Пример #1
        public void SCNView_TechniqueSetterTest()
            SCNView      v = new SCNView(new CGRect(), (NSDictionary)null);
            SCNTechnique t = SCNTechnique.Create(new NSDictionary());

            v.Technique = t;
Пример #2
        void HandleTapGesture(UITapGestureRecognizer sender)
            SCNView areaPanned = sender.View as SCNView;
            CGPoint point      = sender.LocationInView(areaPanned);

            SCNHitTestResult[] hitResults = areaPanned.HitTest(point, new SCNHitTestOptions());
            SCNHitTestResult   hit        = hitResults.FirstOrDefault();

            if (hit != null)
                SCNNode node = hit.Node;
                if (node != null)
                    if (!isAnimating)
                        node.AddRotationAction(SCNActionTimingMode.Linear, 3, true);
                        isAnimating = true;
                        isAnimating = false;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            GoalSelector = new UISegmentedControl($"{ARCoachingGoal.Tracking}", $"{ARCoachingGoal.HorizontalPlane}", $"{ARCoachingGoal.VerticalPlane}")
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

            Coach = new ARCoachingOverlayView
                ActivatesAutomatically = true,
                Delegate = new CoachingDelegate(this),
                Session  = SCNView.Session

            BlurView = new UIView
                BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha(.65f),
                Alpha           = 0

            SCNView.FillWith(Coach, 200, 400);
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(GoalSelector, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, View, NSLayoutAttribute.TopMargin, 1, 10),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(GoalSelector, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, View, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1, 0)

            GoalSelector.ValueChanged += GoalChanged;
Пример #4
        private async void HandleTap(UITapGestureRecognizer sender)
            if (isHandlingTap)

                isHandlingTap = true;
                SCNView sceneViewTappedOn             = sender.View as SCNView;
                CoreGraphics.CGPoint touchCoordinates = sender.LocationInView(sceneViewTappedOn);
                SCNHitTestResult[]   hitTest          = sceneViewTappedOn.HitTest(touchCoordinates, new SCNHitTestOptions());

                if (!hitTest.Any())

                SCNNode pressedNode = hitTest.FirstOrDefault().Node;
                await AnimateNode(pressedNode);

                isHandlingTap = false;
Пример #5
        public void NullOverlaySceneTest()
            // Issue: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/3392
            TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(7, 0);

            var view = new SCNView(new CGRect(), (NSDictionary)null);

            Assert.NotNull(view, "View not null");
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => view.OverlayScene = null, "Should not throw");
Пример #6
        void HandleRotateGesture(UIRotationGestureRecognizer sender)
            SCNView areaPanned = sender.View as SCNView;
            CGPoint point      = sender.LocationInView(areaPanned);

            SCNHitTestResult[] hitResults = areaPanned.HitTest(point, new SCNHitTestOptions());
            SCNHitTestResult   hit        = hitResults.FirstOrDefault();

            if (hit != null)
                SCNNode node = hit.Node;
                zAngle          += (float)(-sender.Rotation);
                node.EulerAngles = new SCNVector3(node.EulerAngles.X, node.EulerAngles.Y, zAngle);
        public override void OnFrameUpdate(ARSession session, ARFrame frame)
            base.OnFrameUpdate(session, frame);
            if (adding)

            var results = SCNView.HitTest(View.Center, new SCNHitTestOptions {
                SortResults = true, BackFaceCulling = false, SearchMode = SCNHitTestSearchMode.All, FirstFoundOnly = false

            SCNNode newNode = null;

            var match = results.FirstOrDefault(r => NodeLookup.ContainsKey(r.Node));

            if (match != null)
                newNode = match.Node;

            var changed = newNode != SelectedNode;
            var oldNode = SelectedNode;

            SelectedNode = newNode;

            if (changed)
                var panelTransform =
                    SelectedNode != null
                    ? CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity()
                    : CGAffineTransform.MakeTranslation(0, 1000);

                if (SelectedNode != null)
                    var content = _contentFor[NodeLookup[match.Node].Name];
                    InfoDialog.Label.Text  = content.Description;
                    TitleDialog.Label.Text = content.Name;

                UIView.Animate(.2, 0, UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut,
                               () =>
                    InfoDialog.View.Transform  = panelTransform;
                    TitleDialog.View.Transform = panelTransform;
                }, null);
Пример #8
        public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
            window = new NSWindow(new CGRect(0, 0, 300, 300), NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled, NSBackingStore.Retained, false);

            SCNScene scene   = SCNScene.FromFile("art.scnassets/scene.scn");
            SCNView  scnView = new SCNView(window.ContentView.Bounds);

            scnView.Scene = scene;

            var size = window.Frame.Size;
            var loc  = new CGPoint((NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Width - size.Width) / 2, (NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Height - size.Height) / 2);

Пример #9
        void HandleTapGesture(UITapGestureRecognizer sender)
            SCNView areaPanned = sender.View as SCNView;
            CGPoint point      = sender.LocationInView(areaPanned);

            SCNHitTestResult[] hitResults = areaPanned.HitTest(point, new SCNHitTestOptions());
            SCNHitTestResult   hit        = hitResults.FirstOrDefault();

            if (hit != null)
                SCNNode node = hit.Node;
                if (node != null)
Пример #10
        void HandlePinchGesture(UIPinchGestureRecognizer sender)
            SCNView areaPanned = sender.View as SCNView;
            CGPoint point      = sender.LocationInView(areaPanned);

            SCNHitTestResult[] hitResults = areaPanned.HitTest(point, new SCNHitTestOptions());
            SCNHitTestResult   hit        = hitResults.FirstOrDefault();

            if (hit != null)
                SCNNode node = hit.Node;

                float scaleX = (float)sender.Scale * node.Scale.X;
                float scaleY = (float)sender.Scale * node.Scale.Y;

                node.Scale   = new SCNVector3(scaleX, scaleY, zPosition / 2);
                sender.Scale = 1; // Reset the node scale value
Пример #11
        public override void OnFrameUpdate(ARSession session, ARFrame frame)
            base.OnFrameUpdate(session, frame);

            var results = SCNView.HitTest(View.Center, new SCNHitTestOptions {
                SortResults = true, BackFaceCulling = false, SearchMode = SCNHitTestSearchMode.All, FirstFoundOnly = false

            SCNNode newNode = null;
            T       newItem = default(T);

            var match = results.FirstOrDefault(r => NodeLookup.ContainsKey(r.Node));

            if (match != null)
                newNode = match.Node;
                newItem = NodeLookup[newNode].ItemData;

            var changed = newNode != SelectedNode;

            var oldNode = SelectedNode;
            var oldItem = SelectedItem;

            SelectedNode = newNode;
            SelectedItem = newItem;

            if (changed)
                SelectionChanged(oldNode, oldItem, SelectedNode, SelectedItem);

            Crosshair.BackgroundColor = SelectedNode != null
                ? UIColor.Green
                : UIColor.Gray;
Пример #12
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            var scene = new SCNScene();

            var rnd = new Random();

            Func <int, int, bool, float> random = (min, max, clamp) => {
                float num = (float)((double)rnd.Next(min, max) * rnd.NextDouble());
                if (!clamp)
                else if (num < 1.0f)

            Enumerable.Range(0, 200).Select <int, int> ((i) => Building(
                                                            random(2, 5, true),
                                                            random(2, 5, true),
                                                            random(2, 10, true),
                                                            random(-20, 20, false),
                                                            random(-20, 20, false),

            var lightNode = new SCNNode()
                Light    = new SCNLight(),
                Position = new SCNVector3(30.0F, 20.0F, 60.0F)

            lightNode.Light.LightType = SCNLightType.Omni;

            var ambientLightNode = new SCNNode()
                Light = new SCNLight()

            ambientLightNode.Light.LightType = SCNLightType.Ambient;
            ambientLightNode.Light.Color     = UIColor.DarkGray;

            var cameraNode = new SCNNode()
                Camera = new SCNCamera()

            cameraNode.Position = new SCNVector3(0.0F, 10.0F, 20.0F);

            var targetNode = new SCNNode()
                Position = new SCNVector3(00.0F, 1.5F, 0.0F)


            var lc = SCNLookAtConstraint.Create(targetNode);

            cameraNode.Constraints = new[] { lc };

            var scnView = new SCNView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds)
                Scene = scene,
                AllowsCameraControl = true,
                ShowsStatistics     = true,
                BackgroundColor     = UIColor.FromRGB(52, 152, 219)

            var floorNode = new SCNNode {
                Geometry = new SCNPlane {
                    Height = 40.0F,
                    Width  = 40.0F
                Position = SCNVector3.Zero

            var pi2 = Math.PI / 2.0;

            floorNode.Orientation = SCNQuaternion.FromAxisAngle(SCNVector3.UnitX, (float)(0.0 - pi2));


            var material = new SCNMaterial();

            material.Diffuse.Contents            = UIImage.FromFile("Content/road.jpg");
            material.Diffuse.ContentsTransform   = SCNMatrix4.Scale(new SCNVector3(10.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f));
            material.Diffuse.MinificationFilter  = SCNFilterMode.Linear;
            material.Diffuse.MagnificationFilter = SCNFilterMode.Linear;
            material.Diffuse.MipFilter           = SCNFilterMode.Linear;
            material.Diffuse.WrapS     = SCNWrapMode.Repeat;
            material.Diffuse.WrapT     = SCNWrapMode.Repeat;
            material.Specular.Contents = UIColor.Gray;

            floorNode.Geometry.FirstMaterial = material;

            this.View = scnView;
Пример #13
 public void InitView()
     gameView = View as SCNView;
     gameView.AutoenablesDefaultLighting = true;
Пример #14
		void Setup ()
			SceneView = (SCNView)this.View;

			SceneView.BackgroundColor = SKColor.Black;

			//setup ivars
			Boxes = new List<SCNNode> ();

			//setup the scene
			SetupScene ();

			//present it
			SceneView.Scene = Scene;

			//tweak physics
			SceneView.Scene.PhysicsWorld.Speed = 2.0f;

			//let's be the delegate of the SCNView
			SceneView.WeakSceneRendererDelegate = this;

			SceneView.JitteringEnabled = true;

			//initial point of view
			SceneView.PointOfView = CameraNode;

			//setup overlays
			var overlay = new SpriteKitOverlayScene (SceneView.Bounds.Size);
			SceneView.OverlayScene = overlay;

			#if __IOS__
			var gestureRecognizers = new List<UIGestureRecognizer> ();
			if (SceneView.GestureRecognizers != null)
				gestureRecognizers.AddRange (SceneView.GestureRecognizers);

			// add a tap gesture recognizer
			UITapGestureRecognizer tapGesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer (HandleTouch);

			// add a pan gesture recognizer
			UIPanGestureRecognizer panGesture = new UIPanGestureRecognizer (HandleTouchPan);

			// add a double tap gesture recognizer
			UITapGestureRecognizer doubleTapGesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer (HandleDoubleTouch);
			doubleTapGesture.NumberOfTapsRequired = 2;

			tapGesture.RequireGestureRecognizerToFail (panGesture);

			gestureRecognizers.Add (doubleTapGesture);
			gestureRecognizers.Add (tapGesture);
			gestureRecognizers.Add (panGesture);

			//register gesture recognizers
			SceneView.GestureRecognizers = gestureRecognizers.ToArray ();
Пример #15
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();
			// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
			var scene = new SCNScene ();

			var rnd = new Random ();

			Func<int, int, bool, float> random = (min, max, clamp) => {
				float num = (float)((double)rnd.Next(min, max) * rnd.NextDouble ());
				if (!clamp)
					return num;
				else if (num < 1.0f)
					return 1.0f;
					return num;

			Enumerable.Range (0, 200).Select<int, int> ((i) => Building (
				random (2,5, true),
				random (2,5, true),
				random (2,10, true),
				random (-20, 20, false),
				random (-20, 20, false),
			)).ToArray ();

			var lightNode = new SCNNode() {
				Light = new SCNLight (),
				Position = new SCNVector3 (30.0F, 20.0F, 60.0F)
			lightNode.Light.LightType = SCNLightType.Omni;
			scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (lightNode);

			var ambientLightNode = new SCNNode () {
				Light = new SCNLight ()

			ambientLightNode.Light.LightType = SCNLightType.Ambient;
			ambientLightNode.Light.Color = UIColor.DarkGray;
			scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (ambientLightNode);

			var cameraNode = new SCNNode () { Camera = new SCNCamera () };
			scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (cameraNode);
			cameraNode.Position = new SCNVector3 (0.0F, 10.0F, 20.0F);

			var targetNode = new SCNNode () {
				Position = new SCNVector3 (00.0F, 1.5F, 0.0F)
			scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (targetNode);

			var lc = SCNLookAtConstraint.Create (targetNode);
			cameraNode.Constraints = new[] { lc };

			var scnView = new SCNView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds) {
				Scene = scene,
				AllowsCameraControl = true,
				ShowsStatistics = true,
				BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB (52, 152, 219)

			var floorNode = new SCNNode {
				Geometry = new SCNPlane {
					Height = 40.0F,
					Width = 40.0F
				Position = SCNVector3.Zero

			var pi2 = Math.PI / 2.0;
			floorNode.Orientation = SCNQuaternion.FromAxisAngle (SCNVector3.UnitX, (float)(0.0 - pi2));

			scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (floorNode);

			var material = new SCNMaterial ();
			material.Diffuse.Contents = UIImage.FromFile ("Content/road.jpg");
			material.Diffuse.ContentsTransform = SCNMatrix4.Scale (new SCNVector3 (10.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f));
			material.Diffuse.MinificationFilter = SCNFilterMode.Linear;
			material.Diffuse.MagnificationFilter = SCNFilterMode.Linear;
			material.Diffuse.MipFilter = SCNFilterMode.Linear;
			material.Diffuse.WrapS = SCNWrapMode.Repeat;
			material.Diffuse.WrapT = SCNWrapMode.Repeat;
			material.Specular.Contents = UIColor.Gray;

			floorNode.Geometry.FirstMaterial = material;

			this.View = scnView;