Пример #1


        private void AddItem(Models.Product product, WorkSpace ws)
            stockRecord = (StockRecord)ws.CreateObject("StockRecord");

            //Create a stockRecord with lvi.Text and look for it in database.
            SDOHelper.Write(stockRecord, "STOCK_CODE", product.Code);

            if (stockRecord.Find(false))
                //Add item to the order.
                sopItem = SDOHelper.Add(sopPost.Items);

                //Put product details and prices into sopItem
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "STOCK_CODE", SDOHelper.Read(stockRecord, "STOCK_CODE"));
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "DESCRIPTION", SDOHelper.Read(stockRecord, "DESCRIPTION"));

                double qty     = product.Qty;
                double salePrc = product.SalePrice;
                double netAmt  = salePrc * qty * (1 - cusDiscountRate / 100);
                double taxAmt  = netAmt * defTaxRate / 100;

                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "QTY_ORDER", qty);
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "UNIT_PRICE", salePrc);
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "NET_AMOUNT", netAmt);
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "TAX_AMOUNT", taxAmt);
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "TAX_RATE", defTaxRate);
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "NOMINAL_CODE", ((int)setUsr.stockNomCode).ToString());
                SDOHelper.Write(sopItem, "TAX_CODE", (short)taxCode);
                throw new MyException("Stock: " + product.Code + " does not seem to exist.");
            } //Else
        }     //AddItem
Пример #2


      private double GetCurrency(PriceRecord priceRecord)
         PriceListRecord priceListRecord = null;
            currencyData = ws.CreateObject("CurrencyData");
            double xRate = 1;
            priceListRecord = (PriceListRecord)ws.CreateObject("PriceListRecord");
            string priceListName = (String)SDOHelper.Read(priceRecord, "EXT_REF");
            SDOHelper.Write(priceListRecord, "REFERENCE", priceListName);
            if (!priceListRecord.Find(false))
               return xRate;

            int currCode = (sbyte)SDOHelper.Read(priceListRecord, "CURRENCY") + 1;
            double baseCurrencyCode = (double)sageUserSet.baseCurrCode;
            if (currCode != baseCurrencyCode)
               xRate = (double)SDOHelper.Read(currencyData, "EXCHANGE_RATE");

            return xRate;
            if (priceListRecord != null)
               priceListRecord = null;



        public double GetCostPrice(string prodCode)
            //Create product with prodCode
            stockRecord = (StockRecord)ws.CreateObject("StockRecord");
            SDOHelper.Write(stockRecord, "STOCK_CODE", prodCode);

            var result = stockRecord.Find(false);

            return((double)SDOHelper.Read(stockRecord, "LAST_PURCHASE_PRICE"));
Пример #4


        public bool Post()
                //Connect and create.
                sdo = new SDOEngine();
                ws  = sdo.Workspaces.Add("App Server");
                ws.Connect(setUsr.sageDBDir, setUsr.sageUsername, setUsr.sagePassword, "Unique");

                salesRecord = (SalesRecord)ws.CreateObject("SalesRecord");
                conData     = (ControlData)ws.CreateObject("ControlData");
                currData    = (CurrencyData)ws.CreateObject("CurrencyData");
                sopPost     = (SopPost)ws.CreateObject("SOPPost");

                //Unwrap order.
                string                cusCode     = order.Customer.Code;
                OrderType             type        = order.type;
                List <Models.Product> productList = order.ProductList;

                //Create a saleRecord with comboAccRef.Text and look for it in database.
                SDOHelper.Write(salesRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF", cusCode);

                if (salesRecord.Find(false))
                    //Check Account Status here.
                    short accStatus = (short)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "ACCOUNT_STATUS");
                    if (accStatus != 0)
                        throw new MyException("Customer " + order.Customer.Code + "'s account is on hold.");

                    short  defTaxCode   = (short)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "DEF_TAX_CODE");
                    string taxRateField = "T" + defTaxCode + "_Rate";
                    defTaxRate = (double)SDOHelper.Read(conData, taxRateField);

                    currencyCode = (sbyte)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "CURRENCY") + 1;

                    //If customer exists add details to sopPostHeader.
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "ACCOUNT_REF", SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF"));
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "NAME", SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "NAME"));

                    //Add each address line to header
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "ADDRESS_" + i, SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "ADDRESS_" + i));

                    if (order.DeliveryAddress != null)
                        var deliveryAddress = order.DeliveryAddress;

                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "DEL_ADDRESS_1", RestrictLength(deliveryAddress.Line1));
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "DEL_ADDRESS_2", RestrictLength(deliveryAddress.Line2));
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "DEL_ADDRESS_3", RestrictLength(deliveryAddress.Line3));
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "DEL_ADDRESS_4", RestrictLength(deliveryAddress.Line4));
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "DEL_ADDRESS_5", RestrictLength(deliveryAddress.Line5));

                    //Add date and customer O/N to header
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "ORDER_DATE", DateTime.Now);
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CUST_ORDER_NUMBER", order.CustomerOrderNumber);
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CARR_NOM_CODE", ((int)setUsr.carrNomCode).ToString());
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CARR_NET", order.Carriage);

                    //Check if we are entering an order for a foreign customer.
                    if (currencyCode != baseCurrencyCode)
                        taxCode = (short)setUsr.taxCodeForeign;
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CARR_TAX_CODE", (short)taxCode);

                        //Populate Foreign Currency Fields
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "FOREIGN_RATE", SDOHelper.Read(currData, "EXCHANGE_RATE"));
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CURRENCY", SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "CURRENCY"));
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CURRENCY_USED", SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "CURRENCY"));
                        taxCode = (short)setUsr.taxCode;
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "CARR_TAX_CODE", (short)taxCode);

                    //Check if its a quote or not
                    if (type == OrderType.QUOTE)
                        // Populate details to generate quote
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "ORDER_TYPE", (byte)InvoiceType.sdoSopQuote);
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "QUOTE_STATUS", (byte)QuoteStatus.sdoOpen);

                    //Any notes
                    var notes = order.Notes;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notes))
                        var len = notes.Length;
                        //Split the note up if it's too long
                        SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "NOTES_1", RestrictLength(order.Notes.Substring(0, Math.Min(len, MAX_LENGTH_NOTE))));

                        if (len > MAX_LENGTH_NOTE)
                            SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "NOTES_2", RestrictLength(order.Notes.Substring(MAX_LENGTH_NOTE, Math.Min(len, 2 * MAX_LENGTH_NOTE))));

                        if (len > 2 * MAX_LENGTH_NOTE)
                            SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "NOTES_3", RestrictLength(order.Notes.Substring(2 * MAX_LENGTH_NOTE, Math.Min(len, 3 * MAX_LENGTH_NOTE))));

                    //Add discount rate (usually 0).
                    cusDiscountRate = (double)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "DISCOUNT_RATE");

                    //Add each product to sopPost items section.
                    foreach (Models.Product product in productList)
                        AddItem(product, ws);

                    //Add username
                    SDOHelper.Write(sopPost.Header, "TAKEN_BY", GetTakenBy());

                    //Update: will fail if not set up properly
                    if (!sopPost.Update())
                    throw new MyException("Customer " + order.Customer.Code + " does not seem to exist.");
            catch (MyException mE)
                throw new MyException(mE.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new MyException("Problem posting order to database " + e.GetType().Name + ":" + e.Message);
            } //Finally
        }     //Post
Пример #5


      /// <summary>
      /// Reads all invoices and stores it's values in a List.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="customersFileName"></param>
      public MyDictionary<MyDictionary<double>> ReadPriceListData()
         //PriceListActivity set to new() so null is not returned.
         MyDictionary<MyDictionary<double>> PriceListActivity = new MyDictionary<MyDictionary<double>>();
            sdo = new SDOEngine();
            //Try a connection, will throw an exception if it fails
            ws = (WorkSpace)sdo.Workspaces.Add("App Server Update");
            ws.Connect(sageUserSet.sageDBDir, sageUserSet.sageUsername, sageUserSet.sagePassword, "UniqueUpdater");

            //Dictionary of PriceList Name vs PriceList Data.
            MyDictionary<MyDictionary<double>> miniPLActivity = new MyDictionary<MyDictionary<double>>();
            //Dictionary of PriceList Name vs PriceListUserList.
            MyDictionary<List<string>> plUsers = new MyDictionary<List<string>>();

            //Create instances of the objects
            priceRecord = (PriceRecord)ws.CreateObject("PriceRecord");
            salesRecord = (SalesRecord)ws.CreateObject("SalesRecord");
            stockRecord = (StockRecord)ws.CreateObject("StockRecord");

            //Create a dictionary of PL's that are acually being referenced v's Empty ProductActivities.
            //Single Price Lists can be used for multiple Customers
               string cusCode;
               string cusPriceListRef = ((String)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "PRICE_LIST_REF")).Trim();

               //If pLists already contains PL then add customer to it's entry. Else make new entry if not empty string.
               if (plUsers.ContainsKey(cusPriceListRef))
                  cusCode = (String)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF");
               else if (!cusPriceListRef.Equals(String.Empty))
                  plUsers[cusPriceListRef] = new List<string>();
                  cusCode = (String)SDOHelper.Read(salesRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF");

                  //Add new entry for each priceList.
                  miniPLActivity[cusPriceListRef] = new MyDictionary<double>();

            } while (salesRecord.MoveNext());

            Dictionary<string, double> productActivity = null;
            string plName = String.Empty;
            string plNamePrev = String.Empty;
            double calcValue;
            int calcMeth;
            double xRate = 1;
            double costPrice;
            double salePrice;
            double listPrice;
            string stockCode;

            //Start at first pricerecord
               //Get first stock code in Price List.
               stockCode = (String)SDOHelper.Read(priceRecord, "STOCK_CODE");
               //Create SDO stockRecord with this stockCode to use for searching later.
               SDOHelper.Write(stockRecord, "STOCK_CODE", stockCode);

               plName = ((string)SDOHelper.Read(priceRecord, "EXT_REF")).Trim();
               calcValue = (double)SDOHelper.Read(priceRecord, "VALUE");
               calcMeth = (sbyte)SDOHelper.Read(priceRecord, "DISCOUNT_TYPE");
               salePrice = (double)SDOHelper.Read(stockRecord, "SALES_PRICE");
               costPrice = CheckProduct(stockCode).CostPrice;

               if (plName.Equals(plNamePrev))
                  //Old plName: Check stock, if found get it's list price & add to productActivity from PLACtivity.
                  if (stockRecord.Find(false))
                     listPrice = CalculateListPrice(calcValue, calcMeth, costPrice, salePrice, xRate);
                     productActivity[stockCode] = listPrice;
               else if (miniPLActivity.ContainsKey(plName))
                  //New name: Check stock, if found get it's list price & add to productActivity from PLACtivity. 
                  //Change plNamePrev
                  //Get new currency, keep till next Price List.
                  if (stockRecord.Find(false))
                     xRate = GetCurrency(priceRecord);
                     listPrice = CalculateListPrice(calcValue, calcMeth, costPrice, salePrice, xRate);
                     productActivity = miniPLActivity[plName];
                     productActivity[stockCode] = listPrice;
                     plNamePrev = plName;

            } while (priceRecord.MoveNext());

            //Give each customer their own PriceList.
            foreach (string key in plUsers.Keys)
               foreach (string cusCode in plUsers[key])
                  PriceListActivity[cusCode] = miniPLActivity[key];

         return PriceListActivity;

Пример #6


      /// <summary>
      /// Get Last price of the product that this customer bought.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="customerCode">Customer Code</param>
      /// <param name="productCode">Product Code</param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public Sale GetLastPriceData(string customerCode, string productCode)

         ///Start date is lookBackYrs year ago.
         int lookBackYrs = (int)Settings.Default.invoiceLookBackYrs;
         DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-lookBackYrs);
         int invNum = -1;
         //string cusCode = String.Empty;
         double salePrice = -1;
         int currCode = -1;
         double xRate = -1;
         DateTime invDate = new DateTime();

            sdo = new SDOEngine();
            //Try a connection, will throw an exception if it fails
            ws = (WorkSpace)sdo.Workspaces.Add("App Server Update");
            ws.Connect(sageUsrSet.sageDBDir, sageUsrSet.sageUsername, sageUsrSet.sagePassword, "UniqueUpdater");

            //Create instances of the objects
            invoiceRecord = (InvoiceRecord)ws.CreateObject("InvoiceRecord");
            invoiceItem = (InvoiceItem)ws.CreateObject("InvoiceItem");
            var cs = (string)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF");

            SDOHelper.Write(invoiceRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF", customerCode);
            invNum = (int)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "INVOICE_NUMBER");
            //Start at last Invoice
               //Invoice info
               invDate = (DateTime)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "INVOICE_DATE");
               cs =  (string)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "ACCOUNT_REF");

               //Only read invoice details if it is recent enough.
               if (invDate < startDate)

               invNum = (int)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "INVOICE_NUMBER");
               currCode = (sbyte)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "CURRENCY");
               xRate = (double)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceRecord, "FOREIGN_RATE");

               //Link Items to Record
               invoiceItem = invoiceRecord.Link;

               var lastPriceResult = invoiceItem.FindFirst("STOCK_CODE", productCode);

               if (lastPriceResult)
                  double netAmount = (double)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceItem, "NET_AMOUNT");
                  double qty = (double)SDOHelper.Read(invoiceItem, "QTY_ORDER");
                  salePrice = netAmount / qty;
                  return new Sale(invDate, salePrice, productCode);

            } while (invoiceRecord.MovePrev());

         catch (Exception e)
            string eString = "Problem reading Invoice Data"
                              + "\r\n    -----------------     \r\n"
                              + e.GetType() + "\r\n" + e.Message
                              + "\r\n    -----------------     \r\n"
                              + "\r\nInvoice No.: " + invNum + ", Product: " + productCode + ", Customer : " + customerCode
                              + "\r\nSale Price : " + salePrice + "\r\n";
            throw new Exception(eString);

         return null;