Пример #1
        public VortexInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            this.Delegate = @delegate;

            // Chasm Occluder Box: that will take over the table occluder once table occluder is removed for Vortex Interaction
            var vortex = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("chasm_animation");

            // Chasm
            this.chasmPhysics = vortex.FindChildNode("chasm", true);
            if (this.chasmPhysics == null)
                throw new Exception("Vortex has no chasm");

            foreach (var child in this.chasmPhysics.ChildNodes)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Name) && child.Name.StartsWith("occluder", StringComparison.Ordinal))

            this.chasmPhysics.WorldPosition = new SCNVector3(0f, -0.1f, 0f); // avoid z-fight with ShadowPlane
            this.chasmPhysics.Scale         = this.chasmFinalScale;
Пример #2
        public GameObjectPool()
            this.cannonball = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("projectiles_ball");
            this.chicken    = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("projectiles_chicken");

            this.InitialPoolCount = 30;
Пример #3
        private void PrepareForVortexAnimationEnded()
            if (this.Delegate == null)
                throw new Exception("No Delegate");

            this.EnumerateThroughBlocks((physicsBody) =>
                physicsBody.Damping = 0.1f;

            // Chasm Expand Object (used for animation)
            var vortex = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("chasm_animation");

            this.vortexCylinder = vortex.FindChildNode("Cylinder", true);
            if (this.vortexCylinder == null)
                throw new Exception("Vortex has no cone");

            this.vortexCylinder.Hidden = true; // Vortex Cylinder is only used for deriving the vortex shape animation

            // Chasm Expand Object (used for animation)
            this.chasmExpandObject = vortex.FindChildNode("chasm", true);
            if (this.chasmExpandObject == null)
                throw new Exception("Vortex has no chasm");

            foreach (var child in this.chasmExpandObject.ChildNodes)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Name) && child.Name.StartsWith("occluder", StringComparison.Ordinal))


            var vortexShape = this.vortexCylinder.PresentationNode.Scale;

            this.lastOuterRadius   = vortexShape.X;
            this.lastVortexCenterY = this.vortexCylinder.PresentationNode.WorldPosition.Y;
            this.lastVortexHeight  = vortexShape.Y;
            this.lastFront         = this.vortexCylinder.PresentationNode.WorldFront;

            this.startVortexTime = GameTime.Time;
Пример #4
        public CatapultInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
            this.Delegate  = @delegate;
            this.dummyBall = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("projectiles_ball_8k");

            // stri the geometry out of a low-lod model, assume it doesn't have an lod
            if (this.dummyBall.Geometry != null)
                var lod = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("projectiles_ball");
                if (lod.Geometry != null)
                    lod.Geometry.Materials = this.dummyBall.Geometry.Materials;

                    // this radius will be replaced by fixLevelsOfDetail
                    // when the level is placed
                    this.dummyBall.Geometry.LevelsOfDetail = new SCNLevelOfDetail[] { SCNLevelOfDetail.CreateWithScreenSpaceRadius(lod.Geometry, 100f) };
Пример #5
        public static SCNNode ReplaceCatapultPlaceholder(SCNNode placeholder)
            var node = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("catapult");

            // somehow setting the world transform doesn't update the Euler angles (180, 0, 180) is decoded
            //  but need it to be 0, 180, 0
            node.Transform   = placeholder.Transform;
            node.EulerAngles = placeholder.EulerAngles;

            // Add physics body to it
            node.WorldPosition += new SCNVector3(0f, 0.2f, 0f);

            var baseGeomNode = node.FindChildNode("catapultBase", true);

            if (baseGeomNode == null)
                throw new Exception("No catapultBase");

            var prongGeomNode = node.FindChildNode("catapultProngs", true);

            if (prongGeomNode == null)
                throw new Exception("No catapultProngs");

            // shift center of mass of the prong from the bottom
            // the 0.55 value is from experimentation
            var prongPivotShiftUp = new SCNVector3(0f, 0.55f, 0f);

            prongGeomNode.Pivot     = SCNMatrix4.CreateTranslation(prongPivotShiftUp);
            prongGeomNode.Position += prongPivotShiftUp;

            var baseShape = SCNPhysicsShape.Create(baseGeomNode, new SCNPhysicsShapeOptions()
                ShapeType = SCNPhysicsShapeType.ConvexHull
            var prongShape = SCNPhysicsShape.Create(prongGeomNode, new SCNPhysicsShapeOptions()
                ShapeType = SCNPhysicsShapeType.ConvexHull

            var compoundShape = SCNPhysicsShape.Create(new SCNPhysicsShape[] { baseShape, prongShape },
                                                       new SCNMatrix4[] { SCNMatrix4.Identity, SCNMatrix4.Identity });

            if (node.PhysicsBody != null)
                node.PhysicsBody.PhysicsShape = compoundShape;

            // rename back to placeholder name must happen after gameObject is assigned
            // currently placeholders are all Catapult1 to Catapult6, they may be under a teamA, teamB parent
            // so stash the placeholder name for later
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(placeholder.Name))
                node.SetValueForKey(new NSString(placeholder.Name), new NSString("nameRestore"));

            placeholder.ParentNode.ReplaceChildNode(placeholder, node);

            node.Name = "catapult";

Пример #6
 public VictoryInteraction(IInteractionDelegate @delegate)
     this.Delegate    = @delegate;
     this.victoryNode = SCNNodeExtensions.LoadSCNAsset("victory");