public List <Node> FindNodesWithinRadius(UV location, double radius) { var nodes = new List <Node>(); var circle = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius( Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(location.U, location.V), radius); if (!Intersects(circle)) { return(nodes); } if (IsLeafNode) { nodes.Add(this); return(nodes); } nodes.AddRange(NW.FindNodesWithinRadius(location, radius)); nodes.AddRange(NE.FindNodesWithinRadius(location, radius)); nodes.AddRange(SW.FindNodesWithinRadius(location, radius)); nodes.AddRange(SE.FindNodesWithinRadius(location, radius)); return(nodes); }
private static void LoadSE(SE se) { AudioClip se_date = null; string path = ""; switch (se) { case SE.BULLET: path = "SE/Bullet"; break; case SE.ENGINE: path = "SE/Engine"; break; case SE.EXPLOSION: path = "SE/Explosion"; break; case SE.LOCK_ON: path = "SE/LockOn"; break; default: Assert.IsNotNull(null, "[SoundRegistry]読み込みたいSEが存在しません"); break; } se_date = Resources.Load <AudioClip>(path); _se.Add(se, se_date); //Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets( ); }
public Node FindNodeWhichContains(UV point) { Node n = null; if (IsLeafNode) { if (Contains(point)) { return(this); } } else { if (NW.Contains(point)) { n = NW.FindNodeWhichContains(point); } else if (NE.Contains(point)) { n = NE.FindNodeWhichContains(point); } else if (SW.Contains(point)) { n = SW.FindNodeWhichContains(point); } else if (SE.Contains(point)) { n = SE.FindNodeWhichContains(point); } } return(n); }
//----------------------------------------------------- // 挟まれた時 //----------------------------------------------------- public void Sand(int point, SE se) { //音 SoundManager.instance.StartSound_SE(se); //削除 StartCoroutine(WaitDestroy(point)); }
public void playSoundeffect(SE s) { switch (s) { case SE.FLARE: sesource.PlayOneShot(flare); break; case SE.SCREAM: sesource.PlayOneShot(scream); break; case SE.PU: sesource.PlayOneShot(pickup); break; case SE.PD: sesource.PlayOneShot(putin); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("unknown sound effect" + s); break; } }
public void setumei2() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "アライグマが倉庫に入りました\n食べ物が取られました"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.CacheControl = "private"; Response.Expires = 0; Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); Customer ThisCustomer = ((AspDotNetStorefrontPrincipal)Context.User).ThisCustomer; int PackID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("PackID"); int ProductID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("ProductID"); int CategoryID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("CategoryID"); int SectionID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("SectionID"); int Quan = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("Quan"); int CustomCartRecID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("ccartID"); int ShoppingCartRecID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("scartID"); if (Quan != 0 && CustomCartRecID != 0) { if (Quan > 0) { DB.ExecuteSQL("update CustomCart set quantity=quantity+1 where ShoppingCartRecID=" + ShoppingCartRecID.ToString() + " and CustomCartRecID=" + CustomCartRecID.ToString() + " and PackID=" + PackID.ToString() + " and CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()); } else { DB.ExecuteSQL("update CustomCart set quantity=quantity-1 where ShoppingCartRecID=" + ShoppingCartRecID.ToString() + " and CustomCartRecID=" + CustomCartRecID.ToString() + " and PackID=" + PackID.ToString() + " and CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()); } DB.ExecuteSQL("delete from CustomCart where quantity<=0 and ShoppingCartRecID=" + ShoppingCartRecID.ToString() + " and CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString() + " and PackID=" + PackID.ToString()); } String url = SE.MakeProductAndEntityLink(CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("entityname"), PackID, CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("entityid"), ""); Response.Redirect(url + CommonLogic.IIF(CustomCartRecID == 0, "", "?cartrecid=" + ShoppingCartRecID.ToString())); }
public void setumei13() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "未来の自分を見ました"; }
public void setumei14() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "家族の写真を見ました\n悲しい気持ちになりました"; }
public void setumei8() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "おおかみに追われました\nあなたはにげまどいました"; }
public void setumei10() {;; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "沼に落ちました\n体が大変よごれました"; }
public void setumei7() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "しっけがひどい日でした\nあなたはいつもよりつかれました"; }
public void setumei5() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "親子があなたの所に来ました\n水をせがまれした\nしつこく付きまとわれました"; }
public void setumei4() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "あなたはうっかり水をこぼしました"; }
// Most paid Employee protected string mostPaidEmployee() { string resEmployee = null; double resSalary = 0; foreach (SalariedEmployee SE in listSE) { if (resSalary < SE.getSalary()) { resSalary = SE.getSalary(); resEmployee = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2:C}", SE.employeeID, SE.firstName + " " + SE.lastName, SE.getSalary().ToString()); } } foreach (HourlyEmployee HE in listHE) { if (resSalary < HE.getSalary()) { resSalary = HE.getSalary(); resEmployee = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2:C}", HE.employeeID, HE.firstName + " " + HE.lastName, HE.getSalary().ToString()); } } foreach (CommissionEmployee CE in listCE) { if (resSalary < CE.getSalary()) { resSalary = CE.getSalary(); resEmployee = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2:C}", CE.employeeID, CE.firstName + " " + CE.lastName, CE.getSalary().ToString()); } } return(resEmployee); }
public void setumei15() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "ふぶき\nざんねん自然には勝てません"; }
// Print raw data from object lists protected string printReport() { string printRes = null; foreach (SalariedEmployee SE in listSE) { //printRes += SE.ToString() + "<br/>"; listEmployee.Add(Convert.ToInt32(SE.getSalary()), SE.ToString() + "<br/>"); } foreach (HourlyEmployee HE in listHE) { //printRes += HE.ToString() + "<br/>"; listEmployee.Add(Convert.ToInt32(HE.getSalary()), HE.ToString() + "<br/>"); } foreach (CommissionEmployee CE in listCE) { //printRes += CE.ToString() + "<br/>"; listEmployee.Add(Convert.ToInt32(CE.getSalary()), CE.ToString() + "<br/>"); } // Sorting employees foreach (var employ in listEmployee.OrderByDescending(key => key.Key)) { printRes += employ.Value; } // Sorting consultants listCons = listCons.OrderByDescending(o => o.payment).ToList(); foreach (Consultant Cons in listCons) { printRes += Cons.ToString() + "<br/>"; } return(printRes); }
public void setumei16() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "イナゴの大群\n野宿のあなたになす術はありません"; }
public void PlayBack_SE(SE sound) { seSource[countSE].clip = seSound[(int)sound]; seSource[countSE].Play(); countSE = (int)Mathf.Repeat(countSE + 1, seSource.Length); }
void StartFadeOut() { fadeImage.enabled = true; alfa += fadeSpeed1; alfa1 += fadeSpeed1; SetAlpha(); if (alfa >= 1) { BGM.Stop();; ibrek[karad].SetActive(false); if (uramodo == 0) { karad = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 16); } else if (uramodo == 1) { karad = 7; } gamemane.GetComponent <sentak>().keltutei(); gamemane.GetComponent <start>().end(); ibrek[karad].SetActive(true); a = 0; gamemane.GetComponent <parameter>().iro(); } }
public List <T> QueryBounds(Bounds bounds, bool EdgeTouchIsIntersection) { List <T> results = new List <T>(); if (!Bounds.IntersectsWith(bounds, EdgeTouchIsIntersection)) { return(results); // return empty list } // else check our members foreach (BoundsLink <T> member in Members) { if (member.bounds.IntersectsWith(bounds, EdgeTouchIsIntersection)) { results.Add(; } } // check our leaves as well if (IsDivided) { results.AddRange(NW.QueryBounds(bounds, EdgeTouchIsIntersection)); results.AddRange(NE.QueryBounds(bounds, EdgeTouchIsIntersection)); results.AddRange(SW.QueryBounds(bounds, EdgeTouchIsIntersection)); results.AddRange(SE.QueryBounds(bounds, EdgeTouchIsIntersection)); } // return the compounded list return(results); }
private void InitializePageContent() { pnlRequireReg.Visible = (RequiresReg && !ThisCustomer.IsRegistered); this.pnlEmailToFriend.Visible = !(RequiresReg && !ThisCustomer.IsRegistered); emailproduct_aspx_1.Text = "<br/><br/><br/><br/><b>" + AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.1", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting) + "</b><br/><br/><br/><a href=\"signin.aspx?returnurl=showproduct.aspx?" + Server.HtmlEncode(Server.UrlEncode(CommonLogic.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"))) + "\">" + AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.2", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting) + "</a> " + AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.3", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); String ProdPic = String.Empty; bool m_WatermarksEnabled = AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Watermark.Enabled"); if (m_WatermarksEnabled) { ProdPic = String.Format("watermark.axd?productid={0}&size=medium", ProductID.ToString()); } else { ProdPic = AppLogic.LookupImage("Product", ProductID, "medium", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); } imgProduct.ImageUrl = ProdPic; ProductNavLink.NavigateUrl = SE.MakeProductAndEntityLink(this.SourceEntity, ProductID, SourceEntityID, SEName); ProductNavLink.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.24", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); emailproduct_aspx_4.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.4", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting) + " " + ProductName + CommonLogic.IIF(VariantName.Length > 0, " - " + VariantName, ""); emailproduct_aspx_11.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.11", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); emailproduct_aspx_22.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.22", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); emailproduct_aspx_15.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.15", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); emailproduct_aspx_18.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.18", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); emailproduct_aspx_19.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.19", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); btnSubmit.Text = AppLogic.GetString("emailproduct.aspx.20", baseSkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); }
public void setumei1() {; moya2.SetActive(true); b = 1; serif.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "食べ物がくさりました\nもう食べることはできません"; }
protected void btnSubmit7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "update product set sename = {0} where productid = {1};"; StringBuilder SQLBatch = new StringBuilder("set nocount on;"); int counter = 0; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { con.Open(); using (IDataReader dr = DB.GetRS("select productid, name from dbo.product", con)) { while (dr.Read()) { SQLBatch.Append(string.Format(sql, DB.SQuote(SE.MungeName(DB.RSFieldByLocale(dr, "name", Localization.GetDefaultLocale()))), DB.RSFieldInt(dr, "productid").ToString())); counter++; if (counter == 500) { DB.ExecuteSQL(SQLBatch.ToString()); counter = 0; SQLBatch.Length = 0; SQLBatch.Append("set nocount on;"); } } } } if (SQLBatch.Length > 0) { DB.ExecuteSQL(SQLBatch.ToString()); } resetError("SEName Updated", false); }
// SEの再生 public void PlaySE(SE type, bool overlap = false) { if (useSE) { if (!overlap) { if (audioSource_SE.isPlaying) { audioSource_SE.Stop(); } } audioSource_SE.volume = volSE; switch (type) { case SE.CLICK: if (SE_Click != null) { audioSource_SE.PlayOneShot(SE_Click); } break; case SE.CANCEL: if (SE_Cancel != null) { audioSource_SE.PlayOneShot(SE_Cancel); } break; default: break; } } }
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Miscellaneous food" || other.gameObject.tag == "Meat food" || other.gameObject.tag == "Herbivores") { foreach (ContactPoint2D point in other.contacts) { Instantiate(Geteffect, point.point, Quaternion.identity); } gamemanager.GetComponent <Player_Move>().countnext(); transform.parent = Player.transform;; } if (other.gameObject.tag == "no touch") { foreach (ContactPoint2D point in other.contacts) { Instantiate(killeffect, point.point, Quaternion.identity); } Player_Move.controoff(); gamemanager.GetComponent <Player_Move>().gameover();; } if (other.gameObject.tag == "goal") { foreach (ContactPoint2D point in other.contacts) { Instantiate(goalstar, point.point, Quaternion.identity); } gamemanager.GetComponent <Player_Move>().effectstart();; } }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { LoadThisKitData(); if (this.KitData == null) { Response.Redirect(SE.MakeDriverLink("ProductNotFound")); } if (KitData.HasFileUploadGroup) { string key = string.Empty; if (this.IsPostBack) { key = GetTempFileStub(); } else { key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 7); GenerateTempFileStub(key); } this.KitData.TempFileStub = key; } DetermineIfOrderable(); BindData(); if (this.KitData.HasCartMapping) { SetupCartLineItemDefaults(); } if (!this.IsPostBack) { ProductID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("ProductID"); CategoryID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("CategoryID"); SectionID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("SectionID"); ManufacturerID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("ManufacturerID"); DistributorID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("DistributorID"); GenreID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("GenreID"); VectorID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("VectorID"); SetupProductDefaults(); RenderXmlPackageHeader(); } if (this.KitData.RestrictedQuantities != null) { txtQuantity.Visible = false; foreach (int i in this.KitData.RestrictedQuantities) { ddQuantity.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } ddQuantity.Visible = true; } base.OnInit(e); }
//基本はこいつで鳴らします public void CenterPlay(SE patern = SE.NoSound) { //音を取得,再生 if (patern != SE.NoSound) { _Center.clip = _se_patern [patern]; _Center.Play (); } }
public static void Play(SE.Name name, float volume, float pitch = 1f) { if (se == null) { se = GameObject.Find("SE").GetComponent <SE>(); } se.Play(name, volume, pitch); }
///<Summary> ///<CreatedOn>20/12/2017</CreatedOn> ///<Author>Sunny Bhardwaj</Author> ///<Description>Returns object for SE segment</Description> ///</Summary> public static SE GetSE(string segmentCount, string transSetControlNo) //Transaction Trailer { SE obj = new SE(); obj.SE01 = CreateString(segmentCount, (int)SegmentLength.One, (int)SegmentLength.Ten, '0', true); //segmentCount; obj.SE02 = CreateString(transSetControlNo, (int)SegmentLength.Four, (int)SegmentLength.Nine, '0', true); //transSetControlNo.PadLeft(9, '0'); return(obj); }
public void Enable() { if (!enable) { SE.Play(gameObject); } enable = true; }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { SE se = new SE(); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox1.Text,; se.EvalSearchString(TextBox2.Text, TermGroup.napr); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox3.Text, TermGroup.kvalif); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox4.Text, TermGroup.fobuch); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox5.Text, TermGroup.disciplin); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox6.Text, TermGroup.sostavitel); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox7.Text, TermGroup.zaveril); se.EvalSearchString(TextBox8.Text, TermGroup.body); docs = se.GetResult(); GridView1.DataSource = docs.Select(doc => { HtmlButton link = new HtmlButton(); link.ID =; return new {, doc.weight, link, doc.path }; }); GridView1.DataBind(); }
public void RightPlay(SE patern) { //音を取得,再生 _Right.clip = _se_patern [patern]; _Right.Play (); }
public void LeftPlay(SE patern) { //音を取得,再生 _Left.clip = _se_patern [patern]; _Left.Play (); }
protected override void LoadContent() { font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Content/SpriteFont1"); sprite = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); statupscreen = new StartupScreen(sprite, Gm.GraphicsDevice); stageselect = new StageSelect(sprite, Gm.GraphicsDevice); talkevent = new Event(sprite, Gm.GraphicsDevice, font); gameover = new GameOver(sprite, Gm.GraphicsDevice); song = new Song[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { song[i] = Content.Load<Song>("Content/bgm"+i); } hitbox = new HitBox(); enemydata = new GetEnemyDate(); bgm = new BGM(song); //bgm2 = new BGM(song); se = new SE(); bgm.setBGM(1); //bgm2.setBGM(4); // 秒 (Second) を取得する iSecond = dtNow.Second; Stream s = File.OpenRead("Content/images/reng1.png"); reng = Texture2D.FromStream(Gm.GraphicsDevice, s); }
/// <summary> /// SEの再生 /// </summary> public void PlaySE(SE type, bool overlap = false) { if(useSE) { if(!overlap) { if(audioSource_SE.isPlaying) audioSource_SE.Stop(); } audioSource_SE.volume = volSE; switch(type) { case SE.CLICK: if(SE_Click != null) audioSource_SE.PlayOneShot(SE_Click); break; case SE.CANCEL: if(SE_Cancel != null) audioSource_SE.PlayOneShot(SE_Cancel); break; default: break; } } }
public void registSound(SE se) { if (audio_idx_ >= SystemManager.AUDIO_CHANNEL_MAX) { Debug.Log("max audio channel is used."); return; } se_[audio_idx_] = se; ++audio_idx_; }