContactPoint2D c = col.contacts[0]; Vector2 away = (col.collider.gameObject.transform.position - transform.position).normalized; Ship s = subject.GetComponent <Ship> (); if (s != null) { s.RandomTalk(); // figure out if shielder is active on the ship, skip the collision if so. if (s.IsShieldedTowards(c.normal)) { body.AddForceAtPosition(-away * selfbounce, c.point, ForceMode2D.Impulse); shieldedSFX.Play(); stuntimer = 10f; return; } } stuntimer = .25f; subject.AddForceAtPosition(away * pushaway, c.point, ForceMode2D.Impulse); body.AddForceAtPosition(-away * selfbounce, c.point, ForceMode2D.Impulse); bounceSFX.Play(); } }
public override void Quack(float volume, float pitch) { if (playing == null) { playing = SFX.Play(GetPath <EdoMod>("SFX\\hats\\ImFirinMyLaser"), volume, pitch, 0f, false); } }
void Start() { SFX.Play("CraftingGem", 1f, 1f, 0f, true, 0f); if (GameManager.Instance.ActiveGameMode == GameMode.Story) { Countdown.onComplete += GameOver; } else if (GameManager.Instance.ActiveGameMode == GameMode.Party) { Countdown.onComplete += GameOverParty; } Difficulty d = ManualDifficultyOverride ? ManualDifficulty : PersistentData.Instance.Difficulty; if (!DifficultySettings.TryGetValue(d, out activeDifficultySettings)) { Debug.LogError("The current difficulty (" + PersistentData.Instance.Difficulty.ToString() + ") does not have a CuttingDifficultySettings associated with it."); } activeCuts = new LinkedList <NewCutPoint>(); cutContainer = new GameObject("CutContainer"); // Spawn our first cut straight away instead of waiting. timeIntervalCounter = activeDifficultySettings.InitialSpawnInterval; }
public void Award() { switch (type) { case ContentsType.Ring: recipient.rings += 10; SFX.Play(audioSource, "sfxRingMonitor"); break; case ContentsType.Shield: SFX.Play(audioSource, "sfxShieldNormal"); recipient.shield = Instantiate( Constants.Get <GameObject>("prefabShieldNormal") ).GetComponent <ObjShield>(); recipient.shield.character = recipient; break; case ContentsType.Life: recipient.lives++; break; case ContentsType.Shoes: recipient.effects.Add(new CharacterEffectSpeedUp(recipient)); break; case ContentsType.Invincibility: recipient.effects.Add(new CharacterEffectInvincible(recipient)); break; } }
private void WipeFadeOut() { SFX.Play("Screen_wipe", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); DOTween.To(() => bg.fillAmount, x => bg.fillAmount = x, 0f, .7f).SetUpdate(true).SetEase(Ease.InCubic) .OnComplete(() => Initiate.DoneFading()); }
public override void Update() { this.spawnTime = 4f; if (this._present != null && this._present.removeFromLevel) { this._present = (CTFPresent)null; } CTFPresent ctfPresent1 = (CTFPresent)null; CTFPresent ctfPresent2 = (CTFPresent)null; foreach (CTFPresent ctfPresent3 in Level.CheckCircleAll <CTFPresent>(this.position, 16f)) { if (ctfPresent3 != this._present) { ctfPresent2 = ctfPresent3; } else { ctfPresent1 = ctfPresent3; } } if (ctfPresent2 != null & ctfPresent1 != null) { if ( != null) {; } Level.Remove((Thing)ctfPresent2); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(ctfPresent2.x, ctfPresent2.y)); CTF.CaptureFlag((bool); SFX.Play("equip"); } base.Update(); }
public override void Fire() { if (ammo > 0) { SFX.Play(DuckUtils.GetAsset("sounds/fututre_gan.wav")); Vec2 vec = Offset(barrelOffset); if (isServerForObject) { FututreSphere sphere = new FututreSphere(vec.x, vec.y, owner, barrelVector); Fondle(sphere); sphere.killThingType = GetType(); Level.Add(sphere); if (owner != null) { owner.hSpeed = -barrelVector.x * 8f; owner.vSpeed = -barrelVector.y * 4f - 2f; } else { hSpeed = -barrelVector.x * 8f; vSpeed = -barrelVector.y * 4f - 2f; } } ammo--; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { SFX.Play("CraftingOre", 1f, 1f, 0f, true, 0f); if (GameManager.Instance.ActiveGameMode == GameMode.Story) { Countdown.onComplete += GameOver; } else if (GameManager.Instance.ActiveGameMode == GameMode.Party) { Countdown.onComplete += GameOverParty; } Difficulty d = ManualDifficultyOverride ? ManualDifficulty : PersistentData.Instance.Difficulty; if (!DifficultySettings.TryGetValue(d, out activeDifficultySettings)) { Debug.LogError("The current difficulty (" + PersistentData.Instance.Difficulty.ToString() + ") does not have a TracingDifficultySettings associated with it."); } finishTime = Time.time + 10f; GeneralSetup(); //SetupLineRenderer(); GetNecessaryPositions(); SetupColliders(); }
private void GameOver() { Countdown.onComplete -= GameOver; var tmpGrade = Quality.CalculateGradeFromPoints(PointsManager.GetPoints()); PointsManager.onFinishLeveling += () => { brickSpawnmanager.Upgrade(tmpGrade); PointsManager.gameObject.SetActive(false); qualityText.text = Quality.GradeToString(tmpGrade); qualityText.color = Quality.GradeToColor(tmpGrade); qualityText.gameObject.SetActive(true); SFX.Play(Quality.ReturnSFXName(tmpGrade), 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); }; feedbackParticleSystem.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Stop(); PointsManager.DoEndGameTransition(); FollowSphere.SetActive(false); _currentRuneSprite.SetActive(false); ResetOptimalPoints(); grade = Quality.CalculateCombinedQuality(GameManager.Instance.QualityTransfer, tmpGrade); ShowUIButtons(); _dataBase.HideUI(); _canTrace = false; }
public override void Selected() { if (Main.isDemo && !this._thingBag.GetOrDefault <bool>("isInDemo", false)) { return; } if (this._placement) { if (!(Level.current is Editor current)) { return; } current.placementType = this._thing; current.CloseMenu(); SFX.Play("lowClick", 0.3f); } else { if (this._owner == null) { return; } this._owner.Selected((ContextMenu)this); } }
public override Tween Arrive(bool animate = true) { Tween t = base.Arrive(animate); if (GameManager.Instance.PlayerInfos.Count <= 0) { return(t); } PlayerInfo winner = GameManager.Instance.PlayerInfos[0]; foreach (PlayerInfo player in GameManager.Instance.PlayerInfos) { if (player.AggregatePoints > winner.AggregatePoints) { winner = player; } } AvatarImage.sprite = winner.Avatar.Sprite; PointsText.text = string.Format("{0:N0} points", winner.AggregatePoints); WinnerText.text = string.Format("Player {0} is the WINNER!!!", winner.Index + 1); SFX.Play("winner_announce"); return(t); }
public void PlayRelevantQualitySFX(Quality.QualityGrade grade) { Debug.Log("Playing grade sound " + grade); switch (grade) { case Quality.QualityGrade.Junk: SFX.Play("Game_Quality_Junk", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); break; case Quality.QualityGrade.Brittle: SFX.Play("Game_Quality_Brittle", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); break; case Quality.QualityGrade.Passable: SFX.Play("Game_Quality_Passable", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); break; case Quality.QualityGrade.Sturdy: SFX.Play("Game_Quality_Sturdy", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); break; case Quality.QualityGrade.Magical: SFX.Play("Game_Quality_Magical", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); break; case Quality.QualityGrade.Mystic: SFX.Play("Game_Quality_Mystic", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); break; } }
public override bool Hit(Bullet bullet, Vec2 hitPos) { if (_equippedDuck == null || bullet.owner == duck || !bullet.isLocal) { return(false); } var particleEnd = hitPos + (bullet.travelDirNormalized * bullet.bulletSpeed * 3) + new Vec2(Rando.Float(-5f, 5f), Rando.Float(-5f, 5f)); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++) { Level.Add(DotParticle.New( hitPos.x + Rando.Float(-2f, 2f), hitPos.y + Rando.Float(-2f, 2f), () => particleEnd, bullet.color.Add(new Color( (byte)Rando.Int(-15, 15), (byte)Rando.Int(-15, 15), (byte)Rando.Int(-15, 15) )), 0.2f)); } SFX.Play("scimiSurge", 0.8f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); return(true); }
protected virtual void Explosion() { SFX.Play(Mod.GetPath <EdoMod>("SFX\\shootingstars"), looped: true); // IList<Duck> duckList = new List<Duck>(); foreach (PhysicsObject physicsObject in Level.CheckCircleAll <PhysicsObject>(position, 96f)) { if (Level.CheckLine <Block>(position, physicsObject.position, physicsObject) == null) { if (physicsObject.owner == null) { Fondle(physicsObject); } Vec2 propulsion = (physicsObject.position - position).normalized * 6f; physicsObject.hSpeed = propulsion.x; physicsObject.vSpeed = propulsion.y; if (physicsObject is Duck) { Level.Add(new StarDuckHandler(physicsObject as Duck, 60 * (int)(15.366f * 2f), showDaze: true)); } /* * RagdollPart ragdollPart = physicsObject as RagdollPart; * if (ragdollPart != null && ragdollPart._doll != null && ragdollPart._doll._duck != null && !duckList.Contains(ragdollPart._doll._duck)) * { * Level.Add(new StunHandler(ragdollPart._doll._duck, 120, showDaze: true)); * duckList.Add(ragdollPart._doll._duck); * } */ } } }
private void CheckIfOverPortal() { //Continue to raycast to check if it is over entry portal Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit secondHit; int layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask("MinePortal"); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out secondHit, 10, layerMask)) { if (!overPortal) { SFX.Play("Portal_sipping", 1.5f, 1f, 0f, true, 0f); overPortal = true; } } //Really dirty but need a way to prevent the sound being constantly initiated. else { if (overPortal) { overPortal = false; SFX.StopSpecific("Portal_sipping"); } } }
private void Explode() { Explosion.Create(this, position); Level.Remove(this); SFX.Play(DuckUtils.GetAsset("sounds/vote_end.wav")); Playing = false; }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (_first) { _loadProgress = 1f; _loadWait = 0f; } if (!(_loadWait > 0f)) { if (_loadProgress == 0f) { SFX.Play("shotgunLoad", 0.7f, -0.8f); } if (_loadProgress == 0.5f) { Reload(); } _loadWait = 0f; if (_loadProgress < 1f) { _loadProgress += 0.1f; return; } _loadProgress = 1f; _first = false; } }
public override void Update(float deltaTime) { if (character.stateCurrent != "jump") { return; } if (!character.input.GetButtons(buttonsDropDash)) { character.AnimatorPlay("Roll"); dropDashTimer = Mathf.Infinity; } if (character.input.GetButtonsDownPreventRepeat(buttonsDropDash)) { dropDashTimer = 0.33333F; } if (character.input.GetButtons(buttonsDropDash) && dropDashTimer > 0) { dropDashTimer -= deltaTime; if (dropDashTimer <= 0) { SFX.Play(character.audioSource, "sfxDropDashCharge"); character.AnimatorPlay("Drop Dash"); } } }
void Start() { //Debug.Log(; SFX.Play("CraftingOre", looping: true); SFX.Play("fire_loop", looping: true); if (GameManager.Instance.ActiveGameMode == GameMode.Story) { Countdown.onComplete += GameOver; } else if (GameManager.Instance.ActiveGameMode == GameMode.Party) { Countdown.onComplete += GameOverParty; } Difficulty d = ManualDifficultyOverride ? ManualDifficulty : PersistentData.Instance.Difficulty; if (!DifficultySettings.TryGetValue(d, out activeDifficultySettings)) { Debug.LogError("The current difficulty (" + PersistentData.Instance.Difficulty.ToString() + ") does not have a SmeltingDifficultySettings associated with it."); } rb = Dial.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); prevRotation = Dial.transform.localEulerAngles; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { SFX.Play("game_instrumental", looping: true); if (BuildMockData) { PartyHelper.InsertMockPlayers(); PartyHelper.InsertMockHistory(); PartyHelper.InsertMockQueue(); } // Game has not been initialized, probably starting from the editor with mock data disabled. if (GameManager.Instance.RoundQueue == null || GameManager.Instance.RoundHistory == null || GameManager.Instance.PlayerInfos == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Game has not been initialised. Probably starting from the editor without mock data enabled."); return; } if (GameManager.Instance.RoundQueue.Count <= 0) { PseudoSceneManager.ChangeSceneWithoutAnimation("FinalScores"); // If the round has ended and a new round is about to begin. } else if (GameManager.Instance.RoundHistory.First != null && GameManager.Instance.RoundHistory.First.Value.RoundNumber != GameManager.Instance.RoundQueue.Peek().RoundNumber) { PseudoSceneManager.ChangeSceneWithoutAnimation("Intermission"); } else { PseudoSceneManager.ChangeSceneWithoutAnimation("RoundView"); } }
public override void Update() { if (!this._cornerInit) { this._topLeft = this.topLeft; this._topRight = this.topRight; this._bottomLeft = this.bottomLeft; this._bottomRight = this.bottomRight; this._cornerInit = true; } if (Level.CheckRect <Duck>(this._topLeft - new Vec2(18f, 0.0f), this._bottomRight + new Vec2(18f, 0.0f)) != null) { this._desiredOpen = 1f; } else if (Level.CheckRect <PhysicsObject>(new Vec2(this.x - 4f, this.y - 24f), new Vec2(this.x + 4f, this.y + 8f)) == null) { this._desiredOpen = 0.0f; } if ((double)this._desiredOpen > 0.5 && !this._opened) { this._opened = true; SFX.Play("slideDoorOpen", 0.6f); } if ((double)this._desiredOpen < 0.5 && this._opened) { this._opened = false; SFX.Play("slideDoorClose", 0.6f); } this._open = Maths.LerpTowards(this._open, this._desiredOpen, 0.15f); this._sprite.frame = (int)((double)this._open * 32.0); this._collisionSize.y = (float)((1.0 - (double)this._open) * 32.0); }
public void ControlDuck(Duck d) { if ((double)this._canConvert > 0.00999999977648258 || d.dead || (!(this.owner is Duck owner) || owner == d)) { return; } this._controlled = true; owner.resetAction = true; ++d.profile.stats.timesMindControlled; this._controlledDuck = d; if (Network.isActive) { owner.Fondle((Thing)d); owner.Fondle((Thing)this._controlledDuck.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in this._controlledDuck._equipment) { owner.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } owner.Fondle((Thing)this._controlledDuck._ragdollInstance); owner.Fondle((Thing)this._controlledDuck._trappedInstance); owner.Fondle((Thing)this._controlledDuck._cookedInstance); } this._controlledDuck.resetAction = true; this._controlledDuck.mindControl = owner.inputProfile; this._controlledDuck.controlledBy = owner; owner.immobilized = true; SFX.Play("radioNoise", 0.8f); Event.Log((Event) new MindControlEvent(this.responsibleProfile, d.profile)); if (Recorder.currentRecording == null) { return; } Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); }
private void GameLoop() { // If it's time to spawn another cut. if (timeIntervalCounter > Mathf.Lerp(activeDifficultySettings.InitialSpawnInterval, activeDifficultySettings.EndSpawnInterval, activeDifficultySettings.SpawnCurve.Evaluate(timeCounter / CountdownObj.StartTime)) && CutPrefab.SpawnTime < CountdownObj.CurrentTimeRemaining) { // TODO: maybe add a parent to keep the scene clean. var cutPosition = GenerateNewCutPosition(); NewCutPoint clone = Instantiate(CutPrefab, cutPosition, Quaternion.identity, cutContainer.transform); // TODO: this is a bit messy, move GemObject calculation somewhere else. clone.CutVector = -(cutPosition - GemSpawnManager.Gem.transform.position) * 1.8f; // make the vector a bit longer. clone.onSpawnComplete += cut => activeCuts.AddLast(cut); clone.onTimeoutComplete += cut => activeCuts.Remove(cut); SFX.Play("Cutting_circle_appears"); timeIntervalCounter = 0; } // If player is struggling, show instructions again. if (missDurationCounter > MissDurationTimeout) { missDurationCounter = 0; InstructionManager.PushInstruction(); } timeIntervalCounter += Time.deltaTime; timeCounter += Time.deltaTime; missDurationCounter += Time.deltaTime; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D() { Bank.Instance.IncrementMoney(Value); SFX.Play(CollectedClip); Destroy(gameObject); Collected.Invoke(); }
private void Strike() { Collider2D [] hit = new Collider2D[10]; ContactFilter2D contactFilter = new ContactFilter2D(); int hits = attackCollider.OverlapCollider(contactFilter, hit); if (hits > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { IBattable battable = hit [i].GetComponent <IBattable> (); if (battable != null) { Vector2 force = (hit[i].attachedRigidbody.position - (Vector2)transform.position).normalized * batPower; battable.Push(force); if (battable is Enemy) { int pointsGotten = GameManager.instance.enemyController.GetPoints((battable as Enemy).index); if (pointsGotten > 0) { ui.Points += pointsGotten; } } } } } SFX.Play(batSwingClip); StartCoroutine(displayAttack()); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (!this.destroyed && !this._stuck) { if (!this.burning && Level.CheckCircle <SmallFire>(this.position, 8f) != null) { this.burning = true; this.onFire = true; Level.Add((Thing)SmallFire.New(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, stick: ((MaterialThing)this), firedFrom: ((Thing)this))); SFX.Play("ignite", Rando.Float(0.9f, 1f), Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); } this._sprite.frame = 0; this.angleDegrees = -Maths.PointDirection(Vec2.Zero, new Vec2(this.hSpeed, this.vSpeed)); } if (this._stuck) { this.vSpeed = 0.0f; this.hSpeed = 0.0f; this.grounded = true; this._sprite.frame = 1; this._stickTime -= 0.01f; this.gravMultiplier = 0.0f; } if ((double)this._stickTime > 0.0 || this.destroyed) { return; } this.Destroy((DestroyType) new DTFade()); }
public override void Quack(float volume, float pitch) { if (playing == null) { playing = SFX.Play(Mod.GetPath <EdoMod>("SFX\\bleep_ss"), volume, pitch, 0f, true); } }
private void SellItem(Item item, Slot slot) { switch (item.GetType().ToString()) { case "Gem": Inventory.Instance.AddGold(10); break; case "Jewel": Inventory.Instance.AddGold(20); break; case "Ore": Inventory.Instance.AddGold(10); break; case "Brick": Inventory.Instance.AddGold(20); break; case "ChargedJewel": Inventory.Instance.AddGold(50); break; case "Shell": Inventory.Instance.AddGold(50); break; } Inventory.Instance.RemoveItem(slot.index); slot.RemoveItem(); slot = null; SaveManager.SaveInventory(); SFX.Play("Bin_item_goaway", 1f, 1f, 0f, false, 0f); canSelect = true; }